Welcome to this Course for Developers in English
Communicate with your customer accurately
Customer-oriented requirements
How iteration cycles work
Planning considering priorities
Review: communicate with your customer accurately
Understand your customer and the requirements
Prioritizing requirements
Backlog and Milestone 1.0
Organize your tasks!
Organizing your time into user stories and tasks
Stand-up meetings, analyze and design
Review: organize your tasks!
Create deliverable design
Creating deliverable design
Refactoring, meetings and release
Protect your very valuable software
Understanding the principles of defensive development
Functional and unit testing
Review: protect your very valuable software
Understanding Continuous Integration (CI) and testing
Types of software testing
Handle accidents when building the code and what CI means
Test your Software!
TDD Test-Driven Development
Review: test your software!
Be ready for the end
Prepare for the next iteration
End an iteration
Fix your bugs!
Handle bugs to fit your process
Continuous integration test delivery method
Review: fix your bugs!
We've come to an end!
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Carlos Arriaga Luna
Existen algunos puntos que puedes profundizar para incentivar de una mejor manera la comunicación con tu cliente como desarrollador o desarrolladora web.
La comunicación con tu cliente será siempre lo más importante. La precisión y claridad de estas interacciones determinarán la calidad del producto que tengas que desarrollar.
Veamos un ejemplo:
Una “lluvia de ideas” es una reunión donde especialmente se debaten ideas del trabajo que se tiene que realizar o cómo se debe realizar este. Ninguna idea es mala, el equipo tiene que discutirlas para encontrar las mejores.
Two heads are better than one and four heads are better than two, as long as people can contribute without criticism. Carlos Arriaga
Las historias de usuario son representaciones visuales e individuales de una única tarea.
User stories must be written from the customer’s perspective. Let’s see an example:
Una estimación es para cuándo estará terminada una determinada tarea.
Let’s see an example:
El “pensamiento de diseño” es un proceso efectivo para resolver problemas que te ayuda a crear grandes soluciones.
Existen muchas técnicas que puedes implementar para optimizar el desempeño laboral y la comunicación con el cliente. Normalmente, cada equipo implementa lo que funciona para el mismo, no necesariamente deben utilizar todas las técnicas, pero si explorar las mismas y buscar las mejores para mejorar el trabajo.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
Aportes 109
Preguntas 5
Design Thinking summary 😄
Working, functional software is the primary measure of progress.
Such a great line.
would you like to sell your bikes for all ages?
will your customers contact you by Facebook, Instragram or another way?
What kind of payment method do you prefer?
Customer requirements / Understanding the customer.
At the beginning some information might still be unclear - go back to the customer and clarify.
Get info on requirements. Think of everything you need before you start building the software.
A session designed to express ideas about the project design. Any idea can be expressed.
Promote the right atmosphere the right atmosphere to avoid having a foggy or muffled session.
User stories should describe one thing that the software needs to do as the software needs to do for the customer, they must be short.
Written using language that the customer understands…
After your initial requirement capture stage you will have clear user stories.
The customer will then want to know when those stories will be built.
How long will it take to complete the project? (Estimation)
I could ask some questions like: How many languages should the website support? How will the customer filter their search? What forms of payment do you want to be available? Do you want to have a blog within the website? What other items do you want to sell on the website? Do you want us to use a specific color combination? Do you want a special section for people who want to sell you their bikes?
Brainstorming objective is getting good requirements that will create great results and great software.
Do you have already your company logo?
What kinds of bicycles do you want to sell?
Do you want to have the option to register and log in?
Do you want to have the option to add discount coupons?
What methods of payment do you want to have?
What type of bicycles will you sell? What type of payment would you take? You have a logo or icon in your startup that is symbolic? Depending on the logo i will build a palette of colors in your website.
What questions do you think you could ask if we take the bicycle online sales as an example?
Do you use a shipping method to deliver your bicycles?
What payment methods are you willing to use?
what kind of product filters should your bicycle store implement?
-Will user be able to buy as a guest? Or it’s mandatory to create an account?
5 questions for the bicycle online sales app:
Thank you for the PDF!
I like those quizzes a lot.
How many types of bicycles are you want to sell? Are you going to sell for all ages?
What kind of payment are you going to accept?
What kind of shipping are you going to offer?
Questions to client:
- Do you want the bikes to have a video with a 360 degree view in an automatic or manual action?
- You want the bikes to have the option to add accessories on the same screen of “Customize your bike”
It is very important to understand what want your customer.
Think of everything you need before you start building the software.
Fulfill: realize
Sort out: classifier
How many kinds of bicycles do you have?
Do you have your delivery?
Do you have any additional services?
Do you have customizing service?
Could the client build his bicycle from zero?
Do you sell parts or only bicycles?
