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What are your strengths and weaknesses?


Hablar de tus fortalezas y debilidades será un momento clave en tus entrevistas de trabajo.

Cómo hablar acerca de tus fortalezas y debilidades

Como siempre, la sinceridad es lo más importante. Prepara tu respuesta siguiendo algunos consejos.

  • Be prepared
  • Be brief
  • Be honest
  • Give an example
  • When talking about your strengths, focus on the role are applying for; don’t do this when talking about your weaknesses.
  • Mention a weakness you had and how you improved, or a weakness you are working on.

Fortalezas y debilidades

Strengths Weaknesses
Collaborative Do not ask enough questions
Detail-oriented It has been difficult for me to ask for help
Disciplined I can be impulsive
Driven I try to please everyone
Empathetic I have a tendency of being competitive
Flexible I am an introvert
Innovative Limited experience in a skill that is not relevant to the role
Organized Take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating
Respectful Too self-critical
Trustworthy and Reliable Shy when speaking in public


Ejemplo de cómo puedes hablar de tus fortalezas y debilidades


I am detail-oriented in projects I work on. I like to lead the team and collaborate with co-workers without knowledge. I am very organized and disciplined, and I prioritize communication instead of anything. It’s the most important skill in a team.


Sometimes I recognize I am slow with my work. Being too detailed makes me slow with my task. But I have to say my work quality is very well when I deliver projects, and I am happy about that.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy.

Examples that I consider the most common strengths and weaknesses:

3 Strengths

  • I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
  • I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
  • I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.

3 Weaknesses

  • I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
  • I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
  • Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.

Hi, thanks for any feedback!


I adapt easily to changes and take them as opportunities. For example, we started using Zephyr of Atlassian Software Tools at work recently, so I was between first people to use it effectively. Be flexible, it has helped me to know a new tool for my job and it has done that I am much more organized and much more detail oriented.


I was naturally shy and in my current position I have had to participate in trainings of the use software tools our job and that have made me extremely nervous.
So, I decided to “jump in” and make it. It really helped me a lot and now, although, that follow to made me extremely nervous; I am trying to encourage that are shy in the communities in the that I am, to try different techniques I learned, so they can also participate in these meetings or trainings. For example, I have a meeting on Saturdays, in the that with two of my mates and me lead and practice for improving our skills in English.

One of my weaknesses is about speaking in public. I’m working to improve that skill, this course Curso de Oratoria y Hablar en Público helps a lot.

My strengths are: I am a very good team player; I am very empathetic with everybody, I have the idea that we are on the same boat, it’s not just my department; and I am very flexible, I adapt quickly, and if not, I try to learn as fast as I can in order to fit.
My weaknesses: Sometimes I try to please everyone, because I think that I have to do it in order to make more friends. Another is that I can be impulsive, some times I try to fix it all without asking questions because I think I am ready for the challenge, and I know that I can not omit my manager,

Strenghts: I am a discipline person, I start my week and even my day planning what I need to do because I like to make my day to be worth it. When I have the opportunity I like to be a lider and guide a team for the best way and finally I considerer myself a collaborative person, if someone need help I give them my hand.
Weaknesses: I can feel a little bit of stress if I don’t have the control of things, but I have learned that always I can´t control everything. Sometimes I don’t make questions and I could be very self-critical.

Strengths: I take difficult situations as a challenge to growth and improve my skills and knowledge, I’m very resilient and also I have strong technical knowledge in networking, I’m consistently learning new skills in order to be more productive and deliver more value to the company.
I’m aware that in some situations I tend to be a little introvert for example in social situations outside the office, however I’m working in this weakness and I think I’m doing real good improvement in that aspect.


I adapt easily to changes and actually take them as opportunities. For example, in the last months, I have had to improve my English skills to pitch for the first time in my life in English in an acceleration program, and I got congratulations from the staff. I like learning new things constantly and get over new challenges.


