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Why do you want to work for this company and why should we hire you?


Tu entrevistador querrá saber por qué quieres trabajar en su empresa y por qué debería contratarte. Es una labor de convencimiento en la que tienes la oportunidad de demostrar interés genuino por la misión de una empresa, para que tu perfil profesional sea tomado en cuenta.

Cómo demostrar interés por la empresa en una entrevista de trabajo

  • Research the company.
  • Include in your answer skills and competencies that you know the company values.
  • Identify what the company needs.
  • Mention what you like about the company and why you would be a good fit for the role.
  • Focus on the value you will bring to your company with your skills, experience, and achievements.
  • Give examples of how you achieved goals.

Ejemplo para manifestar interés por trabajar en una empresa

I admire your company’s results in the industry, and I would like to get experience working with the same technologies.
I am goal-oriented, and I deliver exceptional results working for many companies developing software.
Since I have worked with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other cultures.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in working with new technologies to achieve company goals.

Practica tu discurso buscando las mejores palabras que se ajusten a la posición y a la empresa. Recuerda visitar su sitio web y aprender todo lo posible de ellos antes de la entrevista.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I would like to work in Platzi because I am witness of your excellence and its growth. I am compatible with your vision; adaptability to change, make things happen, hard but good personal growth, and of course. Never stop to learn.

With my experience in user Interface Design and User Research Design we could to get memorable products and understand how are learning the students for to perfect the methodology and achievement the goals, 1 million of programmers.

I admire your company’s results in the technological industry, and I have experience in the services of quality assurance, that they make part of your company deliver software with high quality.
I am goal oriented and I deliver exceptional results, such as improving quality assurance by 80%, and implementing a strategy to lower costs while maintaining quality. I always have oriented to do my job with excellent quality, but with the minimal effort and the effective tools that they provide us the necessary without incur unnecessary costs. For example, in my jobs, I have had the opportunity of the implement free tools that they cover the need of the software tests. I have achieved to implement tools like test-link and SOAPUI. And with the last tool, I have achieved to automate the software tests.
Since I have interacted with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other people. Because I am member of two communities. A student community at Platzi, and I am member of the Scrum Latam Community.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international companies, and I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals in the quality assurance of the software.

I would like to work in Platzi because of its vision and its culture. Also, I love its phrase “Never Stop Learning”.

I am sure I would be a good match for this position because I am an organized person, punctual, goal-oriented, in addition, I am good at teamwork and time management.

I am committed to creating exceptional websites to achieve company goals in the quality assurance of the software.

  1. I have always been someone who enjoy making things happen.

  2. I’m a good team player : I like share my knowledge and I have got good people skills.

3 I have a {X} years of experience in{ this line of work} and I know I can be a great asset in the team.

I admire your company’s results in the industry, also your are a benchmark for innovation and technological development in Latin America. And I have experience in the services your company provides, especially in quality assurance for delivering software with high quality.
I am goal-oriented and I deliver exceptional results such as implementing strategies to improve the test processes while maintaining the quality of products.
I have worked in different industries, I adapt easily and work well with other people.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in learning about new industries, methodologies and why not to meet new people. I am committed to continuous learning and creating strategies to achieve company goals.

Well, first of all I have all the management skills and experience that you’re looking for in the job description.
I’ve spent the last eight years leading successful projects for fast growing companies I also feel I have very strong people skill which have helped me developed great relationships with developers vendors and senior managers, alike my current manager say I’m his secret weapon when we need to mediate a conflict between different groups of stakeholders.
I’m also passionate about this industry and I’m driver to deliver high quality work.

I really like the company’s culture and I feel aligned to it. Build technology to help on the society’s development and making it sustainable is something that I really admire and want to be part of.

Since I am a proactive person with the challenging tasks that are assigned to me, specially with those that involve IT infrastructure, I know I would be a good match for the team and I hope to contribute to achieve the goals I know you have for this year.

I would like to work in Minutizer because is a great startup with highest grow and i want to be part of it and contribute with my work

I have had experience in customer service and account management so i can fit on this position helping the company and the users to reach their goals through the services that Minutizer offers

I would like be in your company because you are a referent in the groceries industry, your expansion strategies are very effective and quickly, that’s why I considerer this brand a good opportiny for anyone.

