I looooove the recommendations and how you organized them according to what we’re trying to improve (speaking, reading, listening, etc) 😃
Welcome to the English for Interviews Course
Prepare yourself for the interview
Module1: Vocabulary
How to improve your English
How to prepare your professional profile
How to prepare your cover letter and your LinkedIn profile
How to prepare for the interview
Quiz: Prepare yourself for the interview
Types of interviews
Module 2: Important Vocabulary
Things you should consider in an online or phone interview
Face to face interview etiquette
What to consider in a technical interview
Quiz: Types of interviews
Common interview questions
Module 3: Key Vocabulary
Tell me about yourself - your 1 minute commercial
Talk to me about your past work experiences
Why do you want to work for this company and why should we hire you?
Talking about your skills and competencies
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Quiz: Common interview questions
Challenging interview questions
Module 4: Interview Questions Vocabulary
The salary expectation question
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Answering situational questions
Quiz: Challenging interview questions
Best practices
Module 5: Vocabulary
Questions for the interviewer
How to close the job Interview effectively and what to do after the interview
Common mistakes
How to upload your project in your Platzi profile
Quiz: Best practices
Congratulations and see you soon!
Tell us what you learned in the course
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
¿Cómo mejorar nuestro inglés? Es la pregunta que todos nos hacemos. Cómo mejorar nuestros skills en inglés y dominar mejor el idioma cada día. Veamos algunos consejos.
Una serie de consejos generales que puedes seguir para mejorar tu inglés cada día.
La habilidad más demandada y más difícil de trabajar que todos queremos alcanzar. Llegar a la fluidez al hablar en inglés es sin duda lo más complicado.
La lectura es un gran hábito, leer cualquier tipo de libro te llena de conocimiento y estimula el cerebro. Es hora de leer también en inglés.
La escritura es un arte, ya sea que te guste escribir para ti o lo hagas profesionalmente. Escribir en inglés puede ser el puntapié inicial para dar tus primeros pasos generando inglés activamente antes del speaking.
Comprender lo que otro dice es crucial para una buena comunicación. Poder entender y diferenciar diversos acentos en inglés te será de gran ayuda.
Intenta practicar cada habilidad al menos 30 minutos al día. Sé constante con tu rutina y aprendizaje y verás grandes resultados en menos de un año.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
In this class video the post-its colors used are related to:
Aportes 190
Preguntas 13
I looooove the recommendations and how you organized them according to what we’re trying to improve (speaking, reading, listening, etc) 😃
This is what I do to practice my listening skills:
First af all, I search for a TED / VOX short video on Youtube or any material that contains subtitles in english and spanish. Topics are usually tech, culture or science and they can be from different countries to learn the accents around the world.
Then, I listen the audio from the video and write down the words that I can hear on a text document.
The goal is to transcribe the entire video, so I have to repeat the video so many times and complete the sentences.
At the end, I compare the text that I wrote with the subtitles and It’s fun to see the improvement on my vocabulary. Plus, I learn something new from tech, culture or science.
In case that you misunderstand something, you can watch the video again with spanish subtitles.
I takes me like an hour for a 5 minutes video, I think that its a fair weekly dose of english!
I hope you guys enjoy this activity as much as I do 😁
Saludos 🇲🇽
Hi! I share some of the special digital tools to develop english skills 😃
OMG!!! This course is really awesome. Thanks teacher Caro.
When I was at college what I used to do with my friends was to text in English and just in English. In that way you make it part of your daily life and you can also make mistakes and have someone who can tell you are wrong and you won’t be shamed about it.
This course looks pretty interesting besides the teacher is so professional and proyects great attitude. Thanks for the tips!
Here a good page, to learn grammar https://www.englishclub.com/ 🐱👤
A friend tried to do the immersion program and she went to USA but she told me that there everybody talked in spanish, so she was kind of dissapointed
when i started to learn english 10 years ago, I used to read books of Jane Austen and listen indie pop english music on my phone. Nowadays i ocassionally listen music but I watch almost every movie with subtitles in english.
Thanks for all! I am learning with hungry to learn. Iwant change my life with other languaje and developer skills but never finish one course. My constancy is so bad but I am work in this.
All of these ideas are awesome! I’m planning on getting them done starting today.
