What means the life for you?
What’s the most important thing for you?
Which are your defects?
Which are your skills?
When did you start to change yourself?
Coaching: what it is and what it's not
What will you learn about coaching?
Support communication and feedback
Coaching versus other learning experiences
Is coaching right for me?
How to know if I can be a coach
The coach skillset
Expert knowledge
Emotional intelligence
Professional experience
Am I ready to coach or be coached?
How to design a coaching program
Build a theoretical framework
Design an assessment
Interpret the results through a report
Build rapport with session zero
Plan and conduct a session
Measure the final result
Building my first coaching session
Connecting with your client
Empathetic listening
Redefine the challenge
Brainstorm solutions
Give the right tasks
Project: Building my first coaching session
Coaching as a business
The coach mindset
Creating content
What's the right business model?
Ready? Go and amaze the world!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Miguel Lardizábal
Aportes 13
Preguntas 2
What means the life for you?
What’s the most important thing for you?
Which are your defects?
Which are your skills?
When did you start to change yourself?
Una buena evaluación debe tener 3 características:
Are you happy in your marriage?
Are you clear about the reason or objective for which you decided to get married?
Do you think you are reaching that goal?
Do you think your partner would agree with your answer to the above questions?
What can you do today to achieve that goal?
What new tools does leadership currently require to navigate diverse teams in adversarial worlds?
What skills do today’s leaders need to enable them to reach their goals or desired results together with their teams?
How important to you are corporality, emotionality and conversational strategies to achieve your goals or desired results with your teams?
What are the challenges that managers face when managing increasingly complex environments, and leading their team towards the achievement of their goals?
How to accompany my team in the purpose of achieving performance?
1.- ¿Qué es lo más importante para ti hoy?
2.- ¿Qué cosas piensas que hay que hacer para lograrlo?
3.- ¿Cuáles son, a tu juicio, los impedimentos que has tenido para no cumplir eso que anhelas?
4.- ¿Piensas que juntos lo vamos a lograr?
5.- ¿Estás dispuesto a salir de tu zona de confort y aceptar este desafío personal?
You need to know the coachee to give them the right assessment without being boring
Thanks for the quiz tool. it was very interesting to answer
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