I don’t have a fluent English level yet, but since the last year, I started to study a lot. For example, I finished my Digital Product Management Specialization at the University of Virginia in English, and now I am studying on Platzi and taking some classes on Italki.

I am Collaborative person in my work team. I like to help my co-workers, also I am very curious and I keep learning new skills. For example I Study python for Data Science and I am improving my English, also I am joining a Challenge to learn cloud.
I am naturally serius, I am not shy, but In the work I am focused on the work, I like in my free time to do activities alone.

I consider myself a respectful, disciplined, organized and collaborative person with my colleagues, I always try to help others achieve their goals.

One of my weaknesses is that I take too much responsibility and do not delegate activities to my team, it is something that I have to improve because my colleagues are fully trained to carry out the task. Another thing I have to work on is asking more questions about new projects to my team.

Well, actually I’m working on my weaknesses. One of them is my tendency to be competitive, I always want to be the best, even more than I can be. I consider it a weakness because not all situations in life are a competency. You could miss the best parts of life when you’re trying to be always the best.

Some of my strengths are to be reliable as a team member and leader, I’m organized and have good communication skills

In the other hand I think I could have a problem with multitasking works it make me difficult to focus on the goals, I’m trying to improve this organezing my priorities, also a have some problems asking at the beggining but when I get a little of trust I ask everything without problems.

This course has been helping me a lot beacuse tomorrow I have an english job interview so I hope doing great and get that job.

My strengths, I am very empathetic, I hated this characteristic of me, because I tend to worry about things that have nothing to do with me. I have learned to separate what affects me from what affects other people.
My weaknesses, I don’t ask enough questions, I can be very impulsive, but I have managed to discipline myself, I used to do things without thinking about the consequences, now I take the time to think about things a little more, I can also add that I am very shy when it comes to public speaking.


I consider myself as a collaborative and empathetic person, if someone need my help and I can help it, I will; also I adapt easily to changes taken them as opportunities, because I’m driven for what I like to do.


I am working on trying not to please everyone on the team when they asking me for help, because sometimes that help can compromise other projects deadlines.

before when i applied to my first job, recruitment asked me what are your strengths and weaknesses and i answered him, one for one, but i think that a did a mistake and for that reason i cannot get the job, but ow i am feeling more sure to apply and have more possibility to get hire


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

One of the most difficult weaknesses to me has been the shyness. When I was in the school and the university when I talked in public in a presentation was the death. I forgot the words I had to say, my arms sweated, I looked at the ground and I feel all the students laughed at me and I wanted that the presentation time finished. But I made a commitment with myself and I face the weaknesses with determination because I knew that it weakness will bring me big problems at the work of work. So I took a job as a teacher in my university to face my weaknesses. At the begining was very difficult but over time I got more self confident. At that time I can say that I have made presentations with an audience of up to 500 people. I still feel fear but I know how to face it.

I’m collaborative and really like to help others. For example, in a project on Platzi Master when someone has a technical doubt, I try to help him by sending some examples with explanations and the docs. After doing that I ask him if He could. If not I offer help in a meeting.
It is very difficult for me to ask for help. When I can’t find the solution to a problem I spend a lot of time without asking for help. I’m solving this by establishing a deadline for research before asking for help.

One of my weaknesses is to delegate tasks because I want to be sure people is doing them correctly and they are going to deliver on time, I have been working on that by delegating tasks. It has been challenging.

I will archive all of this documents !

I like to learn new technologies and development languages. For example, in my last jobs I participated in the migration and creation of new systems. I worked
under pressure and with difficult problems, offering solutions to solve the situation. I love teams but also individuality, I adapt easily to the organization.


I am naturally shy when speak with many people in public. I need time for study and practice the exhibition or know the subject. I studied public speaking courses and I practice (alone) to improve.

Interesting method for to board the weaknesses, thank you Caro’!

Damn, I feel like the board with the weaknesses is really a close description of me sometimes!
But when one wants to improve and be a better person in every aspect of life, hard times come and need to be overcomed even though some sacrifices are made. No pain no gain!


