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Face to face interview etiquette


Las entrevistas cara a cara aún existen. Más allá de las grandes posibilidades de realizar cualquier reunión o cualquier trabajo de forma remota, existe la posibilidad de que te toque tener una entrevista de forma presencial con el entrevistador.

Ventajas de una entrevista cara a cara

  • More personal contact.
  • You can expand your answers freely.
  • You might get the opportunity to see the offices and get an idea of the work environment and culture.

Desventajas de una entrevista cara a cara

  • You need more time and money.
  • You have to think more about your body language and facial expressions.
  • If you are introvert you might not feel as comfortable as in an online phone interview.

Cómo prepararte para una entrevista cara a cara

  • Make sure you have the address and the name of your interviewer.
  • Take a printed copy of your resume.
  • Arrive early (at least 10 minutes before).
  • Dress professionally.
  • Shake hands firmly.
  • Avoid looking around the room.
  • Sit upright and show interest.
  • Listen actively.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Smile when appropriate.
  • Speak clearly and confidently.
  • Answer what you are asked, do not stray away from the question.
  • Don’t interrupt your interviewer.
  • Be genuine.
  • Be polite.
  • Remember to thank the interviewer.

Una entrevista cara a cara es totalmente distinta a una entrevista remota. Be prepared! La mayoría de los consejos están relacionados con el comportamiento y el lenguaje corporal, la Escuela de Habilidades Blandas de Platzi está para ayudarte.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part. I did not get the job because some words were mispronounced. I did not feel so sad because I knew that was one of my weakest skills. The second interview was for a customer support position; this time my pronunciation was fine, but my accent was "thick", hence I just got a "we'll call you" farewell. Fortunately, and after practicing my speaking, I now work for an international company. If I got a job, you can do it too!

About three years ago I was on a phone to phone interview. In Spanish. When all of a sudden the interviewer asked me if I spoke English, in which case I said yes. Then, the interviewer told me if it would be okay if we started speaking in English in which case, again, I said yes.

To be honest, I was feeling very nervous until I realized we had been speaking in English for more than half and hour, so I felt more comfortable but by the end of it, the interviewer told me that I needed to increase my vocabulary. After that interview, I got a second one, and then I got this job, which of course, made me very happy. But it also made me aware that I needed to improve my speaking skills.

The last year I had an interview which I had it with the manufacturing manager, team leader and two engineers who were also part of the team and I tried to keep calm with everyone and all of them were asking many questions and repeating some of them. I think, it was my best interview even so, I didn’t get the job position but prepared me to those difficult interviews face to face.

Hi everyone:

I had an awful interview one month ago. I have my preparation like the teacher taught us. I use the tips and scripts that I need it. But, one day, I had that I go out of my comfort zone, because, a company called me for an interview, but, the dilemma was that the called was inside an hour. You imagine my surprise. I try to do everything that I need it. But, that day was impossible. I tried to have all the list. I ran but not enough. I was on time. I talked with some interviewers and It was just ok. But, one interviewer was a native speaker. She talked to me and I understood everything during her introduction about herself. I introduced myself and they understood me. All was awful when they talked about terms technical of IT. I lost the conversation and they went a question. You imagine what happen. I was nervous and I knew the terms, but I was frozen. And an interviewer said in Spanish: “Thanks for your time and see you in the next opportunity” and they finished my called. It’s so frustrated.

Five Tips to Secure an In-Person Interview

I have had several english interviews, some of them only to have the experience because I knew that I have poor fit job and no the good enough level of english, It was a time that I had a interview with a Filipino recruiter It was hard to unterstand her but I passed it then I had anohter interview with the manager of the area that possible will work on, only asked me 3 questions, why I wanted to work with them(company)?, How can I contribute to the company(IT area)? and another one that I don’t remember. surprisingly I answered the questions well and fluid. I got the job to work with Royal Caribbean International. Feld great!

I had a terrible interview in English once, Was my first interview ever, and I was so nervous, my English skills weren´t that good nad I just wanted to run away.

I had my first interview in English last week… was terrible 😦 … The interview had to be a chat conversation but in the end the interviewer called me. I wasn’t prepared for that… I ended the interview with difficulty and I think the company liked my profile but they didn’t contact me again because of my bad english… the worst of that is, i think my english is better than they think, but i couldn’t prove that because of nervousness. well… a new experience… the next will be better

Once I had an interview in a Company, first with the manager and everything was ok, then I had one with who would be my boss and she made me feel so uncomfortable because they were asking me the same all the time. I got the job and finally knew that she was new in the position and she had no experience doing interviews.

