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Answering situational questions


Puede ocurrir en una entrevista de trabajo que te propongan resolver retos acerca de situaciones hipotéticas. Preguntas sobre qué harías en determinados casos o cómo resolverías un problema específico.

Consejos para responder a preguntas sobre situaciones hipotéticas

  • To answer this question about a hypothetical situation include: how you would face a problem what you would do to solve it, and how this situation will benefit the company.
  • Consider the skill required for the role and how you would use those skills to solve a problem.
  • When talking about the benefits for the company consider what are the needs and goals of the company.

Ejemplos de preguntas hipotéticas y cómo contestarlas:

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

  • It’s OK if we have different opinions o way with a coworker. The most important thing between us is communication. Without communication will be serious problems in the team and the leader, or I as the lead, need to organize a one-to-one meeting to solve the problem.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

  • In the past, I make that mistake and I regret it. I didn’t ask for help and if I could do it, the problem have been very easy to solve. Since then, I ask for help always I need it. It’s easy and very significant to find support from the rest of the team.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?

  • It’s not a difficulty for me. I am looking for new challenges constantly. I need to solve new problems because I bored quickly, and I need to learn more about my work.

4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

  • In the past, I spoke with my boss about my vision for the work, and It’s important to communicate. Many times the boss is wrong from my perspective and that it’s OK. I have to collaborate on the issue with my experience.

5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

  • First of all, I could talk with this member about why he doesn’t reach his goals. It’s my work to help him with his tasks. Later a few weeks, the member doesn’t improve with his goals, I talk about it with him again and find for external help.

Prepara también este tipo de respuestas, aunque pueden no ser determinantes en una entrevista demuestran tu confianza para asumir retos y proponer soluciones.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

  1. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

  1. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?

In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

  1. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

  1. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.

Hi everyone:
My second part…
6. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week? First, I will plan a schedule well-structured with my tasks. I’ll do to calculate of the times that it take me to do it and if it takes me more time, I would also ask for help if I need it or maybe, if the team can’t, I would not shy away from asking more time; I always with the correct justifications.

  1. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job? I adapt easily to changes and take them as opportunities. For example, we started using Zephyr of Atlassian Software Tools at work recently, so I was between first people to use it effectively. Be flexible, it has helped me to know a new tool for my job and it has done that I am much more organized and much more detail oriented.

  2. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do? This is tricky because I think it is especially important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I thought my boss was completely wrong about something, I would probably ask for a 1:1 so we can discuss our opinions. Rather than finding out “who is wrong and who is right”, I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works. Maybe, we could negotiate a neutral point or opinion.

  3. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do? It is a similar situation like a boss and maybe, I will act of the same form. We could negotiate a neutral point or opinion. I show to my client with evidence my point and I active listening my client for understanding his or her preoccupations.

  4. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations? If one of my team members was not reaching goals and expectations, instead of automatically scolding them, I would talk with him or her. I like discussing how the person is doing emotionally. I also like going over what goals had been set for this person initially. If the person is not doing well, I like providing support, so we can work through his or her issues together. Being emotionally stable can improve the person’s work.

I really like her answers and how does she keep calm with all these difficult questions.

Hi everyone:

  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with? If I had a coworker who is difficult to work with, I would first understand that it is not personal; it’s not about the person disliking me, it’s about the person having a different personality, and that’s okay. I would sit down with this person and first take a chance at doing some small talk. Then, I tell my coworker that we should do a work plan. Possibly, do a schedule with each task, and we should an email where it specified the work structure.

  2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone? It is always important to be completely honest. Even if nobody noticed, I would address the mistake I made by trying to solve it and asking for help if I need it. I never lie and this opportunity, I could show that I am a great worker with many principles, above all in the IT area.

  3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before? I always would be up for the challenge! I would not shy away from asking questions and researching, so I can have an in-depth understanding of the task at hand. I will also ask for help if I need it.

  4. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do? It is a similar situation like a coworker and maybe, I will act of the same form. If a dissatisfied customer confronted me, I would first understand that it is not personal. I would sit down with this person and first take a chance at doing some small talk. Then, I tell my customer that we should do a work plan for better the issue, because in my case, in quality assurance, this is the term that we use. I apologize for this inconvenient. Do a schedule with each task that I must do, and we should an email where it specified the work structure.

