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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

12 Días
23 Hrs
5 Min
31 Seg
Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Now you're a public speaking pro!


Aportes 12

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Dear Ana Karina González:

I think at this point you forgot factors like intonation and rhythm when speaking in front of an audience. I give you an example: Pablo Neruda was an excellent poet (He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971) but he was terrible at reciting his poems, since he had a tired tone of voice that bored his audience

A pesar de que el curso está en inglés, también sirve para preparar discursos en español, o en cualquier idioma.
Muy buen curso, muy buena recopilación de consejos para hablar en público.

Resumen de los módulos vistos

Importancia De Hablar En Publico Al Mundo Moderno
Punto Clave En La Conferencia.
Ilustrar Ideas.
Liberar El Poder De La Voz
El Lenguaje Del Cuerpo.

Thanks, Anita, the content of this course was amazing

The key point speech process is how scripts and speeches are constructed by concisely understanding how ideas will support statements and connecting them with different examples. Illustrating our ideas was also a complementary theme to the sequence of information placed in the script. also the tone of our voice to create emphasis on important messages during the speech. When we learn about power stances, we also address topics related to our body and how our body communicates and complements the topic we are discussing.
Hello, thank you for the course. I really liked it... Here it is my final project video <>

Speech on the Importance of Laughter
Good afternoon, everyone,
Today, I want to talk to you about something that we all share, something that is universal in the human experience: laughter. Laughter is one of the most beautiful and powerful emotions we possess, and its importance in our lives is immense.
Laughter is a universal language. No matter where you come from, what your culture or language is, laughter transcends barriers and connects us. In a world filled with divisions and challenges, laughter unites us in a unique way. It reminds us that, ultimately, we are all human beings sharing this planet.
But the importance of laughter goes beyond cultural connection. Laughter is a powerful tool for relieving stress and improving mental health. When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins, those wonderful chemicals that make us feel good. Laughter is a natural antidote to anxiety, sadness, and stress. It’s no wonder it’s called "the best medicine."
Laughter also strengthens our relationships. When we share moments of laughter with friends and loved ones, we create special memories and strengthen emotional bonds. Laughter is a form of non-verbal communication that goes beyond words and allows us to connect on a deeper level.
Furthermore, laughter has a positive impact on our physical health. Studies have shown that laughing regularly can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and improve cardiovascular health. In short, laughter not only makes us feel good, but it also keeps us healthy.
But laughter isn’t just beneficial for us as individuals; it also has a powerful effect on society. In an often divided world, laughter can serve as a bridge that brings people together. It allows us to find humor in our differences and reminds us of our shared humanity.
It’s important to remember that laughter is a powerful tool, but like any tool, it must be used responsibly. Humor should not be used to hurt or demean others. Instead, we should use laughter to build bridges, foster understanding, and promote empathy.
In conclusion, laughter is a gift that we all share. It’s a unifying force that connects us on a global level. Laughter relieves stress, improves mental health, and strengthens our relationships. It reminds us that, despite our differences, we all share the experience of being human in this world. So, let’s laugh more, share more laughter, and build a happier and healthier world together.
Thank you.

Loved the course, also learned a lot of new words and ways to express myself at work. It’s amazing how better speaking changes the way people perceive you.

"I feel more comfortable presenting my ideas to large groups of people, whether it’s in meetings or in front of a crowd. I can now effectively connect with my audience and engage them in my ideas. It has definitely improved my performance at work.

Muchas gracias, excelente curso

Great course, not just for english but for every kind of public speaking

Great course!, thank you so much!