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Measure the final result


Aportes 11

Preguntas 1

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Habiendo llegado hasta este momento del curso y siendo psicóloga puedo decir que: si tienen problemas para relacionarse, o no sepan como reaccionar ante distintos conflictos es mejor abordar todo esto desde la psique, y el profesional más completo para darte estas herramientas es el psicólogo sin lugar a duda.

Ok, when i was first coaching in the final sesión, was feel appreciation for about how my coach see me.
he used words like: powerful, intelligent, he make me feel self-confidence

Bien estimado, sin lugar a dudas has crecido como persona. He aprendido también mucho de tí, y estoy orgulloso del trabajo que hemos realizado. Espero de todo corazón que seas muy exitoso de aquí en adelante. Que la vida te sonría, y ahora vé, y sorprende al mundo!!!

Hay ciertas cosas que deben ocurrir en esta sesión final:

  1. El progreso evaluado. ¿qué pasará ahora?
  2. Reflexionar y mirar hacía atrás hacia todo lo que ha aprendido.
  3. El cliente debe sentirse inspirado para continuar
  4. Debes dejar que el cliente se vaya y vuele por su cuenta, no hay que crear una relación de dependencia con el coach.
  5. Redefinir tu relación. La redefinición de la relación significa que ahora son iguales
    Recuerda tener un buen cierre para que al final del programa tu cliente termine inspirado, emocionado por todo lo que le diste, pero especialmente porque se sienten empoderados y mejores porque hicieron un trabajo increíble al pasar de A a B.
Talk about measuring the final results. After your coachee has finished all the sessions, it is time to see how the progress was. He was at A and now he has moved on to B. “It is time for you to spread your wings.” With a progress report or progress report you will be able to measure and tell your coachee how much he has advanced. The coach will ask the coachee to reflect and look back on everything he has learned. What things he liked. What things were challenging. You must let the person go and fly on his own. . Remember to have a good closure so that at the end of the program, your coachee ends up inspired and encouraged by everything you gave him, but above all because he feels empowered and better because he did an incredible job going from A to B.
Hemos llegado al final de nuestro programa, antes que nada quiero felicitarte ya que has realizado un excelente trabajo, en cada sesión mejoraste. De ahora en adelante es hora de continues solo, tienes las bases suficientes para seguir creciendo, gracias por la atención y el tiempo compartido, sin duda alguna también he aprendido contigo.
Now, I see that we have "final sessions" every class with you, Miguel. Because at the end of every class you motivate us when you say: Go and amaze the world. Every time I listen these words I feel empowered!!!

We have concluded our first session I want to congratulate you for taking on the challenge of overcoming the limits you have imposed on yourself, you are leaving this session but surely you will not leave the same as when you arrived, go and align with your powerful nature and make what you want happen .

I’ve been coached in the past and now I can understand why a good closure is essential in the process. It makes the coachee feel empowered and with a feeling of “I can accomplish everything I want” “Now, I’m stronger, I know myself better and I understand things I didn’t before”. It makes a huge difference and increases the chances of recommending the coach.

That’s right it’s important to redefine the relationship and make them fly, the last session should be a look to the past and proyect the future

The work of a coaching is ephemeral as the performance of a play is good while it lasts.
In the end it is important to ask him what the challenges were and see the progress he has made and continue encouraging him to continue growing.