I work to reach the goals, being very analytic in relevant metrics with the objective to optimize budget and get the knowledge of what works for the brand and what likes to the customers. I know the app mobile marketing, the importance of the data and how to improve the strategies. I want to be a part of this great team.

I would like to work with you because I like your company’s politics and your culture. I think that your company works in growing human resources all time.
I believe that is a good opportunity to contribute with my experiences managing teamwork and searching for new ideas to improve the process to achieve sales goals.
Is interesting how it is growing in recent years. I think that people work with motivation, compromise and responsibility and I have these abilities.

I admire your company’s results in the industry and I would like to get experience working with the same technologies.
I am goal-oriented, and I deliver exceptional results working for many companies developing software.
Since I have worked with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other cultures.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in working with new technologies to achieve company goals.

I don’t know about the other candidates, but I admire that they focus on each client, that they seek to create a personalized experience and that they adapt to their specific needs.

I have always been oriented to do my job with excellent quality, with different programs.

As I have interacted with companies in different areas, I adapt easily and work well with other people.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international companies and I am committed to create innovative strategies to achieve the company’s goals.

I value all the work that you do at Platzi, considering that, Platzi is an excellent, prestigious and well known online learning platform.
I am analytical and open-minded, with great knowledge and skills of the English language
I consider myself to be a great match for the Platzi team, since i would like to contribute with my experience and knowledge, to deliver excellent results

I would like to work with this company because I am pretty impressed with the way that you have been working in the last few years, also many of your achievement and values are the same that I am looking for to build a common growth in this crucial time where the industry needs to face daily professional challenges in many fields where I am able to share my experience and help you to reach your goals.

I admire your company’s results in the Publicity and Marketing industry, I have experience in some of the services your company provides.

I am goal-oriented and I deliver agile and exceptional results.

Since I have worked with people from different industry departments I adapt fast, easily and work well with other people.

I am sure I would be a good fit for this position. I am interested in Creative design and Digital marketing, also I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals.

I admire your company and the work you’re doing in the industry, I’m compatible with your vision and purpose, I’m so passionate with the labor you do and I pretty sure I could do an excellent work due my previous experience on sales, customer service and leadership.
Since I have worked with people from different countries I adapt easily and work well with different kind of people, due my fast learning curve I could match to a different kind of works or strategies if it is required and my assertive communication could help me in the process of negociate with team and stakeholders of the company.
I’m sure I would be a good match for this position cause I’m interested on serve others, and creative way of doing things that allows me to create innovative strategies to do a better job.

I admire your company’s results in the industry and I like the quality of the products that you offer, because they are premium products that create modern and glamorous spaces despite being products for the kitchen, for example.
I am goal-oriented and customers success.
Since I have worked with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other people.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international customer services, and I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals.

  • Research the company
  • Include in your answer skills and competencies that you know the company values
  • Identify what the company needs
  • Mention what you like about the company and why you would be a good fit for the role


  • Focus on the value you will bring to your company with your skills, experience and achievements.
  • Give examples on how you achieved goals.

Because I want build cool products and want to work somewhere where I’m trusted from Day 1. I like developing products from the ground up and launching them into the market. I want improve my english and have a international experience.

I would like to work in you company, because i have seen that the values are fit with me, therefore I’m a person oriented to results that work day after day to achieve the company goals, In my last experiece I had have the possibility to do a lot of high selection processes in differents sectors, that had improved the company results and for this I’m proud of me, among to my field like psychologist I like to do more that my boss provide me it’s important to me for get better results.

I believe educacation has to change. Teaching is more than just talking and explaining subjects, we have to develop in the student interest and passions, realted to reality and curiiosity. This hard to doing it than saying it that is why a Teacher has to be more than just a professional in the area, has to be a mentor.

We can say that this is like memorize your cover letter and try to sell it. I actually liked a lot your example.

Hi guys, once again, I appreciate your feedback!

