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Talking about your skills and competencies


Es el momento de la entrevista en el que debes hablar sobre tus habilidades y competencias laborales.

Habilidades Vs. competencias

Comienza entendiendo la diferencia entre habilidades y competencias.

  • Competencies are much broader than skills.
  • Skills are specific to a task. A skill is the ability to resolve problems and perform tasks.
  • Competencies involve skills, abilities, and knowledge. They are your qualification for a job.

Ejemplos para diferenciar habilidades y competencias:

Adaptability Commercial awareness
Attention to details Creative thinking
Problem-solving skills Critical thinking
Teamwork Decision-making
Work ethics Focus
Analytical skills Leadership
Design skills Organization
Presentation skills Persuasive communication
Language skills Responsibility
Technical skills Result orientation

Consejos para hablar sobre tus habilidades y competencias

  • Review the job description again.
  • Include in your answer the skills and competencies that are relevant to the job.
  • Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) to talk about your skills and how you applied them.
  • Keep your answer clear and concise.

Ejemplo para comunicar tus aptitudes y destrezas:

Due to my technical skills and knowing a second language, I have a natural ability to get along with people and participate in teams with many talents. I have built a good relationship with work colleagues and I like to help them to improve their skills. I would like to learn new technologies quickly and use my abilities to get goals for the company and our team.

Puedes enfocar tus habilidades y competencias de acuerdo a la necesidad de la empresa que te entrevistará. Pero sé sincero con esto, no mientas en tus habilidades y tendrás más oportunidades de que te contraten.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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Preguntas 3

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

A Small Note about STAR Technique:

Now my skills and competencies:
Due to my technical skills and attention to detail I have built a good relationship with my coworkers. I’m disposed to help in any moment, I have problem-solving skills and I have a good memory.
In my first job, I had to answer calls in the data center to keep slots machines online, so this was an excellent experience because I was learning something all day and people acquired trust for me.
More ahead, when I was working as Logistic Manager my boss in Spain recognized my job with a travel to do a meeting with our CEO and explain the process that I helped to create for planning tasks in the technical department and improve ours results during more than a year in Panama.

During my last job I was recognized for being a very proactive person, who always want to learn something new and wants to help the most I can. With this I have develop a good relationship with my coworkers and people from other departments.
My knowledge of the English language has opened me the doors to deal with international suppliers in order to give advice or technical support when the time to fix a machine or a robot comes.
in the other hand, every six months during my technical evaluations I have always succeeded with good scores.

One of my skills I was recognized by my co-workers was that I have built good relationships with the project team during my business travel which the main purpose was to receive a training, so that has positive results because I was able to listen and understand their needs and have mutual confidence about tasks that are required to be done.
Therefore, I am organized and very careful with details to try to avoid mistakes and future problems which have helped me to get a high score in my evaluation every 6 months and last but not least, keep a cooperative attitude with everyone to remove blockers from the process and reach the project’s goals.

Due to my adaptability to change and teamwork skills, I have the ability to get along with people from different sectors and this has helped me to create connections in previous positions. I have built good relationships with co-workers and clients in a memorable amount of time as I have actively listened to them in order to understand their needs and be able to deliver exactly what they want. Additionally, my critical thinking and attention to detail have helped me improve my manual test work, as well as planning and organizing skills, and goal orientation.
In my different jobs, I had to learn to do many tasks and that was possible thanks to those skills, continuous learning and the fact that I always maintain a positive attitude.

I love my profession, in my previous jobs I had the opportunity to solve different problems, I contributed with the optimization of processes, reduction of execution times, application of new technologies and creation or correction of systems. Decreased customer response time, more accurate information and a new way of working.

Excellent, I have learned a new concept: STAR method:
S= Situation
T= Taks
A= Action
R= Result.

Thank you!

My Hard Skills:

  • Web Development
  • Logic and strategy
  • English

My Soft Skills:

  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Respect

My Competencies:

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Manage Performance
  • Responsibility
  • Critical Thinking

(S) In my last job I received requirements for the (T) new interfaces and (A) I realised new suggestions to improve the process, ® this allowed us to advance safely in the next steps and have not reprocess.

