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Textos Descriptivos

ADJECTIVE Describes, modifies, or gives information about nouns and pronouns. hot / nice / big / wrong / intelligent / beautiful / smart / interesting I have a nice car. Mark is intelligent.

To describe people, you can talk about their age, occupation, family, hobbies, and use some adjectives to describe their nationality, personality, and physical appearance.

To describe places, you can talk about things to do there, sites to visit, and use adjectives to describe the weather and other details. If you are writing about your home, you can also talk about the rooms, furniture, and services nearby.

Example 1 (Describing a person)

My sister is my favorite person because she is intelligent, a good friend, and beautiful. First of all, she was always smart and ambitious, and she studied to become a doctor. For this reason, I believe she is a great person. Additionally, she is funny and a fantastic company in every situation. She likes to watch horror movies and practice yoga. Also, she is pretty, not only outside. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she is fit and short, just like me! To sum up, she is an amazing person.

Example 2 (Describing a place)

I love living in Bogotá since it is cosmopolitan, you have many things to do there, and it has the perfect weather. To begin with, you can find an impressive diversity of people and cultures because people from different countries go to Bogotá. Moreover, it is the biggest city in Colombia. It is enormous, and there are many touristic places to visit. For example, in Monserrate Hill, you can see the entire city, and it is magical, but it is crowded on weekends. Besides, it is never hot! It is sunny during the day and cool and windy at night. I believe it is winter every day there. I love it! Overall, I want to live there for many more years.

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I don’t have a favorite person, so… I’m going to describe my dog, Lola.
Lola is amazing, She is such an angel. She loves steaks with eggs and lettuce. She is very intelligent when I feel sad, she comes to me and kisses me a lot when I’m anxious she sits on my legs. Every day we go to the park and play. When we going to sleep, She lies between my daughter and me. I can’t describe with words how much I love her, when I see her I just feel floating like a feather. Many people say that she is Ugly, but I only see innocence and love.
My dad did this illustration of her.

The adjectives serve to describe people and places.
My parents are the best persons that I’ve ever known, they taught me their ethical and moral values, both are solidarity and generous, but overall they are humble.
They are intelligent and aren’t tall, but either short, my father likes to watch movies related to themes like fiction, science, and the universe, he’s a working man and a great father…
My mother likes to play parchis, and hang out anywhere, she hates to stay at home all day, also she likes poetry and philosophy, she has a group on Facebook with a lot of followers and she helps people through it, she is also a great mother.
I haven’t traveled much, but one place where I went is San Luis Potosí —I’m from Guadalajara, Jal. (México)— and I went to San Luis Potosí with my old sister and we stayed there for a little more than a week, the sights were amazing, and there you can find a big diversity of flora, the unique thing that I didn’t like was the temperature, the air was so hot, and there was hotter 🥵


I think with so love when i was just a little girl in a place where i live with my Father. Maybe it was just a few years but it was amazing for me. It has one big room and there play with my toys and in opportunities, i could see through the window people, cars, busses, it was so noisy, but it was special. It was like my own casttle. That place is in the downtown of a little City called Villa de Cura, Maracay, Venezuela.


Without a doubt my favorite People it’s my father, he was amazing people, worker, loving, honest… i remenber each one of this in moments specials. He had a Shoe Shop, he died in 2003 but i remenber him like he was with a smile and hope Word. He was not tall, black hair, black eyes, and thin.

Description of a person:
My brother is a really kind person. He always try to be there for our family and his friends. I enjoy to spent time with him because he is funny, easy going, intelligent and a person who can talk about anyhting.

Description of a place:
In 2019 I traveled to Madrid, Spain to spent a week with a friend. I love so many things about Madrid because is a such lovely city and the people is so friendly. Madrid is a beautiful city with a great weather and amazing night life. I highly recommend to visit Madrid and their food.

My brother is a person who likes sports very much, he practices sports every day. however, the sport that he practices the most is running and mtb. He sometimes he plays these sports too, but most of the time I’m lazy.
I live in Palmira city, is a beautiful place, the most persons are very amability, empathic y servicial. One thing that I love is when you dont know a direction, you ask to any person in the street and the most secure is that help to you.
sorry for my writing in english.