Maybe could be the way of delivery and methods of pay of the bicycles…
What questions do you think you could ask if we take the bicycle online sales as an example?
What is your favorite site of sales?
Why that is your favorite site?
What kind of think do don’t like of your favorite site?
What is first requirement?
Hi everyone:
I think that completing the questions of my mates, for don’t repeat, we would make us great team players.
I complement with these questions:
¿Do you think to use a database for save your customers?
¿Which database would you be disposed to use?
¿How much money do you have estimated to invest?
Thanks to everything for your comments.
User Stories:
Brainstorming or Idea brainstorming:
Accurate communication:
Questions to the bicycle example:
Test question: Idea brainstorming is…
have you a delivery system or we include traking products?
Two heads are better than one and four heads are better than two, as long as people can contribute without criticism.
Questions to the bicycle store: Do you want to tell something inside the store? or just a digital place to purchase bicycles.
different way to phrase the question :“Do you want to have an option of choosing multiple languages?” could be: “Do you want to have the option to choose multiple languages?”. That
Questions for the bicycle store: Is there a particular way in which you want to sort the bikes? How will your customers pay? Will it be a international store with shipping? Do you want to have an option of choosing multip
Existen algunos puntos que puedes profundizar para incentivar de una mejor manera la comunicación con tu cliente como desarrollador o desarrolladora web.
Comunicación precisa
La comunicación con tu cliente será siempre lo más importante. La precisión y claridad de estas interacciones determinarán la calidad del producto que tengas que desarrollar.
I’m really
questions for the bicycle online sales app:
What are the categories of bicycles?
Do you want to support different languages in the app?
How many users do you think the app will have?
Do you want to support online payment?
Can the …
Les gooo!!!
Goals for this lesson
Accurate communication - Comunicación precisa
Idea brainstorming - Lluvia de ideas
User stories -historias de usuarios
Estimates - Estimaciones
Accurate communication - Comunicación precisa
Customer requirements / Understanding the customer.
At the beginning some information might still be unclear - go back to the customer and clarify.
Get info on requirements. Think of everything you need before you start building the software.
How many different types of bicycles does the software have to support?
Should the software allow any changes to color or model once the bicycles been purchased.
Does the software have an administrator interface to make changes.
will the software have to talk other systems? PayPal or others.
A session designed to express ideas about the project design. Any idea can be expressed.
Promote the right atmosphere the right atmosphere to avoid having a foggy or muffled session.
The objective of Brainstorming is getting good requirements that will create great results and great software.
You can also try Brainstorming and observation as a complement to Brainstorming to gather good requirements.
User stories
User stories should describe one thing that the software needs to do as the software needs to do for the customer, they must be short.
Written using language that the customer understands…
avoid using technical terms
After your initial requirement capture stage you will have clear user stories.
The customer will then want to know when those stories will be built.
How long will it take to complete the project? (Estimation)
Goals for this lesson
Accurate communication - Comunicación precisa
Idea brainstorming - Lluvia de ideas
User stories -historias de usuarios
Estimates - Estimaciones
Accurate communication - Comunicación precisa
Customer requirements / Understanding the customer.
At the beginning some information might still be unclear - go back to the customer and clarify.
Get info on requirements. Think of everything you need before you start building the software.
How many different types of bicycles does the software have to support?
Should the software allow any changes to color or model once the bicycles been purchased.
Does the software have an administrator interface to make changes.
will the software have to talk other systems? PayPal or others.
A session designed to express ideas about the project design. Any idea can be expressed.
Promote the right atmosphere the right atmosphere to avoid having a foggy or muffled session.
The objective of Brainstorming is getting good requirements that will create great results and great software.
You can also try Brainstorming and observation as a complement to Brainstorming to gather good requirements.
User stories
User stories should describe one thing that the software needs to do as the software needs to do for the customer, they must be short.
Written using language that the customer understands…
avoid using technical terms
After your initial requirement capture stage you will have clear user stories.
The customer will then want to know when those stories will be built.
How long will it take to complete the project? (Estimation)
I’d ask my customer about his/her likes about bicycles, in that way I can get an idea about what they are passionate about and in that way guide my work.
Thanks you
My questions for the customer:
The bicycles are general purpose or they are for specialized users?
What’s the price range?
Prices are average to the market niche?
Depending of the market niche but let’s suppose that are custom bicycles for trail cycling:
are you selling over seas?
do you offer other services like maintenance?
questions for the bicycle store are:
Do you have thinked sell the bikes for particulars or to distributors? The model can be different if is oriented to B2B or B2C business
How many countries are the target for this store? Is important know the differents languages that is needed to show the products and the flow of the sell process
Are the products only a bikes? or, too do you want sell parts of the bicycles? We need define if is necesary add categories for organize the all catalog.
Working, functional software is the primary measure of progress.