Due to my communication skills, actively listen and knowing the customer service I have a natural ability to get along with people from different areas in any company and that has helped me stand out and create connections with the stakeholders, product owner, scrum master and the development team members in a project. I have built good relationships with work colleagues and clients in a short amount of time since I actively listen to them in order to understand their needs to be able to deliver exactly what they want. With the quality assurance that they need in a software.
In all my jobs, I had to work with the stakeholders, product owner, scrum master and the development team from the projects in the that I have been and it was challenging but I kept a positive attitude and had a really good success rate. Because I always had a good relationship with who interacted with me.

I love the STAR method. I share an example, thanks for your feedback.

During my job, I have been recognized by my boss due to have the ability of speaking English that allowed me to communicate with another people to solve a technical problem in my company.
That has been my only recognition in my job so far.

Due to my decision-making and organization skills, I have a natural ability to recognize when my students have problems and make better decisions his learning. I have built good relationships with them, and with the parents. Thanks to my empathy, I actively listened to them to understand them, and worked individually with each of them for better and happy learning, achieving most of them were on two o three grades up your escolar grade.

This class was really helpful, but I still had trouble identifying the skills and competencies for my resume.
If you were as tangled as I was, you can also read this article that I found to clarify your doubts:


I’m outcome, committed, and a leader, I like work with teamwork, and work ethic is very important to me. Added to this I’m a creative person that works focus on their tasks and projects, I have experience working with different software circuit design.
In a university project, I had to design system protection using the software ETAP, also with my classmates, we had to design a transmission line taking into account the different norms and policies to complete that project.

I really enjoy what I do and my profession, in my previous jobs I had the opportunity to solve different problems, I contributed with implementation of software using different ETL tools, I have the chance to apply new technologies and creation or correction of systems. I have Excellent personal relationships and analytical skills. High level of responsibility and committed in performing different functions. Interested in
continuing to learn and obtain new knowledge and skills.

Due to my self-discipline I have a natural ability to work sorted to allow me focus and be goal oriented. I also pay attention to details, I promote good relationships with my work colleagues and I figure it out proactively by listening actively to stakeholders in order to understand their needs to be able to deliver exactly what the software that they want.
In my last job I had to implement a sort of microservices to allow business capacities to print Credit Cards and integrate to the printer third party API and it was challenging because of the deadline but I kept a proactive attitude and finished it in term.

I have good writing skills due to my law career. In fact during the university I had to redact a lot of papers like judgment commentary, essay, dissertation. So now I feel at ease with this exercice.

Furthermore, I learn very quickly and I’m adaptable. I can perform several tasks at the same time taking into account the order of priority.

Thanks to the challenge I had in my previous job, about web design, I discovered that I am much more passionate about interface design than social media design.
I acquired new skills, such as wireframes sketches for websites, applications,
As for design skills, I can produce wireframes, design websites, apps, I can create style guides, user flows.
And thanks to the studio, I can contribute in all stages of the design process.

I have a natural ability to get along with people from different countries, and that has helped me stand out and create connections in previous positions. I have built good relationships with work colleagues and clients in a short amount of time, since I actively listen to them in order to understand their needs to be able to deliver exactly what they want.
When working on claims, clients are usually upset, for me, it is important to keep a positive attitude and had an excellent success rate.

😃 I share my pitch
Due to my organization and leaderchip I have a natural ability to handle a long team and that has helped me get high productivity rates. I have built good relationships with work colleagues in a short amount of time.

I am a responsible person and that stands for someone who commits with the project deadlines. I usually help others when needed and even when not which makes me empathize with people and hence makes me a key person into the work team.