HelloTalk is an awesome application to meet people who to practice with

I was a recruiter for a big telecom company. I always try to make the other person feel confident so we can have an honest talk.

When I am the candidate, I feel confident because I usually know what the recruiter will ask, I really appreciate when they make new different questions.

My advice for any candidate is that you have to be confident and honest to the recruiter, you have to act like you are the best candidate. Don´t be egocentric, just trust in your skills. If you don´t have any job expierience, don´t worry, your soft skills and your enthusiasm to learn will be enough to get the job, if it’s the right one for you at the moment.

If you want to get some advice, contact me on LinkedIn and I’ll try my best to help you:

I have an interview in 2 days and had 3 interviews in the past month but dont fill prepared for this on. its a big job

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.

**Advantages: **

  • More personal contact
  • Expand your answers freely
  • You might get the opportunity to see the offices and get an idea of the work enviroment


  • You need more time and money
  • You have to think about your body language and facial expressions
  • You might not feel comfortable


  • Make sure you have the address and the name your interviewer
  • Take a printed copy of your resume
  • Arrive early (at least 10 minues before)
  • Dress professionally
  • Shake hand firmly
  • Avoid looking around the room
  • Sit upright and show interest
  • Listen actively
  • Make eye contact
  • Smile when appropriate
  • Speak clearly and confidently
  • Answer exactly what you’re asked
  • Don’t interrupt your interviewer
  • Be genuine
  • Be polite
  • Thank to you interviewer

About three years ago I was on a phone to phone interview. In Spanish. When all of a sudden the interviewer asked me if I spoke English, in which case I said yes. Then, the interviewer told me if it would be okay if we started speaking in English in which case, again, I said yes.

To be honest, I was feeling very nervous until I realized we had been speaking in English for more than half and hour, so I felt more comfortable but by the end of it, the interviewer told me that I needed to increase my vocabulary. After that interview, I got a second one, and then I got this job, which of course, made me very happy. But it also made me aware that I needed to improve my speaking skills.

I have an upcoming interview in English and I feel good about it. I have had interviews in English before and that helped me a lot in feeling more confident about what I’m about to face. I remember one time when I didn’t understand the question and I was afraid to ask the person to repeat it one more time for me (BIG mistake). I have learned that, even If I can communicate in English, it is okay to make a mistake because it is not my mother tongue and an interview is a challenge even in Spanish. That awful interview was an excellent practice for the next opportunity.

When I get my current job, I was interviewed in English twice.

  • Once from the recruiter, they wanted to know that I can hold a basic conversation (Phone Interview).

  • Second from the guy who was my leader at that moment. He made more technical questions and about myself, my family and my hobbies (Face to face interview).

  • At the end, to conclude my process, I was called to make a technical test in order to demonstrate that what I said in the interview was in fact true.

Here I am, 3 years later and still working for that company.

In the interviews maybe the interviewer asks you a random question, try to be creative and let fly your mind, don’t answer I don’t know

Last year I had 5 interviews, In 4 of them, I had a little English interview. And in the remaining one was a full English interview and the interviewer was an Indian. For me was hard that interview because the accent is so difficult to understand.

One tip is to ask for paraphrase the question when you still do not have a clear idea.

Over a year ago. I had an interview where first they asked me to introduce myself and tell her about me. Nothing uncommon.
The deal came when she asked me to explain her how to solve an issue with a robot, but everything in English. I was used to answer question of general knowledge, not to give a whole lecture. But with that I realized that I am up to the challenge.
After the interview I also thought that maybe I would like to give classes about instrumentation but in English.

The job interview that I remember the most is the one that I went through to get my job as a Software Engineer Trainee at Infosys, I get interviewed by two managers at the same time, this was my first interview in a tech company and also my first interview in English, at first I feel very nervous, but then I just focused on answering properly and I was able to handle the interview pretty good.

I had an interview before with english native speakers. I think it went well, at the end they call me back to say they selected another guy with more experience 😦

hello,hello,thank you!

I have had only two interview in English, the first interview was by phone, and I couldn’t figure out what they asked me so I couldn’t answer correctly, and second interview was face to face and I think It was more comfortable but I didn’t answer with fluency and well pronuntiation, so I think was the reason that they never call me jeje

In face to face interview is very important to pay attention to body language and eye contact.


I’ve had some interviews in English and I consider that be confortable and quiet is very important because if you are nervious, is possible that you dont understand the questions or forget some things or say things that you know in a wrong way.

