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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

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  1. 9/10 persons to motivated him selfs have better lifestyle
  2. The younger you start to be your best fan, the earlier you succeed
  3. if you don’t habit yourself to self-motivate, you are 35% more likely to get depressed (based on nothing)
  4. if you depend on the validation of others and don’t motivate you, you may lose the opportunity to love your self as the way you are.


  1. Self motivation comes from being happy with who you are in the present, even when your reality doesn’t make you happy.
  2. Being happy is no easy to achieve, to achieve it, you’ve got to pursue it.
  3. You need to be grateful, disciplined, focused, keeping your body satisfied but your mind hungry.
  4. Your thoughts must be in the here and now, and about your feet, oh, your feet better stay on the ground.
  5. And finally your goals, your goals must be set as high in the horizon as you can see. That is self motivation.
  1. People who have self-motivation has more chances to adapt to a new job
  2. Being self-motivated gives you self-love, Self-love is the only thing that you need to have to be happy.
  3. Setting goals either short-term or long-term, facilitates tracking your progress and keeps you motivated.
  4. A growth mindset is an important element in a personal drive to succeed.
  5. Recharge your gas, and make things happen!
  1. El reconocimiento de nuestras capacidades
  2. El deseo del cambio para nuestras vidas
  3. La disposición a vivir nuevas experiencias
  4. El desarrollo de sueños pendientes
  5. La capacidad de crecimiento personal y familiar


  1. Why self-motivation is important in each stage of human life?
  2. Is important when you have bad moments in your life because sometimes you need to be your best advisor
  3. We need this when we fail
  4. Your life and the others improve if you apply self-motivation and teach the others how can they apply day by day
  5. This is the way to the successful life
in this moment, is the moment of the fake news are used by get political target, what is the better strategic for create your speech? if your speech topic was developed for demonstrate that de fake new is fake new
for me the 5 key points to talk about "Self-motivation" would be: explanation, functions, social context, measurements and benefits.
**Self-motivation** *Measurements:* Ask for feedback on your recent projects to see where you can improve, then make an action plan on how you will do that. *Time references:* Self-motivation shows you that by staying motivated now, you can make your 5-years-plan happen. *Strengths:* Self-motivation helps you see your daily tasks as part of your long-term goals and consider how what you’re doing lines up with your life purpose. *Consequences:* Setting goals that are aligned with your desires can improve your well-being. *Benefits:* When you are motivating yourself, you can work toward achievements that give you a sense of deep meaning.
SELF MOTIVATION 1\. Get up early, God benefits the disciplines. 2.Train - we are made to move all days. 3.Learn something every day (1 platzi lesson each day will apply a snowball effect in a year os being constan). 4.Be grateful, be humble, be honorable, every single day. 5.We will never be a final product, so enjoy the process of evolve, not the result, you can find joy knowing that the process won´t end. 4\.

You are creating and understanding a topic in a way that you create the way the audience will understand it.
suggestions and recommendations
definition and explain the situation or problem
functions, how does the situation work, this particular topic? How is it actionable?
What are the particular elements in this social context or reality that make this very particular behavior a situation like that, particular, and the object of our investigation? We are not just explaining what an issue is, we are now saying why it is important for us.

establish your key points. We have our statements, we have supporting ideas and now we can add opinions, metaphors, anecdotes, beliefs, the connection between them. Learning more comes with additional research on a specific topic. This is the moment when the creative part takes place.