I’m Sebastian and I’m physically tall and thin, that is perfect to play my favorite sport, volleyball. I’m a mature person, for that reason a spend my time learning and reading. I’m 24 years old, maybe young yet. I’m an introverted and empathetic person who likes to learn about environment, culture and people.

My country is Colombia is beautiful, here you can see spectacuar landscapes, big rivers such as: Magdalena, Cauca, Amazonas. Gastronomy is delicious, you can find different types of rice; a lot of fruits and vegetables.

I. I don’t have time to travel, but my favorite place is Estrella de Agua; is an away place on a mountain near Cocora, Estrella de Agua is a place-unique which is visited by many tourists because you can walk by paths of trees through the sing of the birds, besides it has many waterfalls and the water so clear that you can see all things what there are below like rocks or muss
II. my friend is very shy, different to me, that I am talkative and outgoing, she enjoys knitting and being alone, At this point, she is alike to me because I hate to meet many people either or go to places crowded, about her appearance she is pretty, she has long brown hair, she is thin and medium taller

Decribing people
My mom is an increible woman. She is hardworking, intelligent, loving, creative and strong person. Due to it I admire, and learn for her every day.
She know what to say, and the time to say it, I don’t understand how she does it.
Besides, she knows many countries like Peru, Spain, Holland, France, Ecuador, and Poland. For this reason, she knows much about of food, culture, and music. I enjoy when she shares her experience with mw. In spite of that, she has always been a wonderful mother who is dedicated to her children.

Describing places
Manizales is a city in Caldas, Colombia. This city is located in the mountains coffee-growing region of western Colombia. Therefore, you can find a lot of cafes for the whole city, and you can see the beautiful sunset, I love it. Above all, you can walk around the city to enjoy the cold weather, and if you feel too cold you can go into the cafes and restaurants, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.

My favourite person in the whole world is my best friend.
He’s really kind and gentel, is the funniest and nicest guy and I really love him, aditionally he’s my favourite cousin and spend time with him is the best thing of my life 😄


my favorite person is my mother since she has been the best mother in the world, she is calm and she is a working person she has dedicated almost her life to my sister and me, i am grateful with her for that, she is short, she has black hair and she is pretty like my sister.

i am living in Cali City it is a great city, it has more than two million of people, the weather here it is a little variable some times it is too hot and some times it is so cold, anyway i love living here because here are the most beautiful women in the country and may the world additionally we have pandebonos and buñuelos, here people like listening and dance salsa although i can not dance i really like listening it.

I love boyaca, Colombia, it is a calm place, itis really beatiful, of the peoppe is very good, M y friends live there and my family, there is a lot nature and biodiversity. Visit Boyaca
**(Describing a person)** My mom is my favorite person because she is intelligent, a good friend, beautiful, and kind. she was always smart, and brave, and she always get us ahead. For this reason, I believe she is great person. Aditionally, she is funny and a good company in many situation. She likes to watch soap operas and spend time with her friends and family. She has brow hair and brown eyes, and she is short. To sum up, she is an incredible pearson **(Describing a place)** I like live en Guadalajara since I started getting to know the city, you can do many things there, it hasn´t the best weather but is good, sometimes is hot, cold and temperate, also rainy weather. To being with, you can find amazing diversity of people and culture because people from different places go to Guadalajara and there was a great diversity of conquerors who came from Europe. Is one of the biggest city of México, and you can see great part of the city from the Tren ligero L3, i´ts amazing, it has a good view. I would lile to live there many more years, but also I would like to know more places to contrast.
Place: BARCELONA Barcelona is a small city in Spain, it's very hot in the summer. But there have a beach called La Barceloneta. Their streets are very cute, you can feel so much art around you.
My mother is my favorite person. She is small in stature but has a big heart. She is very nice to other people and always tries to help. I know she loves me and my two sisters. I hope that someday I make her proud of me.
Lionel Messi is my favorite football player, his form of play is amazing. It's curiously, because he is a person small and shy, but whe he has a ball, anyone can't stop him. I recomed to visit Paipa, it's a small town, but there have many turist plans like extrem sports, historics monuments and traditional food. Also, the weather is sunny.

