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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Speech structure and flow


Aportes 11

Preguntas 2

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Consejos Útiles:

  • Establece una guía verbal. Esta es una presentación clara de tus ideas. ¿Cuál es el objetivo de tu discurso? ¿Cuáles son tus objetivos? ¿Qué quieres conseguir?.

  • Transiciones en el discurso: “A continuación vamos a ver…”, “Ahora vamos a identificar…”, “Hoy vamos a hablar de…”

  • Presenta antes que nada tu esquema. Ej: “Hay 3 puntos claves de los que quiero hablar”

  • Para ideas parecidas. Ej: “De la misma manera…”

  • Cuando cambiamos entre puntos en desacuerdo. Ej: “Sin embargo…”

  • Para enfatizar. Ej: “Principalmente…”

  • Para concluir. Ej: “Quiero dejarte con esta idea…”, “Lo que deberías sacar de todo esto es…”

I like the English vocabulary of this class. Thanks!

three very important guidelines. share during the introduction, highlight transitions, reviews and final comments in the conclusion. You repeat, you review, you put on the table, once again, the topic, the different elements, the ideas that you presented, that you were able to concentrate, that you were able to present to your audience.

The more you communicate, the better, the more you give to your audience, the more the message will be captured, and the effectiveness in transmitting your speech will be greater.
creates, establishes a verbal guide. transitions in speech;
. Present your outline first.
Then, when we want to talk about similar ideas, we could say something like, "In the same way…
emphasize or give importance
Instead of saying ‘to conclude’ or ‘in conclusion’, use one of these powerful phrases. “I like to leave you with this idea.”

how to give structure and fluidity to our speech. The mental map that we have, that we have created, that we have constructed, usually makes sense only to us. What's more, when sharing that map, it very rarely ends up being fully understood by others. This means that if we do not make it clear what we are going to talk about and how we are going to deal with that topic within the presentation or speech, others will most likely not understand us.

Thank you

There are no resources in the resources’ section atm D:

It’s important to leave the audience thinking of your main ideas and believes…

All the advices are useful, and for me, the most important is to make summarize in the conclusions

The speech should be as clear to the audience as it is for us, stating the outline of the things we will discuss it’s important achieve that