I pay attention to the details to user interfaces and how I can implement a new feature of the best way. For example, when I have a new task assigned to me, I research the documentation and look for possible solutions.

I am an organized person because I like to keep an agenda with schedules that I complement with the Pomodoro technique to focus on my tasks. Also I like learning new things constantly.


I am too/overly self-critical and get stressed easily when I can’t or have trouble with a task. So I decided to take breaks and to do exercise. It really helped me to disconnect and distract myself.

Sometimes I find it hard to ask for help, but I have understood that it is very necessary to communicate with your team, so first I investigate but if I already spend a lot of time on it or I know that a colleague can help me I ask.

be prepared…

Be honest
Give an example
Be prepared
Be brief

I am a professional with a strong capacities to solving problems specially in stress or complex contexts. Generally I can maintain the calm with empathy and bring support to my boss and collegues to contribuite take decisions in a best way, organizing ideas and some alternatives, obtaining great results as a team in a project or specific task.


I have some problems maintaining the enough concentration to recieve all the instructions before to do a task and also I don´t ask all questions about it. This bring me some doubts when I need to finish that dutie and I need in the major of cases, ask again to be sure that I have all of necessary details to finish my challenge, but this is an incomfortable situation because Im a litle shy. I overall this weakness, confirming the information then to talk with my boss in order to get all imputs to complete my responsabilities.

I’m collaborative with my coworkers when we are working together on a project,
I’m organized with the task that we need to make
I’m respectful with everyone
sometimes I dont ask enough questions to get the all idea, and I’m working on it, with my partners and the other people that has a conversation with me.
Shy when speaking in public, more when I speak english, but now i trying speak english although I know that I need to practice more and improve my pronunciation and vocabulary
It has been diffficult for me to ask for help, because I thing that I should know, but now I trying to ask for help when I have a question


Experience with different ERPs, complemented with software development knowledge, accounting knowledge, financial knowledge and business sense.

Quick learner, for example, most of my previous bosses have been accountants and they have explained their needs to me in accounting terms.

Resilient, I prefer to make mistakes quickly but often and I am always looking for ways to meet goals


Improving my fluency in English, I have been dedicating time to learning and practicing since September. I am using platforms, communities, and family members to improve.

Delegating tasks correctly, especially important ones. I have been working with my team for almost a year now, training and ensuring they have the knowledge to handle any tasks.

Saying no, I like to help and make things happen, but I have found myself trying to solve problems that are outside of my area of responsibility. I am working on objectively evaluating each situation and prioritizing.


I am very organized and discipline when make a plan for a project. For example, in my previous position, we organized our first term (from January to June) of activities by Trello and Notion, so everyone knows exactly what to do each month. Then we organized the second term (from July to December). After doing it we could make future plan for 2025. That is a collaborative work using innovative digital tools.

I am naturally fearful, since I was a kid. It is a weaknesses that something does not allow me to try new things. So I decided to work on it, and I subscribed to a soft skill school from Platzi in which I took some courses to solve it. For example, I took the course to ‘How to overcome impostor syndrome’, that helped me a lot to try biggest challenges in my life.

I adapt easily to changes and take them as opportunities. I love learning new things constantly, For example, I knew about Notion so I read everything about it and How to use it effectively. After learning about it I can see that it is very useful to document company information and processes, so I and my coworkers started using Notion at work. Also, I am very respectful, innovative, trustworthy, and reliable.

I have limited experience in workgroup organization positions, so I’m learning about leadership at Platzi, and I am even an active member of their community of soft skills in Telegram, this has helped me improve other of my weaknesses like taking on too much responsibility and not being skilled at delegating

I am detail-oriented, and I try to be Innovative in projects I work on. I like to lead the team and I am respectful with my co-workers. I am very organized and disciplined.

I recognize sometimes that I am an introvert person and I have a tendency of being competitive. Even so, I always try to ensure that the quality of my work is the best when I deliver projects.

