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How to prepare your cover letter and your LinkedIn profile


Una carta de presentación es un documento anexado junto con tu perfil profesional. En esta carta, expresas quién eres, tus habilidades y por qué te interesas en enviar tu CV a una empresa en particular para persuadir al reclutador a leer tu perfil.

Consejos para escribir tu carta de presentación

Tu carta de presentación no debe superar una extensión de una hoja y debe contener la siguiente información.

  • Your personal information, contact details, and the date.
  • Recipient’s name and address.
  • An opening paragraph that includes your skills.
  • Include why you are the right person for the job and why the company is right for you.
  • Conclusion with a call to action.
  • Complimentary closing and your signature.

Cover Letter example

Tu perfil en LinkedIn

Tu perfil en LinkedIn debe complementar tu resumen o tu CV con más información, no debe ser una copia del mismo.

  • Having a professional profile photo and using a cover photo that has to do with your field.
  • Having a descriptive but short headline.
  • Including your professional summary.
  • Highlighting projects and content you have created.
  • Select your strongest skills.
  • Expand your network and be present.
  • Share relevant content.
  • Have a personalized URL with your name and last name.

La prolijidad de tus perfiles profesionales hablarán por ti. Asegúrate de dedicarle el tiempo necesario para mejorarlos al máximo. Recuerda también agregar tus certificados de Platzi a LinkedIn para complementar el conocimiento en tu especialidad.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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If someone (like me) doesn´t know how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL, here is how:

Customize Your Public Profile URL

Any advice is very well come

It’s really important to expand the network, but just with people you know or asking for recommendations from contacts.

My LinkedIn profile:


I recommend a good web page to generate a CV:

I don’t know the importance about the cover letter.
Thaks Caro

Hi Carolina,
I have these questions:
A. the cover letter should be in the same pdf of the resumé?
B. Can I write the content of the cover letter in the body of the email?


Hello classmates

You can take a look at my LinkedIn below

The cover letter is not very used in Colombia, I suppose this is more important internationally.

I'm agree with she when say the recruiter are looking for traits and soft skills but no at the CV. the soft skill are mandatory but for the interview; in the other hand hard and specific skills are helpful in the CV.

I never used a cover letter 😕

Here is my profile, but I couldn’t remove the line in the middle of my name due to there is another profile using that form 😄

My Cover Letter is important to recruiter call to action and call me or send me a email

Hi everyone:

The cover letter that I will use onwards in the jobs postulations.
I must change the company where I will show my CV. No more.
I hope your comments…

Hello, everyone!

Please, take a look to my linkedin profile. I took the Profile LinkedIn optimization course, here in platzi, and it helps me a lot

Seb Mendez

How Customize Your Public Profile URL on LinkedIn

1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
2. Click View profile.
3. Click Edit public profile & URL in the right rail.
4. Under Edit your custom URL in the right rail, click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL.
5. Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
6. Click Save.

Thank you for sharing your LinkedIn profiles. I have added a 💚 to your comments.

It is also recommended to have a good personal branch(there is a course in platzi by Fredy), having a website, Twitter and Instagram profile could be great.

Hello, I’m a full-stack web developer and I work mainly with Python as backend and Javascript as Frontend:

Hello! Here is my LinkedIn profile:
Showing my accomplishments and responsibilities with bullet points is an amazing tip, I’ll change that in my profile.

I have a crush with this class 💾 This is so helpful, I just notice that my resume is a mess. ✨🖖🏻✨ Sending digilove
  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Edit public profile & URL in the right rail.
  4. Under Edit your custom URL in the right rail, click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL.
  5. Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
  6. Click Save.

Hi here is my LinkedIn, I would like some recommendations from contacts.

My LinkedIn profile:

This is my LinkedIn, I will do in English

This is my linkedin profile:

Hi, this is my LinkedIn profile. Just in case someone wants to check it out and give me feedback:

this is my LinkedIn profile as Data Analyst.

Any recomendation?

Hi everyone! You can connect with me on my LinkedIn:

Hi there folks!, hope you are fine.

After invest most of my morning changing the languaje of my profile at Linkedin i already finish it, go ahead and take a look at it.

Let me your feedback below if you like, thanks.

Here you have it. Any feedback would be great, thanks.

Dear community

I would like to read your feedback, about my LinkedIn profile:

Best regards to everyone.

Here I share my LinkedIn profile:
I’ll appreciate your comments.

LinkedIn JuanVega
Any feedback well received 😄

Excellent I like the course. My LinkedIn profile:

Some tips to your LinkedIn profile

Hi friends this is my linkedin profile:

Great cover letter example btw

Hello! Here is my Linkedln profile:
Thank you for this tips!

Hi teacher and everyone:

My LinkedIn Profile:
I hope your comments…

The both sections, as in Spanish as in English, just are in English language.

Hello, here is my Linkedin profile, I’m system engineer my skill are software developer, BPM(Business Process Management) with BIZAGI, RPA (robotic process automation),, I would like to broaden my proffesional network and increase my friendships

Hi everyone!
Here my LinkedIn Profile

Hi guys!

My example of a cover letter and I’m working with my LinkedIn

Hello, I share you my LinkedIn profile, feel free to contact me if you have any recommendation 😃

I´d like to know you all, we can share different content:

This is my profile in LinkedIn Thank you, classmate

Hi everyone, this in my linkedin profile (It has pending improvements yet)

Hi! this is my linkedin profile

Hey, hi, this is my LinkedIn Profile:

Here is my LinkedIn profile:

Hi everybody, this is my LinkedIn profile:

Hello, this is my LinkedIn profile:

Thanks for the tips teacher!

Important information, in my life I had heard a cover letter explanation in this context.

This is my LinkedIn profile:

I feel that I still need to perfect some things, but here is mine, I hope you find it useful, greetings!

An civil engineer who wants to be a data analyst o BI

Hello classmates

You can take a look at my LinkedIn belowño-zapata-aba84284/

Hey community, let’s take a llok for my Linkedin profile.élica-maría-acevedo-orozco/

Here is my Linkedln profile:

Looking forward to your feedback!

great knowledge, this is my Linkedin profile

This is my LinkedIn Profile

My Linkedin profile: Jonathan Barsky

Helo everyone 😊

Here my LinkedIn profile link:

Thanks! teacher…

Thank you…

Hi Mates here is my linkedin profile if you have any recommendation feel free to contact me

hello , as far as I understood we have to present a different cover letter according to the job position we apply .

Hi here is my LinkedIn, I would like some recommendations from contacts.

Hello everyone!
I’d like to share my personalized LinkedIn profile, I’ll be glad to connect with every one of you 😃

Very good

In the case of direct contact via email with the company, to apply for a position or published on its website, the Text of the Email works as a cover letter most of the time. In some job board websites they ask to attach the cover letter, and in that case you must prepare yourself correctly for the position and the company.

Hello Everyone! I share my LinkedIn Profile, I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

exelen class


Any advice is very well come

If someone (like me) doesn´t know how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL, here is how

very good
