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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


Tal vez, una de las preguntas más “incómodas” de toda entrevista es: ¿en dónde te ves en 5 o 10 años? Proyectar a largo plazo quién quieres ser o qué quieres hacer y tener claros tus planes, metas y objetivos es muy importante. La respuesta que des a esta pregunta demostrará qué tan comprometido estás con tu plan de carrera.

Consejos para hablar sobre tu futuro profesional

  • Think of your long-term goals and your career path.
  • Show confidence and a positive attitude.
  • Demonstrate how the role will help you reach your goals.
  • Talk about mentoring as well as training and development opportunities you would like to have.
  • Show enthusiasm and passion about possible projects you could do in the company.

Ejemplo de cómo responder a la pregunta sobre tu futuro profesional

I am very interested to see how technological progress in the world. It is really fascinating to see it. But I don’t want to be only a user, I want to help to build it. I would like to work with people with the same interests and with vanguard technology all my life, and Blockchain is the current way. Also, I know that English is very important to achieve this goal and I want to use it and improve it a lot.

Una pregunta difícil de contestar. Tendrás que reflexionar mucho sobre ti y realmente tener preparada una respuesta oportuna y sincera.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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“I am passionate about research and development within the cybersecurity sector. I admire the business’s significant role in creating robust security systems for the prevention of cyber-crime.
"In five years’ time, I want to have made my own contributions to the development of security technologies. I am therefore excited about the opportunity this position presents for developing my expertise.”

thanks for your feedback!

I’m passionate about technology especially mobile development, in the particular case of android, it is one of the most used operative systems so I find fascinating the number of users our apps can potentially have and with that the massive amount of beneficial impact our work could deliver.
In 5 years I would like to have been part of an ambitious project and also be able to solve difficult technical challenges the project might face.
I’m very interested in keep preparing myself through specializing training and make contributions to education in our region.

Example 10 Years:
I’m very interested in this field. In 10 years- I hope to have advanced as much as possible. The position I’m really interested in is coordination supervisor- but I know they typically have more than 10 years of experience. In 10 years- however- I really hope to be well on my way to achieving that position. I’ve always prioritized commitment to my job- collaboration- and leadership- so I don’t think I would have any trouble at all advancing in this field and moving toward that goal. I certainly expect and hope to still be working with this company in 10 years.

Just because I really love what I do, as a Mobile Developer, I’d like to work as mentor in two years from now, with a lot of developers in charge and the ability to support them. Then, in five years, I expect to get a role as a Head of Technology in the company. And, in ten years, I really hope to work as a consultant for big companies based on Technology.

I am very interested to see how technological progress in the world. It is really fascinating to see it. But I don’t want to be only a user, I want to help to build it. I would like to work with people with the same interests and with vanguard technology all my life, and Blockchain is the current way. Also, I know that English is very important to achieve this goal and I want to use it and improve it a lot.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In five years I will be a full stack developer, data scientist, I. A. and Machine Learning developer or an Expert in Informatic security. If I can be 2 or more, better for me.
Also, I will have a C1 level of English and I will be learning French or Japanese.
And I will have developed several soft skills, like leadership, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and creativity 👩‍🚀🚀💚

I am passionate about e-learning projects and overall human resources processes. I discovered this through my positive professional experience as a human resources business partner.
I am also interested in developing my skills through your specialized training and mentoring programs. My friend can be my mentor.

This is my answer:

I am passionate about managing and developing effective marketing strategies for digital products, I discovered this through my positive professional experience in startups companies where I have had the opportunity to work cross-functionally with people from different areas such as developers, UX and graphic designers, support and sales teams.

What motivated me to apply for the Marketing Coordinator position is that I meet the requirements and the experience needed. In five years I would like to have made high-impact contributions that led growth for this company. I am also interested in developing my skills through courses and specializations.

My answer:
Over the years I have really have fallen fond of why customers prefer to buy certain products of one company but not the other. I have observed and studied why do they prefer some brands better than the other. And over my years as a Sales Associate I had &have the opportunity to experiment different tools and method to sale better but most of all to créate a better experience to the customer who enters our company.
In the years ahead I want to see myself participating and creating better methods to sale on marketing online and in person. I believe that every company should have a physical headquarters in order to establish that communication between the customer and the salesperson. Not all businesses should have only online presence .I see myself in search of new ways to improve my Companys benefits and also be more competitive withing myself to be able to reach large audiences in search of that star product everybody is looking.

