Welcome to the English for Interviews Course


Bienvenido o bienvenida al Curso de Inglés para Entrevistas de Trabajo. Si estás en una etapa de crecimiento profesional y tu intención es buscar un nuevo trabajo donde debas comunicarte en Inglés, estás en el lugar correcto.

En este curso, aprenderás a:

  • Learn how to prepare for a job interview.
  • Know the types of interviews.
  • Be prepared to answer interview questions.
  • Identify best practices you can apply during the interview.

Además, te compartimos algunos consejos que puedes aplicar a lo largo de este curso para optimizar el aprendizaje:

  • Complete ALL the activities in the course as well as the project.
  • Imitate the pronunciation out load.
  • Record yourself answering the common interview questions.
  • Practice as much as you can.
  • Join #PlatziEnglish events.

Let’s do it!

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

Aportes 144

Preguntas 10

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Welcome to this course, I wish you the best in your next job interview💚

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice 😃

Me gusta la actitud positiva y motivadora de la teacher Carolina

Hablar inglés aumenta nuestras posibilidades laborales; así que este curso además de ayudarnos a desarrollar habilidades para ser bilingüe, nos dará pautas para afrontar una entrevista en inglés.

😉 “Practice until you drop tired, then practice ten more minutes.”

Ready to learn and improve my english ❤️

Let’s start!!!

To improve faster it’s better not using subtitles so you force your listening skills

The english school has a lot of activities, thats really helpful, I hope the other schools won’t get behind

Hablar inglés aumenta nuestras posibilidades laborales; así que este curso además de ayudarnos a desarrollar habilidades para ser bilingüe, nos dará pautas para afrontar una entrevista en inglés.

Let’s start with the course!! #NeverStopLearning

I love the work on the sub, behind that I bet there is a lot of people

To me it’s easier watch the class with subtitles in English, I can see and listen the words that she use and how pronounce them

I have an interview in 2 days! I have to get prepared

Welcome to this course, I wish you the best in your next job interview💚

How could I join to PlatziEnglish event??

im so nervous i need to improve my english to get a new job!

Very good

Great!, Let’s see what you got

Thanks !! Great welcoming!!

i am amazed about this

I’m so excited to begin 😄

Team #CourseForWeek come on!!!

this is amazing!!! ❤️

I understood everything, very clear pronunciation, I’m excited to start the course

Here we go, Lest go baby!

Amazing! Let’s start with the course!! #NeverStopLearning

Thank you for the tips

I am pretty sure that this course will help me to overcome my fear of job interview in English. Thanks,

very right teacher

Thanks you

I´m ready to start this important course!!

ready to start this course.


I’m ready to start!!

I’ll like to know more about the english meetins please.
i mean, how do i get the link?
what hrs?
how much it take?
thanks =D

Where am find this meetups?

Can someone tell me how can I join to the mentoring sessions of the 4th Wednesday of the month? Thanks in advance

The english school has a lot of activities, thats really helpful, I hope the other schools won’t get behind

“Practice until you drop tired, then practice ten more minutes.”

Hablar inglés aumenta nuestras posibilidades laborales; así que este curso además de ayudarnos a desarrollar habilidades para ser bilingüe, nos dará pautas para afrontar una entrevista en inglés

Ready to learn and improve my english

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice

Welcome to this course, I wish you the best in your next job interview


thank u

Thank you for the tips.

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice 😃


Thank you for the tips. Good energy Caro’

hello, is a pleasure to meet you, techer.


Hello Teacher Carolina
Hello oood morning

thank you

tank you


I’m so excited to begin 😄

Very good. Thank you for sharing.

Let’s start with the course!! #NeverStopLearnin

The english school has a lot of activities, thats really helpful, I hope the other schools won’t get behind

I love the work on the sub, behind that I bet there is a lot of people

Ready to learn and improve my english ❤️

😉 “Practice until you drop tired, then practice ten more minutes.”

Hablar inglés aumenta nuestras posibilidades laborales; así que este curso además de ayudarnos a desarrollar habilidades para ser bilingüe, nos dará pautas para afrontar una entrevista en inglés.

Me gusta la actitud positiva y motivadora de la teacher Carolina

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice 😃

Muy bueno

Me gusta la actitud positiva y motivadora de la teacher Carolina

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice 😃

Thank you.

Very good. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks !! Great welcoming!!

Me gusta la actitud positiva y motivadora de la teacher Carolina

Interesting, it will help me a lot.

Welcome to this course, I wish you the best in your next job interview💚




To improve faster it’s better not using subtitles so you force your listening skills

Complete ALL the activities in the course as well as the project.
Imitate the pronunciation out load.
Record yourself answering the common interview questions.
Practice as much as you can.

I love the work on the sub, behind that I bet there is a lot of people

Hablar inglés aumenta nuestras posibilidades laborales; así que este curso además de ayudarnos a desarrollar habilidades para ser bilingüe, nos dará pautas para afrontar una entrevista en inglés.

Is a pleasure to hear, when people speaks so clear like this profesor, so nice 😃

Welcome to this course, I wish you the best in your next job interview💚