I loved this way for improve my english, it is very useful. Thanks Carolina
La etiqueta en la compu de cristian es muy graciosa jajaja
En el momento en que revisas tu teléfono celular, tu atención se centra en la pantalla. Eres libre de lo que acabas de hacer y estás listo para recibir nueva información. En este mismo momento, WordBit convierte tu atención por un momento para estudiar inglés y aumentar tu vocabulario.
i good technique to improve my english is speak with native speaker. i use to visit this page where you can chat with people from diferent countries, and diferent lenguages. something that i like in this page is that i want know different cultures.
Si quieres practicar ingles con nativos GRATUITAMENTE, entra a este link
En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles
I strongly recommend you downloading the Cake App, it has helped me a lot to improve my english vocabulary, because it offers you a easy way to listen to words and compare their pronunciation with a short escene of a movie
😃 I liked this class, the teacher give us excellent tips to practices the four english skills. **I recommend the previous course **“Estrategias para aprender inglés online”. There I found more advices and I could create my own study plan.
I really love the board to identify different skills we can improve and an idea about how to do it.
And adding an extra comment to practice my writing, sometimes it is very difficult in my case to find someone to talk in English but all these tips are very helpful and definitely, listening to native speakers it is the most important tip to learn the correct pronunciation and try to imitate them.
Trying to improving my english for 134343 time.
The only English course that i liked until now.
A good way to improve your English is to read aloud and record yoursefl paying attention to your pronunciation.
It´s very funny trying tongue twisters
when i started to learn english 10 years ago, I used to read books of Jane Austen and listen indie pop english music on my phone. Nowadays i ocassionally listen music but I watch almost every movie with subtitles in english.
I used to download videos from TV series without any kind of subtitle to force me to learn the way that they speech, due the fact that the TV timing is short and they need to make it as clear as they can.
Also with it you can learn some kind of culture stuff that help you a lot to understand the way they act in the more common situations.
And finally the slang, in ‘Friends’ or ‘2 and a half men’ for example the way they talk is pretty cool because is so informal and then you will be able to learn many details that in other kind of learning process you can’t find so easily.
Also at the end, I ended learning how to make my own subtitle file and how to merge 2 or more of them in the video.
Everything is possible if you want to learn
It’s important that you review everything that you learn each day.
Good advices. In the last weeks i’m starting to read a books and articles in English. I feel that I’m improving my ability to reading, I’m understanding more content and I acquire more vocabulary.
excellent class, Thanks for the recommendations
Thak you for the tips teacher!
I liked the tips, thanks
love this class
Super recommended the Online English Learning Strategies Course; With this you will be able to know various tools and tips for the development of habits that will help you in your learning process.
For remember…
Why do you want to learn english?
What motivates you to learn english?
Learn from your mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself
For this class and this course I am totally grateful, is important keep the focus in the objectives
This recomendations are very useful. Are common but powerfull.
Para aprender vocabulario instalar en tu celular la aplicación WordBit
tongue twisters random
Here are some english tongue twisters for you to practice:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop.
She sells Seashells by the Seashore.
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.
The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
A proper copper coffee pot.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Thank you teacher for these advices.
I always try to speak with native speakers to improve my listening and speaking skills. Also, reading and writing are good exercises to improve your English.
My English diary is a pinned whatsapp group where I am the only member. its composed of new vocabulary, news titles, todo list (that its easier cuz I can delete a message)
Teacher tomorrow I will have a english interview jejeje OMG It’s my second, but allways I get nervious.
All of those ideas are amazing!
I’m planning to getting on them starting today.
time to put into practice these recommendations.
Thank you for your recomendation! I’ll do it!
Here a good page, to learn grammar
OMG!!! This course is really awesome. Thanks teacher Caro.
Hi! I share some of the special digital tools to develop english skills
This is what I do to practice my listening skills:
First af all, I search for a TED / VOX short video on Youtube or any material that contains subtitles in english and spanish. Topics are usually tech, culture or science and they can be from different countries to learn the accents around the world.
Then, I listen the audio from the video and write down the words that I can hear on a text document.
The goal is to transcribe the entire video, so I have to repeat the video so many times and complete the sentences.
At the end, I compare the text that I wrote with the subtitles and It’s fun to see the improvement on my vocabulary. Plus, I learn something new from tech, culture or science.
In case that you misunderstand something, you can watch the video again with spanish subtitles.
I takes me like an hour for a 5 minutes video, I think that its a fair weekly dose of english!
I hope you guys enjoy this activity as much as I do 😁
Saludos 🇲🇽
I looooove the recommendations and how you organized them according to what we’re trying to improve (speaking, reading, listening, etc) 😃
thank you teacher
This course looks pretty interesting besides the teacher is so professional and proyects great attitude. Thanks for the tips!