And other important tip is try to practice the introduce yourself and your professional skills, and challenges that you’ve faced because is the most common question.


Hello Teacher Carolina

gracias me ayudo mucho



very good

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part.

muy bien

Thanks for telling us


I like your extra tips

I have had several english interviews, some of them only to have the experience because I knew that I have poor fit job and no the good enough level of english, It was a time that I had a interview with a Filipino recruiter It was hard to unterstand her but I passed it then I had anohter interview with the manager of the area that possible will work on, only asked me 3 questions, why I wanted to work with them(company)?, How can I contribute to the company(IT area)? and another one that I don’t remember. surprisingly I answered the questions well and fluid. I got the job to work with Royal Caribbean International. Feld great!

HelloTalk is an awesome application to meet people who to practice with

. I tried to have all the list. I ran but not enough. I was on time. I talked with some interviewers and It was just ok. But, one interviewer was a native speaker. She talked to me and I understood everything during her introduction about herself. I introduced myself and they understood me. All was awful when they talked about terms technical of IT. I lost the conversation and they went a question. You imagine what happen. I was nervous and I knew the terms, but I was frozen. And an interviewer said in Spanish: “Thanks for your time and see you in the next opportunity” and they finished my called. It’s so frustrated.

i everyone:

I had an awful interview one month ago. I have my preparation like the teacher taught us. I use the tips and scripts that I need it. But, one day, I had that I go out of my comfort zone, because, a company called me for an interview, but, the dilemma was that the called was inside an hour. You imagine my surprise. I try to do everything that I need it. But, that day was impossible.

The last year I had an interview which I had it with the manufacturing manager, team leader and two engineers who were also part of the team and I tried to keep calm with everyone and all of them were asking many questions and repeating some of them. I think, it was my best interview even so, I didn’t get the job position but prepared me to those difficult interviews face to face.

To be honest, I was feeling very nervous until I realized we had been speaking in English for more than half and hour, so I felt more comfortable but by the end of it, the interviewer told me that I needed to increase my vocabulary. After that interview, I got a second one, and then I got this job, which of course, made me very happy. But it also made me aware that I needed to improve my speaking skills.

About three years ago I was on a phone to phone interview. In Spanish. When all of a sudden the interviewer asked me if I spoke English, in which case I said yes. Then, the interviewer told me if it would be okay if we started speaking in English in which case, again, I said yes.

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part. I did not get the job because some words were mispronounced. I did not feel so sad because I knew that was one of my weakest skills. The second interview was for a customer support position; this time my pronunciation was fine, but my accent was “thick”, hence I just got a “we’ll call you” farewell. Fortunately, and after practicing my speaking, I now work for an international company. If I got a job, you can do it too!

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute

Good class!, thanks for the Tips


I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.


thank you

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part. I did not get the job because some words were mispronounced. I did not feel so sad because I knew that was one of my weakest skills. The second interview was for a customer support position; this time my pronunciation was fine, but my accent was “thick”, hence I just got a “we’ll call you” farewell. Fortunately, and after practicing my speaking, I now work for an

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.

I have an interview in 2 days and had 3 interviews in the past month but dont fill prepared for this on. its a big job

I had my first interview in English last week… was terrible 😦 … The interview had to be a chat conversation but in the end the interviewer called me. I wasn’t prepared for that… I ended the interview with difficulty and I think the company liked my profile but they didn’t contact me again because of my bad english… the worst of that is, i think my english is better than they think, but i couldn’t prove that because of nervousness. well… a new experience… the next will be better

I was a recruiter for a big telecom company. I always try to make the other person feel confident so we can have an honest talk.

When I am the candidate, I feel confident because I usually know what the recruiter will ask, I really appreciate when they make new different questions.

My advice for any candidate is that you have to be confident and honest to the recruiter, you have to act like you are the best candidate. Don´t be egocentric, just trust in your skills. If you don´t have any job expierience, don´t worry, your soft skills and your enthusiasm to learn will be enough to get the job, if it’s the right one for you at the moment.

If you want to get some advice, contact me on LinkedIn and I’ll try my best to help you:

HelloTalk is an awesome application to meet people who to practice with

I have had several english interviews, some of them only to have the experience because I knew that I have poor fit job and no the good enough level of english, It was a time that I had a interview with a Filipino recruiter It was hard to unterstand her but I passed it then I had anohter interview with the manager of the area that possible will work on, only asked me 3 questions, why I wanted to work with them(company)?, How can I contribute to the company(IT area)? and another one that I don’t remember. surprisingly I answered the questions well and fluid. I got the job to work with Royal Caribbean International. Feld great!

