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Common mistakes


Todos cometemos errores en nuestras entrevistas de trabajo. Ten en cuenta qué puedes mejorar para refinar tus entrevistas.

Errores comunes en una entrevista de trabajo

  • Being late for the interview.
  • Lying.
  • Not being prepared.
  • Having your cell phone with notifications on and using it.
  • Not making any eye contact.
  • Bad posture.
  • Not dressing appropriately.
  • Not asking questions.
  • Asking about holidays or bonuses during the initial interview.
  • Saying that you have applied to a lot of jobs.
  • Making negative comments about your current job, employer, or colleagues.
  • Not following up after an interview.

Por estos motivos, es importante que reflexiones sobre tus respuestas una vez finalice la entrevista. Aprende de tus errores para no volver a cometerlos en futuros procesos de selección.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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I’ve made the most common mistake: not being prepared for the interview, even for the job position.

After this course I’ll have more tools to get a better experience in a job interview 😄

Actually, I used to make the following mistakes:
• Not being enough prepared
• Not making any eye contact
• Not asking questions
• Making negative comments about your current job, employer or colleagues

Now, I’ve learned how to be prepared for a job interview, so I think the next interview that I have, everything is going to be different…
I will take the recommendations like these:
Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, but now I feel confident.
I know that to be prepared for an interview primarily means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer.
Besides, I should perform research on the company and carefully review the job description to understand why you would be a good fit.
I have to examine the job description.
I might to consider why you are interviewing and your qualifications.
It’s important to perform research on the company and role.
Researching the company and role as much as possible will give me an edge over the competition.

Actually I have not had enough job interviews. But I learned a lot of tips about this. I will be most careful at a job interview. Now I know how to do things correctly. Thank you, Carolina.

In the past, I mistake in this, no more:
Not being prepared of the unconscious manner.
In an interview, a company called me two hours earlier. I didn’t know anything, only I knew about the company that it was going to contract me. Then, I was in an interview without knowing about of the client company, that the interview was going to be with many interviewers and that one of them, she was a native speaker. You imagine my surprise. That was very awful.

With this course, now, before of the interview, I’ll be prepared with all the tips that I learned.

Ups! I have made many mistakes:

  • Not asking questions.

  • Not being prepared (Searching information about the company)

  • Not following up after an interview.

I think that the only point you didn’t talk about was body language.
Well, I will take on mind every advice you have given me, sorry if I upset you with too many questions.
And, well, I will write my own tools, with the guidance of the papers you have shared with us, and practice them.

In the past I made the most common mistake, not being prepared for the common interview questions. Now I`m going to practice a lot before having the interview the next week. Wish me luck guys!

Some of the mistakes that I have had in some interview were that I wasn’t prepared for some specific information related to my area or to some IT fields. However, I have always loved to be on time to any interviews because as Carolina said, it is very important to demonstrate that I’m interested in the job offer that I’m applying for.

After completing the curse, I’ll have more knowledge about the common questions from an interview and how to be prepared to answer them and to face an interview.

Hi everybody!
Some years ago, when I started looking for a job, I didn’t ask questions.
After I complete this course, the next time that I look for a job I will read the job positions a lot of times to focus my answers on it.

This is one of the best courses at Platzi! The resources are all very usefull and Carol is so clear 😃 I made my own sheet to face my next job interview. Thanks!

I couple of days before had an English interview, I used this course to prepare for it. I felt well prepared, It was an interview of 20 minutes, several questions and I usually get stuck when I need a english word to explain something and this doesn’t come up in my mind, beside I really need to expand my vocabulary and have more speaking practice,

Which common mistakes have you done?

No following up, Not dressing appropriately, bad posture, Not being prepared.

What would you do differently after completing this course?

Get dressed appropriately, to be prepared, ask questions, and follow up, good posture.

Not being prepared…

My principal mistake is… I don´t speak fluent english in the interview. In the next time, I improve my speaking, I Will be prepared to my best interview.

gracias por advertirme que no tengo que hablar acerca de bonus o vacaciones 😂😂😂

In the first ever interview I attended, I arrived late. I was 18, just out of highschool and had no idea what was expected of me. I took the subway with plenty of time, but it stopped due to a technical failure.
I got in anyways, greeted everyone and when it was my time to speak up, I was nervous so I made a joke. I told them that one of my strenghts was being on time, except for today. Everybody laughed, and at last I got the job. I was in that company for almost five years.

Being not prepared for a question not related to the job vacancy

Being overconfident is another of the common mistakes while in a job interview; the interviewer will perceive you as “overqualified”.
Lessons learned through this course? To perform an in-depth review of both my Linkedin profile and cover letter.

My mistake was not beign prepared fot the interview, not did know information about to position

I see that the most common mistake is not being prepared for the interview because I have made it a lot 😅
And another common mistake I’ve had is to not make questions to the interviewer. But now, I have some useful tips to go through next interviews

you should make eyes contatc

My rule for interviews is “If they don’t need to know, I don’t say anything about it”.

