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Support communication and feedback


Aportes 40

Preguntas 2

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

This test helped me a lot to realize why I behave the way I do (I learned from the Course of Productivity).
The first step is to know ourselves.

Hola, lamento no poder escribir en inglés. En relación al desafío, la última vez que recibí retroalimentación, sí estaba bien envuelta, es sobre una opinión respecto de mi trabajo, donde resaltaban lo bueno, y sugerían otros aspectos a considerar. Lo usaré de ejemplo cuando deba hablar con alguien. Saludos!

When we are not prepared to receive information we have to take two positions, the first is anger and the second justification.
To talk about an area of opportunity, you have to take 3 considerations

  1. Verifiable
  2. Controllable
  3. Predictable
    we all need a time of introspection and reflection, to accept and modify an area of opportunity

I think talking about the activity as the main topic is really better than pointing someone. Check this video which Freddy made about feedback.

I loved that definition of a Coach: a professional feedback giver. Great!
When I give feedback to someone, as Miguel said, I try to start remarking the positive points of behavior or presentation, or whatever I give feedback. Also, I focused on the actions and not on the individual. And I try to make feel him o her comfortable. I learned that feedback is a contributive judgment, not a destructive criticism.

Feedback goes hand in hand with social-emotional intelligence, and the whole aspect of introspection must be carried out by both the giver and the gifted.

The last time I received feedback was a great experience. It makes me improve some things and think about the things I am doing well.
I never received bad feedback or in a bad way. I always had good leaders or surrounded by good professionals.

The sensitive line

The sensitive line is one of the first enemies of coaching and giving feedback.

Tools to diminish the sensible line:

  • Give information verifiable.
  • Controllable information: don’t tell not what the person is but what the action is.
  • Predictable: let the person know that you want to provide feedback or have a scheduled session for it.

Let the person reflect on the feedback you provided.

El feed back, me encanto el concepto del regalo y su envoltura, no podemos entregar palabras duras para retroalimentar y lograr una transformacion incluisve la nuestra.

I think that the feedback is a great part of the day !

i think that, the honesty is so important in all relatioship, becaus is the way for a better person

I think that feedback has a direct relationship with openness. If the person you are giving feedback to is not open-minded, their feedback will not be effective feedback.

I would also ask the person what can (s)he do to fix the issue and, depending on the situation, propose some measures myself with the intention to help. A follow up in the following days/weeks would also be recommended.

This is gold… and should be seen by all the people prior to a meeting

And yes, somebody gave me feedback but for sure, it wasn’t wrapping as a gift haha, it was more like throwing a stone, and … interestingly it was by the Platzi Team… soo again…
and yes, we need time to digest it hehe, sometimes it upset the stomach, but, at least, if you want, you can get the positive message and try to do something about it, internal reflection as Miguel said.
Again this course should be seen by all the world hehe

It is important to know yourself in order to improve. The sensitive line occurs when people tell you something about yourself that you are not ready to know and your natural reaction is anger. Therefore, when you want to give feedback to someone, you must make sure that the information you give is verifiable. Make sure that the information is controllable so that it does not attack the person but the action, the action and the correction are controllable, the person must know when he is about to receive the feedback. If you follow these three things: verifiable information, control over the information and predictable information, the sensitive line will decrease and you will be able to give your opinion without problems. People need some time for the information to settle. This is called introspection. Give them feedback and be patient. Be specific. Mention what time or when the action occurred. Be descriptive. Don't judge. Let the communication be two-way. This means that you give feedback but you must also listen to what the other person has to say. And finally, make sure that the feedback is challenge- or problem-oriented, not person-oriented, so that they don't feel attacked. The challenge this time will be to retrain ourselves, if we are going to become coaches or if we manage a team, to be able to give positive feedback as well as feedback for improvement. The coach is a professional who gives feedback. Think about the feedback you will give to someone in the future. Make sure you wrap it properly so that it is a gift.
I actually like to have 2 sections when providing feedback: 1- provide motivational feedback which is meant for build confidence and 2-Developmental feedbacks which is for building competence. We need to take that mindset out of feedback means getting grounded or being pointed for our faults, if its not meant for developing the person then its a not feedback. the structure is a bit similar, we start with the Action (what I saw, heard, notice> the more detail the better), then we got the Impact (what I felt , how I felt , how that impacted me, no one can debate or challenge on your feelings), last but not least the DO (what I encourage that person to keep doing , to continue or doing in a different way) Hope it helps 🤙🏼
Es tan importante la retroalimentación, esto da dirección y orientación para saber cuales son los puntos de mejora, sin retroalimentación no se sabe lo que se espera.
Hey, amazing lesson! You make everything so simple to understand, I love it! The way you explain things makes everything clear. One little thing I'd like to mention is based on the example you've provided! I get the idea that when giving feedback you have to give something positive and negative. But the example given seemed a bit passive-aggressive in my opinion, What do you think? You said: "How good are your ideas are and then proceeded to mention that's why when arriving late a lot of people do not get your ideas in time." Do you think a better example could be: "We love x ideas you have, this time there was a delay in receiving them, but the content was amazing.
La empatia sin duda es una cualidad que debe tener todo coach o en general un lider de cualquier area, es lo que nos permite establecer esa conexion con nuestros coachees de manera abierta con el fin de realizar una retroalimentacion basada en los datos verificables sin juicios, y sin fracturar la relacion de confianza que se debe generar desde el inicio del plan.
I love the gift approach because getting an external perspective of what we do is so valuable for me to learn and to be able to do things differently and achieve better results. Also, I think it's crucial to keep in mind that: it's about the actions, not the person. The gap between what was done and what is needed to be done is where we can find great feedback to help someone improve.

