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Oraciones de apoyo


After creating your topic sentence (with a clear topic and the main idea), start brainstorming what your supporting sentences are going to be about. It is necessary to think about the main idea to do that. The sentences you use to support your statement can be examples, reasons why you think that, descriptions of your topic, arguments, causes, effects, and so on.

It is essential to do this before starting writing. Like that, you can have a clear idea of what you consider fundamental to express in your paragraph. Write down as many support topics as you can.
What you have to do next is to choose at least three support topics and develop your ideas. You should write at least one or two sentences for each supporting topic chosen.

Remember to use different connectors when writing your supporting sentences. It is crucial to link your ideas when you put all the sentences together.

Example of supporting sentences (one for each supporting topic):

Convenient: First, they are easy to eat. I can peel the banana, eat it, and throw the peel in the garbage.
Delicious: Additionally, I can eat bananas with cereal, other fruits, and ice cream. I can also eat it fried, and it tastes great every time.
Nutritious: Finally, they contain fiber, potassium, and vitamins, so they are very healthy.

Aportes 460

Preguntas 9

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Supporting Sentences:

  • Examples
  • Reasons
  • Descriptions
  • Arguments
  • Causes & Effects
  • Details

Before start writing:

  • Freewriting: All the ideas of the main topic.
  • Write one or two sentences for each topic
  • Use connectors



  1. Topic: Why practice calisthenics?
  2. Support Sentences
    • Benefits:
      • Conditioning.
      • Muscle gain.
      • Strenght gain.
      • Improve balance.
      • Improve agility.
      • Improve coordination.
    • Free and easy:
      • All is by working with your body weight you don’t need to pay to a GYM.
      • You don’t need any equipment
    • Healthy:
      • It includes all the benefits of exercising.

I love to travel because it is an incredible experience, I can learn a lot about culture, religion, local food and geography.

I believe first It is a great stimulate for the brain, everyday has a new experiencies and new people, additionally I can choose anywhere, I can go to other continent or just will go place near to my city. Finally I can do new friends and practice my speaking english and why not teach my mother tongue to native people.

¿Who is God? , ¿Have you asked yourself this question? Because God is love, grace, patient, godness, faith, power, wisdom and I love Him. Off course I can tell you thous things because one day I decided leave my own ideas and go to know what about God, Jesus and more, today it has been the best decision of my live, sometimes it´s difficult but His victory I can feel every single moment. Have you try to do it? I want to invite you to do it. Never stop to learn and God is the way too, the best one!.

Every single thing has been made from the things that there wasn’t seen. – Powerful
The man could have the capacity to convert many things (Minerals, liquids, chemicals, etc) in one special gadget or thing, like your cellphone, But the capacity to create some thing where there is nothing, It’s only for God and all you can see was made from God to you. —Love

You can’t wathc Him, but you can fell, as the wind, if you want to feel the wind, you need to go to the street… You want to feel God, go get it! – Faith

I love studying different subjects because it improves my brain, I could get better jobs and talk about everything in a conversation.

Studying for me is the best way to keep your mind occupied and increase your ability to retain information. It also allows me to have more and better skills for future job applications; and finally I always love to know something new for I can express it to my friends in any conversation about any topic.

Hey Platzinaut. 👩‍💻✨
Here are my notes of the lesson. 👇

Supporting Sentences

Can be examples of your topic. Can be a reason why you think like that; a description; some arguments; an they can be cause and effects, and so on. Remember, when you are going to start writing, you have to go through some stages.

The first one is the prewriting. In this stage, you should gather all the ideas about your main topic, and put them down on paper.

  • Examples
  • Reasons
  • Descriptions
  • Arguments
  • Causes & Effects
  • Details

Bananas are convenient, delicious, and nutritious.

Easy to prepare, delicious and not healthy.

Supporting Topics

  • Easy to prepare: convenient, basic ingredients.

  • Delicious: mixed flavors, grilled meat.

  • Not healthy: high cholesterol, getting fat.

