Milestone /ˈmajəlˌstoʊn/ (noun)
an important point in the progress or development of something
Gantt chart using milestones
Welcome to this Course for Developers in English
Communicate with your customer accurately
Customer-oriented requirements
How iteration cycles work
Planning considering priorities
Review: communicate with your customer accurately
Understand your customer and the requirements
Prioritizing requirements
Backlog and Milestone 1.0
Organize your tasks!
Organizing your time into user stories and tasks
Stand-up meetings, analyze and design
Review: organize your tasks!
Create deliverable design
Creating deliverable design
Refactoring, meetings and release
Protect your very valuable software
Understanding the principles of defensive development
Functional and unit testing
Review: protect your very valuable software
Understanding Continuous Integration (CI) and testing
Types of software testing
Handle accidents when building the code and what CI means
Test your Software!
TDD Test-Driven Development
Review: test your software!
Be ready for the end
Prepare for the next iteration
End an iteration
Fix your bugs!
Handle bugs to fit your process
Continuous integration test delivery method
Review: fix your bugs!
We've come to an end!
Crea una cuenta o inicia sesión
¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Carlos Arriaga Luna
Un proyecto de desarrollo puede implicar decenas de tareas, pero no todas con la misma importancia. Algunas pueden bloquear la funcionalidad del producto y otras pueden ser menos relevantes.
Priorizar la relevancia de una tarea por encima de otras será muy importante para optimizar tus estimaciones.
Los hitos de un proyecto son puntos muy importantes de entrega general de un producto.
Deberías dividir un proyecto en pequeñas tareas, priorizarlas y agruparlas en hitos. La planificación te acercará un paso más al éxito en tu proyecto. ¡Divide y vencerás!
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
Aportes 43
Preguntas 3
Milestone /ˈmajəlˌstoʊn/ (noun)
an important point in the progress or development of something
Gantt chart using milestones
What if the time to complete the project exceeds customer’s expectations? Go back and re-prioritize the user stories with the customer; the customer is responsible for selecting the most relevant user stories to cut the total estimated time, and the least relevant user stories could be developed on further stages.
Teacher, thanks for this opportunity. I am learning very much.
Communicate with your customer accurately:
Planning considering priorities:
Nice teacher, to know how to solve the estimates difference between the client and the developer
Awesome Teacher!
Good information for dealing with future clients
The client must select user stories priority.
Good information for dealing with future clients
Planning considering priorities:
You’ll have to cut down on the number of user stories.
Priorities with the client those stories.
Select the more relevant user stories.
Select the set of features to be delivered in milestone 1.0
Is the major release.
You deliver your software waiting to get paid for it.
It’d be different from an iteration.
Is delivering a part of the product, delivering software with baseline functionality.
Awesome teacher
Thanks 😊
MILESTONE: Different from iterations. It is about delivering software by focusing on delivering functionality over fancy functions.
how to communicate with our customers accurately. plan considering priorities and also understanding the concept of milestones. Remember that each year has 200 business days.
Now our client does not always have a year to wait for the completion of a project. Imagine that he told his client that he has an estimate of 300 days and that the client wants everything in 90 days. Well, in that case, you’re going to have to reduce the number of user stories and you’re going to have to go back and prioritize those stories with your customer.
This is a great way to ensure that your customer is happy with the final product because you are involving them in the decision-making process.
The concept of a milestone is a major release. This is the time when you have ah many user stories. Iterations are smaller cycles, these are roughly one month cycles that will come together to create a milestone. So iterations and a milestone are very different.
A milestone is about delivering software with basic functionality. it should focus on delivering software that covers only baseline functionality.
I believe that in software solutions good is better than perfect… If the code works don’t move anything.
If you planned a project with an estimation of 300 days, and your customer says he needs the product in 90 days. What would you do?
The release of an MVP can be a solution, but this must be according to the customer’s needs.
You should have a meeting with your client, lay out all the user stories and ask her about the order of the priorities.
The select the at of features to be delivered in milestones 1.0
A milestones is about delivering software with baseline functionality.
Don’t try to include fancy functions, instead focus on delivering software that will cover baseline functionality.
how to communicate with our customers accurately. plan considering priorities and also understanding the concept of milestones. Remember that each year has 200 business days.
Now our client does not always have a year to wait for the completion of a project. Imagine that he told his client that he has an estimate of 300 days and that the client wants everything in 90 days. Well, in that case, you’re going to have to reduce the number of user stories and you’re going to have to go back and prioritize those stories with your customer.
This is a great way to ensure that your customer is happy with the final product because you are involving them in the decision-making process.
The concept of a milestone is a major release. This is the time when you have ah many user stories. Iterations are smaller cycles, these are roughly one month cycles that will come together to create a milestone. So iterations and a milestone are very different.
A milestone is about delivering software with basic functionality. it should focus on delivering software that covers only baseline functionality.
Excellent class
Planning considering priorities
- There is no enough time to finish
- Cut user stories
- Priorities user stories with the client
It’s a major release
Delivering software with baseline functionality
Prioritize the user stories and cut off the ones that are not relevant, but it is the responsibility of the developer to make the client understand that not everything is possible in such as short time.
It’s important to set requirements down to earth so there won’t be false expectations
A milestone is a major event we reach on a project
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