  5. What would you do to make a good impression on a client? I will always do my job with total quality and I show him or her my abilities, my skills and my knowledge for improve a process, for resolve a problem.

This course is incredible!

this course is amazing, I’ve learned a lot and earn a lot of confidence

Shaili Zappa - Mentoring platzi Master

Great tips from Shaili Zappa also. I loved the interview.

What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.

I find these questions veery useful for my job because I have to interview candidates all the time.

  • I would have some small talk with my coworker to knowing a little bit of each other, and putting us in the same page to bringing up the way we should work on and communicate.

  • I would be completely honest and address the mistake I made even if nobody noticed I will try to solve it and asking for help if I need it.

  • I would be ready for the challenge! I would ask questions and do research so I can have better understanding of the task at hand.

  • If I thought my boss was completely wrong about something, I would probably ask for a 1:1 so we can discuss our opinions and try to find better ideas that works for the project.

  • What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
    First of all, I’ll try to work as if he were a regular coworker, but if things went wrong, I’ll try to sit down with the person to talk about the tasks, and how we can collaborate. If after that things keep in the wrong state, I’ll scale the situation with our direct boss.

  • What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    Actually, this has happened to me many times, and what I used to do is aware to the person that I’d like to try for sure to complete the task, but he/she must know that is not my area.

  • If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
    I’ll try to reach him to talk gently about that topic. Actually, I see it necessary to have evidence about those mistakes.

  • What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
    Definitely, I have to talk with him apart from the rest of the coworkers, in a quiet place. And listening to him/her, because every person is a complete universe with downs and ups. We don’t know what is behind every situation. I’d like to support him/her as much as I can in order to get not only a better attitude but results.

  1. i will try to speak with them in order to understand their behavior, or even be friends. I will try my best to work with that person. All of us are here to work for our goals and families, so let’s make it easy and funny for everybody.
  2. I will try to fix it by myself but also tell my boss, so they know that there is an inconvenient and give them possible solutions to the mistake.
  3. I will try to investigate and to learn how to do it. I love to learn different things. If I need help I will ask for it with my coworkers and even with my friends and family. Why not? The intention is to be ready for the challenge.
  4. I will speak with him but in private. “hay man, what’s up? how you doing”, and try to investigate why is that behavior and try to improve it. Maybe he is passing through a difficult situation that he does not want to talk. At the end of the day everybody needs the support of someone else, some times is technical support, moral support, whatever. But make him understand that he is not alone.

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
It’s a common situation, and in this case is important to communicate effectively in order to complete the goals.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake but no one noticed?
It has happened to me, I had a great mistake in a production database, a soon notification was important to solve as soon as possible. I learned about the importance of attention to details, I improved this skill.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
It’s a good idea to get help, Asking since I understand the problem.

4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
I learned from one of my bosses that it’s important to get an honest and respectful opinion, and still know that the person does not change your opinion.

5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
In this case, I search for the way to complete the tasks. I like the idea about talk with the person and search for the reasons.

Platzi master is a program that trains the best talents.
Help students find their dream job!

Hi everyone!
I’m making my notes and I want to share with all of you, I’ll be updating them in my Github repository so i can practice too a little of github.

Soon i’ll be uploading my challenges too!

This course is incredible!..

Consider the skill required for the role and how you would use those skills to solve a problem.


- To answer a question about hypothetical situation include:

  1. How you would face a problem.
  2. What you would do to solve it.
  3. How this solutions will benefit the company.

- Consider the skill required for the role and how would use those skills to solve a problem.

- When talking about the benefits for the company consider what are the needs and goals of the company.



thank u


  1. If I had to deal with a coworker that it’s difficult to work with, I would seek where can I work with them so we can achieve something.

  2. I would have to address the mistake as soon as possible to prevent other members from having to deal with it when it can be harder to solve.

  3. It mostly depends. I am open to try new things, although if I cannot I am open to collaborate with someone more expert to help me with the task.

  4. It’s best to reach out to the boss and address why are you disagreeing with them. It should be done respectfully and with a willingness to understand where they are coming from. It’s important to be clear about the disagreement.