I consider myself as innovative person and I adapt easily to changes and actually take them as challenge. I like be learning frequently and never stop to do it. And I know in this company I will be full of challenges and learn news thing as skills, methodologies, etc.

Sometimes I am perfectionist and normally I come in a bossy person because I worry that everything goes well and sometimes is an advantage and other a disadvantage.


  1. I’m passion in my job and projects, I like to be organized in my role position, is one of my qualities that I have.
  2. I’m a proactive person, I’m always looking for the best results with collaboration with a team work and try to solve any issue with partners. Furthermore, I’m positive with any project until to find out the best goal.
  3. I’m an optimistic person, I’m always looking for the results, even if I don’t have the skills or sufficient knowledge to take the task. I try to find out the best method to discover the best result with collaboration with teams and partners.


  1. I realized that sometimes I introverted, I thought when I’m looking to share or ask anything, could be annoying for the rest of the team. But always prefer to work with teams, that’s provide me settings and skills to improve my tasks.
  2. Sometimes I consider that I very detailed and this may delay my work or the projects I am involved in. But my work quality is so well, and always I’m looking for the best results.
  3. I consider in some cases self-sensitive, but I’m always trying to focus on collaborate with my teams, and projects even if I don’t get the best result I will get it.


Yuo got a new job?

Hopefully lhad taked this course before

be prepared
be brief



Well, actually I’m working on my weaknesses. One of them is my tendency to be competitive, I always want to be the best, even more than I can be. I consider it a weakness because not all situations in life are a competency. You could miss the best parts of life when you’re trying to be always the best.

hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy.

hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy


  1. I consider that I am disciplined trying ever to achieve the team’s goals. being empathetic with my co-workers. always prioritizing the team’s needs over individual ones.
  2. I’m a very organized person and easy to adaptease of adapting to new work environments and challenges.
  3. I consider that I have strong leadership skills, in my previous job I managed to make my work team stand out with outstanding results because I consider myself a very empathetic person with other people, this has allowed me to identify the strengths of my colleagues and support them to perform their tasks in an effective way.


  1. I consider my biggest weakness is that I am a very competitive person because in my personal life I compete in sports. This has led me to be a very demanding person with myself and with my coworkers.
  2. One of my weaknesses is that I am a bit introverted when it comes to socializing with my coworkers because I have been a rather solitary person throughout my life. I am currently in professional therapy to improve my social relationships.
  3. One of my weaknesses is delegating tasks because I want to be sure that the person is doing them correctly and that they are going to deliver them on time, I have been working on that by delegating tasks. It has been a challenge.


I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.
3 Weaknesses

I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.

Examples that I consider the most common strengths and weaknesses:


hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy.




I don’t have a fluent English level yet, but since the last year, I started to study a lot. For example, I finished my Digital Product Management Specialization at the University of Virginia in English, and now I am studying on Platzi and taking some classes on Italki.


I adapt easily to changes and take them as opportunities. For example, we started using Zephyr of Atlassian Software Tools at work recently, so I was between first people to use it effectively. Be flexible, it has helped me to know a new tool for my job and it has done that I am much more organized and much more detail oriented.

Strengths: I take difficult situations as a challenge to growth and improve my skills and knowledge, I’m very resilient and also I have strong technical knowledge in networking, I’m consistently learning new skills in order to be more productive and deliver more value to the company.
I’m aware that in some situations I tend to be a little introvert for example in social situations outside the office, however I’m working in this weakness and I think I’m doing real good improvement in that aspect.

My strengths are: I am a very good team player; I am very empathetic with everybody, I have the idea that we are on the same boat, it’s not just my department; and I am very flexible, I adapt quickly, and if not, I try to learn as fast as I can in order to fit.
My weaknesses: Sometimes I try to please everyone, because I think that I have to do it in order to make more friends. Another is that I can be impulsive, some times I try to fix it all without asking questions because I think I am ready for the challenge, and I know that I can not omit my manager,

Strenghts: I am a discipline person, I start my week and even my day planning what I need to do because I like to make my day to be worth it. When I have the opportunity I like to be a lider and guide a team for the best way and finally I considerer myself a collaborative person, if someone need help I give them my hand.
Weaknesses: I can feel a little bit of stress if I don’t have the control of things, but I have learned that always I can´t control everything. Sometimes I don’t make questions and I could be very self-critical.