Skills and competences

From my current rol in the company my hard skills and soft skills have let me share knowlege and create an excellent relationship with my coworkers. Especially my knowledge about reactive programing and micro-services along with my facility to teach and good communication let us build a theoretical and practical plan for 2020 which it gave to coworkers the knowledge needed to develop software with the new technological stack. Also, it avoid some insourcing coworkers with high business kowledge and high soft skills to be replace for new coworkers with high hard skills in the new technological stack but with no business knowledge and unknown soft skills.

Due to my critical thinking and attention to detail I was be able to contribute to solve different problems and got better results in the projects that I participated. I’m disposed to help others and I share knowledge, in consequence of that I have built a good relationship with my coworkers.

During my last job , I was training with several technologies and worked with people from other countries. I developed web projects with microservices architecture where I had to research and implemented new features. I learnt to deliver tasks with quality assurance, best practices and I measured my progress during each sprint and focused on the deadline.

Due to my communication, I have built good relationships with work colleagues and clients in a short amount of time since I actively listen to them in order to understand their needs to be able to deliver exactly what they want.
Always I am keeping update with any SEO change that affect the projects of my clients and i responsibility to communicate what new strategies we need to improve to get results or don’t be affected for the news changes in SEO. I also I am keeping learning about new trends, changes and update that Google
In my first job I had to make and learn in the process what changes needs the project of the company to increased organic traffic and increment conversions, and it was challenging, but I kept a positive attitude and had a really good success rate.

Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) to talk about your skills and how you applied them…

I really enjoy what I do and my profession, in my previous jobs I had the opportunity to solve different problems, I contributed with implementation of software using different ETL tools, I have the chance to apply new technologies and creation or correction of systems.

Due to my adaptability skills I’ve been able to be immersed in different sectors, and along with my problem-solving skills I faced every situation, trying to get better benefits for the company. I am organized and very careful with the details. In my last job, I was always recognized for Identifying issues that may result in additional charges, late trucks, and lack of capacity for all parties involved with the shipment. I also have the ability to build good relations and get along with people. In my last experience I had the opportunity to be part of a team of more than 100 co-workers between different departments, due to the operations we were interconnected and always require assistance between us, my teamwork ability was proved there.

Due to my technical skills and my experience with customers, I have ability to get requirements to the client and know what solution need on the system.
I have built a good relationships with my coworkers and clients and We can work together with a good communication. In my last job I had to talk with partners to US in order to help us, solve problems, and define timeline of projects, It was challenging but I found the way to communicate with them and work together to achieve goals.

To me is very important any points that can allow me to continue grow up like: adaptability. I am a adptable person to my circumstances. I like teamwork and to get along with people and this helped me to have very good laboral environment previous. It’s very important the work ethics. I love to public speak and I think that I am a person that I like language skills.

I am a focus person in what I purpose, I like to be this form becuase I believe that is the way of achieve important things in the life. I like take on responsabilities of decision making due to that I believe that my results dependent on the decision that I took before. I like to be the role of the leadership because this make me feel comfortable in every place wheren I am.

Due to my adaptability to change and teamwork skills, I’m able to work with people from different sectors and that has helped me stand out and gained several experiences.
I have built good relationships with work colleagues and customers in a short amount of time because I actively listen to them to understand exactly what they want.
In my previous job, I had the responsibility of optimize processes and execute technical skills, so I was recognized in my job for my proactivity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills achieving some goals like improved production rates and decreased routine errors.
In my first job, I had to contact customers to make sales and affiliations and it was challenging but I kept a Positive attitude and had a Really success rate, also, I learned customer service and acquired Excellent communication skills.

Due to my communication skills and my leadership skills, I have a natural ability to get along with people and that has helped me to stand out and to create connections in my previous jobs positions.
During my last job I was recognized for being a very proactive person, organized and very careful with details. With this I have develop a good relationship with my coworkers, and I try to learn something new and help the most I can.

One of my skills is my good communication with work colleagues and I have the ability to leadership teams to improve their skills. During my career I learned another language, due to I can adaptively in different organizations and focus on new projects. I would like to learn new skills and technologies to contribute the company and get goals. Additionally, I’m organized and careful with details in projects, bring me good scored and goals.