Today I had my first interview in English, it was incredible because I could understand almost everything the interviewer told me. 😃 Thanks for this lection

I am passionate about technology and everything involved, and I enjoy sharing my passion and knowledge with others. I have had the opportunity to lead people from different roles and competencies and I have found that I love it. This is what motivated me to apply for the Tech Lead position. In five years I would like to have made high-impact contributions to this company and to have helped my teammates to be the best engineers.
I am also interested in artificial intelligence, which is why I chose the AI and Data Science specialization at the university, and I think your company could offer an opportunity in this area.

I am passionate about creating and designing graphic and audiovisual solutions for marketing and communication teams, I discovered this through my positive professional experience a creative designer. And I have had the opportunity to work with teams from 2 to 6 members.
This is what motivated me to apply for the Creative Designer position. In five years I would like to have made high-impact contributions for this company. I am also interested in developing my skills through your trainings and mentoring programs, as well as your international events.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Creating valuable products
and continuous learning are
priorities that guide my career.
For this reason, my main investment
is the acquisition of tools, books and
courses that allow me learn how to build software
that add value to the lives of those who use them.
For this reason in 5 years I see myself building
software products that make a meaningful impact
and manage teams that also build them.

I am passionate about Business Intelligence and data analytics, I discovered this before I graduated from university when I had the opportunity to start learning about this topic. And I have had the opportunity to work in this exciting area since then.
This is what motivated me to apply for the position. I am also interested in developing my skills through your specialized training and mentoring programs, as well as your international events.

I recommend you this post:

I definitely believe in the education in history, I consider, It’s really important to understand the actual society, to be better persons, and an excellent window to the curiosity when you are a child, I love to pass my time in museums and my objective is to develop an intersection between education and history in an environment online. I consider that my values and goals are aligned with this company, then, In five years we are going to celebrate our leadership as an education platform with a new school in “To be humans more awareness”.

In 5 years I see myself as a Senior Full-stack developer

I am passionate about quality assurance in the software, I discovered this through my positive professional experience as tests engineer. And I have had the opportunity to work in different projects from different industries like telephony, communications, healthy, publicity.
This is what motivated me to apply for the International Quality assurance senior engineer position. In five years, I would like to have made high-impact contributions for this company. I want to have contributed with my competencies for improve situations in the development process. I am also interested in developing my skills through your specialized training and mentoring programs, as well as your international events.
In ten years, I would like to escalate in this company. I want to be a leader with my competencies improved. I am also interested in developing my skills in international environments with international clients.

I am passionate about technology, I live on this and I think I must do it forever. I have had the opportunity to develop new systems with new technology, for example I developed web systems connected to chips RFID, this challenge was very exciting. In another project we made a framework for the company to simplify the process of developing new options in the system and migration to new technologies. These projects are motivation for know new things. In five years I would like to have a team for develop new tools to optimize the company and achieve positive impact.

My lasts years and works have put me in marketing areas, I discovered how incredible is this industry, I started only with digital teams, later CRM and I want have experience in other areas like offline strategies, alliances and more for be a marketing director in five years.

I am very interested in information security, data science, the Internet of things, and artificial intelligence, so I see myself in five years as the leader of this section in your company.

I am passionate about writing and making brand campaigns. In five years I would like to have made high-impact contributions for this company. I am also interesting in developing my skills in UX writing and digital marketing in general.

Where do you see yourself in five years ?

As a software developer, I like to innovate and lead teams in the development of all processes, from planning to executing the entire cycle. For this, in five years I see myself as a technological leader in my own company, developing innovative products and collaborating with others.

i am passionare about compliance program and bussines ethics

Talk about mentoring as well as training and development opportunities you would like to have.

Over the years I have really have fallen fond of why customers prefer to buy certain products of one company but not the other. I have observed and studied why do they prefer some brands better than the other.

I am passionate about managing and developing systems, I have had the opportunity to work with people from different countries. this is a reason that I’m motivating to apply for this job. In five years I would like to have more experience with the english and improve my skills to delegue task and supervise people on the projects and I would like to have made high-impact contributions for this company.

