Uff, I really hate bragging. I don’t like to be the hotspot about something. Any recommendations?
Coaching: what it is and what it's not
What will you learn about coaching?
Support communication and feedback
Coaching versus other learning experiences
Is coaching right for me?
How to know if I can be a coach
The coach skillset
Expert knowledge
Emotional intelligence
Professional experience
Am I ready to coach or be coached?
How to design a coaching program
Build a theoretical framework
Design an assessment
Interpret the results through a report
Build rapport with session zero
Plan and conduct a session
Measure the final result
Building my first coaching session
Connecting with your client
Empathetic listening
Redefine the challenge
Brainstorm solutions
Give the right tasks
Project: Building my first coaching session
Coaching as a business
The coach mindset
Creating content
What's the right business model?
Ready? Go and amaze the world!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Miguel Lardizábal
Aportes 7
Preguntas 0
Uff, I really hate bragging. I don’t like to be the hotspot about something. Any recommendations?
For most of my life I believed that I could not be like others, as if I was special in some way but I felt emotionally weak. Later I discovered that what made me weak in reality was something that could give me a greater strength than the common people.
Now I know that what happened to me is called antifragility and at this precise moment I am seeing how I can do coaching on that … Quite a challenge but I know it can be done, after all I am confident that it can be done!
This course suited me like a glove! Thank you!
my website is: https://www.1gn4.com
Hola! mi nombre es Marina García y me especializo en terapias complementarias, dentro de ellas, me apasiona especialmente la Medicina China antigua que se centra e los llamados WuXing o 5 elementos. Hace mas de 10 años que investigo, atiendo y enseño, pero sigo estudiando. Comparto lo que aprendo en mi blog, los invito a conocerlo (está en español y en inglés) muchas gracias por leer!
mala traducción en los subtítulos
Start to create content!
Maria Teresa Paniagua Rivera
Nationality. Mexican
Expert: Personal Growth, Wealth Advisor, Speaker, Blogger, and Martial Artist
Works at: Grupo Aserti, wealth advisor, personal development courses and workshops
Teacher: Personal Growth, Wealth Counseling, Martial Arts
She works for clients such as: Insurance Agents, Professionals, SMEs, Women Entrepreneurs, Independent People, Students and Entrepreneurs.
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