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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Develop strong body language


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Body language it’s extremely important because it could help you feel more confident

There are not words to describe the quality of this course, especially of this class… Many key tips to produce the better speech anywhere and anytime…

We are going to learn the power pose. The first thing you should focus on is aligning yourself. Your shoulders should be straight and should be facing the audience, as well as your face. Active listening. We have to eliminate barriers Smiling is a universal gesture and is part of the communication we make with our body. We create sympathy. Have hand gestures. It is time to develop strong body language.

Thank you

Definitely, we need to pay attention to our body language.

Body language may comunicate more than we think.

  • Totally agree we need to start building strong body language, we can have the best message to share, but if we are not capable to express our message clearly together with good body language, hand gestures, expressions, and postures we are not going to achieve our goal.

This course is not in English but it is very useful to start working on our body language.
Curso de expresión corporal - David Navarro

I think body language, after the message itself, is one of the most important parts of our speech, because it can give us a more deeply approach with our audience and letting the message arrives with a more powerful sense.