I have had experience in sales, management and marketing positions. My latest position was as a marketing manager in a startup and it was a great experience since I had the chance to define all the marketing strategies, from brand creation to market launch. I have also worked on content marketing and affiliate marketing for my own project, viajamasxmenos.
In both projects I have experience on creating and publishing content on social media channels, like facebook, instagram, linkedIn and twitter.
As your marketing manager I would like to contribute with my experience and connections to exceed your growth expectations and sales goals.

I want to work for smartlynks because you are an airline different from the conventional ones. The company is an ACMI provider which is going to allow me to travel around the world, visit different places, share with different people and challenge me in different kinds of aircraft operations, such as cold weather ops in the winter season. It also is going to permit me to visit my home with an attractive commute roster that could be 40/20 or 20/10 depending on the base. Moreover, it is going to allow me to earn in euros which is a much stronger currency than the current currency of my home country. Therefore I will have professional and economic growth. My goal is going to be oriented in performing safe aircraft operations and applying good airmanship with highly valued soft skills like teamwork and leadership among others. I am sure that i will be a good match for this position.

I am truly excited to work in a company who gives an opportunity to people who live in Latinoamerica to give the chance to work remotely.
I am goal-oriented, and I deliver exceptional results, such as improving increased the organic traffic and conversions, and implementing a SEO strategy, reports, and collaboration with the marketing team for achieving our goals.
Since I have worked with clients in freelance projects, I can adapt easily and work well remotely.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in analyzing and reviewing ways to improve the SEO of the website, as I am committed to creating innovative SEO strategies to achieve company goals

I would like work in PLATZI because im a creative thinker , problem solver and team worker and and of course Never stop to learn, nd I want grow with the experience and focus of this company

I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in working with new technologies to achieve company goals.--------------------

HELLO,I would like to work in Minutizer because is a great startup with highest grow and i want to be part of it and contribute with my work…

As you can see in my CV I have had experience in different sectors, which means I’m always open to learning new things and new processes. I’m goal oriented and deliver exceptional results in every position that I’ve occupied. I adapt easily and work well with other people.
Also, I’m a proactive person and I would be a good match for this position. I’m really interested in working with a team like yours and helping the company to achieve its established goal

I want to work in this company because I like the work that you make and the goals that you have,
I am goal-oriented and I work hard to accomplish my goals and have a good resutls for the project.
since I have worked with people from different countries I improve my english and I want to learn more about it and practice.
I am sure I would be a good mach for this position because I am interested to learn more about english, workteam and configuring and development system and together we can create strategies to achieve company goals and have efficent results

Why do you want to work for this company and why should we hire you?

Evaluating my future, one of two paths that I see is to be able to work in an international company, a leader in technology and committed to people, where I can learn more, apply my knowledge and experience, and aspire to professional growth. I believe that <<NAME COMPANY>> is ideal for this.

I am a dedicated and committed person, goal-oriented and with experience in different ERP’s, not only in the technical part, but also in what refers to processes and in the accounting affectation of each movement, with a systemic and holistic vision. From what I understand about the position, I can generate the results that the company needs.

I enjoy making things happen and we agree on that.

I really admire what your NGO does and the results developing leaders cross over the globe to climate action. And I have experience in Climate leadership.

I am goal-oriented and I deliver exceptional results, such as implementing sustainable project through the Amazon region and implementing strategies to reduce the environmental pollution.

Since I have already worked in international teams, I am adopted easily to work well with people with different background, culture, language, religion, and customs.

I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international experiences witch are focus on Climate Change and Climate Action. I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve your NGO´ goals.

I admire your mission of be the most influential company in the blockchain industry, in just 5 years you have had developed the most complete ecosystem of trading, NFT, education and you also have your own token.

So, having in count all of these achievements I think I fit well with this hunger to devour the world, I always go beyond and enjoy with challenges, so I’m really excited to see all what I can learn from this experience with you, because I’m really motivated to do something meaningful and contribute to the crypto-currency revolution that is changing the world.

I admire your company’s reputation in the market and I have experience in the services your company provides.

I am goal-oriented and I am always learning and adapting from and to the needs of my costumer or what the project requires.

