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Knative, GKE Serverless Addon


Serverless es un tipo de arquitectura donde los servidores (físicos o en la nube) dejan de existir para el desarrollador y en cambio el código corre en ““ambientes de ejecución”” que administran proveedores como Amazon, Google, IBM, entre otros.

Características de Serverless:

  • No se administran servidores
  • Auto Escalable
  • Fácil integración con otros servicios del proveedor
  • Cobro por uso

Knative es una solución open-source que brinda servicios tipo serverless para desplegar contenedores. Esta herramienta es amigable con los desarrolladores ya que se encarga de la administración del cluster, saber cuantas replicas necesita nuestra aplicación, cuales son los pods, etc. Incluso podemos escalar nuestras aplicaciones desde 0.

GKE Serverless Addon es una implementación de Knative auto-administrada gracias a Google Kubernetes Engine. Esta herramienta fue anunciada en el Google Cloud Next 18 y aún esta en estado Alfa, pero muy pronto estará disponible para el público.

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Cloud Run antes llamado GKE Serverless Addon, es el servicio de GCP que pone en practica el uso de la solución Knative.

When to use serverless architecture
Considering the benefits of serverless approach here are some types of applications it suits the best:

  • High latency background tasks like multimedia or data processing

  • Client-heavy applications where most of the logic can be moved to the client

  • Applications with an unpredictable amount of server load

  • Fast-growing and rapidly changing applications that should scale at once and be able to change features rapidly

When serverless architecture is not the right choice
Each technology has its drawbacks and serverless is not an exception. Here are the main cases when it’s better not to go serverless.

  • Entirely Serverless application is not suitable for real-time applications that use WebSockets because FaaS functions have limited lifetime

  • After some time of being idle, function will require to go through a cold start which can take up to a few seconds. So if you need a quick response from your server you’ll have to either invoke your functions manually to keep them warm or avoid using Serverless only approach

  • Different FaaS (Function As A Service) providers may differ in some particularities of using their services which will make the switch to another provider troublesome. There are solutions like serverless framework that are provider agnostic but they inevitably cut corners on facilitation of all the strength of a particular Provider in favor of greater generality.

El próximo curso que haga sera sobre Serverless 😃