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Interpret the results through a report


Aportes 9

Preguntas 0

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The report

Un buen reporte o informe inicial debe contener la siguiente información:

  1. Metodología. ¿Cómo ocurre el proceso de aprendizaje cuando das coaching?, ¿Cuáles son tus credenciales como educador o como coach y tu forma de enseñar?
  2. Un enfoque en el cliente. ¿Qué fortalezas y áreas de mejora encontraste con la evaluación?
  3. Solución. ¿Cómo vas a ofrecer una solución? Una solución personalizada a tu cliente potencial.

Es muy importante ser transparente, esto significa que, cualesquiera que sean las respuestas de tu cliente, debes reportarlas y presentarlas.

  1. Wich are your objectives in your professional area? i want to improve myself, my negotiation skills and my confidence.
  2. Wich are the situations that you manage better? I am good at programming and coordinating.
  3. Wich are the situations that you manage whit dificult? When i need to coordinate several times the same thing, because of changes by external situations.
  4. Do you consider yourself a team leader? Yes. I am, but not in all areas.
  5. You believe that the enterprise need anything be better? There are Always opportunities for improvement, but the more clarity on trade policy.

1.- ¿Qué es lo más importante para ti hoy?
Terminar estudios profesionales
2.- ¿Qué cosas piensas que hay que hacer para lograrlo?
Ser responsable en los deberes, estudiar, darle el tiempo necesario a los estudios

3.- ¿Cuáles son, a tu juicio, los impedimentos que has tenido para no cumplir eso que anhelas?
Estar pendiente de los asuntos familiares, dejando de lado los deberes escolares.
4.- ¿Piensas que juntos lo vamos a lograr?
Sí, con tu ayuda lo lograremos.

5.- ¿Estás dispuesto a salir de tu zona de confort y aceptar este desafío personal?
Sí, sacrificaré horas de sueño y familia para cumplirlo.

Hi! Here I share with you my notes form the lessons about assessments and interpret results: ![](
learn how to interpret the assessment results to invite our potential client to take coaching with us. You should include a report because the report is a formal way to tell your client or your potential coachee that you care. It contains the methodology; how the learning process happens when you do coaching. What strengths and what areas of improvement you found with the assessment, And finally, you should talk about how you are going to offer a solution, a customized solution to your potential client. It is very important that you are transparent. Also during the course, you will sit down with your client and discuss the findings of this report
Que es una actividad R: No lo se Que es un caso de negocio R: Es donde registro mi información Cuanto tarda en resolver mi petición R: 10 minutos Conoces los diferentes modelos de modem R: NO Que es decodificador R: El que recibe la información

What are the main goals you want to achieve professionally? I want to find a new job that allows me to grow personally and professionally.
What are the situations you handle best? I am good at speaking in public, it makes it easier for me to listen actively and accompany people in times of crisis.
What are the most difficult situations to handle? When the achievement of the objectives does not depend on me.
Do you consider yourself a team leader? Yes. I am, but I consider that I must strengthen myself
Do you think the company needs something to improve? There are always opportunities for improvement, but I think an urgent one is to strengthen human talent.

Definitely, I like the radar chart more

A good report must contain, first that you care about your client, it includes the methodology
Whatever your client’s responses are, you must report and make them transparent, one way is the radar where the strengths and areas of opportunity are shown