How much time should this session take? I ask because there are 5 things to talk about.
Coaching: what it is and what it's not
What will you learn about coaching?
Support communication and feedback
Coaching versus other learning experiences
Is coaching right for me?
How to know if I can be a coach
The coach skillset
Expert knowledge
Emotional intelligence
Professional experience
Am I ready to coach or be coached?
How to design a coaching program
Build a theoretical framework
Design an assessment
Interpret the results through a report
Build rapport with session zero
Plan and conduct a session
Measure the final result
Building my first coaching session
Connecting with your client
Empathetic listening
Redefine the challenge
Brainstorm solutions
Give the right tasks
Project: Building my first coaching session
Coaching as a business
The coach mindset
Creating content
What's the right business model?
Ready? Go and amaze the world!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Miguel Lardizábal
Aportes 9
Preguntas 1
How much time should this session take? I ask because there are 5 things to talk about.
The zero coaching session is to establish a relationship with your client, talking about things that are of interest to your client
Ask him about his goals and what he wants to achieve.
Why do you want to take coaching?
What do you want to achieve from coaching?
The previous step is to have asked the questions and have your report. A good relationship with your client must include these findings
Where in your report you will show your areas of strengths and your areas of opportunity in which we can work together
The third step is to show a work calendar, it is recommended to see the client every three weeks or once a month
The fourth step is to take responsibility for what you agree to do and what you expect your client to do.
The fifth part is setting the rules
session zero… the most important… because establish the base of the program
You should not talk about how great you are as a coach but you should start focusing on your client and asking about their goals. Ask him what do you want to achieve? Start with a customer-focused question.
Discuss the report’s findings by saying something like “let’s take a look at the report and what we discovered when you answered the questions I asked you.” These are your main strengths, these are the areas where there are opportunities for improvement and together we can define the things we can work on,
Define a schedule of meetings since the frequency of the sessions you have with the client can vary, at least you have to meet once a month or every three weeks.
Talking about coaching and the principle of co-responsibility that characterizes it, it is not the coach’s responsibility to improve, it is the client’s responsibility.
Establish ground rules; punctuality, confidentiality that is guaranteed with the handling of all the information addressed in the process.
What are the main goals you want to achieve professionally? I want to find a new job that allows me to grow personally and professionally.
What are the situations you handle best? I am good at speaking in public, it makes it easier for me to listen actively and accompany people in times of crisis.
What are the most difficult situations to handle? When the achievement of the objectives does not depend on me.
Do you consider yourself a team leader? Yes. I am, but I consider that I must strengthen myself
Do you think the company needs something to improve? There are always opportunities for improvement, but I think an urgent one is to strengthen human talent.
Hola, mi nombre es Andrés Castro, y quiero tener una conversación amena contigo. Quiero que sepas que este trabajo, y todas las sesiones que tendremos de aquí en adelante, serán 100% confidenciales, y nos enfocaremos en ti, para que logres crecer como persona y profesional. Quisiera saber si estás de acuerdo con esto.
Muy bien. Ahora cuéntame, ¿cuáles son tus expectativas con este trabajo que realizaremos?
Genial. Ahora necesito tener más información sobre ti, por favor comparte conmigo tus datos personales, de contacto, lugar donde trabajas, y si quieres, háblame un poco de tu vida personal.
Muchas gracias por la confianza. Ahora, debes entender que este trabajo establece un compromiso mutuo, por lo tanto, necesito que establezcamos ciertos compromisos de responsabilidad en el cumplimiento de tareas, sesiones y horarios.
Excelente. Ahora estableceremos un calendario de sesiones, una mensual, que no excederán los 60 minutos. Dime qué fecha te acomoda para iniciar la primera sesión.
Ha sido un verdadero placer conocerte. Nos vemos en la primera sesión.
Build rapport is really important because it’s the first step in a relationship
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