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The salary expectation question


La gran pregunta de toda entrevista de trabajo es: ¿cuál es tu expectativa salarial?

Consejos para hablar sobre expectativa salarial en una entrevista de trabajo

  • Don’t ask about the salary before you are asked about it.
  • You could divert the question by saying you need more information about the role requirements and expectations.
  • Be aware of your market value and cost of living.
  • Be ready to specify your required salary range and explain why.
  • Be prepared to negotiate.
  • You could say you are open to negotiating depending on the benefits, commissions, or bonuses.

Ejemplos para responder a la pregunta sobre expectativa salarial

  • Example I: My salary expectation is between $A and $B because my experience in these technologies and my experience with important projects in the industry make me prepared for this position.
  • Example II: According to my qualifications, experience, and professional achievement, I would expect a salary in the range of $A and $B.

Es importante tener claro el monto económico que deseas, no ponerte nervioso con esta pregunta y contestarla con seguridad.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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Preguntas 4

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I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!

This question always I found it unconfortable. This class is very helpful.
" I want to know more about role requirements".
“In my sector the average salary is this and acord to my qualifications and experience i believe that this is the correct”.

Thank you for information.

Can you tell me more about the expectations for this position and the benefits that the company offers?

On my last job I got X a month with benefits, base on that I would expect to get X but I’m open to negotiate.

Always focused on win-to-win.

♻️ It’s true that this question is always uncomfortable, especially for people who are just entering the world of work. However, as you gain experience (or getting older) you realize that it’s only a number that symbolizes an exchange of values between you and your employer.

💸 He is willing to pay for what you know and your time, and you are willing to help him with your knowledge and your time.

🧑🏻👨🏻 With this in mind, there is no high or low value, there is simply an exchange of values where ideally both should benefit. The idea of building a win-win relationship should take hold.

🙃 By this I don’t mean that you can ask for a salary like Jeff Bezos, and much less if it’s your first work experience.

I’d like to know what other perks are you offering for this position, and according to that, we can negotiate with a base salary of $XXXX.

Well, I mixed both examples and it went like this:

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand as this practitioner position in this country they pay in the range of € 735,9 and € 950. I would expect to receive something in a mid-point from the range.

However, my salary range is flexible. I would like to be compensated reasonably according to my qualifications, experience, and professional achievements. As long as we discuss specific numbers after talking about the requirements of the position in detail.

😃 HI everyone!
I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail. I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $750 and $1500. According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $1000 to $1500. However, this salary range is flexible if I will be compensated reasonably. I am open to discuss this point.

Another Link to see the salaries is:

Super herramienta para practicar entrevistas en ingles

“Be aware of your market value and cost living” a powerful tip i would have liked that someone would have told me before of begin to my laboral life

At the moment of the salary expectation is important to reflect more confidence in the interview and a determined explanation is the key

The most difficult question to me 😕

Its neccessary to know about in the offer, for example the range for this positions in your country and your task that have you to do in your working hours, the second one is be aware about my current salary and with base in that I will receive 20-30 % more.

In my opinion, the question of Salary Expectations is tricky. Sometimes they use it as a way to pay below the market average, if you are not aware of the salary ranges in your area and location, they can take it as an advantage so you should research a lot.


You could say you are open to negotiating depending on the benefits, commissions, or bonuses.

My salary expectation is flexible, I want to know more about the requirements of the rol and other benefits, bonusses and If the role has no monetary benefits and what are it. According to my quialifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect recieve something in the range of $B to $C

Tips for the salary expectation question

  • Don’t ask about the salary before you ar asked about it.
  • You could divert the question by saying you need more information about the role requirements and expectations.
  • Be aware of your market value and cost of living.
  • Be ready to specify your required salary range and explain why.
  • Be prepared to negotiate.
  • You could say you are open to negotiating depending on the benefits, commissions or bonuses.

I feel comfortable with the salary range that you have for this position.

Very good


Thank you!


thanks platzi

Well, I mixed both examples and it went like this:

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand as this practitioner position in this country they pay in the range of € 735,9 and € 950. I would expect to receive something in a mid-point from the range.

Excellent class…


so far away

I see myself as a professional, dedicated to my work.

Es buena forma de aproe debe
Epodo morning


I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!


Can you tell me more about the expectations for this position and the benefits that the company offers?

On my last job I got X a month with benefits, base on that I would expect to get X but I’m open to negotiate.

This question always I found it unconfortable. This class is very helpful.
" I want to know more about role requirements".
“In my sector the average salary is this and acord to my qualifications and experience i believe that this is the correct”.

Thank you for information.

would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!



🧑🏻👨🏻 With this in mind, there is no high or low value, there is simply an exchange of values where ideally both should benefit. The idea of building a win-win relationship should take hold.

🙃 By this I don’t mean that you can ask for a salary like Jeff Bezos, and much less if it’s your first work experience.

♻️ It’s true that this question is always uncomfortable, especially for people who are just entering the world of work. However, as you gain experience (or getting older) you realize that it’s only a number that symbolizes an exchange of values between you and your employer.

