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Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

The 5-step process to prepare your speech


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The 5-step process to prepare your speech Illustrating and delivering your ideas

  • Invention: Decide what the audience needs to hear to understand the topic.
  • Arrangement: Structure the flow of your message.
  • Style: Make it your own.
  • Memory: Mental maps that help you understand a own a topic.
  • Delivery: Organization and conceptualization of a topics generates structure and understanding.
  • Invention
  • Arrangement
  • Style
  • Memory
  • Delivery

As you master the key point speech overview, you will have a reliable model to deliver clear and concise speeches anywhere, any time.

  • Agree to memorize the whole script is not a good idea, because if you forget one world, you are going to forget everything.
  • Mental maps are the best way you can share your topic using different words but remaining the main message.
  • Invention: To identify and keep the information that you really want to convey.

  • Arrangement: To structure the flow or way that will develop your message.

  • Style: Put yourself in your message in order to make it your own.

  • **Memory: **Mental maps to flow with your speech.

  • **Delivery: **Addressing the audience in ways that generate structure and understanding.

Thanks for the advices Anita

Some actors, like Pedro Pascal, and politicians use a technique to memorize their scripts and speeches. They write the first letter for every word, preserving grammar and punctuation. This allows them to memorize the text and make it sound natural when speaking in public. In this video, Nelson Dellis explains the technique: <>

Learn the overview of the key point speech. The key point speech overview is a reliable and adaptable model used to communicate. It helps us understand what we want the audience to remember from our speech. audience. invention, memory, style. arrangement.
As a communicator you need to accept and feel that what you are saying really makes sense to you.

the importance of public speaking in the modern world and we begin to move away from our comfort zone with public speaking, making your ideas convincing and memorable is not just delivering the message, it is putting the ideas together.

thank you