Support Sentence

  • You can buy basic ingredients in a several supermarkets, exists many recipes for preparation in a little time.

  • The recipes has different mix flavors that produced many senses.

  • The additions many times produced high cholesterol and getting fat.

I love to practice pole fitness because it’s exciting, healthy and fun.

Topic: Live in a campervan
To start, live under a campervan could give you a lot of freedom. Geographic freedom because you can move around the world. Also, finance freedom as you will need less money, so you could find an alternative income way.
Finally, emotional freedom because if you have more time, less pressure, you could find what you really want to do in your life.

I love cats, they are independent, and same to way they need us. First they are use sand for this point we dont need take them out. Additionally, you never are alone, they always look out.
Finally the cats know went you need love, went you are sad or angree and they come with you and start purr and pamper you

I like listen chill out music because help me to focus in my job.
The chill out music is instrumental when your listen you feel tranquillity, peace and quiet.
This music uses smooth and repetitive rhythms.
You can you can concentrate in your tasks

Changing of profession.
The idea of ​​doing something different in our lives is maybe a dream or a reality because besides finding a better opportunity, we can develop new abilities and competencies. It is true that it can be complicated but although we have negative thoughts about this change, perseverance and discipline will lead to a breakthrough. Is easy to start when we make the decision accompanied by actions directed towards an objective, for this reason we can investigate the new profession and know which knowledge we have or which we can get, like study another language, take curses of updates or do practices.

I do crossfit becase is an excellent trainning. Crossfit help me to lose weight, gain strength and be more agile in my workouts.

I like to practice soccer because is funny, I can play with friends or alone, you don’t need special equipment only a ball and you can better your skills body

When writing a paragraph, organize your ideas and sentences logically. Use words and phrases to indicate to the reader the relative importance of the ideas. Write the ideas in order of importance, starting with the most important. Notice the commas.

First, in order of importance, Most importantly, To begin with,
Secondly, / Thirdly, etc. Following that, After that,
Finally, Last but not least, Least importantly, As a final point,

These exercises are really blown minds. 🤯

Topic Sentence

I love Chemistry because is a basic science that bring thogheter many parts of other sciences, it´s very visual and practical.

Main idea

Chemistry is a basic science that bring thogheter many parts of other sciences, it´s very visual and practical.

Supporting Sentences

Fist, it´s a science that bring together knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Engineering or Nanotechnology
Additionaly, you can see the reactions that happen in real time; such as color or temperature changes
Finally, the applications of all this knowledge are very common in everyday life, for example: the cleaning products or medicines we use

I love to learn crypto, because its a new way to exchange digital money,. It’s fast and is desentralized.
Supporting topic:
exchange digital money: The blockchain is the best tecnology created, the number one is the internet.
Fast: You send large amount of money to someone place of world, that trasaction takes a few minutes to send it.
Desentralized. Don’t need a bank, and you are the owner of your money.

Easy to prepare, delicious and not healthy.

Supporting Topics

Easy to prepare: convenient, basic ingredients.

Delicious: mixed flavors, grilled meat.

Not healthy: high cholesterol, getting fat.

Support Sentence

You can buy basic ingredients in a several supermarkets, exists many recipes for preparation in a little time.

The recipes has different mix flavors that produced many senses.

The additions many times produced high cholesterol and getting fat.

I don’t understand why people think that the K-pop industry is for children’s entertainment. The K-pop industry is the toughest music industry, its artists may be training around 5 or even 10 years before their debut, still, most of them don’t even make their debut as they are expelled or they just give up. Additionally, their music and music videos has an incredibly high budget and production and yet, they can sing and dance during performances without even losing their breath control while dancing complex choreographies.

Dogs are so cute, they have cute paws, and stay with you all the time.

First turns the special moments and differents than others.
Finally that moments are unforgettable with the People present.