When I was at college what I used to do with my friends was to text in English and just in English. In that way you make it part of your daily life and you can also make mistakes and have someone who can tell you are wrong and you won’t be shamed about it.
All of these ideas are awesome! I’m planning on getting them done starting today.
This is what I do to practice my listening skills:
First af all, I search for a TED / VOX short video on Youtube or any material that contains subtitles in english and spanish. Topics are usually tech, culture or science and they can be from different countries to learn the accents around the world.
Then, I listen the audio from the video and write down the words that I can hear on a text document.
The goal is to transcribe the entire video, so I have to repeat the video so many times and complete the sentences.
At the end, I compare the text that I wrote with the subtitles and It’s fun to see the improvement on my vocabulary. Plus, I learn something new from tech, culture or science.
In case that you misunderstand something, you can watch the video again with spanish subtitles.
I takes me like an hour for a 5 minutes video, I think that its a fair weekly dose of english!
I hope you guys enjoy this activity as much as I do 😁
Saludos 🇲🇽
Excellent class!
Thanks for all! I am learning with hungry to learn. Iwant change my life with other languaje and developer skills but never finish one course. My constancy is so bad but I am work in this.
when i started to learn english 10 years ago, I used to read books of Jane Austen and listen indie pop english music on my phone. Nowadays i ocassionally listen music but I watch almost every movie with subtitles in english.
When I was at college what I used to do with my friends was to text in English and just in English. In that way you make it part of your daily life and you can also make
OMG!!! This course is really awesome. Thanks teacher Caro.
This course looks pretty interesting besides the teacher is so professional and proyects great attitude. Thanks for the tips!
If you play an instrument, you will have it easier, the mere song will be your guide.
It sounds good to me. If you allow me another advice:
If you play an instrument the better, if not it will work eventually.
In case that you misunderstand something, you can watch the video again with spanish subtitles.
I takes me like an hour for a 5 minutes video, I think that its a fair weekly dose of english!
I hope you guys enjoy this activity as much as I do 😁
Saludos 🇲🇽
At the end, I compare the text that I wrote with the subtitles and It’s fun to see the improvement on my vocabulary. Plus, I learn something new from tech, culture or science.
Then, I listen the audio from the video and write down the words that I can hear on a text document.
The goal is to transcribe the entire video, so I have to repeat the video so many times and complete the sentences.
This is what I do to practice my listening skills:
First af all, I search for a TED / VOX short video on Youtube or any material that contains subtitles in english and spanish. Topics are usually tech, culture or science and they can be from different countries to learn the accents around the world.
I looooove the recommendations and how you organized them according to what we’re trying to improve (speaking, reading, listening, etc) 😃
While I haven’t taken the Platzi courses in English so far, I am a semi-advanced English speaker and I majored in English teaching. My spoken English can be broken and I can sometimes write some things I never meant, but I am in a level where I can read articles and listen to videos in English usually with no major issues.
When I was at college what I used to do with my friends was to text in English and just in English. In that way you make it part of your daily life and you can also make mistakes and have someone who can tell you are wrong and you won’t be shamed about it.
It sounds good to me. If you allow me another advice:
If you play an instrument the better, if not it will work eventually.
Try to learn a song, but to really learn it, not just sing the lyrics with the melody, you have to really memorize the tone, the pronunciation, the rhythm. After some time you will enjoy even more the music.
If you play an instrument, you will have it easier, the mere song will be your guide.
This is what I do to practice my listening skills:
First af all, I search for a TED / VOX short video on Youtube or any material that contains subtitles in english and spanish. Topics are usually tech, culture or science and they can be from different countries to learn the accents around the world.
Then, I listen the audio from the video and write down the words that I can hear on a text document.
The goal is to transcribe the entire video, so I have to repeat the video so many times and complete the sentences.
At the end, I compare the text that I wrote with the subtitles and It’s fun to see the improvement on my vocabulary. Plus, I learn something new from tech, culture or science.
In case that you misunderstand something, you can watch the video again with spanish subtitles.
I takes me like an hour for a 5 minutes video, I think that its a fair weekly dose of english!
I hope you guys enjoy this activity as much as I do 😁
Saludos 🇲🇽
I looooove the recommendations and how you organized them according to what we’re trying to improve (speaking, reading, listening, etc) 😃
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