SELF MOTIVATION 1.Set goals for yourself: Set a goal for yourself and others. Setting goals is an essential part of motivation. It allows you to dream about what you want in life and work towards it. 2.Become more resilient. The path to success can be long and difficult. But stay strong by reminding yourself of your purpose and the importance of your goals. 3.Find Your "Why": Understanding your underlying reasons for pursuing a goal can ignite a strong sense of motivation. 4\. Build habits: Once we get in the habit of doing something, it becomes way easier to keep doing it. 5.Adjust your goals: Goal monitoring is the part of the process where we watch over the steps necessary to make the goal happen. Goal setting isn't a set-it and forget-it activity. It's a process.
En la adolescencia, nos sumergimos en la penumbra de la automotivación escasa. En este crepúsculo de la autenticidad, donde la comprensión del mundo se presenta como una sombra efímera, la sed de conocimiento emerge como una llama insaciable. Nos aventuramos en este oscuro escenario de experiencias, donde la construcción de una autoestima saludable se convierte en una tarea titánica, una odisea de enriquecimiento frente al riesgo inminente de la auto desmotivación. La verdadera autoestima, en mi visión, no se erige en las alturas de superioridad sobre los demás ni se encumbra en la autopercepción de suficiencia absoluta. En cambio, es la conciencia de nuestras virtudes y defectos la que forja el sólido cimiento de la autoestima. Exaltamos y fortalecemos nuestras virtudes, tejemos un tapiz activo de mejora en las áreas que reconocemos como defectuosas. Siguiendo la sabia admonición de Sun Tzu, "Si eres ignorante de tu enemigo pero te conoces a ti mismo, tus oportunidades de ganar o perder son las mismas. Si eres ignorante de tu enemigo y de ti mismo, puedes estar seguro de ser derrotado en cada batalla". Esta máxima, cual eco retumbante, no solo resuena en el campo de batalla estratégico, sino que también reverbera en el forjado de una autoestima inquebrantable. Reconocer las sombras, esas áreas que podrían considerarse defectos, nos infunde la valentía de enfrentar y perfeccionar esas parcelas. Al mismo tiempo, abrazamos y festejamos las joyas positivas de nuestra identidad.

Thank you

Self-motivation key points: * Put your goals on the calendar * Track your progress * Create habits * Reward yourself for the little achievements * Keep the best attitude
  1. No one will come and rescue you. You have to rescue yourself.
  2. All starts with self motivation, and then discipline will overtake.
  3. You are the only person that will be in all moments by your side, make you your best friend.
  4. “Jesus said to him, 'If you can believe? All things are possible for one who believes.”
  5. If your dreams does not afraid you, they are not big enough.
  1. Self-motivation encourages you to meet daily goals and challenges without being dependent or influenced by others.

  2. The world is full of hustle, and staying inspired 24/7 is a hard task. Motivating yourself is a process that drives the spirit to achieve goals, become successful, and grow in life.

  3. It’s essential for personal and professional success, as it helps you maintain focus, resilience, and a sense of purpose.

  4. Self-motivated individuals experience benefits such as presenting their best selves, becoming more resilient, having a strong eagerness to succeed, viewing failures as learning opportunities, and improving time management.

  5. If you dont motivate yourself and dont grow an ideal mindset, you will wont get anywhere, and mistakes will become a downward spiral to failure

any feedback will be accepted!!

  1. Self-motivation has been encouraged because it can completely change a life, a process, a thought, a moment, a career, etc. For this reason, we will be talking about its importance in your life, its benefits and some tips to start working on it.

  2. We can take advantage of it in any context of our lives, for example, to set goals to start exercising, to read more, to end a relationship that doesn’t make you happy, or to grow professionally.
    3.4. A study from the University of California shows that motivated employees were three times more creative than those who lacked motivation.

  3. Self-motivation impacts both our personal and professional life
    We become more resilient
    We feel powerful
    We get to be organized with our time
    We demonstrate to ourselves how important we are.

  4. We can start by visualizing what we want and imagining the big picture once the goal is achieved. The goal can be divided into small goals that will help us go step by step. We can set goals with the SMART method: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, This method will help us focus on what is important and what we can really achieve.

