Partes de una oración



The parts of speech are the categories of the words in traditional English grammar. We can divide them into eight main groups (or nine, if you count determiners): nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
The following chart contains the parts of speech, their functions, and some examples of words and sentences.


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Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.

For the ones who want to certify your English level, this topic is one of the most important ones.

Hello! These are my sentences:

  • Despite the fact they were carefully reading the instructions, a black fog with ashes covered the entire lab for hours, gosh!,
  • Hey! Can you and your partner hopefully tell me where is the fastest delivery service in town, please!
  • No way! He did that difficult skateboard trick while sipping from his soda and finished the test quickly!
  • Did you accomplish the task after these people were badly beaten by those savages over there?
  • C´mon! I can’t believe how worried you were while singing that song fondly to Marielle!

This kind of things feelings like "English isn’t an easy language"😅

Hi, My sentences are:

  • I’m Shirley. I live in Perú.
  • I like to watch series on Netflix.
  • I have my list of close friends on Instagram.
  • I don’t like talking on a cell phone while I driving my car.

Gosh, she goes to the hospital because she really feels so bad

Well, This is my simple speech. I’ll try to write everything about parts of speech. However, while I’m writing, I could understand that isn’t easily. But you know, never stop to learning.

Wow! Jerry, please sit down. Your friend are talking about the last homework and you don’t sit.
Intej. (!) Noun (,) adv. Verb adv. (.) Adj. Noun, verb, verb, prep. Art. Adj. Noun, conj. Pronoun, Adv. Verb

Wow! Fernanda is a great teacher! Her students learn together in platzi while learn JavaScript

Nous: Fernanda, teacher, platzi, JavaScript
Pronoun: in
Verbs: is, learn
Adjectives: great
Adverbs: together
Prepositions: in
Conjunctions: while
Interjection: Wow
Determiners: A, her

  • OMG!, is this red car yours?
  • David lives in Mexico, but he don’t like people.
  • I can run as quickly as “Flash”.
  • I like to watch music and listen to movies.
  • Can i take a delicious slice of pizza? Oh, it still hot!

My sentence:
This is a beatiful day and too interesant because Fernanda give me another lecction about Writing.

  • I and a friend want to learn code, well we need to study a lot.
  • I always want Pizza
  • The stadium is next to the train station. But we have not arrived yet!
  • Phew! This pizza is delicious!

This lesson is very important to learn

  1. Exercise
    Oh, Daniel has one interview on friday, It will be very hard and stress
    Parts of speech:
    Intrj => Oh
    Noun => Daniel
    Pronoun => It
    Adj => hard, stress
    verb => has, will be
    conj => and
    prep => on
    adv => very

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.

Write sentences using as many parts of speech as you can. Here is an example:
1. wow, you work at a big supermarket
**Interj. **- wow
Pron. - you
Verb - work
Prep.- at
Adj. - big
Noun - supermarket
2. ¿Do you study English every day?
Verb- Do

Wow, lizeth and her dog going to play in a beautiful park and they very happily.

  • Oh! I don’t have a idea of the determiners.

  • He sing very bad.

  • I study Math. and Geometry.

  • My computer is to old.

  • The kids walked to the park.

  • Vic and his brother Vincent worked in the club.

  • Omar and his sister played their favorite game.

  • Wow!, the country is very beautiful and exotic.

  • I like a lot play squash and videogames with my friends.

  • The notebook is behind your chemistry books.

  • I will travel to United States as soon as I finish my PhD.

so cool

I didn’t know this, I had never heard it or been taught it in an English class, not even in college:

Se discute si los determinantes son una parte del discurso, ya que tienen funciones similares a las de los adjetivos, los artículos y los pronombres. Hay cuatro tipos de determinantes en inglés: artículos, demostrativos, cuantificadores y posesivos.

Especifica e identifica sustantivos y pronombres.
that / those / some / few / such / the / a / an
El perro está ladrando.
Tengo algunas naranjas.

Como hemos visto con los determinantes, muchas palabras en inglés tienen más de una función. Por ejemplo, “close” puede ser un verbo, un sustantivo, un adjetivo e incluso un adverbio. La ortografía es la misma, pero los significados son diferentes.