  5. For an employee that is having difficulties, I would speak to them privately to understand why are they failing and how we can seek a solution or an agreement.




What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.

Thanks for the class, teacher!



What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.

I would have some small talk with my coworker to knowing a little bit of each other, and putting us in the same page to bringing up the way we should work on and communicate.

I would be completely honest and address the mistake I made even if nobody noticed I will try to solve it and asking for help if I need it.

I would be ready for the challenge! I would ask questions and do research so I can have better understanding of the task at hand.

If I thought my boss was completely wrong about something, I would probably ask for a 1:1 so we can discuss our opinions and try to find better ideas that works for the project.

this course is amazing, I’ve learned a lot and earn a lot of confidence

thanks excellent class¡











What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.



What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
Along our working life, we eventually meet people who are difficult to work with, however it is the challenge of improving in a working relationship; the first activity we might do is to take the chance at doing a short talk and try to understand what is the position of the co-worker and set some agreements.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
One of my principal values is been complete honest. Firstable, I would talk with my manager about the big mistake which no one noticed and I’ll show him some possible solution to the addresses’ problem.

What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
In my last role as a commercial coordinator, my manager asked me to build and launch a digital ad campaign, which was something I’d never done before. I explained to my manager that I had no experience leading that type of project, but I express my willing to do it if a more experienced person offered me a guidance. I met with several employees who had run digital ads, so I studied some best practices and successfully launched the campaign.

If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
The first rule is very important that you never put down a team member or a leader in front of a group. If I’m really secure that my boss is wrong, I would plan a meeting with him/her to talk about the issue; I would enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what works.

What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Actually, this situation happened to me… I wasn’t reaching my goals and my boss planned a meeting in which we talked about my goals. During the meeting she asked me why is the reason I wasn’t reaching my goals. I told her what it was my principal issue. (at that time I was a senior buyer, I was in charge of the help desk, also I was lead auditor of ISO 9001 implementation, I also was the manager of the company’s cooperative); In fact, she understood my work load, later, we both analyzed goal by goal and looked for providing support to reach my goals. At the end of the year I reached my goals.

Answering situational questions

  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
  • The essential thing in the team is communication. In my experience, people want to accomplish achievements and goals. What makes the difference is the way they want to reach them. That’s why communication and constant negotiation are essential. This leads to generating work between the team members and the team leader, to set the objectives and evaluate the most effective ways to reach them.
  1. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed?
  • It is always better to approach the error discreetly. Not the whole company has to know, but the faster you ask for help, the faster you can find solutions to the error, otherwise, the error grows and grows and sooner or later ends up affecting the company and your image.
  1. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
  • Research and learning, in fact, it is more common in today’s world. It is about facing the challenge, even when I am afraid, doing more research, asking for help, consult other people as they have done before and this is what the internet is for.
  1. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
  • You should always start by discussing it directly with the boss. Look for facts that support your point of view; in the end, it is all about finding the best ways to achieve the goals or vision.
  1. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
  • First, you could talk to this member about why he is not achieving his goals. Help him with his homework, and look for the cause of why he is not achieving the objectives, usually personal problems. After a few weeks, the member does not improve with his goals, I talked to him again and sought outside help.

When talking about the benefits for the company consider what are the needs and goals of the company.

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

  • Before to start to work we need to indicate the rules to work, roles and resposabilities to reach the goal, with this way together could work very good.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

  • I would notify to my lead, it’s important have confidence in errors as a hits.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?

  • I would acept the challenge, this is oportunity to demostrate my problem solvings skills.

4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

  • I would talk about this, I would prepare documentation to demostrate advantages and disvantages about his opinion.

5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

  • I would talk with him, I would ask about him, his family, his co-workers to know more, could be a big problem that causes this yields.

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

  • It’s OK if we have different opinions o way with a coworker. The most important thing between us is communication. Without communication will be serious problems in the team and the leader, or I as the lead, need to organize a one-to-one meeting to solve the problem.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

  • In the past, I make that mistake and I regret it. I didn’t ask for help and if I could do it, the problem have been very easy to solve. Since then, I ask for help always I need it. It’s easy and very significant to find support from the rest of the team.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?

  • It’s not a difficulty for me. I am looking for new challenges constantly. I need to solve new problems because I bored quickly, and I need to learn more about my work.