List on personal motivation:

Personal motivation refers to the internal drive that leads us to act and persist in the pursuit of personal goals and objectives. It is the internal force that propels us to strive, overcome obstacles, and seek personal growth and fulfillment.

a) Needs and desires: Personal motivation arises from our individual needs and desires, such as recognition, self-fulfillment, belonging, or achievement.
b) Goals and objectives: Motivation is based on setting clear and achievable goals that provide us with a sense of direction and purpose.
c) Values and beliefs: Our personal beliefs and values influence our motivation as they drive us to act in accordance with what we consider important and meaningful.

a) Direction and focus: Personal motivation helps us direct our efforts and energy towards specific activities and actions that bring us closer to our goals.
b) Persistence and resilience: It enables us to stay focused and persevere in the face of obstacles and challenges that may arise along the way.
c) Autonomy and self-fulfillment: Personal motivation provides us with a sense of autonomy and drives us to seek self-fulfillment and personal growth.

Social context:
Personal motivation is influenced by the social environment in which we operate. Factors such as social support, recognition from others, social norms and expectations, and the work or family climate can affect our motivation and determine the level of satisfaction and success we achieve.

-According to a study conducted by the University of Rochester, personal motivation can have a significant impact on goal achievement. Highly motivated individuals are more likely to set challenging goals, persevere in their pursuit, and ultimately achieve success.

According to research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, intrinsic motivation, which arises from internal satisfaction and personal interest in an activity, is associated with higher levels of performance and job satisfaction.

-A Gallup report on workplace engagement revealed that highly motivated employees have 37% lower absenteeism and 21% higher productivity compared to those lacking motivation.

In a study conducted by the University of Sheffield, a strong correlation was found between personal motivation and resilience. Motivated individuals tend to be more resilient and capable of quickly recovering from setbacks and challenges.

-According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, recognition and rewards are important motivational factors in the workplace. 83% of the respondents stated that recognition for a job well done motivated them to put in extra effort.

a) Improved performance: Personal motivation boosts our performance and allows us to achieve more satisfying results in our activities.
b) Greater satisfaction and well-being: When we are motivated, we experience a higher degree of satisfaction and emotional well-being, as we feel fulfilled and enriched by what we do.
c) Overcoming obstacles: Personal motivation helps us overcome the obstacles and challenges that arise along the way, allowing us to learn and grow from those experiences.

Self Motivation

  1. Had you ever feel that you want to accomplish a goal, but you can’t find the way or the motivation for that?
  2. Sometimes certain goals require more steps than others, but self motivation can bring you the energy to follow these steps.
  3. According to experts, motivation start at the moment that you take action. Because once something is done, you are in the flow to develop more.
  4. You should start with small things to encourage yourself to succeed in huge steps where your knowledge and experience in this small things can be useful.
  5. Finally, when you look behind, there will be an unimaginable advance that sometimes will be beyond of your first expectations.

The lack of self-motivation, a problem concerning a lot of people these days. A problem we weren’t instructed to address, so we feel lost when trying to solve it.
Self-motivation is one of the first abilities you have to work on if you want to stay confident and perseverant, it will give you the strength you need in the toughest moments.
Let me give you an example, imagine a tennis player proffesional after 3 hours playing the same match, he is exhausted and he is 3 points away of losing this match. He got used to the people screaming his name and cheering him so it’s not having any effect. He is the only one who can keep running and win this 3 points, no one can help him. He takes a deep breath, raises the ball and convince himself he is going to win this match.

• Self-motivation is important in human’s life because is the hope that make us achieve our goals and find the purpose in our actions.
• According to experts, self – motivation is a skill that has the essence of empower people to face bad situations at the same time they try to cheer up
• Self- motivation is a skill that everyone needs to strength because if you are not aware of your purpose you might lost your path
• It´s very common lost the self-motivation when we are into situation that we do not enjoy but the power of the mind will be always crucial to remember why or what we are looking for
• When people take care of mental health is easier to be self -motivated most of the time


  • Self-motivation has psychology’s components like autonomy, persistence and competence.
  • Sometimes self-motivation depends on your values, culture or social context for that reason is important hanging out with people better than you.
  • When a person gain mastery and learn new skills is more easy gain confidence as well.
  • Self-motivation open doors to new opportunities in the life.
  • I think self-motivation is not easy, involves hard mental and emotional work, clarify life goals and persistence to achieve them.