I am passionate about agriculture, especially the area of ​​propagation, because, I think that this is the origin of life and that a good seed can change the world…

For this reason I want to have my own propagation company, be it ornamental or fruit plants… Honestly, I don’t know yet, but im working on it

I’m interested on the marketing technology develop. The marketing methods and tools are changing and based on that how to become a better on my position, develop my skills and how the digital market has changed.

I would like to work and connect with people from different regions and countries to learn their culture and their work’s ethic. Also improve my English knowledge and learn another languages.



thank u




I am passionate about research, software development, and science. In 5 years I will be a senior software developer specializing in artificial intelligence and data science. complementing my skills in technology with physical sciences. generating high-value and impact solutions for the aerospace industry. In addition, I will have a C1 level in English and Spanish which will allow me to develop strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills.

Thank you very much for the information in this class.

Siii pin
For you
Jdufje c


I am passionate about automotive mechanics and learning languages ​​such as: Portuguese, Italian, English and French.

Thank you!

Just because I really love what I do, as a Mobile Developer, I’d like to work as mentor in two years from now, with a lot of developers in charge and the ability to support them. Then, in five years, I expect to get a role as a Head of Technology in the company. And, in ten years, I really hope to work as a consultant for big companies based on Technology.

I am very interested to see how technological progress in the world. It is really fascinating to see it. But I don’t want to be only a user, I want to help to build it. I would like to work with people with the same interests and with vanguard technology all my life, and Blockchain is the current way. Also, I know that English is very important to achieve this goal and I want to use it and improve it a lot.

I’m passionate about technology especially mobile development, in the particular case of android, it is one of the most used operative systems so I find fascinating the number of users our apps can potentially have and with that the massive amount of beneficial impact our work could deliver.
In 5 years I would like to have been part of an ambitious project and also be able to solve difficult technical challenges the project might face.
I’m very interested in keep preparing myself through specializing training and make contributions to education in our region.

Thank you

show confiiidense and a positive actitude

think of your long-term goals and your career path

I am also interested in developing my skills through your specialized training and mentoring programs. My friend can be my mentor.

I am passionate about e-learning projects and overall human resources processes. I discovered this through my positive professional experience as a human resources business partner.

Just because I really love what I do, as a Mobile Developer, I’d like to work as mentor in two years from now, with a lot of developers in charge and the ability to support them. Then, in five years, I expect to get a role as a Head of Technology in the company. And, in ten years, I really hope to work as a consultant for big companies based on Technology.

Example 10 Years:
I’m very interested in this field. In 10 years- I hope to have advanced as much as possible. The position I’m really interested in is coordination supervisor- but I know they typically have more than 10 years of experience. In 10 years- however- I really hope to be well on my way to achieving that position. I’ve always prioritized commitment to my job- collaboration- and leadership- so I don’t think I would have any trouble at all advancing in this field and moving toward that goal. I certainly expect and hope to still be working with this company in 10 years.

In 5 years I would like to have been part of an ambitious project and also be able to solve difficult technical challenges the project might face.
I’m very interested in keep preparing myself through specializing training and make contributions to education in our region.

I’m passionate about technology especially mobile development, in the particular case of android, it is one of the most used operative systems so I find fascinating the number of users our apps can potentially have and with that the massive amount of beneficial impact our work could deliver.

thanks for your feedback!

“I am passionate about research and development within the cybersecurity sector. I admire the business’s significant role in creating robust security systems for the prevention of cyber-crime.
"In five years’ time, I want to have made my own contributions to the development of security technologies. I am therefore excited about the opportunity this position presents for developing my expertise.”

My answer:
Over the years I have really have fallen fond of why customers prefer to buy certain products of one company but not the other. I have observed and studied why do they prefer some brands better than the other. And over my years as a Sales Associate I had &have the opportunity to experiment different tools and method to sale better but most of all to créate a better experience to the customer who enters our company.
In the years ahead I want to see myself participating and creating better methods to sale on marketing online and in person. I believe that every company should have a physical headquarters in order to establish that communication between the customer and the salesperson. Not all businesses should have only online presence .I see myself in search of new ways to improve my Companys benefits and also be more competitive withing myself to be able to reach large audiences in search of that star product everybody is looking.


“I am passionate about research and development within the cybersecurity sector. I admire the business’s significant role in creating robust security systems for the prevention of cyber-crime.
"In five years’ time, I want to have made my own contributions to the development of security technologies. I am therefore excited about the opportunity this position presents for developing my expertise.”

