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Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

How to put your ideas together

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Conflict comes from Latin conflict - “struck together”, which we can assume that at least two people should be involved, but here comes the key. Whenever you face a problem with a growth and learning mindset, instead of being part of a conflict, you’re being part of an idea interchange, which changes completely the approach.
Let’s think about a mother and her daughter. If the daughter does something wrong at school we might think that she’ll be scolded once they arrive home, but if the mother, instead of just judging her and complaining about what she did, listens to her and really understands what happen, there’ll be no conflict at all, we’ll be just listening to each other, understanding each other points of view instead of simply imposing.
That’s how we should face problems, with a learning and empathic mindset instead of an imposing mindset.


  • “Conflict does not have to be negative”

Supporting idea:

  • Morrow (2014) mentions that constructive conflict can, in fact, be positive–enabling teams to discuss different ideas and points of view to get to the best solution possible. What you want to avoid is destructive conflict. This is the kind of conflict that will hamper your team and its ability to get the job done effectively.

Linking the claim with the supporting idea:

  • I remember months ago been working on a project about creating an infographic postcard, while we were doing it, we start to discuss everything the colors, design, fonts, sizes, everything. It was a hard process but it helps us to find better ideas, be more creative and in the end, we made a great job.

Conflict does not have to be negative.
According to the dictionary: conflict is a serious disagreement and argument about something important. This means that a conflict involves more than one opinion, more than one perspective and more than one idea, which can lead to many positive things: to open our minds, to be able to see things from a different perspective, to have more information about a topic, to settle conditions that satisfy both parties etc, so conflict is not negative itself; what could be negative is the way we handle the conflict, how open-minded we are.
Let’s imagine day-to-day scenarios in our work, we are offered certain kinds of benefits, but sometimes they don’t meet our needs. Any employee should be able to request and to inform about any disagreement or opinion. Nowadays, many companies realize the importance of listening to improve the environment, so this is something that leads to positive conditions.

Many people wants to avoid conflict at all cost, but is really that bad?. I do not think so. When I remember the biggest conflicts in my life, I can see it has been all with people I love or appreciate, so I can conclude we have conflicts when we are not afraid of being ourselves. Also, when there is a conflict we can really see the point of view of the person you are having the conflict with, so it helps us to try to understand the world from a different perspective, and be more open minded and compassionate.

  2. Support:
    Conflicts promote personal and professional growth: Conflicts can be opportunities for personal and professional growth. By facing challenges and overcoming obstacles in a conflict, individuals can develop problem-solving skills, empathy, effective communication, and negotiation abilities. These skills are valuable in various aspects of life and can contribute to personal development and success in relationships and work.
    During the 1980s, Apple was going through an internal crisis and its leadership was fragmented. Steve Jobs, who had been fired from the company in 1985, returned in 1997 to assume the role of CEO. Facing a series of internal and external conflicts, Jobs set out to revitalize Apple.

Instead of avoiding conflicts, Jobs approached them directly and constructively. He established a strong leadership team and surrounded himself with passionate and talented individuals who were also willing to challenge his ideas. He fostered open debate and encouraged the confrontation of divergent opinions.

This approach generated productive conflicts that led Apple to develop innovative products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The debates and disagreements allowed for the exploration of different approaches and informed decision-making. Jobs remained committed to his vision but was also willing to listen and learn from others, resulting in revolutionary products and the resurgence of Apple as one of the most successful companies in the world.

This example demonstrates how well-managed conflicts can trigger change, innovation, and personal and professional growth, even in crisis situations.

I see the problems like an opportunity to grow

Really great class!

**Claim:** “Conflict does not have to be negative”. **Supporting Idea:** Sometimes conflict can make the two parts communicate with each other, so to improve or better the current situation. **Connector (Opinion):** When two people talk respectfully about the things that are annoying, it can bring to their minds, aspects of the other person that you haven't known.
In a work environment, if you don´t take any opinion personal you can drive you direct to new ideas, insights and differents ways to resolve a problem. Also I begin to grow in results when I begin to study new approaches to our day by day problems. This lead me to be the Top sales of the company and always to looking for new ways to make the things happens. When you feel that you are in the side of the majority, you need to take a step back and begin to act different.

Claims and supporting ideas work together and are linked by connectors. a supporting idea. I support my statement that conflict does not always have to be negative. We can learn from it. We can have a positive side. We can grow.

speaking in public, there are many different ways in which they illustrate their messages, bring to life all those ideas and emotions that they have

It could be an anecdote, a metaphor and an opinion. Conflict does not have to be negative

different components and elements. key point speech model has three important aspects or elements. our claims. The statements are supported by supported ideas and both are linked by connectors. Affirmations are what you want the audience to remember, understand and believe. The statements are your own thesis. The statements are your own opinions.

