Welcome to the English for Interviews Course
Prepare yourself for the interview
Module1: Vocabulary
How to improve your English
How to prepare your professional profile
How to prepare your cover letter and your LinkedIn profile
How to prepare for the interview
Quiz: Prepare yourself for the interview
Types of interviews
Module 2: Important Vocabulary
Things you should consider in an online or phone interview
Face to face interview etiquette
What to consider in a technical interview
Quiz: Types of interviews
Common interview questions
Module 3: Key Vocabulary
Tell me about yourself - your 1 minute commercial
Talk to me about your past work experiences
Why do you want to work for this company and why should we hire you?
Talking about your skills and competencies
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Quiz: Common interview questions
Challenging interview questions
Module 4: Interview Questions Vocabulary
The salary expectation question
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Answering situational questions
Quiz: Challenging interview questions
Best practices
Module 5: Vocabulary
Questions for the interviewer
How to close the job Interview effectively and what to do after the interview
Common mistakes
How to upload your project in your Platzi profile
Quiz: Best practices
Congratulations and see you soon!
Tell us what you learned in the course
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Antes de comenzar a tener entrevistas en inglés, debes preparar tu perfil profesional. Ya sea tu cuenta de LinkedIn, tu CV o tu propia página web.
Prepara tu perfil profesional en inglés con la siguiente información:
Puedes utilizar aplicaciones gratuitas como Canvas y LinkedIn para crear tu perfil profesional. Si eres desarrollador de software, incluye tu perfil de GitHub. Recuerda que Platzi está para apoyarte con el **Curso de Creación de Portafolio y CV.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
Aportes 171
Preguntas 12
Hi. I attached my resume for your review. Regards!
Hello everyone, if anyone would like to share your feedback I would appreciate it, regards
I would be grateful for any feedback. What do you think about design, format, content?
Hi everyone! I share my resume.
I would be grateful for any feedback!
Dear community
I would like to receive your feedback about my professional profile, let me know in the comments, thanks
Best regards to everyone
: Solo agregue su experiencia relevante. Para esta sección, asegúrese de anotar primero su posición y luego el nombre de la empresa, sus responsabilidades y logros.
Educación: Anote primero su última educación.
**Habilidades (habilidades blandas y duras): ** Los empleadores generalmente prefieren las habilidades blandas a las habilidades duras
Idiomas: Anota los idiomas y tu sombrero de nivel que tienes
Puede agregar secciones adicionales: Certificación, trabajo consciente o voluntario.
Elija una fuente legible como Arial o Tahoma
Revisa la ortografía y la puntuación
Su currículum debe tener 1 o 2 páginas como máximo Incluya solo la experiencia relevante.
No incluyas una fotografía a menos que te lo pidan en el trabajo posando
Envíalo en formato PDF
It is recommended to add one page to your resume for every 10 years of experience. For example, if you have less than 10 years of experience, your resume should be one page long. If you have more than 10 years of experience, you can add a second page
How to prepare your professional profile
1.-Personal information and contact details
2.-Your professional summary
3.-Relevant experience
Your resume should include:
Personal information and contact details: Include your LinkedIn profile url.
Your professional summary: You will highlight all your skills and experiences. This section should get the attention of the hiring manager or the recruiter.
Relevant experience (your current job should go first): Only add your relevant experience. For this section make sure to write down your position first and then the name of the company, your responsabilities and achievements.
Education: Write down your latest education first.
**Skills (Soft and hard skills): ** Employers usually prefers soft skills over hard skills
Languages: Write down languages and your level hat you have
You can add aditional sections: Certification, aware or volunteer work.
Choose a legible font such as Arial or Tahoma
Double-check spelling and punctuation
Your resume should be 1 or 2 pages max Include only the relevant experience.
Don’t include a photograph unless you are asked to in the job posing
Send it in PDF format
Here the example used in this class. Excelent example.
Dear community
I would like to receive your feedback about my professional profile, let me know in the comments, thanks
I like it
This will help me a lot in my professional profile
the design and format looks good. In your work experience I suggest adding your main achivements in each role.
If your current experience is as a volunteer or intern you can write it as: Software development intern or Software Development Volunteer.
Please edit the following in your professional summary; “I am a Backend Software Developer” and “Python, Data Science and English student”.
In the core skills section the last one has a typo, it should be written like this: “Fast learner”.
In your Courses and Certifications you could
Personal information and contact details.
Your professional summary.
Relevant experience (your current job should go first).
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