Playing volleyball you can create good frienships, because you share with your teammates at least 3 days per week, also is a good sport for your health because of you need to movement during the game with this you help your heart, and also you help your brain due to the need to be concentrated. 🤾🏻‍♀️

Main idea: I like the cats because they are beautiful, adorable and they ruminate Supporing topics * Beautiful: it have soft fur / is small body * Adorable: it have nice face / have soft meow * They ruminate: nice song Beautiful: First, they have a soft and small body that I can stroke at any moment and any place. Adorable: Besides, It's soft meow that move me, just like nice face it They ruminate: However, the best part is when It's on top of me in my bed while it ruminating
```js I like to do exercise, it is healthy, iT is fun and improves muscle strength Healthy It delivers dopamine it deliver serotonine It delivers endorphines Fun Exercise makes me feel good It make me feel relax It helps me socialize Improves muscle strength Because it activates the motor units of the muscles Improves the quality of life It stretches them and makes them grow The exercise is very good in my life: first it delivers dopamine and serotonine, aldo it makes me feel relax and finally it makes me have better lifestyle ```
Supporting sentences consist of statements that provide evidence, examples, or explanations that back up the main idea presented in your topic sentence. They help to clarify, elaborate, and strengthen your argument or point of view. These sentences can include reasons, descriptions, and cause-and-effect relationships related to the main topic, and it's important to use connectors to link them effectively within the paragraph.
Topic: studying is an investment that generates return Supporting topics: personal development: Knowledge acquisition, cognitive thinking enhancement. Intellectual benefits: problem solving, mental stimulation Mental Health: keeps the mind active prevents cognitive diseases
Self-care includes fun, self-observation and nutrition. First people need to be motivated, so they need serotonin, oxitocin and dopamin; second, peolple also need to know theirself, wich implies listening activities like meditation, pray, selfwriting, or anything similar; and finally, people require an optimal body, so they can feel good. It implies eating healthy.
I can express emotions because in the music is a complement with the armony and rhytms. I like write songs because I can practice composition I play the guitar to play a song that I like or my songs
I like to exercise because it is convenient and healthy for my life. exercise prevents disease and aids physical and mental health.
Doing sports is healthier than other activities that should be tired, because sports make you stronger, flexible, fast, and improve your metabolism. * the sports make you stronger because you train your muscles and your discipline, so your muscles grow to withstand the increased intensity of the exercise you perform. * Doing sports improve your metabolism: It allows you to transform accumulated fat into energy and produces a caloric deficit that allows you to expel toxins. * Doing sports makes you flexible because you repeat many times daily exercises that stretch your bones and muscles.
Why is the poodle the best **dog**🐩? They are very **energetic**, **intelligent** and **loyal**. First, why did I see my pet 🐩 with powerful energy to run anywhere, it's crazy. Second, my pet understands many words and can do many activities 🤓. And third, they always come back and protect us 🛡️. Now that I think more, all dogs are the best pet 🐕.
* That sentence invites you to question the nature of reality and reflect on our perceptions. * It invites you to think beyond what our senses tell us, suggesting that reality is a construction by our brain. * Morpheus's door metaphor symbolizes the opportunities and decisions that we must take by ourselves.
Practice: * Topic sentence: I'm learning to play guitar, and I'm studying music theory too * Support sentences: The constant exercises with the left hand help to improve muscle memory and change chords quickly. * It is important to understand the fundamentals of music so I can read sheet music and write songs.
I love cycling because it is a healthy sport, burns calories and strengthens my legs. Supporting sentences: 1. Healthy sport: Cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise because it improves heart health and increases endurance. 2. Burns calories: It helps with weight management as it burns a significant amount of calories in a short time. 3. Strengthens my legs: Riding a bike tones my leg muscles and improves my strength as I pedal through various terrains.
Pregunta?. En las oraciones de soporte se puede utilizar en primera persona??
I love to travel a lot, first I used to prefer stayed at home, but when my family once said me on April 12th my birthday that I need to visit other countries, I was agree, after that I learn about cultures as Cuzco, Peru; Salar of Uyuni. Bolivia; History about Iquique's mountain. Those remembers were so grateful to my, while I was gettins knowleadge, I met many friends in these countries. funny learn about culture new friends new experiences
