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Coaching versus other learning experiences


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I’m being part of a coaching program in my company. The idea is to help the coachee to choose his career path and help him to create a plan to reach his targets. I know that we have to create a trust relationship, make powerful questioning, give feedback, and design actions. However I don’t have a clear methodology to do that, so I hope this course help me with that.

I am currently running an entrepreneurship programe for students and one of the things we offer is personalized mentoring sessions at least twice a month. Four months ago I didn´t know anything about it, but through the interaction with my students I am learning more about it and I am really happy about this course since I want to improve the skill to improve other people’s skills 😃)

I certified as a Coach by the ICI almost 3 years ago and gave some sessions but mostly use the knowlegde on my sales team. With this course actually want to lead myself to be Coach for other companies or entrepreneurs.

Coaching is the path of an expert who is very well prepared to accompany you on this path (deep training and many years of experience) in the different areas of life, professional life, or knowledge of the self ontologically speaking.

Yes, I was coach course, life coaching because they were 4 months, with different activities in different areas, that help me for better meet me, was a really good experience

Me ha parecido realmente súper interesante el hecho de dar una retroalimentación positiva y una para mejorar, en definitiva creo que es una muy buena manera de abordar lo que es casi una crítica constructiva, por lo que no se sentirá atacado, sino que seguro se tomará su tiempo para analizarlo y empezará a dar pasos en función del cambio.

Well i don´t have a good opinion about coaching, maybe it´s because in social media you could found all of this guys that come with the story of success and work hard and all of that. I don´t consider that they are wrong saying that in life you need to work hard, but i really see very stupid to say things like “it´s all in your mind”, or “Everything is attitude”.I really hope that this course change my mind about coaching.

What I know about coaching is that it is a skill for developing the system believes of the person. so the person can improve his life or his skills.

Desde hace años mis amistades me han calificado como una persona con una vibra positiva que ayuda a que los demás se sientan mejor, por ello pensaban que yo tenía la habilidad para convertirme en coach. Ciertamente hacer eso me gusta mucho e intento capacitarme en esto de poder ayudar a los demás a mejorar en varios aspectos de su vida. Me gusta mucho.

I myself studying to being a professional ontological Coach. So, yes, I know very well the master coaches of my Coaching School. Besides, as part of my training, I’ve been coached many times and now I’m coaching my classmates. Nevertheless, I want to amplify the scope of my coaching training… I feel myself closer to Life Coaching…

In particular for me technical skills are soft, but personal skills are hard.
Nobody likes to be corrected, but it is necessary to grow.
For the development of soft skills

  • It is practiced with critical esenarios
  • With role play
  • Coaching
    A couching in synthesis is someone who helps you improve an area of your life.

For me, Coaching is the art of improve the life of other person amending some of their abilities or teaching them new abilities (social, life, finance, etc.).

Though I haven’t been part of a coaching program I have found some people in Social Networks that I follow as they tend to give some kind of coaching to their followers. For example, Freddy is a great Coach to me. He gives a lot of professional advise based on his experience.

The last time I got coaching was the last year. It was an amazing coaching. He taught me that in every aspect of my life is going to have fear. It is not going to disappear. I’m handling with it.

Coaching is an excelent way to manage human resource, looks like a smart method to achieve our personal goals.

When I was coursing my last semester I had a teacher who is a professional couching focused in soft skills. He helps to the students to discover their passion, hard and soft skills in order to find a fit job

the coaching is the art of one-to-one!!!

El coah se enfoca en el hacer, en el ejecutar las tareas para transformar una situación puntual con la que estamos teniendo desafios
Hi! Here I share with you my notes on the lesson of communication/feedback and coaching vs other experiences: ![]( Also, I would like to note that I have been in coaching sessions with one professor at college, and I am interested in learning more on this matter. :D
Let's talk about coaching in particular as an educational experience. Let's talk first about the difference between being technical or being behavioral. There's an important concept called professional development. There are hard skills that are very technical, speaking a language, using Excel, mastering CorelDRAW. On the other hand, there are soft skills that are not technical, but have more to do with behaviors. For example, motivating teams, being a leader, resolving conflicts, managing time. Training and simulations. These educational experiences are geared towards helping the person improve technically. What is the coaching experience? Well, it consists of three important parts. The first is that it has to do with a specific program. This means that when people want to go to a coach, it's not just a coach who is omniscient, who knows everything, about everything. No, you probably need coaching on emotional intelligence. The second characteristic of the coaching experience is that it is a highly personalized and tailored experience. And finally, the other reason why it is so personalized is that it is driven by the coachee. The professional trained in coaching knows these aspirations and challenges and is trained to help executives and professionals in those same aspects.
I knew that there were several types of coaches, however, I didn't know exactly what they mentioned here, I thought it was generic haha. Currently, I have my gym coach, in addition to his support as a sports and nutrition coach, and I like when I talk to him; In recent months I have approached him every time I have a work or personal dilemma and he supports me in clarifying the circumstances or making a decision. Apart from him, I also go to psychological therapy, and both parties have a different approach.
Hola buena tarde¡¡ Se sobre el coaching, sobre todo los que meciona de vida que nos ayudan a mejorar ciertos aspectos, en el trabajo me suelen dar coaching para mejorar ciertos puntos de mis actividades