Great, thanks for your feedback. I need to improve my grammar. When we involved the people in a project, they have a better answer in it.

Hi, I think the word you are looking for is “train” instead of “capacity”.

Regarding the answer, I think it was a great idea to make the people involved in their own training.

Hi, thanks for any feedback!

3 Strengths

I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.
3 Weaknesses

I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.

Examples that I consider the most common strengths and weaknesses:

You got a new job!? congratulations!

hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy.

Well, actually I’m working on my weaknesses. One of them is my tendency to be competitive, I always want to be the best, even more than I can be. I consider it a weakness because not all situations in life are a competency. You could miss the best parts of life when you’re trying to be always the best.

Strenghts: I am a discipline person, I start my week and even my day planning what I need to do because I like to make my day to be worth it. When I have the opportunity I like to be a lider and guide a team for the best way and finally I considerer myself a collaborative person, if someone need help I give them my hand.
Weaknesses: I can feel a little bit of stress if I don’t have the control of things, but I have learned that always I can´t control everything. Sometimes I don’t make questions and I could be very self-critical.

3 Strengths

I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.
3 Weaknesses

I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.

3 Strengths

I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.
3 Weaknesses

I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.


3 Strengths

I’m a really organized person. I always try to follow an agenda or a schedule of activities, and try to finish the activities on time or before.
I’m very respectful, I know that everybody can give good ideas, but the team have the same goals.
I adapt easily to changes, if we need to change the programming language or a tool, I study a lot to be capable to use it correctly.
3 Weaknesses

I am naturally shy because I am an introvert person, but I’m working in that, I try to participate more.
I take on too much responsibility and not skilled at delegating. In this case, with the help of a schedule of activities, I can assign them to my coworkers.
Shy when speaking in public. This is really difficult for me, but I practice with myself and with some friends, when I have the opportunity, to speak more and give my ideas to the rest.

hopefully I had taken this course before search job, at final I got the job I wanted but with that knowledge it had being so easy.

I am a self-taught person, I like to constantly learn something new, I set goals all the time, both professional and personal. P.e. to finish a course in a period of time or exercise the same muscle in a time.

Teamwork is another of my strengths, I participate and work well in a team or in a group. I am loyal to the group. I fulfill my responsibilities and commitment to achieve the common goal. A curious fact, I have put my strengths to the test and teamwork is positioned in the first place.

I consider myself to be a shy person sometimes, so I decided to read some books about effective communication and body language.


  • I’m really persistent to find the best solution and deliver quality work. For example, for my capstone project I built a solution for Hydraulic modeling. Although the professors told me not to make an interface because it would be just a project, I wanted to something that everybody could use, so I learned QML, a language based on Javascript, in a month and I made an interface that everybody loved when I presented the project. Now the students of the University will use the software to learn to model.
  • I prioritize communication over anything ,It’s the most important skill in a team. We need to put aside the ego and have win/win discussions to find the best solutions.


  • I always encourage my teammates, but I’m too self-critical. I’m working on it, so every time I criticize myself, I think “Would yo tell that to a friend?”. Often the answer is ”no”.
  • I’m not patient enough. Sometimes I find myself suffering for something that has not happened yet. A year ago I started meditating to enjoy the moment more and not think so much about the future

Among my strengths are, I am an innovator. I am always looking for ways to improve something I am doing. I disciplined. I always do what I have to do to reach my objectives. I am collaborative. I am collaborative. I like work a team because I think that is the best way to reach the company objectives.

On the other head, I have weaknesses, for example, I can be impulsive, and I have a tendency of being competitive.

