How to upload your project in your Platzi profile



Did you know you can add your projects in your Platzi profile to show the community everything you have learned?

Here’s how you can do it:


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thank you

Thnks you for the information!

Thnks you for the information!

Thank you

Thank you very very much

thanks you



I didn`t know how to do that!, thank you!

Thank you!!
It is an excellente course!

Thanks ,it was an excellent course!! Helped me alot for the nexts interviews

excellent class

excellent class

Thanks ,it was an excellent course!! Helped me alot for the nexts interviews

excellent class

bright idea

excellent class
Not bad

Great! I didn’t know how to upload my projects! Thank you!

Oh! My goodness…

I wasn’t expecting this kind of tool. I may start with a Google site solution, why not.

Thank you!!
It is an excellente course!

In my Profile. I do not have the option of portfolio.

Thanks a lot for such amazing course!

Thanks ,it was an excellent course!! Helped me alot for the nexts interviews

Thank . excellent course

Great! I didn’t know how to upload my projects! Thank you!

I didn`t know how to do that!, thank you!

Ok my project coming soon!

I will do it!

Thank you, teacher, I enjoy this course in the 24 hours free courses, amazing, all your advice help me a lot.

Great chance to show my new abilities.

Amazing, since this point i’ll do it. I upload my exercises in HTML and CSS and share for the future opportunities.