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Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Find your public speaking voice


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5 Techniques to find your public speaking voice:


  1. Slow down:
    • Let listeners absorb and reflect on what you are saying.
    • All powerful people speak slowly and enunciate clearly.
    • When you speak too rapidly, your pitch increases.
  2. Pause:
    • Sense Pause
    • Dramatic pause
    • Emphatic pause
    • Sentence completion
  3. Voice exercises:
    • Memorize poetry and recite it regularly
    • Read out loud; put strength into words
    • Practice voice warm-ups
  4. Record:
    • Replay these recordings, over and over, looking for ways to improve:
      • Pronunciation
      • Delivery
      • Pacing
  5. Eat and drink well:
    • Energy is essential for good speaking and voice projection.
      • Eat a high-protein diet.
      • Only during room temperature water.

One of the best things to do is to practice with a real audience, record it and improve the weak points

Only drink room temperature water, above all if you are a singer.

Five useful, dynamic and very easy to put into practice techniques that will help us find our voice for public speaking. slow down speak slowly the pause: pause of meaning, dramatic pause; the end of the sentence. voice exercises: breathing ; As a speaker, read and memorize poetry. Recite it. voice warm-up; phrase a few words; record. we have to be energetic, we have to be in a very good mood to provoke emotions in our audience and also an understanding of our subject. , let's drink liquids at room temperature that do not endanger the health of our vocal cords

Thank you

Wow, a lot of good tips, this is a great course not just for english but for every kind of public speech.

The most important advice is:

  • Set listeners absorb and reflect on what you’re saying

Matsuo Bashō, “An Old Silent Pond”:

An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.