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What to consider in a technical interview


En una entrevista técnica, tienes que demostrar tu expertise, tus habilidades técnicas en tu área profesional a otra persona que evaluará tu desempeño y conocimiento. Veamos algunos consejos a tener en cuenta para tus entrevistas técnicas.

Qué es una entrevista técnica?

Is a kind of interview where you are asked to demonstrate your technical knowledge or expertise. Different exercises where you need to demonstrate specific technical skills to someone who is close to the actual work.

Diferencias entre una entrevista técnica y una entrevista tradicional

You need to prove to the company and to the engineering manager, the team that you are going to be working with, that you have the technical skills and that you also have the communication skills to work with a team. You have to demonstrate that you understand specific things about code or about the stack of the company, or design things.

Consejos y trucos para presentar una entrevista técnica

The most challenging part is to stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently. Every engineer failed a technical interview at least once. That’s fine!
If you are confused, just tell the interviewer that you are confused. Be honest!
You can find sample questions for specific companies and practice them.

Los nervios forman parte de este tipo de reuniones. Lo más importante es mantener la calma, ser honesto con el entrevistador y prepararte para demostrar tu conocimiento. You can do it!

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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i want to talk like her

Brilliant interview, loved it. Great tips from Martha Hipley: “Stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently”.

I share with all of you this comment.
If you are considering a career in the tech industry, it is important to know that a technical interview is often very different from any other traditional job interview. Technical interviews typically include behavioral questions, situational questions and technical problem-solving questions. Whether you are just starting out in the technical field or are a seasoned professional, knowing the types of questions to expect during a technical interview can help you prepare your answers carefully to showcase your skills and experience. (

Very good tips. Thank you Caro for to invite to Martha.

  • “Demonstrate your technical and communication skills.”
  • “Speak about your process.”
  • “Take a time for write about your process in blogs for example.”
  • “Show the process in your portfolio.”

In this class I had the opportunity to test my listening skill because I understand Caro in all classes perfectly but when Martha starts to talk she talks a little fast than Caro and I couldn’t understand a lot of words so this class will be perfect to test myself I’m going to practice my listening skill and I’m going to come back to test again my progress. 😁

I’m not a coder and I felt nervous just to hear about a technical interview jajaja

I had always pronounced “technical interviu” but now I realize that it is pronounced this way “tecnicol inerviu”

Stay calm, even the best experts in the world have failed once

For programmers, I want to share a resource very interesting for me, in Spanish, but there are many tips for the technical interview. video

Great interview! I liked this phrases
-The school you have to practice.
-First and foremost.

Practice, practice, and practice is very important. Is the only way to earn confidence in any field

I think this is a silver bullet!!

Some tips and tricks:

  • Always be honest
  • Find some sample questions from specific companies
  • Practice making a video of your self solving them
  • Do pair coding with a friend
  • After finish a project write about what you did

Grate example to a technical interview situation. I really enjoy when the topics are involved in a real situation.

Great class! 👏🏼, thnx for inviting her as the specialist, it was a great experience just by listening to her! 🤓

I’m not a coder and I felt nervous just to hear about a technical interview jajaja

I think this is a silver bullet!!

Some tips and tricks:

Always be honest
Find some sample questions from specific companies
Practice making a video of your self solving them
Do pair coding with a friend
After finish a project write about what you did

Ohh Great interview

la manera en la que dice "communicate Thoroughly " me desvió hacia youtube y una inmensa cantidad de videos sobre la pronunciación TH por que me cuesta muchísimo

Brilliant interview

HELLO ,In this class I had the opportunity to test my listening skill because…

The inmersion that we get in this course is amazing

I guess for technical interview you have to proof with examples or cases how to solve a particular problem from the beginning.


Hello Teacher Martha

I love platzi

i want to talk like her


consider in a technical interview

Great interview! I liked this phrases
-The school you have to practice.
-First and foremost.

I think this is a silver bullet!!

Some tips and tricks:

Always be honest
Find some sample questions from specific companies
Practice making a video of your self solving them
Do pair coding with a friend
After finish a project write about what you did

Stay calm, even the best experts in the world have failed once

Practice, practice, and practice is very important. Is the only way to earn confidence in any field

For programmers, I want to share a resource very interesting for me, in Spanish, but there are many tips for the technical interview

In this class I had the opportunity to test my listening skill because I understand Caro in all classes perfectly but when Martha starts to talk she talks a little fast than Caro and I couldn’t understand a lot of words so this class will be perfect to test myself I’m going to practice my listening skill and I’m going to come back to test again my progress. 😁

Very good tips. Thank you Caro for to invite to Martha.

