it will be awesome if the platform has the tool of recording. So we as students can make the homework fastly in courses like this. 😃
Introduction to Public Speaking
Start your public speaking journey here
Public speaking 101
Public speaking as rhetoric
The medium of speech
Overview of module 1
How to make your ideas compelling and memorable
The 5-step process to prepare your speech
How to put your ideas together
Establish your key points
Overview of module 2
Illustrating and delivering your ideas
Building the right support
Speech structure and flow
Revising, practicing and remembering your speech
Overview of module 3
Developing great delivery
Build your confidence for public speaking
Get on the right mindset
Unleash the power of your voice
Find your public speaking voice
Develop strong body language
Speech analysis
Overview of module 4
Public Speaking Project
Define your topic
Back up your Ideas
Build the structure of your speech
Find your language
Prepare to close your speech
Now you're a public speaking pro!
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¡Continúa aprendiendo sin ningún costo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Hablar en público puede parecer un arte misterioso para algunos, pero conocer sus fundamentos no solo fortalece nuestras habilidades, sino que nos permite alcanzar el impacto y la influencia deseada en nuestras audiencias. Para entender este proceso, debemos centrarnos en los cuatro componentes básicos de la comunicación. El primero, y quizás más obvio, es el comunicador: tú, yo, todos somos comunicadores; es la persona que envía el mensaje. Luego, tenemos el mensaje mismo: la idea, emoción o pensamiento que deseamos transmitir. Seguidamente, el medio a través del cual comunicamos este mensaje, y por último, la audiencia que lo recibe.
El medio de comunicación es el vehículo que utilizamos para enviar nuestro mensaje. Exploremos sus diferentes formas:
Entender y utilizar correctamente estos medios puede aumentar el impacto de nuestras palabras, logrando no solo comunicar, sino también influir efectivamente.
Hay un mito común que dice que las habilidades de oratoria son innatas, pero la realidad es muy diferente. Aunque algunas personas parecen tener talento natural para hablar en público, las habilidades de oratoria se adquieren y perfeccionan:
La experiencia y la pasión por comunicar son fundamentales. Examinar técnicas retóricas y mejorar constantemente permitirá dominar este arte esencial.
Si buscas mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación, la práctica es clave. Aquí tienes algunas recomendaciones:
Por último, desafíate a salir de tu zona de confort y empieza a ver los numerosos beneficios que la oratoria puede traer a tu crecimiento personal y profesional. Abre camino hacia el liderazgo y el cambio impactando a través de palabras poderosas. ¡Sigue practicando y no te detengas en tu jornada de aprendizaje!
Aportes 30
Preguntas 0
it will be awesome if the platform has the tool of recording. So we as students can make the homework fastly in courses like this. 😃
4 basic elements of public speaking:
A friendly reminder: its really common to feel nervous, anxious or fear right after you need to start a public speaking but right after you start it just flow to go away from you because you are sharing the best of you 💙
Hello people! here is my second project!. Hope you like it and share with me any feedback I’ll be waiting.
🔺 Watch it now by clicking the following link 👉 Module 1 project
Here is my firs draw for this project
Happy to share with you.
Hi everyone. This is my recording haha:
I hope it is possible to hear it.
Topic: Importance of learning a language and some tips about it
(It is shorter than 3 mins)
Hi everyone, this is my recording and I hope you can enjoy this short reflection about the concept of happiness in my point of view.
I’ll be waiting for some feedback or comments. Thank you.
I think that a good ability of public speaking is really connected to self-esteem.
If I believe in myself and I have something important to say.
Why should I be insecure?
Improve your self-esteem, improve your communication skills.
Public speaking is so incredible that we can use different vehicles or media to not only make our message stronger, but we can also do something that we are all looking for, which would be to have an impact and influence others.
six main categories, conversation, Messages, documents and publications, images and music
The means of expression. In public discourse, we have many different elements, but we are going to talk about the four basic ones the communicator; message, medium, audience.
Thank you
Here’s my video about Public speaking. This feels to me like a low-motion version of myself so it took me lots of effort and attempts, so I’d appreciate every piece of well-intended feedback ❤️
Here is my speech “Rookie Time”. I’m so excited about reading your feedback 😃
I create this video, i spoke about dangerous behaivors and how to prevent it.
It was very difficult to me this exercise and to record myself but I did it. I tried didn’t read my script. I hope feedback to improve.
The most important is to go out of the comfort zone
My recording
Practice is the most important part in public speaking, for sure!
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