I’m shy, and I was scared to speak in public, so I decided to do some research, watch videos, and I’ve improved a lot. I constantly practice speaking in meetings, and I do meditation, so I can focus on those fears and anxieties.
I am very self-critical, and meditation also helps me with that. It helps me calm that inner voice, my goal is to find a kinder and more honest attitude towards myself, making my thoughts more and more aware and thus calming and eliminating them.


  • Driven, because I am a very hard-working person and I like to feel compromised with my work.

  • Flexible, because you have to leave room for changes that may be necessary in an unforeseen situation.

  • Collaborative, if I can help I will try.


  • I try to please everyone, but I’m working on that. Last time, I was finishing this project and they asked me if I could do the same for the administration department and I told them yes, but only one day a week. My top priority was the main reason why they hired me, I had a deadline and I couldn’t leave the work unfinished.

  • Too self-critical, because I want the best result possible.

  • Stress when I don’t have control of things, but I know I can’t control everything and I work on that everyday doing breathing exercises and playing video games to relax.


I am very curios I like learn everyday and share my knowledge to people grow, I like lead the team and work together, I am empatethic to help my colleagues, I am organized and disciplined.


Sometimes I am rigid because I want all work to be very good but this is negative when I demand too hard to of my colleagues’ work, they make a good effort and I am not satisfied, I am working of this beacause anything is perfect and we could review to improve or generate new ideas.

Talking about my strengths, I consider myself a very disciplined and organized person. I like to ask my colleagues for advice and exchange ideas and points of view with them because sometimes it is a good way for finding solutions.
About my weaknesses, after a particular working experience in the year 2020 I learned that patience could bring us good results and that there will be situations which I will not be able to control instead I can only try to minimize their consequences.

My strengths:
I like to take advantage of the oportunities that comes even if I know it is not going to be easy l risk myself.

I am kind of shy when I talk in front of many people and it makes me feel nervous so I am trying to improve that part of me.


  1. I’m positive
    2.i have determination
    3.i can work in tema
    1.i dont have experiences
    2.i need Time for allá
    3.i presa so mucho detail for the job ir the team


I can be flexible and adapt myself to technical or business changes without problem. For example, we started using the Groovy language and Spock framework at work recently so I have had to pick it up and learn how to use it in no time. I like learning new things constantly.

I am collaborative. For example: a few days ago a co-worker from another team asked me to help implement a client for a SOAP Web Service through Https connection, the configuration of that it’s a little annoying.


I am a shy person, but I try to be social, for example: by sharing some blog post articles in the random channel at Slack to promote discussions about it. Another example maybe is when I detect the course of something is wrong I encourage myself to say it without fear of the truth.

I am too self-critical, that sometimes makes me a perfectionist. I try to be more kind to myself and others, understanding and repeating to myself the perfect world doesn’t exist.

I am a Colaborative one I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping to anothers mostly when they are new in the company to help them adapt easily, beside I am a goal and detailed oriente and empathetic.

I am naturaly introverted I like to share with people but I enjoy listening to others than speaking a lot, I am self-critical, when I make a mistake my mind continuosly is thinking aboute others way have to had to avoid the mistakes, but It’s help me to ever learn a lot from mistakes.


  • i am very good solving problems i always had an opinion or posible solution to a problem, For example when we need to add a new feature i always say for example a native way to add this need feature of if there exist some library or framework that will help us to add this new feature
  • i always show enthusiasm when i start a new project because is always a new challenge a new opportunity to create something amazing
  • I am very organized, for example y always try to have a order with my tasks and complete each task one by one and with the best practice to reach the objective at the end of the day


  • I have a lack of confidence, I remember when I started a project in my current company and I was very nervous because it was like a kind of game but while I was doing it little by little I gained confidence and managed to do it and it turned out very well.
  • I tend to criticize myself when something does not go well and I am very hard on myself but I try to learn so as not to commit it more often
  • this is something that people always answer in this question but i am perfectionist, i thins is because i am a frontend developer but i always try that if i have a design i always focus in the details and i always want that the web site look the same as the design.