I took ontological coaching sessions last, year and it was a very spiritual experience. I thought that there was one only type of coaches but now i know that is not the case.

**Permite potenciar las habilidades propias, así como sacar a relucir aquellas que permanecían ocultas**
Coaching is the ability to train someone to find a way to improve something they think they have missing, coaches identify a common problem, and with that train the coachees based on their expertise.
I researched coaching and the differences between coaching and therapy. Coaching is a way for a person to get guidance on achieving certain goals and objectives that focus on personal growth and have a practical aspect. Therapy is a way for a person to get help getting rid of or curating an issue (be it a mental illness, or a physical illness) that is affecting their life and is not letting them advance into a bigger milestone.
la conversación es el instrumento principal del Coach, saber preguntar es clave para que el dialogo sea abierto y poder conocer más sobre las necesidades de nuestros coachees. En mi experiencia personal, me gusta establecer ciertas conexiones emocionales para guiar y dar un poco de tranquilidad a sus vidas. Sin embargo, desarrollar los conocimientos me permitirá estructurar mejor los procesos de acompañamientos y lograr mejores resultados en ellos, además de continuar en la búsqueda mi propósito de vida que va en línea con ayudar a las demás personas a mejorar su vida emocional.

I only know a little about coaching, I know that they are people who help you achieve your goals and purposes in life.

Once a time, my Best friend invited me and my wife to a free Coach class in our City (probably the goal of that was refer more People to the course), but that time i didn't like because a felt that was a stupid things that all Word know. On the time and gaining more experience at work with leadership I learn that coaching is very important in leardeship and much aspects in life, and is important to grow personal and professional. PD : sorry my English, I'm learning too.

Hello all, I´m new in this item of couching. I started a job responsible of a work team, I had gave them some couching, from a point of view, practice and spontaneous. I want to learn more about it, and be more profesional, I started with the “Feedback”, I give it all the time to my colleagues. I hope improve more and more this skill and every day be better on my professional path.

I have had a couple of experiences with coaching, I took a CRP course in Venezuela, Being the client myself, it is a lifestyle training with an inclination on the economy and work Due to the situation in the country, it has been helpful at a difficult times. I am still living the other experience because my aunt is Coac so I am exposed to feedback all the time, whether it is requested or not, but it is a great example of the changes that it achieves in its clients and she helps them in their life.

The decision to coach one of my mentors in business and music changed my life completely, he taught me this methodology of clearly understanding what you want, and looking for someone who has already achieved it to teach you the ABC’s.

Deep down I think coaching is great because it helps you acquire someone’s mindset.

He oído bastante sobre esto, sin embargo hasta ahora empiezo a adentrarme en conocer mas sobre las mejores maneras de lograr apoyar a mi grupo de trabajo a crecer .

Coaching is transmitting knowledge, advices, and motivation to other person. Help it to find its way to improve an aspect of its life or professional career. It is different that a psychology because this is related with mental health problems.

A little, but I would like to know more. Is there any international institution where we can study couching??

I would like to be a marriage coach, because nowadays it is my work in my free times. I enjoy help the couples with their problems in homes.

I received an ontological coaching program some years ago and it was pretty life changing. I’m a big follower of some great coaches like Tony Robbins, Chris Brady, John Maxwell and many known authors. I personally do public speaking and leadership mentorships. So my mission is to improve as much as possible in my area.

Actually, this it not so much what I know about coaching, that’s one of the reasons i’m taking this course, beacuse I want to know more about how I can motivate my work team or myself in situations we need it. In the company I work in this moment, we are taking few classes with another company about how receive and make feedback in a good way or in a possitive way, be rude with the problem but soft with the people. For me it’s very important to know more about this topic and improve my skills as a leader.