💸 He is willing to pay for what you know and your time, and you are willing to help him with your knowledge and your time.

I’d like to know what other perks are you offering for this position, and according to that, we can negotiate with a base salary of $XXXX.

However, my salary range is flexible. I would like to be compensated reasonably according to my qualifications, experience, and professional achievements. As long as we discuss specific numbers after talking about the requirements of the position in detail.

Well, I mixed both examples and it went like this:

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand as this practitioner position in this country they pay in the range of € 735,9 and € 950. I would expect to receive something in a mid-point from the range.

Always focused on win-to-win.

Can you tell me more about the expectations for this position and the benefits that the company offers?

On my last job I got X a month with benefits, base on that I would expect to get X but I’m open to negotiate.

Thank you for information.

This question always I found it unconfortable. This class is very helpful.
" I want to know more about role requirements".
“In my sector the average salary is this and acord to my qualifications and experience i believe that this is the correct”.

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!

According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).


Can you tell me more about the expectations for this position and the benefits that the company offers?

On my last job I got X a month with benefits, base on that I would expect to get X but I’m open to negotiate.

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!


I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail.
I understand that similar positions in this country pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range).

Note: I always say this and I always have worked so. It always has worked so. Never give up!!!

You could say you are open to negotiating depending on the benefits, commissions, or bonuses.


I would like to know more about the requirements of this position in detail, i understand that similar position in mexico pay in the range 50 or 55 per hour, but according to my qualifications, experience and professional achivements, i woul like to receive something in the range of 65 or 70 per hour

esta clase me ha sido muy interesante ya que he adquirido conocimientos nuevos cuando uno se presenta en una entrevista

My salary range is flexible. However, I would like to be reasonably compensated according to my qualifications, experience and professional accomplishments.
I am open to discussing a specific numbers.

According to my qualifications, my experience and my cost of living. I would expect to earn A$ in this responsibility. Although I would like to know more about specific requirements.

I think in something like:

I would like to know more about the position in detail
and the benefits you offer.
I’m flexible in my salary range, understanding
that similar positions in this country
pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range)
and $C (top of the range).
Of course, I would like to be compensated
according to my experience and qualification.
I would expect to receive something
in the range of $B (midpoint)
to $C(maximum of the range).

Mixing both examples I want to
communicate that I hope to be
compensated with a specific range
of salary, but providing
reasonable arguments to support the
reasons for the salary range I request.

I would say that my salary expectations are flexible. With my years of experience in my role, I would like to be compensated fairly based on my responsibilities within the scope of the institution.

I’m flexible. Considering my qualifications and the requirements of the role, I would ask a salary between C(medium) and B(maximum). As far as I know, salaries for similar positions are in a range between A(minimum) and B(maximum).

My salary range is flexible. I would, of course, like to be compensated fairly for my experience in the field.
My current salary is in the range of $A to $C USD per month, with a contract that includes health care and a pension contribution. However, I’m open to discussing specific numbers once we’ve discussed the details of the position.

As I saw on the job position offer I would like to know more specifics about the job tasks.
Base on my knowledge, tasks that I have to do, and the range of salary on the market, my salary expectation is $
However, I would like to know the possibility to get some auxiliary bonus for the first month, while I find a good place, take into account I will have to be relocated

Well , I know in the market they paid certain amount for this kind of job, but I would like to hear your offer becasuse I might be willing to negotiate and I would like to be pay according to the responsability that I will have.

One of the most important questions, no doubt!

Based on my experience, technological skills and my current job I would like to earn at least 30% more than my previous job because my current job is stable, and I have a work history that would lose it, I promise to give results in a short time as proof of my performance

Peach examples

I disagree with some questions that some companies ask, for example the question (how do you see yourself in 5 years) I think there are more objective questions that would serve to better observe the applicant

I recently got a job interview, and after the interview they sent me an email telling me the benefits and asking me for my base/liquid salary.
I did some research about the market value in their country and in my country and I replied:
"I’m expecting a monthly liquid salary that is in the range of $XXXX to $XXXX or it’s equivalent in reais"
That was 5 days ago, they haven’t reply yet 😦

I understand that similar positions in this field pay in the range of $A (bottom of the range) and $C (maximum of the range).

I would expect to receive something in the range of $B (mid-point) to $C(maximum of the range). However, my salary range is flexible. I’m open to discussing specific numbers after talking about the requirements of the position in detail.

I just pretend to be compensated reasonably according to my qualifications, experience, and professional achievements.

Here is when one have to set your real value

One advice I could give you is, take aside about the salary either your friends or family, consider about your merits and wonder how much could a customer pay you for a specific job on a regular day

I would like to know more about the requirements of the position in detail. I understand that in this country paid in the range of $A and $B for functional positions and for positions similar to this is $C and up.
According to my qualifications, experience and professional achievements, I would expect to receive something around $D.

Excellent examples, a really professional way to negotiate the salary

Those answer were wonderful, they are bold and precise enough to negotiate