Since I have studied and learned with people from different countries I adapt easily and work well with other people and other cultures, not only showing respect but having and showing real appreciation to their behaviors, traditions and culture.

I have a growth mind set, and I’m sure I’d be an excellent match for this position. I am interested in mid front end software engineer and I am committed to create and inspire.

I would like to work in this company because I like the company’s culture and I feel aligned with it. I have also heard Excellent references about the company and its values.

I have experience in customer service, I’m goal-oriented and I deliver exceptional results so I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I adapt easily and work well with other people.

I admire your company’s results in the industry, and the company’s culture and I feel aligned to it. I am goal-oriented and I deliver exceptional results, such as implementing a communication strategy to increase the engagement in their social media. I am sure I would be a good match for this position. Since, I am interested in creating content for social media, and I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals.

I admire your company’s values in the industry and I have skills that your company share.
I am person who likes work with synergy and I deliver exceptional results, such as people prefer to come to me when they have a problem because I can solve it by efficiently.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in this company because I know that I can perfect my skills and maybe discover new ones.

I feel identified with the company’s culture, the innovation and the turnaround of the company, as I believe it is a leader in its sector.
I would very much like to share my knowledge and experience with the technologies and skills that I have acquired, since they are aligned with my values.
Since I started my career in digital marketing, I have acquired knowledge from many people from different countries. And that has given me an outlook to easily relate with people who share a different culture.
And I consider that with the objectives of the company and my qualities are compatible to acquire the objectives established in the organization, achieving positioning and the objectives of the corporation.


I would like to work in Platzi because I am witness of your excellence and its growth. I am compatible with your vision; adaptability to change, make things happen, hard but good personal growth, and of course. Never stop to learn.

With my experience in user Interface Design and User Research Design we could to get memorable products and understand how are learning the students for to perfect the methodology and achievement the goals, 1 million of programmers.

I want to be selected for a Social Assistant position in a company about surrogacy. This would be my answers if they asked me these questions:

I admire your company’s purpose and I have experience in social media copywriting and community management so I could help you to create relevant content to reach your ideal audience.

I love creating new content, communicating new ideas in an understandable way, and knowing how to define goals and achieve them, that’s how I improved engagement of a pastry shop by 49% with an inbound strategy.

Since I have worked in a marketing agency, I was able to know different buyer personas and to write different types of copies, so I adapt easily to the community you need me to interact with.

I’m sure I would be a good match for this position because I’m interested in practicing my design and marketing skills and I would be committed to creating valuable and new content to achieve your goals.

We would all like


so fne

very good

I would like to work in Platzi because I am witness of your excellence and its growth. I am compatible with your vision; adaptability to change, make things happen, hard but good personal growth, and of course. Never stop to learn.

With my experience in user Interface Design and User Research Design we could to get memorable products and understand how are learning the students for to perfect the methodology and achievement the goals, 1 million of programmers.

“Focus on the value you will bring”

I would like to work at your company because I admire the company’s results in the technology industry and the way they manage large volumes of user data. I am compatible with your vision, adaptability to change, and making things happen.
With my experience in back-end development, databases, and problem-solving I can contribute to the development team by generating solutions that improve the performance of your application.

Wao0, i love this class!



I would like to work in your company because I have the skills and experience you require for the position you are applying for.
I am aligned with your values and mission, focused on providing quality and excellent customer service without ignoring customer needs.

I have held several positions using the agile methodology needed for the projects you have.

I can bring great ideas and also learn, I am a fast learner and can adapt without any problem.

I want to work in this company because I am passionate about the technology industry and could contribute to the different challenges and learn from others about various applications and problems.

Also, I like to learn all the time because I am a very energetic and self-taught person. I adapt quickly to different environments and for my education, I have different points of view to solve a problem, due to I had worked in different areas of engineering.

I would like to work in Platzi because of its vision and its culture. Also, I love its phrase “Never Stop Learning”.

I am sure I would be a good match for this position because I am an organized person, punctual, goal-oriented, in addition, I am good at teamwork and time management.

I am committed to creating exceptional websites to achieve company goals in the quality assurance of the software.


