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Programando el comportamiento de nuestra arma con Raycast


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Input en unity Static Properties
acceleration Last measured linear acceleration of a device in three-dimensional space. (Read Only)
accelerationEventCount Number of acceleration measurements which occurred during last frame.
accelerationEvents Returns list of acceleration measurements which occurred during the last frame. (Read Only) (Allocates temporary variables).
anyKey Is any key or mouse button currently held down? (Read Only)
anyKeyDown Returns true the first frame the user hits any key or mouse button. (Read Only)
backButtonLeavesApp Should Back button quit the application?Only usable on Android, Windows Phone or Windows Tablets.
compass Property for accessing compass (handheld devices only). (Read Only)
compensateSensors This property controls if input sensors should be compensated for screen orientation.
compositionCursorPos The current text input position used by IMEs to open windows.
compositionString The current IME composition string being typed by the user.
deviceOrientation Device physical orientation as reported by OS. (Read Only)
gyro Returns default gyroscope.
imeCompositionMode Controls enabling and disabling of IME input composition.
imeIsSelected Does the user have an IME keyboard input source selected?
inputString Returns the keyboard input entered this frame. (Read Only)
location Property for accessing device location (handheld devices only). (Read Only)
mousePosition The current mouse position in pixel coordinates. (Read Only)
mousePresent Indicates if a mouse device is detected.
mouseScrollDelta The current mouse scroll delta. (Read Only)
multiTouchEnabled Property indicating whether the system handles multiple touches.
simulateMouseWithTouches Enables/Disables mouse simulation with touches. By default this option is enabled.
stylusTouchSupported Returns true when Stylus Touch is supported by a device or platform.
touchCount Number of touches. Guaranteed not to change throughout the frame. (Read Only)
touches Returns list of objects representing status of all touches during last frame. (Read Only) (Allocates temporary variables).
touchPressureSupported Bool value which let’s users check if touch pressure is supported.
touchSupported Returns whether the device on which application is currently running supports touch input.
Input en unity Static Methods
GetAccelerationEvent Returns specific acceleration measurement which occurred during last frame. (Does not allocate temporary variables).
GetAxis Returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName.
GetAxisRaw Returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName with no smoothing filtering applied."
GetButton Returns true while the virtual button identified by buttonName is held down.
GetButtonDown Returns true during the frame the user pressed down the virtual button identified by buttonName.
GetButtonUp Returns true the first frame the user releases the virtual button identified by buttonName.
GetJoystickNames Retrieves a list of input device names corresponding to the index of an Axis configured within Input Manager.
GetKey Returns true while the user holds down the key identified by name.
GetKeyDown Returns true during the frame the user starts pressing down the key identified by name.
GetKeyUp Returns true during the frame the user releases the key identified by name.
GetMouseButton Returns whether the given mouse button is held down.
GetMouseButtonDown Returns true during the frame the user pressed the given mouse button.
GetMouseButtonUp Returns true during the frame the user releases the given mouse button.
GetTouch Call Input.GetTouch to obtain a Touch struct.
IsJoystickPreconfigured Determine whether a particular joystick model has been preconfigured by Unity. (Linux-only).
ResetInputAxes Resets all input. After ResetInputAxes all axes return to 0 and all buttons return to 0 for one frame.

El mio se dispara solo : C

Acerca del resumen, veo que también depende si será en Mobile o en Computadora, sin embargo me parece que el apartado mas interesante es el de Statics Methods, dejo una SS por si a alguien le interesa leerlo y les ahorra ir a buscarlo jaja.

creo muchachos que me emocione un poquito disparando a todo

19 tiros y contando… Vamos sumando paso a paso!

Muy contento con este curso de introducción a Unity. Alguno sabe si hay que configurar el Visual Code para que me autocomplete códigos al escribir? porque a diferencia de los vídeos, a mi no se me autocompleta nada ni me muestra descripciones.

nose si les servirá de algo pero les recomiendo que como editor de código predeterminado lo pasen a Visual Studio Code es mejor pero tienes que descargar librerías , encontré este vídeo se pueden guiar con el

porfavor AYUDA¡¡ me sale este error

quito el debug pero ahora me sale esto

a la hora de escribir no me da las opciones como en la clase, no puedo ver que hace cada cosa, puede que no este reconociendo algunas funciones?
no me había causado problemas en las otras clases

Alguien me podría orientar el por que me sale este error?
Se los agradecería mucho

antes de hacer el script pongan using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
esto para mi arreglo el tema de que el arma se me disparace solo sin embargo si lo haces despues de hacer el scrip no se aregla o al menos así me paso ami

Algo importante para ver el nombre del objeto al que disparan deben habilitar los mensajes para que Debug.Log funcione

Creo que usaria las de deteccion de botones oprimidos
Aunque siempre depende mucho de que tipo de acción queres que se lea


Aprovecho para consultar. En la documentación, hay un apartado de Static Properties
¿Significa que son propiedades que puedo modificar de todo objeto Input?

Con Edit->Colors-> Playmode tint (Aquí escoger un color) se cambia el color de Unity cuando estamos en Play-Modo. Es muy útil, porque así sabemos en todo momento cuando los cambios no son guardados 😄.