Hi everyone! I love English because it is a universal language and it improves my professional profile. First of all, English is the official language in more than 50 countries around the world and is spoken natively in many more. This way, learning English facilitates entry into a broader job market, with better pay and better growth alternatives.
El párrafo se refiere a la importancia de las oraciones de apoyo al escribir. Estas oraciones expanden la idea principal al ofrecer ejemplos, razones o descripciones que la respaldan. En el caso del ejemplo sobre plátanos, se ilustran sus cualidades de conveniencia, sabor y nutrición para fortalecer la afirmación central.
Main idea I like coffee 'cause it keeps me awake and it's delicious. First. Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant of the central nervous system, wich produce a temporal effect of restauration of alert levels and sleepiness elimination. You can choose between whole beam coffee and instant coffee; however the first one --whole beam coffee-- is more expensive but contains much more caffeine than the second one --instant coffee--. Finally. You can combine it with a lot of ingredients. For example you can drink it with chocolate and milk(mocca), milk, vanilla, cinnamon etc...; even you can drink iced coffee (cold coffee, ice cream, milk cream). There are many different ways to drink coffee and all of them are delicious!.
**Topic idea:** Consistency is the best way to achieve our dreams. **Supporting sentences:** * **Habits:** You can write your daily goals; this will help you not give up. * **Small progress:** Second, you gradually see how to improve. * **Stay focused:** You will have more concentration, and it will be easier to achieve your dreams. Focus on the present.
I need to learn English quickly because it is important for my future job. Additionally, English is the language of business, technology, and science. It is also the main language in which most technological advancements are developed and documented. Finally, English is the universal language.
**Topic Sentence:**** *I love study in platzi, becose is a plataform with a quality contect incredible, and also i can watch it when i want.* **Support Sentences:** *Also, is that They are short courses, with professional learning paths. Your Courses are very practices, dinamics, directs and what I like the most is that the courses are at the forefront of the current world and your needs. Which combines perfectly with platzi's motto: **¡NEVER STOP LEARNING!***
* I love cats because they are social, independent, sleepyheads, and so cute. 1\. SOCIAL * It depends on your attitude and vibe; It comes closer to you. They are very selective. 2\. INDEPENDENT * They don't need to be monitored. They are so delicate at the moment, they do anything. 3\. SLEEPYHEADS * They are such sleepyheads; They sleep so deeply everyday. They sleep 16 hours everyday or more.
Use your topic sentence. Gather some ideas for supporting topics and write least three supportingsentences Chemistry is important * Present in the economy development of industries and in daily life. Satisfaction of needs such as food, medicine, energy, clothing, etc. Support phrases: Economy Development Satisfaction
Write at least one or two sentences for each topic Chemistry is important * Present in the economy development of industries and in daily life. * Satisfaction of needs such as food, medicine, energy, clothing, etc.
Supporting Sentences: The supporting sentences can be examples of your topic can be a reason why you think like that, a description, arguments, and they can be cause and effects, an so on. Remember when you're going to start writing, you have to go through some stages The first one is the prewriting. In this stage, you should gather all the ideas about your main topic and put them down on paper. To do that, you have to have a clear idea what your topic is and what you want to talk about in your paragraph. In this case, I have to explain why I think like that, and I have three main support topic In this stage, you should gather as many ideas as you can to support topic
Support Setences 1. easy, lightweight, practical I love carry a tablet because it´s lightweight, practical an easy for making presentations to costumers. 1. healthy. good, funny I like practicing swimming because it´s healthy for mind and body, good for back pain and funny.
`For instance, predictive maintenance powered by machine learning can foresee equipment failures, allowing for timely interventions that minimize downtime and maintain optimal production levels.`
SUPPORT SENTENCES (brainstorming) Relaxes: Disconnection / feel pleasure / stress reduction. “First, I can disconnect from reality, forget about problems, and consequently; feel pleasure and reduce my stress.” Amuses: Funny / in team / share with friends. “Also, when I play, I have fun with my friends because we are a team in the video game. We can share with other friends and laugh at funny moments.” Entertains: Interactions / role play / creative. “Finally, we have a lot of interactions in the video game, we can pretend to be other people through role-playing, and we can test our creativity.”