Well, first of all I have all the management skills and experience that you’re looking for in the job description.
I’ve spent the last eight years leading successful projects for fast growing companies I also feel I have very strong people skill which have helped me developed great relationships with developers vendors and senior managers, alike my current manager say I’m his secret weapon when we need to mediate a conflict between different groups of stakeholders.
I’m also passionate about this industry and I’m driver to deliver high quality work.

I have always been someone who enjoy making things happen.

I’m a good team player : I like share my knowledge and I have got good people skills.

3 I have a {X} years of experience in{ this line of work} and I know I can be a great asset in the team.

I admire your company’s results in the technological industry, and I have experience in the services of quality assurance, that they make part of your company deliver software with high quality.
I am goal oriented and I deliver exceptional results, such as improving quality assurance by 80%, and implementing a strategy to lower costs while maintaining quality. I always have oriented to do my job with excellent quality, but with the minimal effort and the effective tools that they provide us the necessary without incur unnecessary costs. For example, in my jobs, I have had the opportunity of the implement free tools that they cover the need of the software tests. I have achieved to implement tools like test-link and SOAPUI. And with the last tool, I have achieved to automate the software tests.
Since I have interacted with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other people. Because I am member of two communities. A student community at Platzi, and I am member of the Scrum Latam Community.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international companies, and I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals in the quality assurance of the software.


I really like these classes I’m learning a lot.

Research the company
Include in your answer skills and competencies that you know the company values
Identify what the company needs
Mention what you like about the company and why you would be a good fit for the role
Focus on the value you will bring to your company with your skills, experience and achievements.
Give examples on how you achieved goals.

I really like the company’s culture and I feel aligned to it. Build technology to help on the society’s development and making it sustainable is something that I really admire and want to be part of.

Since I am a proactive person with the challenging tasks that are assigned to me, specially with those that involve IT infrastructure, I know I would be a good match for the team and I hope to contribute to achieve the goals I know you have for this year.

I have always been someone who enjoy making things happen.

I’m a good team player : I like share my knowledge and I have got good people skills.

3 I have a {X} years of experience in{ this line of work} and I know I can be a great asset in the team.

I admire your company’s results in the technological industry, and I have experience in the services of quality assurance, that they make part of your company deliver software with high quality.
I am goal oriented and I deliver exceptional results, such as improving quality assurance by 80%, and implementing a strategy to lower costs while maintaining quality. I always have oriented to do my job with excellent quality, but with the minimal effort and the effective tools that they provide us the necessary without incur unnecessary costs. For example, in my jobs, I have had the opportunity of the implement free tools that they cover the need of the software tests. I have achieved to implement tools like test-link and SOAPUI. And with the last tool, I have achieved to automate the software tests.
Since I have interacted with people from different countries, I adapt easily and work well with other people. Because I am member of two communities. A student community at Platzi, and I am member of the Scrum Latam Community.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in international companies, and I am committed to creating innovative strategies to achieve company goals in the quality assurance of the software.


I would like to work in Platzi because I am witness of your excellence and its growth. I am compatible with your vision; adaptability to change, make things happen, hard but good personal growth, and of course. Never stop to learn.

With my experience in user Interface Design and User Research Design we could to get memorable products and understand how are learning the students for to perfect the methodology and achievement the goals, 1 million of programmers.

Identify what the company needs.

I would like to work in Platzi because I am witness of your excellence and its growth. I am compatible with your vision; adaptability to change, make things happen, hard but good personal growth, and of course. Never stop to learn.

With my experience in user Interface Design and User Research Design we could to get memorable products and understand how are learning the students for to perfect the methodology and achievement the goals, 1 million of programmers.

Because it blows my mind, I love Platzi’s mission.

It is gigantic and yet I believe it is possible, historically LATAM has been a land of extraction of raw materials, and that has not changed in the last 500 years, but it is beginning to change. I want to bet on that dream to that goal. Historically, changes in technology and science have transformed human conditions, and we are in that process. As I see it, you can join and support or just be a spectator and see how everything changes. I want a project that in 20 years I will be proud to have supported to build it.