4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

  • In the past, I spoke with my boss about my vision for the work, and It’s important to communicate. Many times the boss is wrong from my perspective and that it’s OK. I have to collaborate on the issue with my experience.

5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

  • First of all, I could talk with this member about why he doesn’t reach his goals. It’s my work to help him with his tasks. Later a few weeks, the member doesn’t improve with his goals, I talk about it with him again and find for external help.
  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
    I think it depends on the situation, since all the situations aren’t the same, I mean, the reason why it would be difficult to work with this person. So, let’s say we just can’t get on with each other. In this case, I think it’s important to remain objective and to focus on the goal or task given, by leaving any kind of personal feelings aside from the work environment and trying to be as professionals as we can. However, in the case that the situation really gets tougher, I would prefer to ask the person whether they think it will be bearable to work with me, or they prefer to make a swap. I think it’s also important to try to communicate any kind of unconformability and speak up if you think that something isn’t okay, and the way you’re feeling in regard with a specific person or situation. Communicating is the best way to solve a problem, and having a moderator would be good as well.

  2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
    I, personally, believe that being honest and transparent is always important in order to create trust. I think I like to take responsibility for my own mistakes and speak up if I cannot solve a problem by myself, despite any consequence. Moreover, I consider worthy of respect to have the maturity enough as to accept the outcomes of any mistake I made.

  3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    I didn’t commit to a challenge if I weren’t certain whether I might accomplish it or not. So, being honest and speak up at any time we might need help is important.

  4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
    I would try to talk to my boss, in order to see whether we could clear up something better. But I also believe in the respect for any decision taken, and I would rather trust in my boss, who is the one who has the last word.

  5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
    As I said before, communicating and speak up our different concerns is important so as to solve any inconvenient. Talking to this person would be the best procedure. And I think that normally, if someone finds kind of hard to comply with the expectations, it’s because something is happening.

My answers:

  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
    Well, I think it’s a normal situation. Not all people are like you, but in differences there are great opportunities to create something new.
    First of all, I would try to understand him and find if there is something in my behavior that is not right and try to sit down with the person to talk about the tasks, and how we can collaborate, and find things in common. I would try to be empathic with my co-worker.

  2. What do you do if you made a big mistake but nobody know it?
    I accept the mistake and talk about that mistake I made, and I would try to find a solution. I think that is something automaticall to me, to look for solutions.
    And I bealive that share the mistake can help other and my to not do again that.

  3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    Doing new things is great for me, I’m going for that challenge.
    When I had have to face situations like this, I research about the task, you know, and look for someone who can help me with a first step to start and do it.

  4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
    I belive that is great think diferent, and It can help to take the better opcions of somethimg. I would try to take a one to one meeting with my boss, and try to understand your point or convince my boss about the mistake with evidence (number, stadistics)

  5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

I would definitely talk to him apart from the rest of the co-workers and I do a feedback section, listening to him, because each person is a whole universe with ups and downs. We do not know what is behind each situation. I would like to support him as much as I can so that he not only has a better attitude but results and together we can make a plan, with clear commitments and as specific as possible, and of course I would follow up on that task.

Thank for the feeback!!


1-What would you do if you have to collaborate with a co-worker that is difficult to work with?
I would talk to him. I would ask him what’s his problem, and if there’s something that i can do, I would listen carefully his concerns and I would be always smiling and helping.

2-What would you do if you made a big mistake but no one noticed?
I would address the mistake because it´s the best way to achieve the goals for the company, I would be available to work extra hours or days in order to correct my mistake.

3-What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
I would read about the task and ask other people that had to complete similar responsibilities in order to get a guide and them I would do the task the best way possible.

4-If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something. What would you do?
I would talk to my boss and try to convince him why he is wrong. If he still thinks that he is not, I would do what he is ordering in order to show him exactly what issue was wrong.

5-What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
I would talk to him and ask what’s exactly the problem, I would offer him solutions and wellness in order to offer him a perfect environment for his job.

