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How to close the job Interview effectively and what to do after the interview


El momento de cierre de la entrevista es muy importante y debes asegurarte de hacerlo de una forma efectiva.

Qué hacer en el momento de cierre de una entrevista de trabajo

Antes de cortar la llamada o despedirte personalmente del entrevistador, asegúrate de:

  • All questions were answered.
  • State your interest and why you are the right person for the job.
  • You ask for the next steps and how you should follow up.
  • Get the contract information you need.
  • Close the interview on a positive note.
  • Thank the hiring manager.

Qué hacer después de presentar una entrevista de trabajo

Después de la entrevista que has tenido es relevante dar algunos pasos extra:

  • Analyze your answers and how you felt.
  • Write down things you want to remember from the interview.
  • Contact the references you provided (if applicable).
  • Connect with your interviewer.
  • Send an email thanking for the interview.
  • Follow up on the process.
  • Be prepared to wait, be patient.
  • Do not stop the job search until you have an offer.

Después de la entrevista seguramente se te ocurrirán mejores respuestas e incluso más oportunas. También te arrepentirás de haber dicho algunas cosas. Esto es completamente normal y ser consciente de ello te ayudará en el futuro ¡Relájate que la entrevista ha terminado y has hecho tu mejor esfuerzo!

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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10 types of closing statements for interviews
Depending on your preference, you can use your closing statement to provide extra information or ask important questions. You can use your interview closing statement to:

Ask important questions
Discuss missing experience
Remind the hiring manager of your most important skills
Emphasize your passion for the position
Speak about the next steps
Determine if the employer needs more information
Finish with a polite conclusion
Ask for the job directly
Give a positive outlook about the future
Show how you’re prepared for the first day

Make sure:

  • All the questions were answered
  • State your interest and why you are the right person for the job
  • You ask for the next steps and how you should follow up
  • Get the contact information you need
  • Close the job interview on a positive note
  • Thank the hiring manager for him/her time

After the Interview:

  • Write down things you want to remember from the interview
  • Analyze your answers and how you felt
  • Contact the references you provided(if applicable)
  • Connect to your Interviewer
  • Send an email taking for the interview
  • Follow up on the process
  • Be prepared to wait, be patient
  • Do not stop the job search until you have an offer

What do you mean by ‘Close the job inteview on a positive note’?

How to close an interview

  • Ask questions.
  • Address any concerns.
  • Remind the interviewer of your strengths.
  • Express your interest in the job.
  • Ask about the next steps.
  • Offer additional information.
  • Leave the meeting politely.
  • Send a follow-up email.

Amazing course.

“Don’t stop the job search there til’ you get an offer”

So accurate. I’ve been searching job for like 3 months now.
And that’s true, Don’t stop your searching until you get an offer where you can sign.
Otherwise, many offers may fall or take too long.
Be careful.

Make sure:

All the questions were answered
State your interest and why you are the right person for the job
You ask for the next steps and how you should follow up
Get the contact information you need
Close the job interview on a positive note
Thank the hiring manager for him/her time
After the Interview:

Write down things you want to remember from the interview
Analyze your answers and how you felt
Contact the references you provided(if applicable)
Connect to your Interviewer
Send an email taking for the interview
Follow up on the process
Be prepared to wait, be patient
Do not stop the job search until you have an offer










It is very important to analyze this information.

Jajaja okey
En dan soy sorry
Ok yes
Si vovcabulary





“Don’t stop the job search there til’ you get an offer”

So accurate. I’ve been searching job for like 3 months now.
And that’s true, Don’t stop your searching until you get an offer where you can sign.
Otherwise, many offers may fall or take too long.
Be careful.

How to close an interview

Ask questions.
Address any concerns.
Remind the interviewer of your strengths.
Express your interest in the job.
Ask about the next steps.
Offer additional information.
Leave the meeting politely.
Send a follow-up email.

Thanks Carolina__



10 types of closing statements for interviews
Depending on your preference, you can use your closing statement to provide extra information or ask important questions. You can use your interview closing statement to:

Ask important questions
Discuss missing experience
Remind the hiring manager of your most important skills
Emphasize your passion for the position
Speak about the next steps
Determine if the employer needs more information
Finish with a polite conclusion
Ask for the job directly
Give a positive outlook about the future
Show how you’re prepared for the first day

All the questions were answered
State your interest and why you are the right person for the job


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

“Do not stop the job search until you have an offer”

I think, we need to take care about that tip, because maybe you could find something disappointing during the process of interviews.

I think that a great complement to this course is:
Curso de optimizacion del perfil profesinal
By Rodrigo Cortez.

Close the job inteview on a positive note, is one of the most important, the hiring manager also cares our positive, that care a lot

Follow up!!

<p> Make Sure</p>
<li> All questions were answed</li>
<li> State your interest and why you are the right for the job</li>
<li>You ask for the next steps and how you should follow up</li>
<li>Make sure that you get the info you nedd</li>
<li>Close the job interview on a positive note</li>
<li>Thanks the hiring manager</li>

<p> After the Interview</p>
  <li>Analize your answers and how you felt</li>
  <li>Write down things you want to remember from the interview</li>
  <li> Contact the references you provided(if applicable)</li>
   <li>Connect to your Interviewer</li>
   <li>Send an email taking for the interview</li>
   <li> Follow up on the process</li>
   <li>Be prepared to wai, be patient</li>
   <li>Do not stop the job search until you have an offer</li>


I prefer: Do not stop the job search until you have a Job

-Make sure
• All questions were answered
• State your interest and why you are the
right person for the job
• You ask for the next steps and how you
should follow up
Get the the contact information you
Close the interview on a positive note
Thank the hiring manager
-After the interview
• Analyzeyour answers and howyou felt
• Write down things you want to
remember from the interview
• Contact the references you provided (if
Send an email thanking for the interview
Follow up on the process
Be prepared to wait, be patient
Do not stop the job search until you
have an offer