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Design an assessment


Aportes 13

Preguntas 2

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

What means the life for you?
What’s the most important thing for you?
Which are your defects?
Which are your skills?
When did you start to change yourself?

  1. ¿ que es el ahorro para ti?
  2. ¿la tasa de interes que te cobra el banco que significa para ti?
  3. ¿crees que invertir es un arte que solo los millonarios se pueden dar?
  4. ¿ tienes presuspuesto mensual, trimestral y anual?
  5. ¿como te sientes en relacion con tu dinero?


Una buena evaluación debe tener 3 características:

  1. Debe ser fiable. Eso significa que debe ser replicable y precisa, exacta.
  2. Válida. Lo que significa que cualquier resultado que muestre representa muy bien la realidad.
  3. Factible. Esto significa que la evaluación no debe ser muy compleja desde el punto de vista logístico. Debe ser fácil de completar y fácil de corregir.
1. What do you like? 2. why do you like that? 3. what are your goals? 4. how can you connect your goals with your skills? 5. do you consider that your job is useful for getting that goals? 6. what do you think about job? 7. why do you work?
we are going to learn how to design an assessment. The first step in our program is to create a diagnostic assessment. It is nothing more than a picture or a snapshot of the level of knowledge that a person has at a particular time. Number one. It must be reliable. That means it must be replicable and precise, accurate. The assessment must also be valid, which means that whatever results it shows, they represent reality very well. How can you assess a person's knowledge in a certain field? The first is problem solving. You can ask your prospect to solve a particular type of problem and that way you can assess the way they think, the way they process information, and the way they present the results. Let's talk about the feasibility of the assessment. Make sure your assessment is interesting.
Que es una actividad Que es un caso de negocio Cuanto tarda en resolver mi petición Conoces los diferentes modelos de modem Que es decodificador
Assertive communication: 1. I feel comfortable expressing my opinions at work. 2. I express my feelings clearly and directly. 3. I can say "no" without feeling guilty. 4. I accept feedback without getting defensive. 5. I am confident in my communication skills.
  • Why software development is important to you?
  • Any particular kind of software do you like to program?
  • With which technology do you identify?
  • Do you like working in a team?
  • Do you take care about the “health” of your code?

Are you happy in your marriage?
Are you clear about the reason or objective for which you decided to get married?
Do you think you are reaching that goal?
Do you think your partner would agree with your answer to the above questions?
What can you do today to achieve that goal?

What new tools does leadership currently require to navigate diverse teams in adversarial worlds?
What skills do today’s leaders need to enable them to reach their goals or desired results together with their teams?
How important to you are corporality, emotionality and conversational strategies to achieve your goals or desired results with your teams?
What are the challenges that managers face when managing increasingly complex environments, and leading their team towards the achievement of their goals?
How to accompany my team in the purpose of achieving performance?

1.- ¿Qué es lo más importante para ti hoy?
2.- ¿Qué cosas piensas que hay que hacer para lograrlo?
3.- ¿Cuáles son, a tu juicio, los impedimentos que has tenido para no cumplir eso que anhelas?
4.- ¿Piensas que juntos lo vamos a lograr?
5.- ¿Estás dispuesto a salir de tu zona de confort y aceptar este desafío personal?

You need to know the coachee to give them the right assessment without being boring

Thanks for the quiz tool. it was very interesting to answer