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How to know if I can be a coach


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Every time I give advice I say “this worked for me” or “I used to have the same issue you have, and by doing this or that I improved”, giving examples of my past that are related to this present issue. That way, I am not perceived as intrusive or arrogant, but more like a person humble enough to recognize a prior mistake and to provide an advice based on experience.


You should also have patience and dedicate time to the other person, because it might take him/her a while to process the new information. That empathy really helps to receive genuine good feedback and to be referred eventually.

Yes, I think I'm coach material. I always try to find the issues that other don't see and give solutiona to that. Also, I have tried for many years to be better on my matter expertise. Also I have done some courses to share my knoledge and improve my teammates skills. On the other hand, I beleive that anyone can become in coahing material, you just need to take the desition and to start. And offcourr the last but no least, never stop learning.

Yes, in fact, I found it an excellent complementary course for my personal development and in my career in Neuropsychopedagogy there are many related topics and I study them in-depth and here I am filled with knowledge and tips for life.

I think I have material to be a coach, what I don’t know is in what area I could do it, because people consult me on different topics.

One of my life goals is:
-Help and improve the life of other people.
Now I have some experience been a finance coach helping my friends to improve their finances. They recommended me to other people because I help them a lot in their daily lifes.

For me, the next step is be better every day with a routine of learning and researching something that improves my life and the ones whom I’m coaching.

In this moment i’m coaching other people with my experience but i want improve my knowledge and do my best with my pupils.

wiii. actualy, sometimes people told me that my advice was usefull for them and for others.

Hi! Here you can find my notes on the lessons related with "Is coaching right for me?" and "How to Know if I can be a coach?" ![](
Could I be a coach? You could take a different path or perhaps a parallel path as an educator, as a coach. How do I know if I have the makings of a coach? This means that you will have a triple career. You will have your career as an expert in your domain. All the time you have dedicated to your first career you will have to replicate in your second career. You will need to learn about mental learning processes, about student motivation, about psychology, about pedagogy and get information from other sources to become a good educator. You will also need to know that you will be providing services. Services means helping people. Your career will no longer be about you, but about helping others. Have you found yourself giving advice to other people? Have you received good feedback on the advice you gave? Have you been recommended? This is as simple as saying, “You know what? Ask this person here because they are very good at giving advice.”
En mi trabajo me dedico a dar retro alimentaciones soy del area de capacitación por lo cual me ha pasado todos los escenarios que comentas y además es algo que me encanta hacer
si tengo madera de coach

yes, I think I would be a good coach, because I connect with people and I help them for carry on and advance in their life in the way that they want, and believe that it can be achieved

Yes, I am, usually my coworkers ask my for suggestions about work and finances, and, I like a lot give them couch. I am training my teach skills to improve this art. I hope through this course I can be better couch in the future.

I like to be a coach in technical team with programmers and help to build good products.

I would like to be coach but… I have just 1 yes in this test 😕… I am going to learn more in this course and finallly I am going to know if this carrer is for me or not. But yes o yes I need a couch in my life.

Sure thing , coach material is present 🤩.And I think all of you are too 🙌

I think that I am a coach material beacuse I can give advices and I feel that I can receive good feedback too. People used to say that I am a kindly person and it’s easy to me to communicate with others.

Hace tiempo una compañera me buscó para un servicio de coach con su equipo de trabajo, hoy en la Universidad que trabajo me busca para capacitar temas de habilidades blandas y vamos por la segunda y con autoridades de más nivel.

Yes, I think I’m coach material. There have been people willing to pay for my advice without ever having seen me in person before doing so. That’s why I think so.

Hi there. Miguel, I was said that coaching was not about giving advices. Why should I be good at giving them in order to know if I'm coach material?

yes, i’am coach material then i’am continuing inte course

I get a triple check! I could be coach material, specially because I am so oriented to service!
Afete studying the first module, I think i'm a good coach because I like and enjoy giving advise specially about behaviors to get success at life, until now few good feedback have received but I feel good when give some advise to someone. Will continue studying this interesting course!!

I am coaching material because education is my passion, I love to have people to provide help in their paths and I’m learning all the time, I respect the experience of the ones that have more time walking in this path and I’m humble to help other to achive their goals

im coach material omg !

La verdad es que me da mucho gusto poder decir que si tengo madera para el coaching, ya que me llama mucho la atención el poder ayudar a las personas con sus inconveniente de vida, aportándole ideas que les han ayudado a solucionar mucho. Me gusta mucho la idea de poder convertirme en coach.

He reflexionado respecto de la pregunta, y considero que sí me ha sucedido lo mencionado en cada pregunta, siendo referido, dando consejos y me han retroalimentado sin solicitarlo. Creo que, en base a esto, sí tengo madera para ser coach.

I heard that a coach shouldn’t give advices, just feedback, and questions, What do you think about it Miguel?

Great class!! I think I’m already a coach material!

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Yes

If you believe that I can become a good coach, in fact many of my agents look to me for advice.