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Taller de Oratoria

Taller de Oratoria

Ana Karina González

Ana Karina González

Overview of module 1


Aportes 11

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I very excited because I feel how my can communicate more ideas after the module’s project.

Public speaking is essentially rhetoric. Rhetoric is effective communication and public speaking is the talent of communicating effectively.

remember to use these five essential rhetorical tools: alliteration Anadiplosis; Antithesis; Metaphor; Simile

Four basic elements of public speaking: the communicator, the message, the medium and the audience

Excellent summary about the first module

Nice summary and very interesting to practices my listening.

**Overview of module 1** ***Public speaking is an essential life skill in the modern world, full of meetings, conferences and networking events. For now, most of them are taking place in an online environment whether we are addressing and audience face to face or online we conceptualize public speaking as the act of performing a speech to a live audience in a structured manner, in order to inform, entertain and persuade them. Public speaking allows us to demonstrate knowledge and confidence. The true worth of knowledge you posses can only be realized when you can show it to others and apply it. Now, confidence is what we’ll make stand out, became an outstanding and remarkable professional, improving your communication skills.*** ***Public speaking is, in essence, rhetoric. Rhetoric is effective communication, and public speaking is the talent of communicating effectively. Next time you address an audience, big or small, remember to use these five essential rhetorical tools:*** \- ***Alliteration: repetition of identical initial sounds.*** \- ***Anadiplosis: the last word or phrase is repeated to begin the next.*** \- ***Antithesis: a word, phrase or sentence opposing the original proposition.*** \- ***Metaphor: an object or action is described in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.*** \- ***Simile: a comparison between two unlike things, usually using the words “as” or “like”.*** ***Rhetorical tools adds complexity to a speech, making it more engaging, moving and memorable. As it captivates people and evokes emotion. Four basic elements of public speaking:*** \- ***The communicator.*** \- ***The message.*** \- ***The medium: is the vehicle of the message. The action delivery method** **ended in the effect or speakers intent.*** \- ***The audience.*** ***Deciding how to deliver a speech is among the biggest challenges the speaker faces. How you carry your message is as important as the message itself. Keep your medium on mind to deliver amazing speeches.*** ***In this first module we discussed why public speaking is important, reviewed five rhetorical tools and understood the importance of the medium of speech. Take note of these important elements as we learnt together how to improve public speaking skills.***
Hi! so useful , thanks!

Public speaking is an essential life skill in the modern world full of meetings, conferences and networking events. Speaking in public allows us to demonstrate knowledge and confidence. The true value of the knowledge you possess can only be realized when it can be shown to others and applied.

Thank you

Completely happy to learn more about how to convey my ideas in a better way in English.

Speaking in public is a skill. And you can learn any skill. While some people may have more natural speaking ability than others, anyone can learn to be a better public speaker. It just takes some know-how and some effort. 😁

#EnglishChallenge - day 8