  • VERBO: ¿Puedes cerrar la puerta, por favor?
  • SUSTANTIVO: Ha llegado a su fin.
  • ADJETIVO: Somos muy amigos.
  • ADVERB: No seáis tan amigos.

Es fundamental que entiendas las partes de la oración, para que definas el orden exacto de las palabras y el uso correcto de los signos de puntuación en una frase.

Hi Im valentina and I from Colombia. I would like to learn a lot of with this course, I hope to get it .

  1. I am a student, and I work on a project about ELN.
  2. ELN (electronic lab notebook) is a digital adaptation of a traditional lab notebook. It is a fantastic tool¡.
  3. They exist in closed source software: eLabFTW, Openbis, or SciNote ( expensive tools) and open source: Evernote, OneNote, Dropbox, etc.
  1. I and my family learn effectively here at plazti.
  2. Damn! This week Platzi live was so inspiring for all the community.
  1. My name is Diana in form Ecuador

I am Oscar I live in Colombia I love it, Plazti’s methodology

Hi, mi name is yeison hernandez, i live in Medellin

I like a action movies. I live in Bogota Colombia

I’m Fernando from Maracay, Venezuela. Actually, I live in Lima, Peru.

Wow! This is a good community. My name is Sebastian, and I’m really happy to stay here with all of you. These months although few have been fantastic to improve my skills.

"Oh! He has so much talent for taking notes and speaking, but he doesn't have talent for playing the guitar. He is a tall man and looks very young."
Hi! * I like pizza, but I dislike the meat pizza! * She lives in Bogotá, Colombia, Her name es Maria and She study Marketing. It's cool! * When I leave to walk always I go fast, I dislike to walk slow.
![]( ![]( ![](
* Mark likes to eat pizza. * My dog Nacho loves to walk in the park. * Ana and his daugther Lisa will go to climb a mountain this weekend. * He and his cat enjoy resting in the tree house. * I love coffe and chocolate, but my brother prefers tea. * I love visiting natinal parks, the nature is amazing, and for me is the best thing in the world.
Homework Write sentences using as many parts of speech as you can * She likes the coffee very much. * I will go to EEUU nex week. * He is going to visit her sisters a couple of week. * These files are confidential. * The project is hers, and is responsible for it's successful completion. * He finished the project surprisingly quickly. * The client is immensely satisfied with the final product. * I saw invite to the meeting in my calendar and in my email, but I can't go to he meeting, for I go on vacation that same day. * I got you the last two tickets for the show! * I'm so mad at you!
Las partes de la oración * Sustantivos: Nombres, lugares, cosas o ideas * Pronombres: Reemplaza sustantivos y otros pronombres * Verbo: Cuenta con lo que sucede en la oración * Adjetivo: Describe, modifica o da información sobre sustantivos y pronombres * Adverbio: Describe verbos, adjetivos , o otros adverbios * Preposición: Vincula un sustantivo o pronombre con otras palabras en la oración * Conjunción: Conecta palabras, cláusulas, frases, e ideas en la oracion * Interjeccion: Expresa emociones fuertes o reacciones Determinantes en la oracion: Específica e identifica sustantivos y pronombres
Wow, they or a good team won in the competition quickly.
Interesting to know the parts of a sentence.
I like this kind of examples.
The parts of speech are categories in English grammar, divided into nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, with determiners sometimes considered a ninth category. Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas; pronouns replace nouns; verbs indicate actions or states of being; adjectives describe nouns; adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs; prepositions link nouns or pronouns to other words; conjunctions connect words, clauses, or phrases; and interjections express strong emotions. Determiners specify nouns and pronouns. Understanding these categories is essential for correct word order and punctuation, as many words can function in multiple roles, such as "close," which can be a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb. For example, in the sentence, "Oh, he and his old dog walked to the park slowly," each word represents a different part of speech.
The parts of speech are categories in English grammar, divided into nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, with determiners sometimes considered a ninth category. Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas; pronouns replace nouns; verbs indicate actions or states of being; adjectives describe nouns; adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs; prepositions link nouns or pronouns to other words; conjunctions connect words, clauses, or phrases; and interjections express strong emotions. Determiners specify nouns and pronouns. Understanding these categories is essential for correct word order and punctuation, as many words can function in multiple roles, such as "close," which can be a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb. For example, in the sentence, "Oh, he and his old dog walked to the park slowly," each word represents a different part of speech.
Surprise! we want to share with you the big prize. Surprise!: INTERJECTION. We: PRONOUN. Want: VERB. To: PREPOSITION. Share: VERB. With: CONJUCTION. You: PRONOUN. The: ARTICLE. Big: ADJECTIVE. Prize: NOUN.

