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How to prepare your professional profile


Antes de comenzar a tener entrevistas en inglés, debes preparar tu perfil profesional. Ya sea tu cuenta de LinkedIn, tu CV o tu propia página web.

¿Qué información incluir en tu perfil profesional?

Prepara tu perfil profesional en inglés con la siguiente información:

  • Personal information and contact details.
  • Your professional summary.
  • Relevant experience (your current job should go first).
  • Education.
  • Skills (soft skills are more important than hard skills).
  • Languages and your level in each one.
  • Extra section with certifications or awards.

Consejos para mejorar tu perfil profesional

  • Choose a legible font such as Arial or Tahoma.
  • Double-check spelling and punctuation. It is VERY important not to have misspellings.
  • Your resume should be 1 or 2 pages max.
  • Do not include a photograph unless you are asked to in the job posting.
  • Send it in PDF format.

Puedes utilizar aplicaciones gratuitas como Canvas y LinkedIn para crear tu perfil profesional. Si eres desarrollador de software, incluye tu perfil de GitHub. Recuerda que Platzi está para apoyarte con el **Curso de Creación de Portafolio y CV.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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Hi. I attached my resume for your review. Regards!

Hello everyone, if anyone would like to share your feedback I would appreciate it, regards

I would be grateful for any feedback. What do you think about design, format, content?

Hi everyone! I share my resume.
I would be grateful for any feedback!

Dear community

I would like to receive your feedback about my professional profile, let me know in the comments, thanks

Best regards to everyone


Here the example used in this class. Excelent example.

the CV is without photo
no age
no sexual orientation or ethnic identity or politics
no family, in grl what has nothing to do with work.

Hi everyone, I have done my resume, I would like to receive some comments and recommendations, here is the link:

Thanks in advance.

Hello everyone, here is my homework for this lesson Resume

I would appreciate your feedback.


Hi everyone.
i want to share a usefull tool to review your gramma.

i have done! i share the link to my resume. I hope your feedback.

Your resume should include:

  • Personal information and contact details: Include your LinkedIn profile url.
  • Your professional summary: You will highlight all your skills and experiences. This section should get the attention of the hiring manager or the recruiter.
  • Relevant experience (your current job should go first): Only add your relevant experience. For this section make sure to write down your position first and then the name of the company, your responsabilities and achievements.
  • Education: Write down your latest education first.
  • **Skills (Soft and hard skills): ** Employers usually prefers soft skills over hard skills
  • Languages: Write down languages and your level hat you have

You can add aditional sections: Certification, aware or volunteer work.


  • Choose a legible font such as Arial or Tahoma
  • Double-check spelling and punctuation
  • Your resume should be 1 or 2 pages max Include only the relevant experience.
  • Don’t include a photograph unless you are asked to in the job posing
  • Send it in PDF format

How to prepare your professional profile
1.-Personal information and contact details
2.-Your professional summary
3.-Relevant experience

It is recommended to add one page to your resume for every 10 years of experience. For example, if you have less than 10 years of experience, your resume should be one page long. If you have more than 10 years of experience, you can add a second page

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel weird to send a CV without a photograph. Do you feel that way too?

Hi! I attached my resume, I would like to know your opinions.

Hi, everyone, I would be grateful for any feedback.

Grammarly changed my life, I highly recommend it so you can improve your writing skills.

Sharing my homework too, you can find my cv in clicking here

Good night:

I have finished my homework. You can see it, in: CV.

Thanks teacher. I hope your comments…

Hi! I post links for 2 options of my CV. I would like to have some feedback if you please. Thanks!!

I should have added certifications and removed information that may not be relevant, such as where she went to high school.

This is my current CV:

goood morning

Hello everyone, if anyone would like to share your feedback I would appreciate it, regards

A good tip could be to use the company colors you’re applying as the colors of your CV.

Tip: Only text resumes, with headings, subheadings, and bullet points, can pass ATS online job posting software, including LinkedIn. It is best to use Google CV templates, for example.
In the case of delivering the CV in person, the designs can benefit from being eye-catching.

Cool CV:

CV for ATS:


I did my LinkedIn biography in English.
Take a look 😉

Hello everyone, if anyone would like to share your feedback I would appreciate it, regards

Dear community

I would like to receive your feedback about my professional profile, let me know in the comments, thanks

would be grateful for any feedback. What do you think about design, format, content?

It has a perfect mix of design and information. Maybe i should try to be more specific with your experience and your goals

Hi. I attached my resume for your review. Regards!

I like it a lot. Can’t really tell why. I think because it is simple and objective. Good job.

excelente clase

Thats so amazing!