I have made the next mistakes:
I have been late for an interview, I haven´t been prepared for the interview and sometimes, I have not asked questions.
After this course, I will follow all the recommendations because I realized that there are a lot of things that I can improve.
Thanks a lot Caro!!! 😃

Definitely I made several mistakes during my interviews, for example, the first thing it was I did not prepare the interview and I tried to improvise my answers, even though, those were authentic and trusted I feel that I could be doing better with a such as a perfect speech in mind. Sometimes there is not enough time to prepare it, but it would be necessary to start to memorize all those tips and tricks and more if we do not have a proficient level of speaking.

¿Qué haces con los errores?..
… pues aprendes de ellos…

One time, I said that in 5 years I want to be an independent entrepreneur.

"Asking about holidays or bonuses during the initial interview ". I don’t agree with this statement, I had an interview with someone who hired me back then because showed her my confidence in being responsible to deliver outcomes, and as a result bonuses being paid due to results.

Bad posture
Not making any eye contact

Not being prepared

My mistakes were:
Not bein prepared for the role position.
Not asking questions
Not following up after an interview.

After this course Im going to be more prepared about the responsabilities in that position job, ask about goals that I shoulg get in tne next month, and send an email to my recruiter in that company.

WOW Thank you! teacher.

Some of the mistakes that I have had in some interview were that I wasn’t prepared for some specific information related to my area or to some IT fields. However.

my first mistake that I have made was not make questions to the interviewer, and not following up after an interview, but now I get a lot of tips to have a better interview.

Personally, the mistake I made the most was when they asked me about how I see myself in x time?
My answer didn’t have anything to see with the current role or even worse, the company I was applying for.

I did not prepared well for the job interviews .
I tended to do negatitive statements about my last job.
I did not make eye contact.

Now with everything that I learned, I will aply every tip.

I want to make a note about it, I had to hold notifications on my cellphone because I had Internet connection problems during a virtual interview, so I could recieve a call to finish the interview but the experience was not the same, be careful!


Another Common mistakes

  • Bad posture

  • Not dessing appropriately

  • Not asking questions

  • Asking about holidays or bonuses at the initial interview

  • Saying that you have applied to a lot of jobs

  • Making negative comments about your current job, employer o colleagues.

  • Not following up after an interview

Common mistakes

  • Being late for the interview

  • Lying

  • Not being prepared

  • Having your cell phone with notifications on and using it.

  • Not making any eye contact.

I haven’t done interviews yet, but I can have some weaknesses about thinking well enough about the interview and I may have a more erratic eye contact. I was awful at eye contact as a child, although I have largely become better at it due to age.

Very good

After taking this course, I would definitely pay more attention to many thinks I didn’t know in the past!


esta fácil

I’ve made the most common mistake: not being prepared for the interview, even for the job position.

After this course I’ll have more tools to get a better experience in a job interview

I’ve made the most common mistake: not being prepared for the interview, even for the job position.

After this course I’ll have more tools to get a better experience in a job interview



Which common mistakes have you done?

No following up, Not dressing appropriately, bad posture, Not being prepared.

What would you do differently after completing this course?

Get dressed appropriately, to be prepared, ask questions, and follow up, good posture.

In the past, I mistake in this, no more:
Not being prepared of the unconscious manner.
In an interview, a company called me two hours earlier. I didn’t know anything, only I knew about the company that it was going to contract me. Then, I was in an interview without knowing about of the client company, that the interview was going to be with many interviewers and that one of them, she was a native speaker. You imagine my surprise. That was very awful.

With this course, now, before of the interview, I’ll be prepared with all the tips that I learned.










Actually, I used to make the following mistakes:
• Not being enough prepared
• Not making any eye contact
• Not asking questions
• Making negative comments about your current job, employer or colleagues

Now, I’ve learned how to be prepared for a job interview, so I think the next interview that I have, everything is going to be different…
I will take the recommendations like these:
Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, but now I feel confident.
I know that to be prepared for an interview primarily means taking time to thoughtfully consider your goals and qualifications relative to the position and employer.
Besides, I should perform research on the company and carefully review the job description to understand why you would be a good fit.
I have to examine the job description.
I might to consider why you are interviewing and your qualifications.
It’s important to perform research on the company and role.
Researching the company and role as much as possible will give me an edge over the competition. Ups! I have made many mistakes:

Not asking questions.

Not being prepared (Searching information about the company)

Not following up after an interview.


• Not being enough prepared
• Not making any eye contact
• Not asking questions

I’ve made the most common mistake: not being prepared for the interview, even for the job position.

After this course I’ll have more tools to get a better experience in a job interview

I think the most common mistake that I made is Not asking questions, I used to forget ask something, maybe because I was nervous or I just didn’t have in my mind. But now with this course I know good questions to ask and I won’t forget it again, I feel happy to take this course, it really has been helpful.

My mistakes were: Not being prepared, searching information about the company, Asking about holidays or bonuses at the initial interview, Not follow up.
Now with this course I have more ideas to improve my speech, asking questions and negociate the salary, every interview I going to following up, if don’t a good response know why is the reason.