  1. I would establish a list of rules to work with, keeping goals and expectations clear, I am a person open to help, so if that person needs my help, I would definitely help them to make their work and mine better.
  2. I am a person in constant learning, if I make mistakes, I correct them and I always tend to comply with the work, making sure that the delivery is correct and with the due correction.
  3. I always try to do things well, I would talk about the possibilities for improvement and make my boss understand that things can have a broader perspective and not just his.
  4. I am a person who is always willing to help, on many occasions, for me people come first, therefore I would talk to that person to be able to find a solution together.
  • What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
    If I had a coworker that is difficult to work with, I would invite her/him a cup of coffee and talk to and show him/her the work project and the tasks with delivery dates.
    It’s important to be polite.
    -What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed?
    I would talk to a reliable coworker for calming my nerves; after I would think about how to solve the problem and, in the end, I would talk to my boss about my mistake
    and the solution for the problem. It´s better if you say the truth and the possible solution; if you do this, you will be reliable for your boss.
    -What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    I would accept the challenge because when you get out of your comfort zone you are a creative person.
    -If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?
    I would talk to him/ her to clarify the doubts or to understand the problem and I would apologize and I would try to have an agreement.
    -What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
    I would be a kind and smiling person and I would show her/him an interesting and creative way of working. Ethics is important.
    -What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
    I would ask for help and delegate some tasks, but if it is not enough, sincerely I would ask for more time and explain the reasons.

While answering situational questions always stay positive.

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

I’d try to be empathetic with that person to understand first where comes his behaviors, maybe he or she is passing a hard personal moment or she or he is not totally comfortable at work. After I’d try to negotiate with her or him, and I’d also implement some techniques to try to deal with the situation in order to have a better work environment

1. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

Maybe would be easy to ignore the mistake, but I definitely would try to solve and fix it because it may become a big challenge later

  1. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?_**

I usually face this kind of situations, so one thing I always do is try to understand the context, ask for some guidance and to be clear of the requirements and of what is expected from me with this challenge. After that, I’d try to set some stages, so I can divide the solution by steps and progress with solid resolutions.

**1. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?

First I’d try to understand her or his point of view and have a better idea of her or his perspective and after if I consider he or she is wrong I’d try to show her/him that maybe worth the pity to consider some other point of views, by evaluating some other risks, goals and possibilities. All of this in a private meeting, so he or she can be more open without the weight of the group over his/her shoulders.

_1. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?

I’d try to be clear of his or her situation, put myself in her/his shoes and have an idea of her/his perspective, maybe through a small talk in order to create together some strategies that can be better fit it with his/her skills and interests

  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
  • The thing that I do will be to talk with him about how we can reach the goals and establish the different tasks to have a more possible workflow.
  1. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
  • I think to be honest is the most important, so in that case, I will report or talk about the mistake with my boss for know-how to deal with that problem.
  1. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
  • I try to talk to my boss in private to explain, which not is the best form talk in front of all team.
  1. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
  • I try to consult and make questions to my co-workers to know how to solve and do that task in the correct way


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
I would consider applying a training about his weakness.
What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
in first i would talk to my boss the big error that I committed, but before a work plan had has made by me to present him a solution.
What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
it’s very common in my job, but we have the advantage we can ask help to somebody of my company, as well, there are documents about all cases of problems when I can looking for a solution, and for last I can looking for on internet there are many forums about question-answer in business technology.
If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
I would talk with him explaining the situation about why is he thinking incorrect, all in a positive soft way.
What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
one as a manager should expect anything and one of the promises about the development methods is to validate the project monitoring day by day and not leave everything at the end.

What a great example with that guest!

If the answer were not prepared, I am clapping, awesome performance; otherwise thanks for the example, really good crafted

Is good work with diferente people although they think differently because we learn new things

I. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
First, I try to be friendly. It is important to create a good relation with that person. Later, I would talk to him or her and earn his or her trust. As an expected result, that person knows he can count on me.
II. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
The better option is doing our best to solve the mistake. If I cannot, I would try to ask for help to my colleagues or boss.
III. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
I am always up for the challenges! So, I would research information on the internet and ask for help if I need it.
IV. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?
Every customer is important for the company. In that case, I would keep calm, and try to solve the complaint kindly.
V. What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
The first impression is the most important. If the customer has a bad experience because of you, it is almost impossible to do business. In order to make a good impression on a client, I would research the client’s expectation and earn his or her trust.
VI. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
It is necessary to know our strengths and weaknesses based on this create a plan. If I cannot complete any task, I would ask for help or ask for more time.
VII. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job?
There are changes at all time. One should be ready to adapt and use our skills in order to improve.
VIII. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
I would investigate in depth on the subject and, with this information; I would try to convince my boss change his or her mind. If I cannot accomplish this, I would respect the boss’ decision.
IX. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do?
It is important to keep respect. I would make him or her notice about his or her mistake.
X. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
Communication is the base of the team. I would talk to this person about the problem. I would try to know what is the factor that is distracting him or her from the team’s goal.

