Hi everyone:
I add two options to my checklist. I learned these options in my last job interviews.
Welcome to the English for Interviews Course
Prepare yourself for the interview
Module1: Vocabulary
How to improve your English
How to prepare your professional profile
How to prepare your cover letter and your LinkedIn profile
How to prepare for the interview
Quiz: Prepare yourself for the interview
Types of interviews
Module 2: Important Vocabulary
Things you should consider in an online or phone interview
Face to face interview etiquette
What to consider in a technical interview
Quiz: Types of interviews
Common interview questions
Module 3: Key Vocabulary
Tell me about yourself - your 1 minute commercial
Talk to me about your past work experiences
Why do you want to work for this company and why should we hire you?
Talking about your skills and competencies
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Quiz: Common interview questions
Challenging interview questions
Module 4: Interview Questions Vocabulary
The salary expectation question
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Answering situational questions
Quiz: Challenging interview questions
Best practices
Module 5: Vocabulary
Questions for the interviewer
How to close the job Interview effectively and what to do after the interview
Common mistakes
How to upload your project in your Platzi profile
Quiz: Best practices
Congratulations and see you soon!
Tell us what you learned in the course
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Una entrevista de trabajo online o por teléfono tiene sus ventajas y desventajas. Veamos una serie de consejos que puedes seguir para que este tipo de reuniones sean cómodas y exitosas.
Son muchos consejos, una larga lista de cosas de las cuales tienes que estar pendiente y ocuparte para tener una buena reunión. Crea una lista de verificación con los puntos que consideres más importantes para ti y de esta forma no olvides ningún detalle al momento de la entrevista.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
Aportes 109
Preguntas 3
Hi everyone:
I add two options to my checklist. I learned these options in my last job interviews.
App recomendada sobre todo para pronunciación: Elsa speak.
Other Tips:
Other good tips are:
How can I work on my tone of voice? Any tips?
I had one online interview in English and, well, it wasn’t perfect or anything, but they understood any difficult that I had with the language, and they hired me at the end of the day.
In my case, I spoke with the HR representative first in Spanish (the interview in English was with another person). I asked her the potential questions and wrote it down, then I answered all the questions and repeated it. The idea is not to memorize what you’re going to say, but to get vocabulary, the general idea and work on your confidence
What do you think about this tip.
Some friends have told me that when they have interviews they dress like if they were to the real office, so fancy and elegant. What do you recommend?
You should try have an interview being standing up. It gives more confidence
Confirm that the interviewer and you have considered the timezone when scheduling the meet.
Once I got an interview call one hour ahead of I expected, 'cause the interviewer send me the wrong timezone. It was too early in the morning… I was barely awake.
Tools for online interviews
I´d add having a notepad in case you need to write down some recommendations made by the interviwer.
Bring a glass of water with you
Communicate to the rest of the people living with you, that you’re going to have an important meeting/interview, so that they need to be quiet and don’t use a lot the internet.
Before of the interview do some breath exercises
Try to be calm
And always say the truth, don’t try to impress lying
Try to do someting to feel relaxed and inspired before the interview.
When I am contacted by HR or anyone else, I keep their names and take notes of them. So in the next interview I can ask directly for the person and try to be kind and empathize with the interviewer
Excellent tips, i never had an interview online
Very important to be polite and smile (when needed).
Don´t interrupt your interviewer, be honest with the answers and thank the interviewer for his or her time
I would add a comfortable chair and care about your body language.
Very good…
You save time and money
You might feel more confortable
You can have more interviews with international companies..............
Thanks teacher for your advices, for me is very important to know.
the most important thing is to test your audio and video setting some minutes before the interview. Besides, to dress professionally even though you are on internet.
Stay calm in an interview
I would like to add something else: these same tips should be applied for some interviewers too!
Very important point to take into account.
thank u
excelente clase
Here because in a previous class we saw soft and solid colors
If is not possible to get a quiet place, please be polite/calm on any disturbing event. Nowadays is pretty normal to get some noise from the outside, and almost everybody understand.
There are many aspects to take care of when being interviewed.
<h4>Things you should consider in an online or phone interview</h4>
You save time and money
You might feel more confortable
You can have more interviews with international companies
They are more impersonal than face to face
There could be issues regarding the internet speed
You might not have enough time to expand your answers
If it is a phone interview you could have issues with the call or incoming calls and messages that could distract you
A laptop or a desktop computer, tablet or phone
Headphones with a built-in-microphone
Good internet connection- bandwidth speed of at least 5 Mbps
Make sure you have the link
Sit in a quiet place were you will have privacy, no external noises and good lighting
Connect to the internet using a cable
Testyour audio and video settings
Be on time
Dress proffesionally, use soft solid colors
Have a neutral background
Have a printed copy of your resume
Close any unnesessary web browser tabs or applications
Place your phone in silent mode
Be calm
Keep eye contact
Don’t excuse yourself
Nod do show you are engaged while you are actively listening
Don’t interrupt the interviewer
Speak clearly and confident
When appropiate use hand gestures and smile
Voice tone
Remember thank the interviewer
Other Tips:
Make sure that you are in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed by people, pets, etc.
Have a piece of paper and a pen ready so that you are not scrambling to find them later
If is not possible to get a quiet place, please be polite/calm on any disturbing event. Nowadays is pretty normal to get some noise from the outside, and almost everybody understand.