Self Motivation

  1. Self-motivation is the reason why you do what you do. To put it simply, it’s the reason why you go to work, why you love your family, and why you enjoy traveling or reading. It’s about knowing what you really want.
  2. Self-motivation is important because it does not let you depend on others and drives you tap your strengths to meet your goals.
  3. The 4 Ingredients of Motivation You Need to Succeed: challenges. commitment, confidence, and control (emotional and life).
  4. The world may throw problem after problem at you, but if you’re motivated you can overcome any challenge. To hold out against the competition is one of the most useful skills you can develop. Not only does it give you the power to withstand setbacks but also helps you grow as an individual.
  5. However, it’s important to remember that because you’re feeling motivated today doesn’t guarantee you’ll feel motivated tomorrow. This is a continuous process where you have to act as a personal coach to train your thought process.

Self Motivation: why is it important in our life:

  • is the tool we undertake to be able to reach our highest goals.
  • it benefits and improves our life daily: from a gloom personality to an enthusiatic one.
  • it helps us reach and trespass our limitations to whatever goal we pursuit
  • its the tool that we can create and give it more knowledge by studying motivation experts on field.
  • by self-motivation you can build yourself daily on the emotional plane: by including affirmations and reading only people that can be supportive to your life.
  • and stay away from the haters, negative people or the ones who don´t believe in you. By self-motivation you can be the one who chooses the elements of your life.


  1. It’s the fuel we need to complete our goal
  2. Sometimes we feel with low energy, it’s important to have things that keep us motivated.
  3. It’ll be easier to do a little bit every day rather than do everything in one day.
  4. If we share our goal with our closest ones, they’ll encourage us to keep going.
  5. Remember to enjoy the journey.

1.- The importance of self-motivation on your life.
2.- When do we need self-motivation?
2.- What does the science say about self motivation?
3.- Consequences of not having self-motivation
4.- Benefits of self motivation
5.- How to start having self-motivation.

  1. Self-motivation refers to the willingness and optimism you have when doing a task.
  2. Motivation comes 50% from yourself, and 50% from the people around you (your leaders if we talk about a company)
  3. To keep yourself motivated, you have to ask yourself why you do what you do. It’s difficult to stay motivated if you don’t have a reason to do so.
  4. Pursue your goals breaking them down into smaller steps. Progress will keep you motivated
  5. Celebrate your own achievements.

1 self-motivation is the best way to gain confidence and be strong to face whatever you need.
2 the confidence in yourself it’s an important part of you because you need to transmit all that confidence to the audience.
3 if you can’t motivate yourself you won be able to motivate others.
4 self-motivation is the best way to left the scare behind.
5 if you are really motivated you can do whatever you propose yourself to do.


  1. Self motivation comes from being happy with who you are in the present, even when your reality doesn’t make you happy.
  • Rhetorical Tool: Antimetabole
  1. Being happy is no easy to achieve, to achieve it, you’ve got to pursue it.
  • Rhetorical Tool: Anadiplosis + Litotes
  1. You need to be grateful, disciplined, focused, keeping your body satisfied but your mind hungry.
  • Rhetorical Tool: Asyndeton + Antithesis
  1. Your thoughts must be in the here and now, and about your feet, oh, your feet better stay on the ground.
  • Rhetorical Tool: Diacope + Alliteration
  1. And finally your goals, your goals must be set as high in the horizon as you can see. That is self motivation.
  • Rhetorical Tool: Simile + Anadiplosis
  1. self-motivated to eat something if we are hungry
  2. We might be motivated to keep working a job
  3. we might be motivated to break off a relationship
  4. Starting tasks promptly and getting them done on time
  5. Staying focused on work without getting distracted
  • Measurements
  • Time references
  • Strengths
  • Consequences
  • Benefits

Key points

  • Definition or explanation
  • Elements
  • Functions
  • Social context