Thanks you

One of my skill was to look for solution out of the box, an example is when in my old job my boss wasn’t able to make advertising for his business because his business was a smoke shop and the terms for making ads in meta ads banned all thing related with smoking, so we have a real challenge because my boss really wanted to make advertising by Facebook and Instagram, so I read the terms of meta and I found some loopholes that we can use to make ads in a creative way, for example on ads was only the logo of the business inviting the user to join our special customers program, if the customer wants to join the program he or she will fill a survey with his email and name and with that information I will add this people to our database and send them promotions and events via email, and in the email I can show photos or our products related with tobacco.

My persuasive communication and creative thinking have allowed me to create content valuable to specific audiences, I can find a way to express an idea in a simpler and more respectful manner. Due to my attention to detail and organization not only have I managed to proofread all types of content before it was published, but I have also helped to improve the process of content creation between graphic designers and account executives. Although I’m not a designer, I can create a minimum viable product through Canva, personalizing templates and making them fit into your brand style.


ne of my skills I was recognized by my co-workers was that I have built good relationships with the project team during my business travel which the main purpose was to receive a training, so that has positive results because I was able to listen and understand their needs and have mutual confidence about tasks that are required to be done.


the story begging


Due to my communication skills, adaptability, and knowing a second language I have a natural ability to communicate effectively with co-workers. That has helped me stand out and create connections in previous positions. I have built good relationships with work colleagues.
In all my jobs, I have faced various challenges, but I always maintain a positive attitude and a really good success rate, because I always have a good relationship with the people who interact with me.

<h5>HARD SKILLS</h5>
  • Analytical skills
  • Language skills
  • Technical skills
  • Presentations
<h5>SOFT SKILLS</h5>
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving
  • work ethics
  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Leadership
  • Focus
  • Organization
  • Responsibility



I’m outcome, committed, and a leader, I like work with teamwork, and work ethic is very important to me. Added to this I’m a creative person that works focus on their tasks and projects, I have experience working with different software circuit design.

I love the STAR method. I share an example, thanks for your feedback.

(S) In my last job I received requirements for the (T) new interfaces and (A) I realised new suggestions to improve the process, ® this allowed us to advance safely in the next steps and have not reprocess.

My Hard Skills:

Web Development
Logic and strategy
My Soft Skills:

Time management
My Competencies:

Conflict Resolution
Manage Performance
Critical Thinking

During my job, I have been recognized by my boss due to have the ability of speaking English that allowed me to communicate with another people to solve a technical problem in my company.
That has been my only recognition in my job so far

Excellent, I have learned a new concept: STAR method:
S= Situation
T= Taks
A= Action
R= Result.

Thank you!

Due to my adaptability to change and teamwork skills, I have the ability to get along with people from different sectors and this has helped me to create connections in previous positions. I have built good relationships with co-workers and clients in a memorable amount of time as I have actively listened to them in order to understand their needs and be able to deliver exactly what they want. Additionally, my critical thinking and attention to detail have helped me improve my manual test work, as well as planning and organizing skills, and goal orientation.
In my different jobs, I had to learn to do many tasks and that was possible thanks to those skills, continuous learning and the fact that I always maintain a positive attitude.

I love my profession, in my previous jobs I had the opportunity to solve different problems, I contributed with the optimization of processes, reduction of execution times, application of new technologies and creation or correction of systems. Decreased customer response time, more accurate information and a new way of working.

One of my skills I was recognized by my co-workers was that I have built good relationships with the project team during my business travel which the main purpose was to receive a training, so that has positive results because I was able to listen and understand their needs and have mutual confidence about tasks that are required to be done.
Therefore, I am organized and very careful with details to try to avoid mistakes and future problems which have helped me to get a high score in my evaluation every 6 months and last but not least, keep a cooperative attitude with everyone to remove blockers from the process and reach the project’s goals.