Because I am very committed to myself and my goals because I have control over my decisions and responsibilities and can support the QA Associates process by monitoring Platzi’s content, ensuring the quality standards of the content, and identifying areas of improvement in the production process. I believe in Platzi’s values. I already shared them with my students before I knew about the existence of this program, especially with the “don’t stop learning” and “take ownership of the results” be responsible.

I would like to work at Platzi because I am in love with this company, for me, Platzi is the best startup in the world because its mission is wonderful. I feel identified with the Platzi values and principles. Also, I believe that I can help Platzi to provide a better product to the community. I can do this by listening to the student’s needs and creating content based on those needs.

This is going to be my answer :

I would like to work in your company because I like the way that you promote your brand also, I know that this company is especially good in the IT area, I have experience in this area working in Quality Assurance.

My goal is to deliver software of the best quality that satisfies the needs of the clients. I have implemented strategies that have improved the quality of software by 60% and lowered the cost of possible fails.

Since I have worked in different industries ensuring quality, I adapt to any project that you assign me.

I’m sure I would be a good match for this position. I’m interested in working with an awesome company like this that is the forefront of technology, and I am committed to do my best.


This has been so far the hardest question to answer but here we go:
First, I must confess I am a huge fan of your brand and products. I have been a long-time customer of yours, so I am a first-hand witness of your quality and passion for every detail. Nothing would make me happier than to collaborate directly with this great company bringing all my expertise, knowledge, and commitment to achieve your saving goals.
I am proud to say that despite the difficult moment the world’s economy was crossing in the year 2020 due to COVID lockdown I successfully managed to implement a cost-reduction opportunity for my former company which contributed in a 4USD car-set reduction in A-Price and a 3USD car-set reduction in B-Price.
I do consider myself to be the best choice for this position and I am ready to show you all what I am capable to accomplish.

I admire your Company. I have read about growing professionally in your Call Center and there are really good testimonies about this. I know that is one of the biggest Call Centers and not only offer the oportunity to work On site if not you give the opportunity to work at home at full time or a partial time and this is perfect for what I’m looking for.
With my passion for doing the best and working here. I know that I will be a great employee for improving your customer service or sales.

I admire Platzi, because your company’s culture, and results in the lives of all your students.
In platzi We can improve our quality of life through a better salary.
I´am goal- oriented and I reach the extra mile on projects.
I like to work in a team, and add value. I adapt easily and work very well with other people.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position.

  • Each and every day, I provide exceptional customer service, create a positive work culture to improve the customer experience,  and advocate for continuous process improvement.
  • I would like to contribute and support the state of Nebraska communities.
  • Focus on my performance and customer service to exceeds all expectations.
  • Find ways to be more effective and more efficient on my day-to-day performance goes  above and beyond, while serving customers.
  • Following best practices and upholding the vision, mission, and values.
  • Flexibility - 100% remote position
  • learn the “LEAN 6 SIGMA” mentality of process improvement

Since I have worked with people from differnt countries I adapt easily and work will other people.


  • research the company.
  • Competencies that company values,
    • skills and experience you will bring to the company.
  • Company needs.
  • Likes about the company.
  • the best fit for the role”,
    • examples on how you achieve goals.



I would like to work in your company, as I have seen you are doing pretty amazing things to convert hours in minutes to bring customers an excel response.
I am a proactive person, focused on the goals that I have in front of me, I coordinate well with my co-workers and I adapt easily to the team.
I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I am interested in the business what you’re doing.

I admire the place that your company’s have in the industry and the solutions and services your company provides as well as the culture and work environment telus has many awards and recognitions for workplace Excellence.

I am a goal-oriented person i deliver my best version to reach the bests results, and always give the best solution for the product.

Since i have experience working with people with very amazing people in this field i adapt easily and work well with the team.

i am sure would be a good match for this position. Because i think it would be a ver enriching experience and i think work with the best talent would make me be better and inspire my to give my best to reach all the goals with the team and the company

I would like to work here because I want to grow in a company that leads innovative projects and creates excellent digital experiences. I seek to challenge myself and grow in the field of web development, always being positive about things I don’t know and always looking for a solution. In my previous job, I was in charge of developing HTML templates for emails on a platform called Marketo, although I did not know the platform, I investigated and was able to implement a solution that solved the problem for the layout of emails on that platform, reducing HTML layout time for designers and increasing customer production and shipping capacity for email campaigns.