**Topic:** Eat more vegetables and fewer animal products. It’s a healthy option, kind to animals, and good for the environment. **Supporting Topics** * Healthy option: less illness, variety, creative * Kind to animals: act of love, animals right * Good for the environment: less contamination, reduced risk of infections originating from animals **Support Sentence** The first point is related to our health. Eating more and a diverse range of vegetables can help avoid hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, all of which are chronic conditions. We can prepare a variety of dishes, change things up, and combine different flavors to suit our tastes. Birds, mammals, fish, insects, and all living beings in the world are our friends. We need to respect their lives and habitats. Animal farming for consumption requires large amounts of water, food, and land. The environment is contaminated due to fertilizers and animal waste. Zoonotic diseases are those that are transmitted from animals to humans. Examples include avian flu, swine flu, and bovine tuberculosis. \*Grammatical correction with ChatGPT
The fitness life is very important to me, because help me to feel good, healthy and confident. * **Example:** For instance, since I started exercising regularly, I've noticed a significant boost in my energy levels and overall mood. * **Reason:** One reason fitness is crucial to me is that it allows me to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. * **Argument:** Moreover, exercising regularly not only improves my physical health but also enhances my mental well-being, giving me the confidence and self-esteem to take on daily challenges.
I think that Messi is the best football player, because he masters all the stages of the game. First, Messi has the best goal average of the story, he score goals of middle distance with ball in moviment or stopped, he can dribling to all team contrary or create a team play. Also, Messi is the player with more assitens, this want say that he generates plays for his partne.
* constant studying is well to exercise your mind * japon is a country that i would like to visit because is beautiful and wonderful, they culture, language and technology are awesome to me, of course, i’d like to know their culture because i like it, i seems fascinating * waking up tired, that happens when your go to bed late and the next day, you wake up tired, that’s bad to health
I love soccer because is exciting, competitive, and universal. Everytime the ball gets closer to the goal, or lands in the opponent´s field, and the players make great plays its awsome. Besides, ninety minutes of pure plays, runs, goal attempts, resistence, change of players, lineups, and of course that feeling of always scoring a goal. Finally, everyone in any country watch it and you can feel the pation and energy about it.
The music is relaxing, beautiful and funny Relaxing, because you can scape of the stress Beautiful, because it's pleacen to our ears Funny, because you can dancing
My husband is the most positive person I know he is smiler and intelligent with others persons he can get a good conversation with new people, he usually do the exercises and talk about his pations with energy.
If you use the red dress looks better with your red high heels and you can complete your outfit whit this dark blue jackect and blue hangbag. You really need to taste this pizza, the combnination of flavors its perfect in Carbonara style becasuse it has a chicken, mushrooms, suace of tomate, cheese and this is cooking in special oven where all juice and suaces are mantain into pizza, If you drink water in the right moments, you can to improve your health, the best moments of day are in the morning is perfect for that start digestive system, before to lunch for the same reason and before to sleep because you need to reduce the work for you system when you go to sleep.
I had have one experience incredible when I was seeing to Manchester United in Old Trafford, First I never thought travel to England the last year, because, I thought that travel to England were too expensive, but, the opportunity arrive and one of dream was seeing one soccer match, additionaly known all possible stadiums in England. So, Started to search tickets for the game and the tours for the different stadiums. I achived buy only one ticket for the game Man.U vs Aston Villa, was incredible, were more 70.000 people in that game, finally with cried of happies, I can see the best game in the history of my life.
Dance salsa music is healthy and funny, because the body does exercises during one hour or more. Additionally, It allows to have fun with a group of people.
