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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Overview of module 3


Aportes 6

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

This is a good example of getting the audience engaged, lol

**C, create a verbal guide and use speech transitions** **B, your outline** **false** **Speech transitions help us move easily or smoothly from one idea to the other. It also creates a very nice connection with these ideas. There are many different types of transitions. We have introduction transitions. Similarity transitions. We have also disagreeing transitions. According to the different situation in which we are during our speech, include speech transitions accordingly**

We need more activities like this! very useful to recap the topics!

Thank you

Creo que el discurso debe de tener algo con lo que todos puedan identificarse