In 5 years I see myself leading an AI or Artificial Intelligence team, I am currently studying it, and I see that through Platzi I can support its mission and grow in my goal to learn more about the world of Starts, especially in AI, it is fascinating how technology is transforming, and this is undoubtedly the next step.

Show enthusiasm and passion about possible projects you could do in the company.

In 5 years, I am sure that I will have a much deeper and broader knowledge of technology. That is why I would like to gradually take on greater responsibilities, and why not? Direct even some projects.
I see myself in a position where I have more influence in the organization, and I am interested in gaining more experience in other positions to grow professionally and be able to explore, learn new technologies, and gain new experiences.
In 5 years, I would like to have been part of an ambitious project and also be able to solve the difficult challenges that the project could face.
In 10 years, I will be in a company that allows me to use my strengths on a daily basis, work with people who share my values and goals, and solve important problems through my work. I would love for this company to be that place in 10 years.

I am very interested in technology to improve the person’s life, I want to help to lead teams to development apps, and contribute with my experience and knowledge, also I would like talk in English perfectly.

I am very interested to see how project management processes progress in the world. It is really fascinating to see it. But I don’t want to be only a user, I want to help to build it. I would like to work with people with the same interests and with projects that can make a huge impact in people’s life, and tense environments are where more actions are needed. Also, I know that knowledge in international cooperation and humanitarian aid is very important to achieve this goal and I want to use it and improve it a lot.

I have always enjoyed working as an assistant because it has allowed me to meet and work with people from different countries. I do believe digitalization is the new era. It is either evolving or get extinguished. This has been my main motivation to prepare myself before applying for the Virtual Assistant position. In five yours I would like to have made high-impact contributions for this company. I am also interested in developing my skills through your specialized training and mentoring programs.

i am apassionate about programming within cybersecurity sector, in eight years i want to have made my cybersecurity degree working in an industry sector, i would like to cotribute protecting personl information, building more secure systems for all of you.


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

I’m passionate about software developer because i love programing and developing new programs in order to help people.
I have had the opportunity to make programs in MATLAB, and I realized its limitations. In ten years I wish to develop some sophisticated programs in order to make math calculations which are not possible in MATLAB and similar software. Of course I need to know deeply about programming languages and I hope to achieve this through my managers, events and different competitions carried out by this company.

I am passionate about programming, I’m curious about it and every so often I like to try new languages programming. In addition I like the English language too so it feels good when I improve something related to my skills.
This is what motivated me to apply for the Backend Engineer position. In five years I would like to have made very well constructed solutions and contributions for this company. I am also interested in developing my skills in functional programming while I’m working with a set of tools that every day teach me about it.

I see mysel with more experience and knowlege but besides that I see myself working as Cloud Solutions Architech being part of International projects

I see myself facing more challenging projects as well as working with more experience in my field and if you consider to have me in your team I see myself in some higher possition where I can feel I’m improving my professionals skills and still learning and of course provinding feedback to the new people .

no se supone que es una entrevista para personal de it?.. ahora no eran tutores nativos? se nota bastante pronunciación latina. He tenido entrevistas reales con nativos gringos y británicos y ciertamente varía mucho.

In that time I hope to have a wide experience in the field of front end development, hoping to have a senior level and full stack, managing technology projects and developing great digital experiences.

##How to Answer the Interview Question ‘Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years’ Like a Pro

It’s best to prepare for interview questions such as ‘where do you see yourself in five years?’ before you get to the actual interview.
This ensures you provide well-thought-out answers and successfully convey the message you’re trying to get across to the hiring manager. The following are steps you can take to prepare for and answer this interview question:

  • Get clear about your career goals. Take some time to brainstorm what your career goals are for the next five years. Do you want to gain new skills? Are you interested in eventually moving into a managerial position? Do you want to work on particular projects? Are you interested in working in a particular industry? You could also answer this question by thinking about what you’d like to see on your resume in five years. Do you want to obtain particular certificates or hold a certain job title? Make a list of these aspirations.
  • Find connections between your goals and the job description. To help tie in your goals with the job you’re applying for, look at the job description and see if you can find any traits and skills you already possess as well as those you want to get more experience in. This will allow you to relate your goals to the position you’re applying for in the interview.
  • Ask yourself if the company can prepare you for your career goals. It’s important to be honest about whether the company you’re applying with can prepare you for your career goals over the next five years. If it can’t, you may want to reconsider the position or let the employer know up-front that you may not be with that company for at least five years.