Very good

During my last job I was recognized for being a very proactive person, who always want to learn something new and wants to help the most I can. With this I have develop a good relationship with my coworkers and people from other departments.
My knowledge of the English language has opened me the doors to deal with international suppliers in order to give advice or technical support when the time to fix a machine or a robot comes.
in the other hand, every six months during my technical evaluations I have always succeeded with good scores.

Great picture of the STAR Method. And regarding your skills, I think they are clear and reliable

good class

I’m outcome, committed, and a leader, I like work with teamwork, and work ethic is very important to me. Added to this I’m a creative person that works focus on their tasks and projects, I have experience working with different software circuit design.
In a university project, I had to design system protection using the software ETAP, also with my classmates, we had to design a transmission line taking into account the different norms and policies to complete that project.

Excellent, I have learned a new concept: STAR method:
S= Situation
T= Taks
A= Action
R= Result.

Thank you!

Due to my adaptability to change and teamwork skills, I have the ability to get along with people from different sectors and this has helped me to create connections in previous positions. I have built good relationships with co-workers and clients in a memorable amount of time as I have actively listened to them in order to understand their needs and be able to deliver exactly what they want. Additionally, my critical thinking and attention to detail have helped me improve my manual test work, as well as planning and organizing skills, and goal orientation.
In my different jobs, I had to learn to do many tasks and that was possible thanks to those skills, continuous learning and the fact that I always maintain a positive attitude.


During my last job I was recognized for being a very proactive person, who always want to learn something new and wants to help the most I can. With this I have develop a good relationship with my coworkers and people from other departments.
My knowledge of the English language has opened me the doors to deal with international suppliers in order to give advice or technical support when the time to fix a machine or a robot comes.
in the other hand, every six months during my technical evaluations I have always succeeded with good scores

I have the qualities and skills necessary to be part of the program, attention to detail, ability to adapt, autonomous work, research and critical thinking, decision making, following processes or tasks, and proactivity.

During the pandemic, the hotel was about to close completely, and this would affect the team, so we sought in various ways to find new customers to raise operating costs. We presented ourselves to 9 bids; it was a lot of hard work, consulting and researching bids, reviewing all necessary documentation, and implementing changes and biosecurity protocols or COVID. I remember that in one day we set up a complete door and created a room for waste treatment. We finished the cost study, reduced the costs to a minimum, and sent the documentation. Of those nine bids, only one came out. It was to host medical personnel who could not go home for different reasons and protocols. It was the most challenging experience and the one I learned the most.

The main skill for which I was always recognized by my peers is problem-solving. I used to be just a logical and analytical person, but I realized how important creativity and communication are in finding solutions, so I worked hard actively listen to people, learning from them and being a better person. Now I love networking, backpacking, taking more risks and it really helped me combine those skills to be a better problem solver.


I’m a very proactive person, who always wants to learn something new and wants to help. I have developed a good relationship with my coworkers and people from other departments and other countries.
In my previous jobs, I had the opportunity to solve different problems, apply new technologies and learn new programs to meet goals.
I have Excellent personal relationships. High level of responsibility and commitment in performing different functions.
Interested in continuing to learn and obtain new knowledge and skills.

Due to my attention to details and organization skills, I have the ability to follow processes and take into account the most relevant details needed. I’m a result oriented person, in situations where I don’t have everything I need, I make sure I know where I can find the answers to keep working and bring solutions to the team.

My hard skills

  • Power Platform
  • SQL

My soft skills

  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Effective communication


  • Leadership
  • Organization
  • Persuasive Communication

Since I was a child, I have always liked traveling and learning other languages. Over the years those hobbies helped me to develop the ability to get along with people from different countries, so I have been able to perfectly adapt to international working environments. Moreover, I am used to build good relationships with colleagues and suppliers in a short amount of time since I actively listen to them to come up with a win-to-win deal that could benefit both parties.
As an executive assistant there was a time, I had to reorganize the office furniture and because I had created key connections in previous departments, I could replace most of the old desks, bring new drawers and add some decoration with the last photoshoot of our vehicles. It was a bit challenging due to my deadline. I wanted to surprise my boss the next Monday when he had returned from a business trip and there were a lot of small details involved but I kept confident of my planning skills. Everything flowed according to plan and most important that next Monday I got my boss surprised.

skills and competencies

Due my communication skills, teamwork and my active listening I could get along with coworkers, customers and suppliers creating connections in my previous positions.

