I am learning every day about some subjects that are very interesting to me such as psychology, philosophy, behavior and seduction. It is incredible how every day you have new knowledge and you understand that there are no limits! 😄.
Coaching: what it is and what it's not
What will you learn about coaching?
Support communication and feedback
Coaching versus other learning experiences
Is coaching right for me?
How to know if I can be a coach
The coach skillset
Expert knowledge
Emotional intelligence
Professional experience
Am I ready to coach or be coached?
How to design a coaching program
Build a theoretical framework
Design an assessment
Interpret the results through a report
Build rapport with session zero
Plan and conduct a session
Measure the final result
Building my first coaching session
Connecting with your client
Empathetic listening
Redefine the challenge
Brainstorm solutions
Give the right tasks
Project: Building my first coaching session
Coaching as a business
The coach mindset
Creating content
What's the right business model?
Ready? Go and amaze the world!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Miguel Lardizábal
Aportes 26
Preguntas 2
I am learning every day about some subjects that are very interesting to me such as psychology, philosophy, behavior and seduction. It is incredible how every day you have new knowledge and you understand that there are no limits! 😄.
People seek to change for two fundamental issues, from what I have seen, first they want a better life or the second they are tired of being tired and looking for a change.
In particular, what motivates me the most is the human.
There are three problems you face
I believe I need to create more. I spent most of my time studying instead of putting hands to work.
Listening and learning from others who has the experience is something that I do everyday like Platzi, Ted Talks or having a conversation with people who knows about something that I don’t know.
I’m great with the customers and try to gain experience developing.
Sin duda debo estudiar y continuar aprendiendo sobre las tecnica de educacion, considero que tengo conocimiento en mi area de accion sin embargo debo comenzar a desarrollar mis habiliades como educador de una manera más conciente y estructurada.
To gain experience, day by day we must strive to challenge ourselves, to be persevering, independent, and having a balance to find stability in all or most areas of our life, and in my special case as a psychologist to help others in this process.
I try to gain experience by talking to customers and understand what is their business about. Then I can determine what kind of solution is best for them.
Creo que debo aprovechar mi agencia de quiniela, para escuchar activamente, poder hacer las preguntas adecuadas en los momentos adecuados. Intentar ayudar a mis clientes.
Today I set out to learn to be a sociable and empathetic person, I started to watch scream program where people talk and from there I learn how they generate entertainment.
I gain experience every day giving coaching to junior engineers on my team work. I help them to take in account that they have a lot of strengths, and, we work in self-confidence
Before I was scared to test new things, I was unsafe, and I didn´t know myself. Then, I started to study, and practice all my new knowledge, and all changed. I begun to gain experience and apply it to improve my work path. Now I take account that I have all the necessary tools to be the best.
I am gaining experience in researching and writing about the topics in which I have empirical knowledge.
Taking action !!!
¿What about if I’m good at resolving technical, conceptual, and human problems??
Challenge. Nos gusta resolver problemas y adquirir experiencia práctica porque gravitamos hacia el desafío. Nos dan un problema difícil y queremos solucionarlo. Y tanto si tenemos éxito como si fracasamos, adquirimos experiencia porque nos gustó lo difícil del problema.
Promotion. A algunas personas les gusta ser promovidos, dicen que sí a determinados proyectos porque tienen la promesa de ganar más dinero o ascender en la jerarquía.
Independence. A algunas personas les gusta tomar decisiones por si mismos y decir sí a ciertas cosas y no a otras sin un gerente respirando en el cuello.
Balance. Otras personas adquieren experiencia a través del equilibrio y quieren emprender proyectos en los que tengan una vida profesional feliz y una rica vida personal.
Stability. Otras personas ganarán experiencia a través de la estabilidad, tener una forma de trabajo estable que siempre sea predecible, podrán ganar experiencia.
Creo que puedo empezar a investigar más sobre los tipos de inteligencias, ya que la taxonomía de bloom la conozco, por ser educador. Me interesa abordar mayor conocimiento en psicología para realizar una mejor labor como coach.
Start creating. I feel stuck at the second stage of Bloom’s taxonomy
I think that to be aware that no matter what you are always learning and gaining experience it’s a game changer
I am good at systematizing processes by looking deep into the roles and motivations of the people involved.
Platzi; setting up new businesses & applying what I am learning in my current job. But honestly I would like to find other ways to gain experience
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