I like everything I’ve learned in platzi’s English courses, and how all that previous knowledge get’s together to start to make our own writings. I have been studying and practicing every day, and I thought that I was improving a lot but with classes like this, it teaches me that we can learn much more on this journey of learning English

OMG! They are a lot of concepts to learn. Is a large list of rules. I am very excited, and I’ll do my best and my homework too!

  1. Hooray! My friends and I won’t come to the new school tomorrow in the morning as we used to do.
  2. Gosh! We have lots of projects to write and upload in the web page, so if you want to help us, you are more than welcome.

excellent information!!!

For the ones who want to certify your English level, this topic is one of the most important ones.

  1. OMG!, is this red car yours?
  2. David lives in Mexico, but he don’t like people.
  3. I can run as quickly as “Flash”.
  4. I like to watch music and listen to movies.
  5. Can i take a delicious slice of pizza? Oh, it still hot!

Today is going to be a great day.

● Wow, the dog is small, but when he runs he is very fast you will not be able to stop him.

I never before pay attention to sentences in this way, 🤯.


  • Hey! New York is a crowded city,
    but there,
    you can find a piece of everything in the world.


  • Interj.-Noun-Verb-Det.-Adj.-Noun,

Wow! Felipe and his awesome dog will compete in the Agiliy tournament.

Hello, some of the sentences that I made:
My is Neyda. I live in Florida
I’ll try to write about parts of speech. However, while I’m writing, I could understand that isn’t easily. I have to practice a lot.

For the ones who want to certify your English level, this topic is one of the most important ones.

  1. OMG!, is this red car yours?
  2. David lives in Mexico, but he don’t like people.
  3. I can run as quickly as “Flash”.
  4. I like to watch music and listen to movies.
  5. Can i take a delicious slice of pizza? Oh, it still hot!

Wow, she and his big dog run near the lake often.

excellent information!!!

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.

Oh, look at his dog, he look like a zebra, because has black and white lines. His owner is Terry my old friend from school. When we were a child we walked home together so many times. Sometime we were to the park; with others kids from the block. I think we are getting old slowly.

I like to travel, but it’s so expensive, you must save for a whole year to travel for a weekend. Ouch! That is a lot of money.

Wow! I found my cell phone; it was on the big sofa.
My dog is very happy when we go to the park.

I’m getting better in my writing skills quickly thanks to Platzi, anyway I have to keep practicing.

Nouns: Platzi, writing, skills.
Pronouns: I, I.
Verbs: am, getting , have, practicing writing, keep
Adjectives: better.
Adverbs: quickly.
Prepositions: in, to, to.
Conjunctions: anyway.
determiners: my

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.




I and a friend want to learn code, well we need to study a lot.
I always want Pizza
The stadium is next to the train station. But we have not arrived yet!
Phew! This pizza is delicious!

wow, the class is very important.

Oh, he has an old dog, but he goes out every day with his dog to walk to the park slowly and relax.

it’s difficult for me to write in English, but this material will improve my level of writing. I know my level of skill it’s not a big deal and I am conscious about the practice it makes a master so for that reason these are my three sentences about this practice:

  1. Oh no! I forgot my keys in the car, I always put on the keys in the glove compartment and I never put out the keys, I’m a stupid person

  2. hi nancy, how is it going? do you remember when we are young? because yesterday I saw Jannette, and she told me that she was writing a book about her mother, mmm(sounds of old gossip), you know the barbarities her mother did to her, nancy we need to read that book right now.

I don know if these sentences that’s right but I had a good time writing them.