I’m so organized and I have a fast learning curve that helps me to addapt easily, I’m proactive and love for knowledge trying to learn a lot in each opportinity, something that helps me to do a better job throught time.

Due to my technical skills and knowing a second language I have a natural ability to get along with people and participate in teams with many talents. I have built a good relationship with work colleagues and I like to help them to improve their skills. I would like to learn new technologies quickly and use my abilities to get goals for the company and our team.

Well, I have the ability to pay attention all details because it´s very important for me because i can see what client want the my product or my service. Also i like work in teamwork because it´s more easy we all complete de goals or objectives.

In my last work i worked my skill on investigation with a methodology the benchmarking for i know " What users want with my product?

And i considered i´m a leadership because in the past i leader different process and people for develop his abilities.

Due to my Agile processes, Creative Thinking and Responsibility I was recognized in my last job for my** efficiency and recursive solutions to deliver graphic and audiovisual projects** that the communication department needed on very short deadlines.

I built good relationships with my teamwork and clients in a short time since I listen very well in order to identify their needs.

Due to my active listening, my knowledge, great tone of voice, use of the power words I had been congrats not only for the campaign manager but directly from the client for the way how I establish a rapport communication with the customers achieving that the customers don´t close their account.

Thanks to my experience in marketing and advertising agencies, I have developed the ability to adapt to changes, also developing response skills to solve problems. In these years of experience and thanks to my last job, I have developed leadership skills, understanding the needs of a team and the organization of work that this may entail for success in carrying out web projects.

I did write the next paragraph order to answer the
What makes you unique?

Thanks to my problem solving skills,
critical thinking and knowing of a second language
I have a natural ability to learn
diverse technologies in a relative short time
and that has helped me stand out in
previous positions. I have built good
relationships with my coworkers and
clients in a short amount of time since I
actively listen to them in order to
understand their needs and be able to deliver
exactly what they want.
In my first job I had to design and develop
a mobile application to collect data
to feed a sustainability assessment system.
It was a challenging process of learning
and continuous improvement that culminated
in a successful way with a product
of great value for the team.

As an experienced teacher communication, patience, critical thinking, and leadership are required for creating lesson plans, working with administrators, and interacting with parents, and, besides creating a conducive learning environment that facilitates the development of my students. Due to the pandemic, the way of teaching has changed and adaptability and flexibility are important to face a new teaching way using technology in my daily work.

I have develop the skill of getting along with parents because I have worked as a teahcer. The you need to form a team with parents at the school. So the education of students will be better if we made a team.

This class should have a example for every career Platzi has.


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

Due to my technical ability to program and design software architecture, I have a natural ability to solve business problems in the field of information technology, throughout my years as a systems engineer I have made friends with coworkers from the same field thus strengthening my taste for my work.

Something that I am proud is that I am very organized. Lists, calendars, deadlines, planning are my best friends and I am totally comfort with them, and that lead me to the responsibility and reach goals. This routine or method make me also adaptable and analytical.

For teamwork I always look feedback, good conversations, kindness and collaboration, and that is what I give in return.

Also I am good at talk in public and make presentations, in meeting with clients and resolve their doubts and actively listening to them, for example, answer their questions about our work and ask them what they need from us.

Due to my management, operations, sales, marketing, and product skills, I have a natural ability to adapt and work with different professional profiles.

I have worked in traditional companies and many startups, so I understand how each part of a business works.

I have had experiences talking with the press and thousands of hours behind a desk on a computer.

I have been an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur as an employee. All of this makes me a complete resource for a leading and senior role.