**Interview context:** \- What are your main strengths? I am a curious, adaptable, and reliable worker. First, I love to really understand user needs, using different tools to approach users, according to the situations. Additionally, I look for crafting easy-to-use user-centered interfaces that facilitate and optimize user tasks, to impact as much as possible with our product. Finally, I am always aligned with workflow expectations about effort and time defined to solve each problem.
I love to do crochet, because it's too easy, is good for alive the stress, and make beautiful things. In crochet technique you use a needle and make loops for the kittig. I can make kitting so fast with practice, and have a good product in a little time. When you distract your mind in another things, the tension is relieve because we dont think in this at the moment. We sometimes need the lose some of this tension, and pass a few hours busy in other activities. Whit make crohet by one or two hours, we optain a lot of things. Some of examples who you can made are: Scarf, Beannies, Sweaters, Gloves and others.
I love to do crochet, because it's too easy, is good for alive the stress, and make beautiful things. In crochet technique you use a needle and make loops for the kittig. I can make kitting so fast with practice, have a good product in a little time. When you distract your mind in another things, the tension is alived because we dont think in this at the moment. We sometimes need the lose some of this tension, and pass a few hours busy in other activities. Whit make crohet by one or 2 hours, we optain a lot of things. Some of examples who you can made are: Scarf, Beannies, Sweaters, Gloves.
Im live in my house, I eat at te table with my husband, we going to the theatre, we celebrate with my family at christmas because it is important for me and my husband, I cake cookies on his birthday, I love do that because it is gratifying.
* Supporting sentences are topics to support your main idea. * Bananas are easy to peel. * Bananas are easy to clean. * I can eat bananas with other fruits. * I can eat bananas for breakfast. * I can eat bananas for lunch. * Bananas contain fiber, potassium, and they're very healthy. * I can peel the banana and eat it. * I can throw the peel in the garbage. * I can eat bananas with cereal, other fruits, and ice cream. * I can also eat it fried, and it tastes great every time.
When you run, you can go as far as you want. It's a great sport to improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles and your breathing. In addition, it improves your concentration, turns off your mental noise and allows you to be in the present, to live in the now.
1.- Through the lens, photography allows us to appreciate natural landscapes, capturing fleeting moments that connect us with the timeless beauty of nature. 2.- Additionally, photography provides us with the opportunity to explore the diversity of animal life on our planet, from the great felines in the jungle to the tenderness of domestic animals in our homes. 3.-Likewise, documentary and portrait photography invite us to immerse ourselves in the various cultures and human experiences around the world, capturing intimate moments and expressions that reveal the complexity and beauty of the human condition, from festive celebrations to moments of solemn reflection.
I like drink Monster, It's easy to dink, first open the can and after you can to drink. You can drink Monster with lunch, in the work or in any moment of the day. This drink is very good stimulant because have caffeine and taurine.
The exercise is good, as a result we have a muscular and healthy body. Firt you have got strength for to lift objects. moreover, you can improve your quality of life.
I like to do exercise because it is good for your health, and you are fit and active. Some of the benefits of exercise are; \- It helps you prevent or manage many health problems, such as stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, cancer, and arthritis, so on \- It improves your brain health, cognitive function, mood, and sleep quality. For these reasons is good to exercise.
I really like to watch anime because it’s a nice chance to know about Japanese culture, to stimulate the creativity and to create an own world. First, in an anime we can see different places, traditions, foods, and specific topics about Japan. Also, we can recognize multiples histories that are of different genres and bring us other perspective about a topic. Finally, we can link all this information in a personal space that is possible expand.
Why should you go to the GYM? Self love mental health Discipline Improve muscle gain Improve strenght gain you will improve your muscle and strenght gain additionally, you will get more self love and commitment with yourself going to the gym you learning to wait and training hard to get good results
Topic: Black Mirror is a disruptive and futuristic series This series, which was released in 2011, explores the dark side of technology and its impact on society.
