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Is coaching right for me?


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For a successful couching program you must be ready, work hard, be humble to receive feedback, and listen well and actively.
Study hard, to learn new tricks, remember to be flexible like bamboo to incorporate the new knowledge.
For a good couching program you must have the following
1 Relevant content for me
2 Good Methodology
3 Good MetricsThat’s half the equation, the second half is

  1. The Coach experience
  2. The reputation of the Coach
  3. The chemistry with the Couch bone you like

I believe in the personal quest, through life path, is the best way to found a right couch for me.

hi. in Bogota, Colombia, in the firt page result, i can see most ofert for lerning than ofert to service coach. in other page linkedig there are some coachs ofer services for soft skills.

Hello, I am also from Colombia, specifically from the city of Barranquilla and the search in google gives me as a result that there is coaching for ontological issues and coaching.

Hi, I’m from Colombia. The main search on google give me as result that there are coaching for ontological topics and coaching. For Technological coaching I found that the main topics are internet, digital marketing and social networks.

I don’t have my own coach. I have referents or people I admired. I don’t feel to need it, but it is interesting to think about that for business or things I am not an expert. Currently, I have a partner and we are working together. He is my business coach, I think. I didn’t search him, but he appeared in my life.

Let's ask ourselves and try to answer this fundamental question: Is coaching right for me? It all comes down to this: Will I be able to learn through coaching? If I sit down with someone for an hour every month for the next 10 months, will I be able to achieve a certain goal that I want? It's important to understand the conditions for learning and this doesn't just apply to coaching, but to any learning experience. If you're a professional, you need to have a challenge, a challenge at work. There needs to be a guide or a guru, or something like an Obi-Wan or a Yoda to help you along the way. You need to know that there's someone who knows a little bit more about your journey than you do. If you get coached, it's hard work because that trained professional will put challenges in front of you. If you have the flexibility to reshape your future, to reshape who you are. And you have the learning mindset and the hard-working mindset, then you're probably a good coach.
en mi localidad hay coachings de vida y ofrecen diferentes tipos de sesiones y de ello depende el costo que ofrecen.

Off course the coaching is for me, I had good results from I started to receive coach, I don´t know why I didn´t begin before. This practice has changed my life, I have improved in all aspects of my life, and principal on my career path.
I have virtual Mentors or Coaches, I am not subscribed to a course or program, however, I hope to start next year with a paid Couch, and focused on my goals.

Well, I had the opportunity to receive an excellent coaching from one of my last boss, and then I could learn, not all people are availables to recibe coaching, or advise, so we need to know the personality, and then we can drive to the best way our objetive (person) to find success

Uno de los problemas que afronta el coaching actualmente es que existen muchas empresas y personas certificando personas como Coach y emplean diversas metodologías, no existe una teoría unificada, por lo que existen muchas personas haciéndose llamar coaches sin contar con las habilidades adecuadas para generar los resultados y sólo desprestigian la profesión. En México la ventaja es que la Secretaría de Educación Publica a través del conocer cuenta con un registro nacional de personas certificadas en diferentes Estándares de Competencias, incluyendo el coaching.

El coaching nesesarii, es una guía. para que nos ayude a cumplir nuestras metas
tengo un amigo que pago por un curso de seducción, gasto más de 20 mil pesos y la verdad no le sirvió de mucho, en mi caso , la idea que yo tengo de couching es que es un fraude, espero y este curso nos ayude a todos a comprender un poco más del tema

The ABC Ontological, Business Coach Training Program will allow you to acquire tools with which you will be able to relate to the environment, and to yourself, in a more powerful way. It is about achieving new forms of coexistence, and work effectiveness, within the framework of learning based on respect and trust. A program that is based on the pedagogical model of the Ontology of Language, a discipline developed by Rafael Echeverría and Alicia Pizarro.New

I just found that in my city are a lo of coaching ofert! Coachings for leadership, for finding purpose in life and bussines coachings!

Encontré en un sitio web llamado: Psicología y Mente seis de los coach colombianos más destacados. Varían entre la categoría de coaching ontológico, familiar y empresarial. La mayoría de estos profesionales son licenciados en Psicología. Tienen un buen puntaje en cuanto a reputación.

I dont know anything about coaching!

En mi ciudad no encontré oferta de coacing. Pero mi ciudad es pequeña. En mi región, encontré una institución , su sitio web es Ofrece servicios de coaching a empresas y personas. Para las empresas, ofrecen coaching ejecutivos, talleres y workshop y mentorías. Para personas, ofrecen coaching personal, random mode y teen coaching. No tienen publicasos sus precios, pero estoy averiguándolos, espero me respondan pronto.

That’s right, chemistry is vital!!