Hello! I got a good feedback on this day when I told my boyfriend one thing about his personality, and then he tells me one thing about me and it was amazing and nutritive.

Conclusión: no te cases.

Hello everybody, I receive feedback all time, from I wake up in the morning, until I go to sleep at evening. My principal Coach is my wife, she is giving me feedback always, unfortunately she don´t wrap the present never. Next, I have my sons, that follow the sincerity and express your thinks about my performance. Then, I have my Boss and Colleagues that some times judge and criticize me. Finally, I have myself, when I evaluate how was my activities, and the results, and I permanently try to be better. As conclusion, now I see the feedback like a invaluable gift, because it helps me to improve, and carry me to the success.

Siempre he justificado mi falta de tacto pensando que lo que dije era la verdad, pero ahora serè mas cuidadosa porque el feedback es un regalo y como tal debe ir en un empaque muy bonito! Me encanta el mensaje de cuidar la envoltura del regalo del Feedback

Hello, thank you very much for this class. The last time I had relevant feedback was from a boss, claiming that it is our duty to stay after hours. After a discussion back and forth, both already being in an annoyed tone, he said that he wanted to thank us for the times we have done it. if it had started with thanks rather than criticism, it would be a kind reminder. I have been taking care of how I wrap my gifts ever since to avoid that simple mistake.
Actually, this class made think that usually when I give feedback, I do it focused on the person and not the problem, and usually I don’t get the best response when I do so. Thank you
la última vez que recibí retroalimentacion fue un video de fredy vega, y obviooo estaba bien envolvido, porq nos decía que mejorar y como, y conecta muy bien con los que lo vemos. la última vez que di retroalimentacion, fue hace como 3 semanas en mi feed de instagram, bueno opine sobre un tema, siento que no está bien envuelta, porq primero no es información verificable, no digo como mejorar ni conecto con las personas.

Recibir retroalimentación es difícil aun cuando esta se haga en un tono conciliador y sea verdad, puesto que no es que solo estemos acostumbrados a juzgar sino que también nos juzgamos duramente a nosotros mismos y nos sentimos atacados, aun cuando reconocemos que lo que nos dicen es verdad.

I think that my best experience when it came to receiving feedback was with my last boss, at first I did not recognize her as a boss, but on one occasion during a performance evaluation she showed me information about myself so forceful that despite the discomfort that I felt, I have never been able to forget, with the passage of time I understood that in essence it very well described my personal reality at that time.

Miguel, this is absolutely true and love the concept of wrapping up the gift of feedback. This course is fantastic!

Gracias. Ahora he desbloqueado un nuevo enlace neuronal que me va a permitir realizar comentarios muy propositivos sobre de otras personas, ¡Ahora es momento de practicar

El feedback realmente es un regalo cuando realmente tiene una intención constructiva.
A veces no somos concientes de ciertas acciones o pensamientos que tenemos, que realmente podrían tener algún cambio en pro de mejorar como personas y profesionales.

I read a book where the author indicates these 3 key points when giving feedback, 1. Anesthetize: it is about highlighting something good about the person related to the situation, 2. Shoot: It consists in giving the observation to improve in a polite way, 3. Damping: It consists in making people feel that they have the support to improve and that they are free to express what you think about it

Que poderoso es aprender y tener presente que cada retro es la oportunidad de dar un regalo al otro y si lo entregamos adecuadamente será de contribución y no un juicio o reproche más, no será la acostumbrada cantaleta de siempre. Fantástico, muchas gracias.

Ok, I will try to write all on English, It’s the perfect moment to practice this language.
The last feedback that I receive was full of critics and It wasn’t evolved. I think that we need to have much emotional intelligence to be a coach and to know how give the feedback.
¡I like the first class!

I’ve always thought that the way we say things, how, and when, do matter. I try to think about the outcome of my words before I say them. Where do I want the conversation to go? That always makes me think twice what I am about to say.

The last time I received feedback it was not well wrapped. It also made me quit my job, they always told me what I was doing wrong but not the progress I was and we were achieving as a new group. In another case I was not good communicating too, I should improve the way I wrap my comments to my couple

The last time I had feedback was in my home with my family, and it was awful
But actually I have the fortune of working as an basketball coach assistent, and its amazing how coaching goes further than I though

A coach is a professional feedback giver

I´ll have that in mind on my classes

Here I am, trying to change the world through sports, kids and technology, with you guys platzination by my hand ❤️

Sensitive line

Or you get defensive or you attack the one who gives the feedback

  • specific
  • descriptive
  • bidirectional
  • oriented to the challenge