I am passionate about teaching by doing. Students like to learn to do new things in the classroom and use songs to study grammar rules and Theatrical Performances (and other creative tasks) break the traditional way to teach. If I had the opportunity to grow in this institution, I would like to implement new ways of teaching and being a trainer for my coworkers and become a coordinator of the English area.

Ok, I think this is my general script. I 'd modify it as the requirements for the position changes.

I’m passionate about data and research. I discovered this while I was an university student, since I was constantly researching topics about my career in which I could find something new. Then I learned programming and this fascinated me. I did computational mechanics. Now, I’m here to apply what I learned and grow together with this company. In 5 years, I think I’ll have created high impact here with my contributions.

If I am successful today, the first thing I plan to do is get competent in the role as soon as possible, then I would like to consolidate my skills and become experienced within the team.
I’m someone who likes stability. My goal is to hold long term with the company, becoming a valued employee as I gradually advance in authority and responsibility.
If the opportunity presents itself for me to progress within the organisation, that would be amazing. All in all, I plan to stay with the company long-term if I am successful at the interview.

I’m curious and passionate about how we can implement the new technologies to improve different sound devices and give the best experience to the final customer. Also if I have the opportunity to work with other people from different countries that will be amazing, because I think that is a good way to have a dynamic work environment and different ideas. In five years I would like to lead a division regarded with innovation and new technologies, while I get more knowledge taking different courses and if is possible making a specialization

Based on my own experience as a programmer or software architect, companies that are looking for brand people for their benefits, maybe they hire a lot of people, but the truth is that they are only employees with no growth within the business, therefore, in 5 years later, I would see myself with extensive knowledge in data science, artificial intelligence and, above all, a high command of English because it opens a wide variety of jobs around the world, and not feel guilty about being another employee in a company.

I am passionate about virtual education, I discovered this through my positive professional experience as an instructional designer. And I have had the opportunity to work in different educative environmental.
This is what motivated me to apply for the virtual education director. In five years, I would like to have made high-impact contributions to this university. With my skills, the virtual programs are will the best educational programs in the country

😃 Hi! this is my example:
Through years I discovered my passion for the database management and the forest research. I have had the opportunity to work with excellent professionals from different countries.
For this reason, I am motivated to work in this company in forest data scientist position. In ten years, I would like to have made high-impact contributions in this company. I am also interested in learning new knowledge from your company’s programs.

In the next five years i see myself as a high respected employee by my co-workers and my superiors because of all the contributions that i would have made, i would like to be helping in the learning and development of new employees applying for this position considering my tenure and the knowledge that i will have on that point.


In five years, I would love to be an industry expert that others can come to for ideas, help and strategy. I’ve had amazing mentors and managers in my past positions, so I’d like to be able to provide similar guidance, potentially taking on a leadership role. Finally, I’d like to have taken the lead on a project I’m passionate about. I’m motivated by connecting my initiatives to a company’s larger goals and I’m excited by the prospect of getting more experience in that.

I would like to be an expert Data Scientist and a teacher at college or Platzi. Also, I will have developed soft skills like assertive communication.
I would like to know English and German.

I am passionate about technology and quality software development, I discovered this through my professional experience as an engineer and my continuous learning in other disciplines such as graphic design, which I’m currently studying to later venture into UX/UI.
This is what motivated me to apply for this position. In five years, I would like to have made high-impact contributions to this company. I am also interested in developing my skills through your training programs, not only in SQA but also in UX/UI, which is another of my interests and I know that your company is very strong in this field.

In five years i see myself in a higher position in this wonderful company

That’s something I have to think to be prepared for the moment

I am passionate about how industries have a faster pace due to technology. First, I want to learn about the company culture from within to know the starting point from the practitioner position.

Mixing my professional experience in both Industrial Engineering & Digital Marketing, I can see myself in five years learning, applying, and growing along with technological tools beyond Big Data and CRM that nowadays involves exponential growth for companies.

I want to be part of this starting point to me making high-impact contributions for this company. Therefore, new projects for businesses worldwide to expand, in which I can train new professionals to participate in.

In five years i’d like to be a developed engineer, with deep knowledge about how the technologies impact the world. Also, i’d like to be studying maths, because i think that is the best way to understand the world, and understand the world is the only way to have a trought impact.