Because of my communication skills, responsibility and creative thinking, Yulianna, the person in charge of the marketing team in the Hotel selected me to cover Yulissa's days off in her team. I worked for a week there creating profiles of possible guests for the high season in order to make a good marketing poster that attracted people to the hotel and restaurant and completing databases. I was very happy to help and also I learned a lot about marketing, I had some previous knowledge that I applied with success.

im gonna say that i was practicing so hard skills like:
Multitasking, problem solving, team working among others.
Now i feel confidence when i practice this skills in my real life and my job. I am learning every day how to improve my skills and capabilities,

Due to my adaptability and communication skills, I have gotten along with other people that have helped to have a good work environment. I have built good relations with work colleagues since I help them to learn new technologies. In my first job, I had to train my new colleagues in order to solve clients’ problems I was persistent and patient and they learned really fast.

I think one of my most important competences is that i’m a logic and results oriented person, i’m able to make detailed plans for specific goals to achieve them in a consistent and successful way, understanding the priorities in my job and the tasks i have to do in order to get the best possible result. Also i have great communication skills thanks to the opportunity of working with people and clients around the globe, i always do my best to keep meaningful and professional relations with my co-workers and the customes that i have the opportunity to help.

I’m thorough and tenacious. When I’m on a project, I keep track of the details. Because I have a comprehensive understanding of the components, I can spot the essentials. I regularly see this reflected in my peer and management feedback.

Due to my communication skills and knowing English as a second language, I have a natural ability to get along with people from different countries, and that has helped me stand out and create connections.
During my job position as Coordinator of the Operations System department, I had to refer to user guides and technical manuals written in English in order to research and implement solutions. Also, report systems failures to vendors or/and system providers. Make phone calls in English, write emails, and perform remote communications using tools like VPN, Radmin, or Remote Desktop.
Over the years at El Universal, I built good relationships with work colleagues and users since I actively listen to them to understand their needs, and to be able to develop active empathy and deliver exactly what they wanted.

I have built good relationships with work colleagues and clients in a short amount of time since I actively listen to them to understand their needs to be able to deliver exactly what they want.
At college, I was part of a chapter of students in which we had to deliver many projects for the college, in 2020 was very difficult due to COVID - 19, but I encourage the team to keep a positive attitude and to adapt our projects to a new “virtual” world.

I have never stopped thinking about the difference between skill and competence, it makes sense now

Due to my communication skills and knowing a second language even without had had long conversations with English native speakers yet I have been able to get conversations in this language naturally, and eventually I have built good relationships, including when I was younger and had little conversations to sell some products to foreigners.

Thanks to my autonomy being a student I developed time management, it made me get better grades each semester at the University, in addition to that, I joined the research hotbed to make a research about different language acquisition theories to improve my learning process and teaching methods thanks to that I helped classmates to apply different ways to improve their knowledge and in the same time mine.

Due to my persuasive communication skills and knowing a second language I have a natural ability to connect ideas with people from different countries and adapt quickly. And that has helped my leadership to carry out activities within teamwork.

Also, good listening for consulting tasks to gather information, getting an overview to integrate both technical and procedure documentation with function manuals. I have great attention to detail to put them together.

In my last 2 jobs, I had to follow-up activities with stakeholders to close every bidding process and integrate the procedure documentation for the administrative-financial area.

I´m result-oriented to complete challenges, as I proved myself in the ministry open call for digital business discovery. Also, I had a team I charge, which made me improved my organization’s skills from my own perspective and the team members.

Which makes me able to new challenges, putting tasks along with other´s people skills in order.

Due to I have to lead the project of the lab in my University I develop leadership competencies, It wasnt easy at first but I learned a lot of things now I have the experience and confidence to lead projects and the curiiosity of how improve them. But also bieng emphatic, and communicate efectively with my partners and co workers. I really love leading beacause is the best way to combinate you kindness with others and your habilities to make hard decicions trying to act with justice.

😄 Summary: Situation - Task - Action - Result