Which common mistakes have you done?
Not being prepared and not asking enough questions.

What would you do differently after completing this course?
I know now the importance of asking questions and having done a little research of the company before the interview in order to be prepared so I will definitely follow these two actions for my next interview.

The most common mistake I have made during an interview is not knowing enough about the company.

I remember I did this following mistakes:

  • No eye contact
  • Not being prepared enough
  • No questions
  • And no follow up

My common mistakes are being late and not asking enough. I am taking notes of all the tips to be on time next time and I’m going to create a speech (I hope this word is well used) for future interviews so I can have some questions prepared, like those suggested in a previous lesson.

I made the same mistake: Not being prepared, because I though that was better to be authentic and spontaneous. I wanted that everything flows in a natural way. I was wrong, it is better to be authentic and spontaneus but being prepared. thanks for this course

Sometimes, the recruiter could ask If the person is on an advanced process from another company. Only in that case, the candidate should talk about it. Otherwise, it´s not recommended.

Common job interview mistakes

  • Arriving late or too early.
  • Inappropriate attire.
  • Using your cellphone.
  • Not doing company research.
  • Losing your focus.
  • Unsure of resume facts.
  • Talking too much.
  • Speaking poorly of previous employers.

I have made the most common mistakes:

  1. Not being prepared.
  2. Not making any eye contact.
  3. Not asking questions.
  4. Not following up after an interview.
    With this course, I have learned how to prepare a resume, a cover letter, and many tips about how to prepare for an interview.

I have had to make notes about possibles questions to be more confident sometimes during the interview

In my experience, i never made questions to my interviewer, i was just focus in answer, no to make questions. Now, i´m gonna have this on mind for the next interview.

I will do several things differently after this course 😂 I don’t been prepared at all for a real job interview. I have only one interview experience, and that was not a professional one. That was like “Do you want the job? Do you have the skills? Ok, you have the role.” haha, so… Yes, this course brings me the structure of a real job interview. And between I had taken this course I have had my first real/professional interview. So, yes, this helped me a lot. Thanks, teacher Carolina and all the Platzi community. 💚

Muy buen aporte felicidades, no sé si en Platzi existan cursos para prepararse para el IELTS

The most common mistake i made in the past was not to be prepared for the interview, not to do any research about the company and not to be aware about my professional value.

MAlso I did not used to do an active search of job so those are things i’ve learnt by taking curses here in platzi. now i feel more confidence and better prepared to get my dreamed job

  • One mistake that I made in an interview was speaking something wrong about the company
  • With this course, I learned the different types of questions that I can make to the interviewer to sound more interested in the company

A thing I would do differently is to follow up the process.


En el web site vas a encontrar gente nativa que quiere aprender español y te pueden ayudar con tu ingles

Very important information.

Which common mistakes have you made?

  1. Speak very little English.
  2. Question working hours.
  3. Talk about my weaknesses, instead of my strengths.
  4. Apply for a position that I do not meet the requirements
    What would you do differently after completing this course?
    To have everything planned about the interview questions and be prepared about myself with the utmost confidence and not fall into lies or negative thoughts.

I made a lot of mistakes with interviewers in the past:

  • Making jokes
  • Talking about personal life
  • Being late
  • Don’t ask for feedback

One of the mistakes I have had in a past interview was to be vague with the reason behind my postulation. For example, I didn’t demonstrate a long-term relationship with that company.

I’ve made a common mistake: Don’t being prepared enough to the interview hahaha

No doubt the most common is not being prepared.

I’ve made some common mistakes such as not asking questions, not be prepared and not following up after an interview.
After completing this course, I´ll prepare myself for every interview and therefore I will be more confident

In the past, I used to get too nervous and that makes me forget everything that I prepared.
Also, I used to talk really fast (because nervous) and people didn´t understand what I was talking about.
Now I feel more relaxed about a job interview and whit these tips I´m sure, my next time will be easy for me.

Thanks Caro and Platzi.

The most common mistake, that when i have the interview i´m in others things, we need to change that

if you don’t make mistakes you don’t grow. That Simple

For me, that didn’t have a a professional job interview for a long time, I think I did well, didn’t have any script and my only mistakes that I would consider are:

  • Not making eye contact

  • Bad posture

  • Not asking questions at the end, but I did it during the interview though.

  • Not following up after the interview.

  • The salary expectation answer. - I don’t know if It’s a common mistake but I think I asked for a too high salary considering that I don’t have too much experience yet, but I did it becasue I consider my self a competent person in other areas.

I don’t usually make questions to the interviewer, but now I understand the importance of doing it.

On the past, I didn’t make any kind of questions and I didn’t following up after an interview. So, I will prepare to correct these mistakes in the next interview

How the people see you, is determinated

I have made a common mistake like not being prepared for example with my weaknesses the when the interviewer asked me this question I had a lot of nervous and for this I didn’t have a good interview.
I would like to send an email thanking next to the interview, with the objetive to demostrate interest and I need to be more patient.

My interest is not noticeable or sometimes i do not stand out.