“Demonstrate your technical and communication skills.”
“Speak about your process.”
“Take a time for write about your process in blogs for example.”
“Show the process in your portfolio.”

For almost every engineering job is like this. There’s a point where you have to demonstrate what you really know. But I agree with the way you summarize it. Nice.

Whether you are just starting out in the technical field or are a seasoned professional, knowing the types of questions to expect during a technical interview can help you prepare your answers carefully to showcase your skills and experience.

I share with all of you this comment.
If you are considering a career in the tech industry, it is important to know that a technical interview is often very different from any other traditional job interview. Technical interviews typically include behavioral questions, situational questions and technical problem-solving questions.

Brilliant interview, loved it. Great tips from Martha Hipley: “Stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently”.

How important the information of this class, has caught my attention!




Brilliant interview, loved it. Great tips from Martha Hipley: “Stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently”.

i want to talk like her

Stay calm, even the best experts in the world have failed once

Practice, practice, and practice is very important. Is the only way to earn confidence in any field

Great interview! I liked this phrases
-The school you have to practice.
-First and foremost.

I think this is a silver bullet!!

Some tips and tricks:

Always be honest
Find some sample questions from specific companies
Practice making a video of your self solving them
Do pair coding with a friend
After finish a project write about what you did

Grate example to a technical interview situation. I really enjoy when the topics are involved in a real situation.

Great class! 👏🏼, thnx for inviting her as the specialist, it was a great experience just by listening to her! 🤓

I had always pronounced “technical interviu” but now I realize that it is pronounced this way “tecnicol inerviu”

Very good tips. Thank you Caro for to invite to Martha.

“Demonstrate your technical and communication skills.”
“Speak about your process.”
“Take a time for write about your process in blogs for example.”
“Show the process in your portfolio.”

In this class I had the opportunity to test my listening skill because I understand Caro in all classes perfectly but when Martha starts to talk she talks a little fast than Caro and I couldn’t understand a lot of words so this class will be perfect to test myself I’m going to practice my listening skill and I’m going to come back to test again my progress. 😁

Brilliant interview, loved it. Great tips from Martha Hipley: “Stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently”.

i want to talk like her


I share with all of you this comment.
If you are considering a career in the tech industry, it is important to know that a technical interview is often very different from any other traditional job interview. Technical interviews typically include behavioral questions, situational questions and technical problem-solving questions. Whether you are just starting out in the technical field or are a seasoned professional, knowing the types of questions to expect during a technical interview can help you prepare your answers carefully to showcase your skills and experience

For almost every engineering job is like this. There’s a point where you have to demonstrate what you really know. But I agree with the way you summarize it. Nice.

The most challenging part is to stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently.

Awesome Martha! Fresh, concrete and valuable advisements. Thank you very much.


ha sido de gran utilidad estos consejo


I was able to understand it all

Great information.

Also remember:

“You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great” - Zig Ziglar

I wish I have seen this video 2 months ago, I had my first technical interview and it was with an engineer from India so it was a little bit difficult because of that, but I got the job, my first job in tech industry and I’m really happy 😃

tank you



i want to talk like her

Great interview!

Take this course motivated myself to practice more my english 😄

de qué parte de massachusetts decías que era ?

I have just remembered, when somebody ask you about how did you faced a situation in the past use the STAR method. And have a minimum porfolio of 5 pieces ready to show off (that was my mistake for the last interview I had).

Thanks so much for this helpful dialogue. HAVIG A GREAT TIME LEARNING A LOT indeed !


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

Great advice record ourselves to practice and see the different mistakes

some tips and tricks!!

I just know that I want to speak like her. 😦

wow u look awesome teacher ❤️

is really interesting

Excellent Interview

Great video! I love these tips:

  • Demonstrate that you have the technical and communication skills to work with a team.
  • Stay calm and cool and then communicate effectively and consistently.

They were a great advices, thanks 😄

Communicating is something that everyone should be working on

Being calm and confident is the key to express clearly and not being afraid to say that you confuse if it’s necessary