Topic: smoke is bad for health smoking has been scientifically found to damage the lungs and it has also been found that people who do not smoke but are near a person who smokes may be affected as well. and finally it is already known that smoking creates dependence and can escalate to other stronger drugs to destroy your life, this also applies to vaping.
1. Topic: Programmers 2. Support sentences * First, they fix problems and errors. They are needed in many large technology companies and startups. * you can work from anywhere in the world * They also tend to earn a good salary, as they bring excellent value to the world.

“It’s an exciting art to freeze time in a special and surprising way.”

Drinking coffee is good for staying energized, active, and focused.

  • Staying Energized: Provides caffeine to your nervous system.

  • Active: Helps you wake up.

  • Focused: Improve your concentration in your activities.

Lift weights are healthy, better quality life and get strong condition. Support Sentences: **Benefits:** * Improve your muscle mass. * Improve your mineral bone density. * Gain strength and power. * Better brain cognition. * Better coordination. * **<u>Quality life:</u>** * Improve your sugar blood levels. * Insulin sensitive is better. * Heart condition and strength are better. * **<u>A bar and disks are enough to start.</u>** * You'll get those benefits with a few material. * Isn't necessary a fancy machines.
Topic: Relaxing morning routing Supporting sentences: 1- Easy 2-Daily 3-Relaxing
Why to have pets? They are fun, pretty and help you in your emotional status. First, They are very actives and you can play with them a lot of games to pass the time. In the same way you can bathe them for that they don't have problems in their body, and they can be happy. To conclude, the pets can help you in your emotional life bacause they can be like a family member.
Learning something related to your profession every day helps you to improve your skills and it helps to achieve your goals. First, find the topic or topics that you need to improve. You can ask your coworkers or your boss if you don’t know where to start. After, search for the information that you need and dedicate a few minutes to studying every day; if you can study for more time, be better. Finally, try to do something with the information, like use it in your daily job. It helps you to improve your skills and people notice it.
I like rode my bike. The bikes are great, good for health and very funny. We have all ridden a bicycle at some point, it is easy to use and if you have a tire puncture you can change the tire easily. Another thing is that at least 30 minutes riding a bike might prevent heart attacks or diabetes, moreover it is good for your mental health. Finally, You can go to the park, visit new places or even you can travel around the city. In other words, a bike is just more than a conveyance is a life style.
Learning English is crucial in today's globalized world because it not only opens up a world of opportunities but also enhances our ability to communicate effectively. English is not just a language; it's a bridge that connects cultures, people, and ideas. By mastering English, one can explore diverse cultures, access a plethora of information, and gain a competitive edge in the job market. Moreover, learning English is not only about acquiring a new skill but also about fostering global understanding and building connections. In short, learning English is not just a choice; it's a necessity for personal growth and global integration.
Actually, it looks very cool: Bananas are convenient, delicious, and nutritious. First, they are easy to eat. I can peel the banana, eat it, and throw the peel in the garbage. Additionally, I can eat bananas with cereal, other fruits, and ice cream. I can also eat it fries, and it tastes great every time. Finally, they contain fiber, potassium, and vitamins, so they are very healthy. ![](![](

Cinnamon powder
First, the main ingredient has a pleasant smell, a brown color, and a flavor reminiscent of an autmn season.

Brown sugar
Additionally, It gives the cinnamon rolls a very sweet and moist flavor. Besides, I can combine with cinnamon powder to enjoys boths flavors.

Finally, the cinnamon rolls have a good texture because they contain butter and it makes them so smooth.

My practice:
I love fencing because it is a very elegant sport that reduces stress, increases mental agility, and enhances coordination and balance.


  • Reduces stress.
    Physical exertion / mental focus / release tension
  • Increases mental agility.
    Logic / quick thinking / strategy
  • Enhances coordination and balance.
    Adjust position constantly / arms and legs work together


  • First, it is a combat sport. The physical exertion and mental focus required can help clear your mind and release tension.
  • Furthermore, it is a mentally demanding sport. The movements require logic, quick thinking, and strategy tactics. It enhances your analytical capabilities and decision-making skills.
  • Finally, it is an offensive and defensive sport. You must constantly adjust your position and anticipate your opponent’s movements. This way you force your arms and legs to work together in harmony as they attack, defend and counter attack.