Once I had an interview in a Company, first with the manager and everything was ok, then I had one with who would be my boss and she made me feel so uncomfortable because they were asking me the same all the time. I got the job and finally knew that she was new in the position and she had no experience doing interviews.

Hi everyone:

I had an awful interview one month ago. I have my preparation like the teacher taught us. I use the tips and scripts that I need it. But, one day, I had that I go out of my comfort zone, because, a company called me for an interview, but, the dilemma was that the called was inside an hour. You imagine my surprise. I try to do everything that I need it. But, that day was impossible. I tried to have all the list. I ran but not enough. I was on time. I talked with some interviewers and It was just ok. But, one interviewer was a native speaker. She talked to me and I understood everything during her introduction about herself. I introduced myself and they understood me. All was awful when they talked about terms technical of IT. I lost the conversation and they went a question. You imagine what happen. I was nervous and I knew the terms, but I was frozen. And an interviewer said in Spanish: “Thanks for your time and see you in the next opportunity” and they finished my called. It’s so frustrated.

The last year I had an interview which I had it with the manufacturing manager, team leader and two engineers who were also part of the team and I tried to keep calm with everyone and all of them were asking many questions and repeating some of them. I think, it was my best interview even so, I didn’t get the job position but prepared me to those difficult interviews face to face.

About three years ago I was on a phone to phone interview. In Spanish. When all of a sudden the interviewer asked me if I spoke English, in which case I said yes. Then, the interviewer told me if it would be okay if we started speaking in English in which case, again, I said yes.

To be honest, I was feeling very nervous until I realized we had been speaking in English for more than half and hour, so I felt more comfortable but by the end of it, the interviewer told me that I needed to increase my vocabulary. After that interview, I got a second one, and then I got this job, which of course, made me very happy. But it also made me aware that I needed to improve my speaking skills.

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part. I did not get the job because some words were mispronounced. I did not feel so sad because I knew that was one of my weakest skills. The second interview was for a customer support position; this time my pronunciation was fine, but my accent was “thick”, hence I just got a “we’ll call you” farewell. Fortunately, and after practicing my speaking, I now work for an international company. If I got a job, you can do it too!

I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.


was a recruiter for a big telecom company. I always try to make the other person feel confident so we can have an honest talk.

When I am the candidate, I feel confident because I usually know what the recruiter will ask, I really appreciate when they make new different questions.

My advice for any candidate is that you have to be confident and honest to the recruiter, you have to act like you are the best candidate. Don´t be egocentric, just trust in your skills. If you don´t have any job expierience, don´t worry, your soft skills and your enthusiasm to learn will be enough to get the job, if it’s the right one for you at the moment.

If you want to get some advice, contact me on LinkedIn and I’ll try my best to help you:

thank you!

Hello all! I had two job interviews in English with different companies some years ago; the first interview was for a debt collector position, where everything went smooth but the pronunciation part. I did not get the job because some words were mispronounced. I did not feel so sad because I knew that was one of my weakest skills. The second interview was for a customer support position; this time my pronunciation was fine, but my accent was “thick”, hence I just got a “we’ll call you” farewell. Fortunately, and after practicing my speaking, I now work for an international company. If I got a job, you can do it too!

i like your extra
thanks for your
wow great story
make sure you

I have an upcoming interview in English and I feel good about it. I have had interviews in English before and that helped me a lot in feeling more confident about what I’m about to face. I remember one time when I didn’t understand the question and I was afraid to ask the person to repeat it one more time for me (BIG mistake). I have learned that, even If I can communicate in English, it is okay to make a mistake because it is not my mother tongue and an interview is a challenge even in Spanish. That awful interview was an excellent practice for the next opportunity. • Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute


I haven’t had any interview in English. I think that a job interview is not easy for anyone even it’s in Spanish. Thanks for all the tips than we’re learning in Platzi we can be more prepared for this process.

Other Tips:
• Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.


Make sure you know what type of interview it is.
• Prepare your answers to interview questions.
• Brush up on your CV.
• Dress for success.
• Plan your commute.












In one interview, we were 8 people with the same interviewer in a room.
Interviewer posed a close question that everyone of us had to answer.
The first one to be asked answered yes and then everyone of us answered the same.
Then the interviewer asked us: Did you understand the question?
We said yes. But I’m sure we didn’t