  1. I would invite my coworker for a cup of coffee or tea (whatever he or she would like to drink) so that we could have the opportunity for some time alone to talk together and to try to know him/her better and at the same time I would ask him/her for his/her opinion and ideas about how we could organize in order to get the job done.

  2. Honesty is the best policy so I would stand up to let my boss know about it.
    I would also bring to the table the possible solutions I had think of so that we could discuss them all together.

  3. I would definitely jump at it. I would ask as much as I could, and I would do some research about the task. If something would not be clear to me, I would go to my boss for his/her guidance.

  4. This happened to me in the past. We had a 1:1 meeting to discuss our points of view and to decide what could work best.

  5. Again, I would go for a cup of coffee or tea with him/her to talk together away from the rest of the team and interruptions. I would try to find out if there is any extraordinary situation at home that might be causing distraction and/or demotivation and if there is anything I could do to support him/her. If it has nothing to do with the personal aspect. Then I would set up a goal review so that we could discuss together goal by goal to detect those tasks he/she is struggling with. After the review we should agree on an action plan.

1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
I´ll try to have a conversation with him or she and we would set goals and how to reach them.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
I like to accept when I have made a mistake and I look at for the best way to fix it.

3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
Well, in all my jobs I have had to do that so, I always search for help, I do research and I do my best.

**4. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do? **
First of all, I would keep me calm and I would try to hear him carefully and then I would give him some solutions and I would find the best way to help him.

5. What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
Well, I think that I would be polite, I would pay attention to what he tells me and I would ask questions about was is he looking for and I would offer him the best options that fit his needs.

6. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
I think I´ll try to look for the best options for complete the task, then I adjust my schedule, then I´ll try to ask for help and I would explain to my boss about the situation with this task on time.

7. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job?
I would try to do my best all the time, I would learn fast and always take the things with a positive attitude for adapting as soon as possible with this new change.

8. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
I would schedule a meeting with him and I would try to tell him what I think about that topic and I would try to convince him about how we could do the task better.

9. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do?
First, I would hear his complaint carefully and then I would try to explain to him the best way possible how we do the things and I would show him evidence about that.

10. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
I would schedule a meeting with him to talk about his doubts and why he isn´t completing his goals and I would hear carefully, then we would set new goals and the best ways to complete them.

  1. I have had this situation in my previous jobs and certainly i think that is normal that we don’t agree always with all the perspectives in a team it’s important to have an space where everyone has the opportunity to contribute, so i will do my best to understand the point of view of my colleague and then i will make an space to talk with him and create a better relation according with our common goals.
  2. I’ll do my best first to understand why this error happened and then I’ll look for the best possible solution, once i have this information i will reach my boss to let him know the situation and the solution that i’ve found to see if together we can find a better one.
  3. I prefer to have all the information possible before starting something new because it will make me feel more confident so after looking the best approach with the help of the resources available (My co-workers, My boss, Company tools) for the specific task i’ll do the best to learn about it and do the job.
  4. I have faced this situation when i was a trainer, since every person is different i don’t have an specific recipe but there are some things that i will do first, i’ll have a coaching with him~her to see how is he~she feeling and which are the reasons of the performance, then I’ll recognize the good job that he~she has been doing so far and that in order to keep the previous performance we will have to look how to improve together the situation and create an action plan.
  1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
    I would talk with him about my point of view of his behavior and I would try to aware him of these problems and the ways to fix it.

  2. What would you do if you made a big mistake but no one noticed?
    In spite of this difficult situation, I would tell my boss about my mistake and I would try to give possible solutions.