I have taken a coaching program and done some coaching myself also.
When I was a coachee the process can be very abstract and sometimes I didn’t know if progress was really being made, but as time went on I realized that just a good conversation can structure your thoughts and really set you up for success, also my coach gave me some powerful insights that helped me overcome some obstacles that I had

Conozco muchas personas que realmente inspiran solo con un mensaje o un foro, y ahora con lo que he visto puedo afirmar que son Coach Ontológicos… a mi personalmente me apasiona servir a otros y verlos crecer, por esto debo capacitarme para aprender desaprender y poder un día compartir y guiar.

para mi un coach es una persona que guia a otras a llegar a donde quieren ir esas personas, o sea les hace el camino más fácil, él lleva a sus seguidores de la mano a donde buscan llegar.

I had a coaching experience with a friend, he was in the process of training as a coach, the truth is I don’t know if the fact of being friends made the process a little difficult, but in reality I think I was on the defensive all the time and that prevented that the process had a positive effect on my life.

I also participated in personal growth processes that included moments of coaching that were very helpful at that time.

nuestra vida esta marcada por creencias y hábitos que vamos creando durante nuestro crecimiento, muchas veces son estas mismas cosas las que nos impiden progresar, arriesgarnos e incluso buscar excusas. es aqui donde entran estas personas no a cambiarnos sino a ver el otro lado de la moneda, expandir eso que llamamos zona de confort

Currently I am a Team Manager for a bilingual call center here in Bogotá and I have to do coachings with all my team at least once per week. For me and my experience the coaching has been the fundation of sucess, when I took my team they didn’t knew what to do in general, now we are improving every day and having an amazing communication and trust. Develop soft skills can be hard at the beginning but not impossible.

The knowledge that i have about coaching is very limited, I know that it cab be categorized as a methodologie to reach an specific objective and that sessions are often focused in a certain limbic process that is motivation

En un primer momento hace años, pensaba que todo era humo, que realmente con un libro podrías conseguir mejorar ciertos aspectos personales como profesionales. Actualmente entiendo que cada persona es un mundo y realmente se necesita preaprar una receta adaptada para ella.

I currently work as an innovation coach, helping people develop skills such as Capturing opportunities, collaborative work, creativity, problem-solving, leadership and adaptability. Therefore I am a coach focused on Soft Skills. Thanks to this course I am deepening even more in my knowledge and skills as a Coach. Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge, Michael.

Coaching is the process when some expert tries to guide a person into an specific skill (Soft or hard)

Hola, en mis 13 años de recorrido profesional, estuve 5 años recibiendo feedback como coachee, ya que la empresa para la que trabajaba era pionera en implementar esto a sus agentes de ventas, realmente gracias a eso aprendi muchisimas cosas que luego pude ir aplicando cuando me volvi supervisor y hoy en dia como Service Manager, asi que mucho de lo que he visto hasta aqui del curso me esta ayudando a reforzar lo que he venido haciendo.

I think that a coach is a person who’s helping me to achieve my results in a better way, I need to run the race but I prefer running in my journy with an expert on the path, he will tell me where are the challenges, how did he/she overcome those, tips and tricks, reflections, at the end of the day I’ll have to walk by myself but I’m going to be accompanied

Es acompañar y facilitar el proceso de transformación que el consultante requiere en cualquier aspecto de la vida, a través de herramientas que ayudan a que los cambios se hagan con facilidad y compromiso. Esto permite que haya un reconocimiento de una situación, aprendizaje y por último integración y/o transformación para generar bienestar y plenitud en la vida del consultante.
Me consideró un coach de vida y acompaño a las personas que desean procesar alguna situación en su vida para comprender, integrar y transformar sus vidas con total facilidad, gozo y gloria.

I had a teacher and he was a coach, the first coach that I knew. My teacher was a soft skills coach and he makes me want to be a professional coach.
A year ago I knew an ontological coach, I see him a few times and talk with him was too nice, I’m was enjoy it.
I think that the coaching is very interesting.

I’m copywriter but I want to be a professional coach.

Today I had my first ever professional coaching, I decided that I wanted to start with path in my career, because I can help others and give them advise.

My primary focus for the specific program is software development, I am really passionate about this, I would make a tiny step every day to become better at it.

en particular, he estado en varias capacitaciones por mi trabajo, y en algunas, el expositor, dentro de su curriculum, menciona o es presentado como coaching, lo que comenzó a llamar mi atención, y despertó en mí el poder mejorar como persona y ayudar a otros, con los conocimientos que ellos me aportaron en esas ocasiones.

I don’t know much about the theory of coaching. That’s why I’m taking this course. However, I do have some experience with the practice. I’m a teacher, so part of my job is to help others to grow professionally and stay motivated during the courses I impart.

In my life I have heard the term “coach” many times, but at the same time I feel that I have not acquired knowledge about what coaching is. The closest subject that I know of coaching is about Agile Coach within the world of agility. So far I feel that the course is being very clear with explaining what coaching is and what types exist.

Great presentation!!