Cover letter: Carta de presentación

Hi Valerie so glad to find you here.
Your resume is pretty good maybe only need to add a picture and work more in the header section but I really loved the less-is- more-style that you choose, cheers

How to prepare your professional profile
1.-Personal information and contact details
2.-Your professional summary
3.-Relevant experience

Wow! I really like the style!
I prefer a bigger photo instead of a QR code there, just a personal opinion.
See you!

Caro, Thanks a lot for your corrections. Here the new version.

If your current experience is as a volunteer or intern you can write it as: Software development intern or Software Development Volunteer.

Hi Carmen, the design and format looks good. In your work experience I suggest adding your main achivements in each role.

It has a perfect mix of design and information. Maybe i should try to be more specific with your experience and your goals.

I would be grateful for any feedback. What do you think about design, format, content?

Hi, I like the combination of colors and legibility. You could write a bit more about your professional goal. I recommend to watch this class

I’d work a bit more with the legibility. I think it’s not so easy to read. Maybe you could try a bigger letter fountain. See you!

Me encantó… En que plataforma lo hiciste? Thats so amazing!

I like it a lot. Can’t really tell why. I think because it is simple and objective. Good job.





I’d work a bit more with the legibility. I think it’s not so easy to read. Maybe you could try a bigger letter fountain. See you!

like it a lot. Can’t really tell why. I think because it is simple and objective. Good job.

tank you

Hello everyone, if anyone would like to share your feedback I would appreciate it, regards

the CV is without photo
no age
no sexual orientation or ethnic identity or politics
no family, in grl what has nothing to do with work.

Wow! I really like the style!
I prefer a bigger photo instead of a QR code there, just a personal opinion.
See you!

Caro, Thanks a lot for your corrections. Here the new version.

Su currículum debe incluir:

Información personal y datos de contacto: Incluye la url de tu perfil de LinkedIn.
Su resumen profesional: Destacarás todas tus habilidades y experiencias. Esta sección debe llamar la atención del gerente de contratación o del reclutador.
Experiencia relevante (su trabajo actual debe ir primero): Solo agregue su experiencia relevante. Para esta sección, asegúrese de anotar primero su posición y luego el nombre de la empresa, sus responsabilidades y logros.
Educación: Anote primero su última educación.
**Habilidades (habilidades blandas y duras): ** Los empleadores generalmente prefieren las habilidades blandas a las habilidades duras
Idiomas: Anota los idiomas y tu sombrero de nivel que tienes
Puede agregar secciones adicionales: Certificación, trabajo consciente o voluntario.


Elija una fuente legible como Arial o Tahoma
Revisa la ortografía y la puntuación
Su currículum debe tener 1 o 2 páginas como máximo Incluya solo la experiencia relevante.
No incluyas una fotografía a menos que te lo pidan en el trabajo posando
Envíalo en formato PDF

It is recommended to add one page to your resume for every 10 years of experience. For example, if you have less than 10 years of experience, your resume should be one page long. If you have more than 10 years of experience, you can add a second page

How to prepare your professional profile
1.-Personal information and contact details
2.-Your professional summary
3.-Relevant experience

Your resume should include:

Personal information and contact details: Include your LinkedIn profile url.
Your professional summary: You will highlight all your skills and experiences. This section should get the attention of the hiring manager or the recruiter.
Relevant experience (your current job should go first): Only add your relevant experience. For this section make sure to write down your position first and then the name of the company, your responsabilities and achievements.
Education: Write down your latest education first.
**Skills (Soft and hard skills): ** Employers usually prefers soft skills over hard skills
Languages: Write down languages and your level hat you have
You can add aditional sections: Certification, aware or volunteer work.


Choose a legible font such as Arial or Tahoma
Double-check spelling and punctuation
Your resume should be 1 or 2 pages max Include only the relevant experience.
Don’t include a photograph unless you are asked to in the job posing
Send it in PDF format

Here the example used in this class. Excelent example.

Dear community

I would like to receive your feedback about my professional profile, let me know in the comments, thanks

I like it

This will help me a lot in my professional profile


the design and format looks good. In your work experience I suggest adding your main achivements in each role.
If your current experience is as a volunteer or intern you can write it as: Software development intern or Software Development Volunteer.
Please edit the following in your professional summary; “I am a Backend Software Developer” and “Python, Data Science and English student”.
In the core skills section the last one has a typo, it should be written like this: “Fast learner”.
In your Courses and Certifications you could









Personal information and contact details.
Your professional summary.
Relevant experience (your current job should go first).