NOUN Names, places, things, or ideas. Daniel / New York / dog / notebook / music Daniel lives in New York. He likes to listen to music.
PRONOUN Replaces nouns and other pronouns. I / she / they / him / them / who / some / this Daniel lives in New York. He likes to listen to music.


  1. You and your crazy stuff made me laugh a lot.
  2. Phew! Finally, we arrived at our home sweet home.
    (Interj./ Adv./Pron./Verb/Prep./Det./Noun/Adj./Noun)
  3. This is for me? Are you sure?

These are my sentences:

  • John and I were waking to the office slowly before the rain begun.
  • Alicia is a beautiful woman and a very kind person.
  • Wow! She said to me when I was trying to run the marathon last week.
  • The green old book is over the new shelf.
  • I am under the table waiting to the earthquake to end.
  • My mom is cooking steadily because the rest of the family is not here yet.

Example: Wow, you are very really friendly with dogs and cats.

Wow, you are very friendly with dogs and cats
Interjection Pronoun Verb Adverb Adverb Preposition Noun Conjunction Noun

I am taking adventage of the fact that my little girl is sleeping rigth now and I can ti study for two hours.

I didn’t learn as much in Spanish as I have learned in this course

OMG!, is this red car yours?
David lives in Mexico, but he don’t like people.
I can run as quickly as “Flash”.
I like to watch music and listen to movies.
Can i take a delicious slice of pizza? Oh, it still hot!

The parts of speech are the categories of the words in traditional English grammar. We can divide them into eight main groups (or nine, if you count determiners): nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
The following chart contains the parts of speech, their functions, and some examples of words and sentences.

Well, This is my simple speech. I’ll try to write everything about parts of speech. However, while I’m writing, I could understand that isn’t easily. But you know, never stop to learning.

Hello! These are my sentences:

Despite the fact they were carefully reading the instructions, a black fog with ashes covered the entire lab for hours, gosh!,

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

Hi! These are my sentences:

Despite the fact they were carefully reading the instructions, a black fog with ashes covered the entire lab for hours, gosh!,
Hey! Can you and your partner hopefully tell me where is the fastest delivery service in town, please!
No way! He did that difficult skateboard trick while sipping from his soda and finished the test quickly!
Did you accomplish the task after these people were badly beaten by those savages over there?
C´mon! I can’t believe how worried you were while singing that song fondly to Marielle!

My husband and I are studying English in different platforms because he doesn’t want to learn in the same mine. The most important thing is that we are doing.
Mmmm! I think this class will be bored for him.

I like to watch series on Netflix.
I have my list of close friends on Instagram.
I don’t like talking on a cell phone while I driving my car.


Thank you!

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.


it is very interesting




Uf! I need a break. I have to prepare for my English test and the worst part is that, I started to learn this week. A very big challenge for me but not impossible.

Wow! I didn’t know that the parts of a speech can divide into nine main groups of categories. It was difficult for me to learn the parts of speech, so this class helps me a lot. However, I need to practice every day to understand more about this section and until I can write easily.

I think that in these small sentences, I use several parts of speech, am I right?

Nouns: sentences, parts, speech, about
Verbs: practice, know, learn, use, write
Adjective: difficult, several, small
Adverb: a lot, easily
Pronoun: I, it
Conjunction: However, and
Interjection: Wow
Preposition: in, to, of
Determines: these, that

Fact: in writing these sentences it took me about fifteen minutes, which is a lot, I think.

Thanks for reading.

She is my best friend.
Both of them the dog and the cat are not friend.
This is his car.
He loves to drive slowly at the beach.
People love to go to the park.

Oh, he and his old dog walked slowly to the par k



  • I have two dogs: Paco and Sócrates
    pron./ verb./ noun/ noun/ conj./ noun.

  • She ran to the station quickly.
    pron./ verb./ prep./ det./ noun/ adv.

  • He likes spicy food but i hat it
    porn./ verb./ adj./ noun/ conj./ pron./ verb./pron.

  • wow! Kevin plays with his g¿dogs every day
    intj./ noun/ verb./ prep./ Det./ Noun/ adj./ Noun.