Be honest. I think it doesn’t need any explanation about it.
If you have Bluetooth headphones, it could be better to make sure they are connected, working, and charged.
Warn the people around you about you’re going to have a meeting, so they could be aware on not disturb you.
If is not possible to get a quiet place, please be polite/calm on any disturbing event. Nowadays is pretty normal to get some noise from the outside, and almost everybody understand.
Be honest. I think it doesn’t need any explanation about it.
If you have Bluetooth headphones, it could be better to make sure they are connected, working, and charged.
Warn the people around you about you’re going to have a meeting, so they could be aware on not disturb you.
You should try have an interview being standing up. It gives more confidence
<h4>Things you should consider in an online or phone interview</h4>
You save time and money
You might feel more confortable
You can have more interviews with international companies
They are more impersonal than face to face
There could be issues regarding the internet speed
You might not have enough time to expand your answers
If it is a phone interview you could have issues with the call or incoming calls and messages that could distract you
A laptop or a desktop computer, tablet or phone
Headphones with a built-in-microphone
Good internet connection- bandwidth speed of at least 5 Mbps
Make sure you have the link
Sit in a quiet place were you will have privacy, no external noises and good lighting
Connect to the internet using a cable
Testyour audio and video settings
Be on time
Dress proffesionally, use soft solid colors
Have a neutral background
Have a printed copy of your resume
Close any unnesessary web browser tabs or applications
Place your phone in silent mode
Be calm
Keep eye contact
Don’t excuse yourself
Nod do show you are engaged while you are actively listening
Don’t interrupt the interviewer
Speak clearly and confident
When appropiate use hand gestures and smile
Voice tone
Remember thank the interviewer
Other Tips:
Make sure that you are in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed by people, pets, etc.
Have a piece of paper and a pen ready so that you are not scrambling to find them later.
h4>Things you should consider in an online or phone interview</h4>
You save time and money
You might feel more confortable
You can have more interviews with international companies
They are more impersonal than face to face
There could be issues regarding the internet speed
You might not have enough time to expand your answers
If it is a phone interview you could have issues with the call or incoming calls and messages that could distract you
A laptop or a desktop computer, tablet or phone
Headphones with a built-in-microphone
Good internet connection- bandwidth speed of at least 5 Mbps
Make sure you have the link
Sit in a quiet place were you will have privacy, no external noises and good lighting
Connect to the internet using a cable
Testyour audio and video settings
Be on time
Dress proffesionally, use soft solid colors
Have a neutral background
Have a printed copy of your resume
Close any unnesessary web browser tabs or applications
Place your phone in silent mode
Be calm
Keep eye contact
Don’t excuse yourself
Nod do show you are engaged while you are actively listening
Don’t interrupt the interviewer
Speak clearly and confident
When appropiate use hand gestures and smile
Voice tone
Remember thank the interviewer
Other good tips:
Now I get why you included Soft Solid Colors to the vocabulary list jejeje
Great tips.
Is really useful
If is not possible to get a quiet place, please be polite/calm on any disturbing event. Nowadays is pretty normal to get some noise from the outside, and almost everybody understand.
Be honest. I think it doesn’t need any explanation about it.
If you have Bluetooth headphones, it could be better to make sure they are connected, working, and charged.
Warn the people around you about you’re going to have a meeting, so they could be aware on not disturb you.
If is not possible to get a quiet place, please be polite/calm on any disturbing event. Nowadays is pretty normal to get some noise from the outside, and almost everybody understand.
Always have paper and pen at hand.
Go to the bathroom before the interview begins.
Have a plan B (if your laptop decides not to work, have your phone ready as a backup).
En movil el video es lento. no para lo mismo con youtube o algun otro
muchas gracias por impartirnos estas clases han sido muy útil
If the interview is in a laptop:
I would need to be placed in a bright place.
I would need to take a bath before the interview, to be well combed and clean shaven.
Another important tip:
For moms (like me), please ask your kids to be quit for some minutes.
Ey guys! Just having my first interviews to work in Ireland! Estoy haciendo un checklist en click up para no olvidar ninguno de los aspectos.¡
I would add two tips:
I think one of the most important items on the list is to have some notes about the possible questions you would receive, and how you answer these ones.
Good presentation
Be a good listener
En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles
The most important advices I think are:
Great tips.
Make sure you have the link
check your internet connection
Test your audio and video setting
Be on time
Be calm
Keep eye contact
Nod to show you are engaged while you are actively listening
Have a printed copy of your resume
Place your phone in silent mode
be calm is very important . Thanks Carolina
Very good tips
Please correct me if I’m wrong. But 5 Mbps means 5 Megabits per second when you talk about bandwidth speeds. And I have noticed in several courses here in Platzi they say 5 Megabytes per second which would be expressed by Mb/s. Great pronunciation by the teacher. I almost thought she was a native English speaker.
Important to have in count:
Hago aclaración, no por ser cansón ni nada, pero cuando hablan en el minuto 2:18, no son 5 megabytes per second (eso seria 5 MBps), son enrealidad 5 megabits per second (5 Mbps) . You should take that in count. There is often a confusion about this, that is why your
30Mbps internet only gives you 3,75 MBps of download speed and even less if we talk about the upload speed.
Hi! I add one option, that is “Be ready ten minutes before the interview”, for any problem.
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