  3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    It’s a good idea to get help, Asking since I understand the problem.

  4. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
    I would try to be honest with him about my point of view, respectfully and given arguments of my opinion.

  5. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
    In this situation, I would try to talk with him about the problems in his tasks and together we would try to find a solution.

Excellent interview 😄

That's a terrific role play applied in a hypothetical situation. Awesome!

What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?

  • First, I know that our behavior can vary due to many situations, and when we are not well we need help and understanding from others, so I think I would try to understand the person, being empathetic to find out why it is difficult to work with the person. Then I would talk to my coworker to find the best way to behave and establish what we are going to do to achieve the goal or get the task done smoothly. This action would allow me to maintain a good atmosphere with the other person and with my team, because at the end of the day we are in the company as a team to solve a problem that the company gives us.
    What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things, or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
  • I am not afraid of being wrong because I know that is beneficial to learn about these types of situations. So if I made a big mistake, I would try to figure it out on my own, but if it is not possible, and it affects the workflow, I would communicate my problem to the other person to help me solve it, because I think that if I am faced with a problem in the initial stage, I can avoid bigger problems for the company that may have arisen from the small problem.
    What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
    I seek to improve myself and learn more useful things every day, so if this task is going to give me new knowledge, I would take it, open to the tutoring of other people who know how to solve similar tasks. Also, I would do my own research on how can I do the task efficiently and at low cost to my team and the company.
    If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
    I understand that no one is perfect, and we can all make a mistake, so if I have deeply investigated the mistake, and I am sure that this mistake affects our work, I would speak one on one with my boss or with my partner to fix it.
    What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
    As a manager, I know that I must anticipate these problems, measuring from time to time if my team is achieving its objectives, but if this happened I would speak with them to understand what the problem is and if there is a difficult personal or work situation, so that with Based on this, I can support the person to faces the problem and find an adequate solution while trying to provide my accompaniment or a professional accompaniment so that the person feels good to act and does not allow the problem grows in order to gives the best effort in the team to achieve their goals and the goals of the company.

What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with? First, I wouldn’t take it personally, each person has different personalities and has been through different things that have made them that way, but it’s okay.
So I would try to have a short talk and understand what the coworker’s position is and make some agreements and goals so we can work well.
What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone? Everyone has made mistakes and what I’ll do is say my mistake, and find the way to solve it. For me, honesty and transparency are values that we all should have.
What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before? I like challenges, I would accept do the task and I would try my best to accomplish it: researching, asking questions and, understanding the work.
And also I would have learned something new.
If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do? I would try to talk with him/her and give my point of view if it were possible, or also I would talk with a coworker and say it.
What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations? I would talk with him/her to investigate and try to understand if he/she is going through a difficult situation, personal or even at work and help him/her in what I could (If it were a difficult personal situation), or if the problem is at work I would ask the thing that is wrong or what’s going on that is holding you back and try to fix it or reach an agreement.
I liked Shaili’s answers and the way she thinks, and I think these answers are very related to the values of each person.

Just in case this course be remade in future and if someone at platzi is reading this, please add more casual cases as this one. I really liked that.

**1. What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with? **
I would try to understand him and get to know him a little more because we all have different personalities and it is probably his behavior that depends on this. I think that talking to him is the best way to do this great task, as well as being patient because sometimes it is a very slow process.
2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?
Well, I really couldn’t ignore it, my conscience wouldn’t allow it. I would talk to my manager or the person in charge about what happened, because I believe that nobody is perfect and making mistakes is normal, we’re human and it can happen to anyone.
3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before?
I would say. I have never done it before, but I can learn to do it. And if something is not very clear, I would ask a co-worker if he can guide me or explain how to do it.
4. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?
Well, I would mainly listen to him to understand the reason for his dissatisfaction. After that, it depends on his reasons, I would try to calm him down and explain how I’m going to help him, empathically telling him what the steps to follow and how long it will take approximately.
5. What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
First, I would give him a cordial greeting and after introducing us I would listen to him because when someone is listened to, he thinks that his interlocutor is a good conversationalist and a great person. In addition, listening to the client allows me to know his needs and then know to offer our services without feeling that I’m selling to them.
6. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
Well, the first thing is to organize the tasks by priorities and then I would ask my manager if I can have the support and if it’s not possible, the last option is to work additional time, which could be negotiable with the manager.
7. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job?
First, I would understand the reason for the change and then would think about how this change impacts my work and the opportunities that result from it.
8. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong about something, what would you do?
I would talk to him in private and explain my point of view or what I think on the subject so that he himself will decide that he is wrong.
9. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do?
Well, first I would listen to him and then I would explain to him in such a way that finally he himself deduces that he is wrong.
10. What would you do if you were a manager and one of your team members was not reaching goals and expectations?
I would talk to him to find out if the results are related to personal things or if he has problems with your work or maybe he doesn’t understand how to do some tasks. And then depending on his answer, I would map out a route to help him.