I like swimming because it is a complete sport, it also helps muscle and joint injuries, improves circulation and blood oxygenation

My Fridays are generally spent like this:

  • First, I wait for my husband in my apartment, he usually gets around 7 p.m, while I’m getting an order online throught Whatsaap.
  • Then I must wait a few minutes the order and my husband, when they’re ready we’re going to get ready to watch a our favorite serie and have dinner in our bed.
  • Something that he and I have in common is that we hate tempura sushi so that we never have that kind of food.

I like nature travel because is relaxing, spiritualist, and amazing; first, is a moment of calm i can breathe and take a break with the air; additionally, I can link with the nature, you can feel the peace and to reflect a little bit; finally, the view is the other world, you can find very animals, plants, and thingg you couldn’t believe

First, coffee is a seed specially prepared with hot water, and the drink could have an intense flavor.

On the other hand, people usually drink a cup of coffee at breakfast time. Likewise, it is a flavor for desserts and ice creams.

To conclude, the coffee usually comes from Colombia or other countries around Latino America. Also, in New York City it is particular to see people with a cup of coffee before work.

  • I like running, because is a excellent way to release stress, stay in form and have a good time with my selft.
  • I want to learn english, currently is indispensable for get a good job, actually, in the different jobs is requerid this lenguage.
  • I like share time with my family, save pretty remembers with them, laugh, eat, it is one of my better moments.

Minecraft is an open-world game that empowers players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally-generated 3D world.

Supporting Details:

  1. Creative Freedom: In Minecraft, you can create buildings and structures using different kinds of blocks. It’s like building with virtual Lego bricks.

  2. Diverse Landscapes: You can explore many different places in the game, like forests, caves, and even strange dimensions. But be careful, because there are dangers you need to watch out for.

  3. Intense Survival: Minecraft provides an intense survival experience, with moments that can get players’ hearts racing. You’ll need to be smart and gather resources to stay safe.

One of the best ways to learn English is through Platzi:

Almost all the courses have a rich grammar, which allow you to get more vocabulary and speaking like a native.

The majority of the courses have a purpose which means that if you want to study a specific topic you can find in some of the courses.

You can learn English with IA ( Artificial intelligence): there are courses that give you tips for speaking with artificial intelligence like chat Gpt, as if were a personal tutor!

You could shoot a movie about people lost in an island or the story of pharaohs living in Villa de Leyva, Colombia. These are different types of projects, wich might involve working with different crews and visiting new places.

I love my Husky’s character. It’s lovely. All it wants to do is play with people and run around the yard. It’s stubborn, it learns new commands very easily, but It decides when to apply them. It’s an independent dog that quickly learns the rules and doesn’t need much supervision.

I love to create and produce electronic music because is very relaxing and it motivates me to open my mind to new topics, cultures and people as part of the creativity process.

Maybe many of you don’t know, but the process of how to create music starts at books, TV shows, meet new people, traveling around the world or listening to another music. This is because music is a reflection of what you live in your life, so the source of your ideas is comming of your actions. So, the next time when you read a book, maybe you can feel inspired to create some music.

to work: tourism, costumer attention, It jobs.

It is neccesary in may jobs like tourism to communicate with many of over the world; custumer attention jobs have many oportunities if you speak English and IT jobs is the international language to communicate in this area.

Topic: Learn a new language

  • Support sentences:
  1. Convenient.

Learning a new language can bring new labor opportunities and more advantages in the walk.

  1. Healthy.

Learning a new language can help the brain to prevent dementia and creativity and memory improves.

  1. Interesting.

Learning a new language can be awesome because you can understand its culture, expressions, and form to view life through its expressions.

i really like pets and animals in general
i can feel the love and peace thath they can give me
i love my life with animals around me
they are honestly funny and they can be a realy my friends

you have to go through some stages = tienes que pasar por algunas etapas

you should gather all the ideas about your main topic = debes reunir todas las ideas sobre tu tema principal