I’ve finished differents courses in Platzi, and I can assure you that this course is one the better, thank you, teacher, I’ve enjoyed this course a lot!

I would like to work in a research laboratory because when I analized my passions I found that I love de science and I want to help people generating knowledge through different experiments.
I have a lot experience since the University because I always was involved in different research groups. Additionally, I have more than 4 years of professional experiencie in the laboratories for different kind of substances. I have learned different techniques and I have been participating in international audits.
I am sure I would be a good adition for your laboratory because I guarantee punctuality, responsability, pasion and creation inside your institution.

Why should we hire you?

I am very attracted to your company,
and I know that the various projects
you work on are ideal for applying
and developing my skills.
I am very adaptable, passionate for
continuous learning and problem-solving
oriented, such as reducing by 100%
the paper used in an information
gathering process.
Since I have worked with people from various
knowledge areas I have developed my
skills like teamwork and critical thinking.
I am sure I would be a good match
for this position. I am interested in mobile
development and I am committed to use my
skills to achieve company goals.

I believe that I am the right choice to work as a teacher at your school because I believe that teaching is not only about imparting knowledge, teaching is listening to students and guiding them. This means they will be surrounded by nurturing people and they will become nurturing people too. Owing to my 7+years of teaching experience, I am sure that I will be a great contributor in many ways.

Why should we hire you?
Because my experience is very aligned with the requirements that you ask for this job. I have almost five years’ experience in the Air Conditioning manufacturing industry, advancing from my beginnings as a project engineer in the research and development area, to my current position as leader of design and projects.
I have experience providing technical support to customers about air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, providing training services, support in installations and diagnosing common failures in systems, all this in order to offer a complete solution.
In addition, my strong values and work ethic means that I will always work with a very high performance. I am someone who continually strives to improve, and I will always take responsibility for my own personal and professional development.

As you well know, as a company you are clearly a leader within the industry and I feel that I have the skills and qualities to do the job with an excellent performance. I’m interested in this job because I feel this role will give me a new challenge. It is clear to see you have strong and exciting plans for the future and I would like to be a part of your journey. It is also clear that you support your employees, so this is a real opportunity to train and develop within the company, this is something that is very much appealing to me as I always like to grow and improve as an employee.
Also, I had the opportunity to speak with some employees who currently work at this company, and they really only have positive things to say about. Many of them have worked for some years and are motivated and happy in their work, so if I am successful in the selection process, I would love to stay for a long time as part of the team.

I admire your company’s because they focus on improving the Technologies of transmission systems, added to this they think about the life quality of their employees.

I’m oriented to contribute with my knowledge, giving the final client a viable and good solution through teamwork.

I like work with people from different countries because you can expand the things that you know and at the same time when is the process to develop projects we can have more points of view.

I am sure I would be a good match for this position. I’m interested in contributing to the development of the electrical grid in the country

I really like how the company steps in the industry, always looking for tech innovations to achieve the communication goals, but also putting the focus on the social and cultural things that matter, like diversity. I have had a wide variety of projects for big brands and tight deadlines. Passing through for all the steps in the process, like modeling, shading, animation, and also postproduction areas, like composition, color correction, and more. I have over 4 years of working with clients, having the opportunity to learn about the times and the pipeline to achieve great results. I am a very organized person, I like to have all in the right place and named correctly. I have an unstoppable drive for achieving visual perfection.

I would like to work at Plattzi because I will have feed back from my job. I will continue learning. We are going to work in team and we will find solutions to problems together-


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I admire your company for its capacity for innovation, order, management and all faithfully demonstrated by its seniority. I would love to work for you in managing the cloud services that are currently growing. I admire that area because it is where it encompasses everything related to information management and business service, and for me, it represents something very innovative and avant-garde, leaving behind the rustic methods for business administration.
I consider capable to develop this job successfully because I have medium knowledge about how to work the software, networks, server configurations, network security, and I have a few courses about cloud services fundamentals such as infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, security, artificial intelligence.