Module1: Vocabulary




Cover letter: 1 page document that you should send with your resume to persuade the hiring manager to read it.

Complimentary closing: a word or words that come immediately before the signature of a letter to express the sender’s respect for the recipient. For example: Sincerely or Regards.

Professional experience: an experience that you obtain from a profession. It should be included in your resume in order from current to previous.

Hiring manager: the person responsible for hiring employees, to fill open job positions in a company.

LinkedIn: a social networking site that helps you create professional connections according to common areas and interests, as well as you find job opportunities.

Professional Profile: it is a brief summary of your skills, qualifications, strengths, and relevant professional experience.

Resume or Resumé: a formal presentation in a 1 or 2 page document, in which a job applicant showcases his or her contact information, professional summary, relevant work experience, education, skills and qualifications.

Aportes 67

Preguntas 4

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Un poco más de vocabulario 😄

Un tip: Adapten su LinkedIn al inglés. En sus perfiles verán la opción de traducir la información y podrán ir ítem por ítem agregándola en inglés. Quien vea el perfil podrá seleccionar el idioma.

En ingles americano, el phrasal veb ** lay off ** refiere a despedir por causas ajenas al desempeño de los trabajadores, si no mas bien por circunstancias de reducción de personal, ajustes de presupuesto, etc. En las noticias en ingles pueden leer ejemplos como Many people have been laid off due to the lockdown, causing unemployment rate increase".

We know the importance to learn new vocabulary, however it’s important to know how to pronounce these new words.
Platzi should be considered necessary what these readings have an audio. It will be very helpful in order to get better our pronunciation.

After several months I´ll have a job interview. I am really excited and nervous. I just need to keep calm and be sure of my answers

A tip: You share your profiles on LinkedIn, as Spanish as English section, only in English. It’s more interesting for the recruiters. I say it thanks to my experience in the looking for my new challenge.

Recomendación para programadores, GitHub ya cuenta con páginas de perfil especial para mostrar como portafolio y resume.

Yo can make this documents if ypu go to the course of cv and portfolio

What do you recommend the most, to have your CV/Resume only in English or both in English and your native language? I ask this because some times I think that there are certain positions or recruiters than do not feel so comfortable with only the English format. Thanks in advance.

This part help me a lot

Let’s get started!

I am really excited to learn more

I’m ready to keep learning, It will be funny.

I can see some comments from two years ago… I don’t know how this platform works…

I always use Regards, but i´ve seen some people using Cheers, in which context do you use them?

Good advices, I should correct the order of my professional experience. I’m showing them backwards.

Is really interesting

All these words are really important to know!

Nice, i really need to start

I’ve found this very helpful.

Thanks for the information! 😃

Here we go!

Good! Let’s go 💪

I am excited to learn this

With the ability to install hardware and software, perform internal and external physical maintenance, verify the operating status of the equipment, assemble and disassemble the different components of the equipment, install operating systems, application software, drivers and antivirus, fill out formatting , verify the status of the work site, installation, maintenance and operation of electrical, data and CCTV networks, office management.

1 / 3

John Anderson
Betancur Marin
Citizenship card
35 years
Civil status
Cra 44 # 86-52 int 201
Military card
2827349 Dis 27
1st Contact
507 71 16
2nd Contact
301 7278453
[email protected]



I.E. Alfonso Mora Naranjo

sena-compucec agreement
System technique

metropolitan institute of technology
Telecommunications technology
2006-2010 5 semesters


Immediate boss
Laura Cecilia Marin
Position held
251 15 80-216 29 52

thank you

Thank you

I would like sharing to you my Cv in English version. Probably can help someone.

I would add to the vocabulary list definitions of interviewer and interviewee.

Thank you for the introduction vocabulary

**** Adapten su LinkedIn al inglés. En sus perfiles verán la opción de traducir la información y podrán ir ítem por ítem agregándola en inglés. Quien vea el perfil podrá seleccionar el idioma.

En inglés americano, el término vb ** lay off ** se refiere al despido por causas ajenas al desempeño del empleado, si no despidos, ajustes presupuestarios, etc. cerró debido a los cierres que causaron un aumento del desempleo".

This course is an excellent opportunity to practice for my first English interview, I’m so nervous but at the same time I’m so excited for this opportunity.



tank you


We know the importance to learn new vocabulary, however it’s important to know how to pronounce these new words.
Platzi should be considered necessary what these readings have an audio. It will be very helpful in order to get better our pronunciation.

Puedes tener dos versiones del Linkedin, una en español y otra en ingles si lo deseas.
Yo siempre me creo todas ,mis cuentas en redes sociales en ingles, ya que ganas muchos puntos mas en el proceso de adaptarte a vivir pensando y usando el idioma. aparte q tienes la ventaja de interactuar con un numero de personas mayor q en muchos casos se pueden sorprender q uno sea latino.

Thank you

All these words are really important to know!

We know the importance to learn new vocabulary, however it’s important to know how to pronounce these new words.
Platzi should be considered necessary what these readings have an audio. It will be very helpful in order to get better our pronunciation.

veri good

Complimentary closing
Professional experience
Hiring manager
Professional Profile
Resume or Resumé:



excette information

LinkedIn, c’mon!

Very excited about this course

Thanks for the vocabulary!
We can get started!

lets go

Here we go!

I didn’t know “Complimentary closing” was the concept for those final words.

Very interesting content

Thanks for the vocabulary!!

NIce vocabulary!

Very well!

Thanks for all this description.

Thank you for the vocabulary 😄

good vocabulary, i happy to understand the text about definition of new words

How many importance does the cover letter have? I made one many months before but I have not uploaded

Let’s beginning!

We started excellent, already!

ok go ahead