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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Unleash the power of your voice


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Unlocking the power of our voice. The human voice is a powerful and amazing instrument. It has the ability to create evocative sounds that refer to emotions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, experiences. You must be aware that we have an impact on the way we speak and the voice and communication have very particular results. Four main elements: volume; tone; tempo, speed limit; breathing.
tremenda clase!

Thank you

Breathing is the most important and useful technique for many things.

Good tips Anita

  1. Volume
  2. Pitch
  3. Tempo
  4. Breathing

These are good tips, not just for speeches in english. The way how you handle your voice can make the difference

Great advices! thank you!