Questions for the costumer:
how to communicate with your customer accurately.
concepts of precise communication, brainstorming, user stories and estimates.
accurate communication. At the beginning of the software development process, your client will give you their requirements. It is very important that you understand precisely what the customer wants. You need to think about everything you need before you start building the software.
brainstorming is a session designed to express ideas about the design of the project. Any idea can be expressed during the brainstorming session. Now, sometimes crazy ideas will come up.
And there should be no criticism. Now, I firmly believe that two heads are better than one and four heads are better than two.
User stories are an individual representation or a visual representation or individual tasks. Now functional working software is the primary measure of progress. How do you satisfy your customer? Well, through early and continuous delivery of valuable software If after each work period or iteration you meet with your customer and deliver some software, I can assure you that your customer will be satisfied
What is an estimate? An estimate will tell you when your software will be ready, after your initial requirements. And after that, capture the stage. You will have very clear user stories. But what will not be clear yet is how long it will take to develop all those user stories. The client will obviously want to know the total duration of the project. First the color creation which takes you five days, then the second user case which takes you two days to code. The total amount of those estimates will be nine days.
Do you want to have a report of your sales?
Excellent class
what kind of bicycles are we going to sell? are we going to offer home delivery?
Which are your corporate colors?
What is your target audience?
Which payment methods do you want to implement?
I think I would ask
what type of bicycles does he/she want to sell? what’s the range of prices? what would be his/her ideal customer? does she/he wants to communicate a message or the focus should be only on selling the product?
what colors does he/she have in mind for the website?
What type of payment methods would he/she like to add?
What’s the budget that he/she has for the project?
Do you have custom bikes?
What kinds of cartoons are showing your bicycles?
Do you have custom bikes for adults?
What colors would you like to have on the website?
How many categories of bikes will there be?
A few question for the bicycle store:
- How long do you need the project to be ready?
- Would you like to sell to a target audiences?
- Would you like to implement some
business characteristics like bicycle recycling,
reconditioned units or customized products?
- Would you like to consider a
Design proposal from a professional designer?
- Would you like to include some characteristics
like route tracking or daily tips?
Do you have any plans to have offers, discounts and promotions so that they website can be more interesing?
I think they could be: ¿how will the bicycles sells?
Questions: What do you want, when do you want it by, do you have any UI design done, what is the main language that will be used, and lastly, what day of the week can you meet with me to see some features developed?
Customer requirements are essential. Let’s remember the paradox of: How the programmer saw it, how the systems engineer designed it, how the project manager delivered it, and … what the client wanted.
Do you want a responsive website or an app?
do you have some technologies in mind or do you want some advice I mean servers, database, programming languages??
Do you have any idea about how do you want your website or do you want any advice?
How do you want your website looks if you were the costumer?
what type of clients do you want to reach?
Do you have a one limit to sell the bikes per period or time?
what type of payment platform do you want? Do you want handle transfers, deposits, paypal, cryptocurrencies?
Your market is regional, national or international?
Will you take over the delivery market or do you already have a supplier?
How do you want the project design?
Questions for the bicycle store:
A problem that I can apply Design Thinking is a special device to find any kind of thing like keys, the cellphone, the glasses, etc.
What is the most important component that you need in the web page? What payment methods do you want to implement? Would you like that the costumers can sign up with their social media account?
How many bikes do you want sale?
You will contact your customers via Facebook or another Social Network?
How many countries do you want bikes sale?
how long, could be a one item on website?
<First of all, I need to understand the essential of the business:>
Thanks for the little quizzes. These help a lot!
Questions for the bicycle store:
For me, the first question is about the sections of the online store, for instance, the route bicycles or the mountain ones, the next question would be like Pay methods? Shipping? Multilanguage? The favorite color? or the color of the company? The company’s mission and vision? or maybe, do you have any idea of the design or do you have a maquette for the website?
Accurate Communication
Bicycle sales:
Idea Brainstorming
User Stories
For te user stories about the bicycle,
the most frequent questions would be:
The number of bikes that are normally kept in inventory?
What kind of information do you require to make decisions?
What type of online payment does the system intend to make?
Desing tinking is a effective way to solve troubles because it focuses on the needs of the user.
How can register a customer? Will the register have a cost? How your customer pay the bicycle? It will be by cash, in store or pay System ? Will the software be available in English and Spanish ?
Will you have local sales or are you planning going international? Are the bikes customized, so the clients will have options to choose from? Are you going to include accessories for biking?
-What kind of bicycles do you want to sell?
-What kind of service do you want to offer?
-Who will be your clients?
-Can you explain to me all the features of your product?
-Could you explain to me what kind of process do you want to offer?
I think it would be my questions:
How many bicycles can the platform sale at the same time?
What are the payment methods?
Will it sell spare parts or just the entire bicycle?
Is it have a guarantee? How does it work?
¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?