I came here from another course and definitely this course will be the next I will take.


  • I´m disciplined, it is easy for me to have a routine in specific activities which improve my skills.
  • I´m enthusiasm, that is why I always have the best actitude to asume any situation
  • I like to work with others, because I consider that you potencialize your results in a team. I´m a teamwork person
  • I can be impulsive, because I want to solve the issues fast and achieve the goals as soon as possible, I´m working on calming my self and think more each decision.
  • I´m too seld-critical, in some cases I demand a lot of myself and I am not satisfied with the results or I punish myself a lot for simple mistakes, I´m working on that trust on my work and valuing each step along the way and the learning that goes with it.
  • I don´t ask enough questions, in some cases it is important to ask a lot because is a way to learn more and understand better how to achieve specific goals

Strengths and Weaknesses


I adapt easily to changes and actually take
them as opportunities. For example, during
a project I had to migrate the project code
from Java to Kotlin in less than 3 months,
which I did successfully. On another occasion
I had to learn Ionic and Flutter from zero
in order to generate multi platform apps
for IOS and Android. I like learning
new things constantly.


I am naturally shy and in my current
position I have had to present the IT area projects
and train my co-workers in the use of
the applications we develop.
On my first few occasions I was so anxious,
but after attending therapy for a while
I was able to begin to overcome my anxiety disorder.
It really helped me a lot and now
I am trying to encourage other team members
to attend therapy, to overcome their problems;
Also, I decided to apply for a new position
outside of my current company.

I am a hardworking person, responsibility and punctuality are important to have the work on time. I am flexible to face changes and organized when I run my job.
On the other hand, I am an introverted person when I don´t know anybody in a new environment (social and working) but I am working on it; I laugh and try to talk to different people. I try to please everyone and I have learned to say “no”. Too self-critical is stressful and I have understood I am not a perfect person.

I pay attention to detail and like to try new things in order to optimize processes. I keep constantly learning and open to feedback. I think that working as a group make companies better.

On the other hand, I tend to be shy, specially when I’m in a new environment. Nonetheless, I have been working on my social skills to improve relationships. Sometimes, I’m not a specialist at delegating. But, the more I work with people, the better at delegating I am.

What are your weaknesses?
I have been working on the weakness of wanting to do all the tasks on my own. This is due to how passionate I am for my area of work, which leads me to want to learn many things at the same time through all the experiences and opportunities that arise. I have learned to prioritize tasks and delegate functions to my work team. However, I have also learned to work on different projects at the same time, in fact that has allowed me to be more creative and effective in each one.

What are your strengths?
I consider I have the ability to lead projects and ideas, I have a good organization and structuring of work elements, for efficient management of resources.
I have a hard-working nature, as well as a positive vision of all the situations that may arise, this is because I believe that every experience could be extremely rewarding and enriching.
Whenever I have the opportunity, I really like to support and help the development and growth of people around me.
I like to be constantly updating my knowledge and skills, for this reason I try to study a lot about different topics that can contribute to my personal and professional growth.

I am always on time. I am responsable I give everything to my job, but I am a little introverted but I have being improvingh through the years.

I adapt easily to changes and actually take them as opportunities, I like learning new things constantly, and when I have the opportunity, I try to have innovative or useful ideas to solve the problems.

Sometimes I’m nervous and that depends on the situation, added to this when I have a lot of things to do I’m put very stress and I’m only focused on finish the tasks, so actually I tried to apply the Pomodoro technique, breathing and meditate at the same time a bit for relaxing me.

the three weaknesses that I more hate are: being shy for a talk in public and with some people, overthinking, and not knowing how to dance, I´m sure this not is important for the topic but I wanted to put it here because I´m learning it.
my strengths I´m organized, I like that we can all find what we are looking for quickly, I´m trustworthy and reliable I like to trust people´s word because for me the word if have value. also, I´m collaborative with the people for achieving our goals

technique skills
Work ethic
Shy in teamwork
Dislike the multitasking
Shyness to leadership