I answer all the questions as the teacher was saying them later I will write them, but it was a great exercise!

What would you do if you had to collaborate with a coworker that is difficult to work with?
👉I believe that everyone had a person in the team who has a difficult attitude or way to work, so Itsn´t now this kind of people. At first, I will talk whit her or his and I will understand why she or he has this behavior, then I will explain how this it´s affecting me or a team.

What would you do if you made a big mistake and no one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it will slow down things or would you ignore it and not tell anyone?

👉 I must be honest, and raise my hand and told people what happened, I believe everyone could have a mistake, the important is to find a way to fix it and go on.

**What would you do if you were asked to complete a task that you had never done before? **

👉This happened to me a lot of times and with knowledge about it, I can say that it´s the better thing that someone can tell you. Because it´s a challenge for you and also, you learn too much. I´m now studying in Platzi because someone asked me to do something that I don´t have an idea about, so I was looking on the internet and found this community.

If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?

👉Well, some customers could be difficult, but I think that I have to listen to what happened and I must try to do everything that I can to fix the situation. I believe it´s about empathy.

**What would you do to make a good impression on a client? **
👉 I believe the best thing you can do is do your job, with passion and empathy.

4. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?

I know by my own experience, a dissatisfied customer is satisfied by first, proof them you acknowledge the problem is going through and you are capable to solve. In the case, the problem is going to take some time, give follow-up calls to them, letting them to know that you´re working on the case until you get the solution.
5. What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
Start any friendly conversation like a friend. By listening to him and dialoguing. Establishing a space of trust on them. Letting the pressure off them.
6. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
I´d talk to my team about the challenge I´m into along with the task list. Tell them about my concerns in every task, the things I need support with and make the expectations clearer to achieve.
7. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job?
I´d review the changes in particular and make them as a new strategic plan. I´d look at it as a great challenge in which we are involved and will make us enhance professionally.
9. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do?

Before making a statement about them, completely wrong, we´d review that complaint, regarding the info in our system. Both qualitative and quantitative data. But I know, despite discovering the mistake was really from them, there´s an unexpected emotional pain on them. Depending on how bad, we can get to a one-time agreement to reinforce the bond (having in mind we´re not going to get them used to complain all the time).

To be honest, I would do the same thing that our teacher’s colleague has said but for the challenge, we have some questions we have to answer by ourself, then I decided to put only those questions:

  1. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would you do?
    Firstly I kindly greeting him or her and I would ask what was the problem, after that if I can help him or her to fix the problem I would help him the fastest possible, and if I can’t I would probably call someone that really can help the customer.

  2. What would you do to make a good impression on a client?
    I would be kind and respectful, as well as give them high-quality customer service, listening to their needs, and eventually giving them the solutions they are looking for.

  3. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and had a deadline in a week?
    I would use my time management skills to set a schedule dividing the task in specific micro goals and chunk them one by one till the task has been done completely.

  4. How would you adapt if there was a big change in your job?
    I can easily adapt to a new work environment, just I have to do my best as always and everything is going to be okay, I can learn as fast as possible new skills and how to deal with new situations.

  5. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about something that he or she was complaining about, what would you do?
    It has ever happened to me before but in my experience, I have treated different types of people and I realize that the best way to deal with them is listening to them carefully, try to put in me their shoes, and being kind and respectful share the info I know and try to help him to get aware about their failure by their self.

Being a teacher is a little bit different because is treat the same people day by day, so I have to look for them for a long time, so I would try to help my student with all their needs and things I think they can improve.