Actually, conflict is a good way for thinking society. People are pretty afraid around how to deal with conflict, because we are educated to avoid problems. nobody is properly trained to have a disscussion and are to afraid to be defeated. But we have to love feed back and say thank you for that. Seems not easy but it is a good way to improve our thinking.
Conflict does not have to be negative. When there is a conflict, there is usually a difference in opinion between people. This difference can result in a debate, and the debate can be a good way for people to see different perspectives and have a more informed opinion. That can lead to the interaction being very positive after all. As an example, we were going out with our friends and could not decide where to go to eat. One of them suggested a coffee shop, the other one suggested a restaurant, they could not decide where to go and had a conflict because one of them wanted a "coffee like place" and the other one wanted somewhere to eat meat. I stepped in and suggested a place where they had both, and it was a place they were going to try for the first time. They ended up loving it!
Yo no domino el ingles, y este curso hace parte de una ruta de oratoria que esta en español. Se que hay subtítulos, pero no parecen correcto con lo que traducen o parece que la traducción es auto generada con google. en esta clase, hay un caso justo para señalar; hablan de un concepto que es "Claims" literal traducen "reclamos" pero en ocasiones cambian y traducen "Afirmaciones". Por contexto, se cual es la correcta pero a lo que llevo del curso esto es muy recurrente. Si van a colocar un curso en ingles dentro de una serie de cursos en español hay que esperar que mas personas lo tomen si dominar el ingles. Deberían esforzarse un poco mas con los subtitulos. Seria lo mínimo que se espera, ya que esta únicamente en ingles.

“Conflict” does not have to be negative.
Depending on the field or viewpoint, it may acquire different connotations.
Although in warfare, economic, political or civic terms, this statement will naturally not apply, it might do in other areas such as in Literatry analysis (triggering event), Psychologanalysis (opportunity, hope, change), or Identity construction (exploration, self-awareness, discorvey, renewal) -just to mention some.
The present claim does not pretend to suit all matters evenly. On the contrary, it aims at reminding that not all forms of “conflict” are unquestionably negative. In other words, some “complications” may imply promising winds of change rather than “problems”.
Thus seen, it is up to one’s choice which glasses tu put on.

Many companies have started to implement the term positive conflict, a positive conflict is a conflict resolved healthily. When this occurs, the people involved exchanged their points of view, hence, the way to arrive at the solution is collaborative and more productive.

The other day, two friends started to discuss What is better, Frontend or Backend? The conflict started in a negative way because both were just trying to be “the winner” but after some minutes the discussed change the way, they started to listen more to the other person, learned a lot of new things, and finished talking about how do they complement each other.

The key point speech model has three aspects/elements:

  • Claims
  • Support
  • Connectors


  • Remember
  • Understand
  • Believe


  • Evidence and information used to illustrate and validate the claims.


  • Link, join, associate, attach the support to the claim.

Conflict does not have to be negative.

  • Anecdote
  • Metaphor
  • Opinion

Conflict does not have to be negative.
I think conflict is necessary to discuss idea or other options that are completely different from one’s perspective. This helps to gather more information and be open-minded to other’s opinions


  • “Conflict does not have to be negative”

Support idea:

  • At the long of the history, there were a lot of conflicts, but if we see behind of them; anger is always temporary. And even thought, in the middle of these conflicts humans always find opportunities or ways to address the situation, to address the change. Taking advantage of a conflict to identify areas or things that needs to be improved or rewrote in order to resolve a conflict, even in order to be better or discover new ways to deal with a problem.

Every Negative Feedback is a Conflict, but just the mature Professionals can take that kind feedbacks and make Best things by own.

Conflict does not have to be negative.
Conflict sometimes is a way to progress for example decades after Second World War many countries developed new technologies and scientific innovations that produced an impressive society wellness.

In my opinion, conflict it’s not always negative because you are learning how to argue and reinforce your ideas and believes. But is important to know, that you don’t need to have the reason every time you are arguing. In conclusion you must to stand for your ideas while you respect the opinion of the others.

“conflict does not to be negative”: in my opinion when two-part have disagreed is the opportunity to grow and strengthen the situation, so when both of them are available to express the best idea they have the rest of the people or participants can have a better vision of the situation and create their own opinions.

Conflict does not have to be negative:
Conflict makes change possible. Everything is changing all the time. Sometimes, we need a reason to move on, and we find it when we disagree.

Conflict makes participants hear different points of view, giving another perspective on the problem.
It is an excellent opportunity to grow and realize your shortcomings as well.
When you have a conflict with your friend, you both express your thoughts and try to resolve the conflict. In the process, you will surely get to know each other better.

Conflict does not have to be negative:

If you have a gloomy mindset, you go to see the bad angle of the issue always, otherwise if you have a successful mindset, you go to focuses on the bright side.
Likewise, is depending on the perspective you see.
The “problems” are the best opportunity to rebound fast, learn of the mistakes, revise what happened in the path, finally generate solutions. Only few people are capable to get out of it and take action to change it, obviously this ability can to develop, although many people rather to stay in the easy path.

Conflict does not have to be negative:

Conflict is a form to learn about others and at the same time is a form to had a mindset change, when you are in conflict with someone in your environment you can ask the other person that that tell your mistakes and you can have the opportunity to improve and change yourself, at the same time you can have personal growth.

My topic is: What is the meaning of life?

First, I introduce the context, with one question. What is the life’s meaning?, I think it’s enough to have impact. Then, I use the common aspects of audience feel to identify with my words; talk about routine. Aspects very generals to everybody. Later, I used the metaphor, example, and context, with Camus’s thought, and The Sisyphus myth.
Finally, I use the conclusion to generate a general idea. But with a plot twist after this, and in the end. I propose and respect to everyone.

Conflict might be difficult to manage. My mom never liked my girlfriend, she was jealous in some way and my gf felt it so bad that she decided never come again to my house or any familiar event. It was very frustrating to me, I wanted both have a nice relation. So, I decided to sit my mom and I told her the importance to me that is to have a nice character with my gf. She blanked her eyes and told me “It is hard to me seeing you with other girl but I’m going to give her a try”.
Now, my gf and my mom even gossip and cook together.
I have to say, at the moment with my mom, my hearth rate was on the moon, my hands sweated so much.