My best friend is one the persons more special what do i have in the world, he is always when i need him, he supports me, advise me, he listen to me, is the one off stuff why nedeed for feel good whit one person, he have everything i need, he is in the good and nice moments, it’s a good friend.
In 2019 was in San Luis located in Argentina for the fifteen from my cousin, it was an birthday so pretty and funny, in a room so pretty, the place San Luis is so good, have a big shopping, a one hotel so nice, and good people.

If you visit Peru, you must to visit Cusco, especially Machu Picchu, it´s a wonferdul place and is one of the seven wonders of the world. Machu Pichu is a mixture of history and nature and transmits a lot of tranquility and peace. The people there are friendly and fun, always willing to help you if you need something. Trust me, you will love this trip.

I live in Bahía Blanca, a small city and port in the province of Buenos Aires.
It has 4 seasons: spring, autumn, winter and summer, so the weather depends on the season, for example, we are now in autumn, the weather here is cool, windy and sometimes rainy.
Bahía Blanca has many narrow streets, it only has a few wide busy streets that converges in the central square “La Plaza Rivadavia”. In this place many people and pets have fun, and you can find tents where you can buy handicrafts such as: souvenirs, jewelry, toys, and any decoration for your home. Even some food trucks are parked on the street, selling hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, and some traditional candies with dulce de leche such as cubanitos. Also, many galleries, showrooms, restaurants, pubs, supermarkets, “boliches”, and cinemas are places to visit and enjoy. On the other hand, if you ask me, this is a quiet place to live!

don’t have a favorite person, so… I’m going to describe my dog, Lola.
Lola is amazing, She is such an angel. She loves steaks with eggs and lettuce. She is very intelligent when I feel sad, she comes to me and kisses me a lot when I’m anxious she sits on my legs. Every day we go to the park and play. When we going to sleep, She lies between my daughter and me. I can’t describe with words how much I love her, when I see her I just feel floating like a feather. Many people say that she is Ugly, but I only see innocence and love.
My dad did this illustration of her.

Genova - Italy
On the last year we went visited a fantastic city, Genova is located to northwest of Italy it has an industrial port with many boats and museums. The main attractive is the Roman architecture and Piazza De Ferrari is a beautiful fountain in the center of city, we found several delicious food like a pizza and ‘fritto misto’ this is a fried fish, squid and served in a paper cone.

When I visited Nice (France) on the last year, I found a wonderful city with a sunny weather, expensive several buildings and many tourist spots like Castle Hill, on the top of hill you can see the bay and a lighthouse. The city has an excellent public transport, clean and organized. I went to the beach at the same time I looked a couple that was getting married, it was romantic!!!. This place is called THE BLUE COAST.

My favorite person is me in five years, he is disciplined, strong mentally, physically and spiritually, he is happy, pleasant, sociable, an amazing person and helps people to improve their mentality.
I live in Pasto city, think that there are very beautiful places in this city although I have not visited them, there are some incredible people, there are people who help you a lot and I like the place where I live nearby there is a park where I can go jogging.

My favorite person
My girlfriend is my favorite person because she has many virtues that make her an incredible person. She’s very beautiful; she has a black curly hair and brown eyes. She is short and thin. She is very polite with everyone but when you gain her trust, she can be the funniest person you’ve ever met.
She is very intelligent; she works designing brands and editing youtube videos for her clients. Also, she is very talented, she likes to play guitar and sings like an angel.
For me, She is perfect and I love her.
Description of a place
I hate living in Tabasco, I think that is because its weather which is the worst in Mexico (I guess). 9 months a year it’s warmy, not for nothing is known as “The Green Hell". Nevertheless, the 4 months left is raining almost all the time and every so often there are floods in the whole territory.
Even with all these things, I think it has an amazing archeology site that you can visit: “La Venta”, the cradle of the ancient olmec civilization.
Another impressive place are the Cacao’s Ranchs, where you can see the cacao’s plantation and the factories where the best chocolate in the world is prepared.

Example - Describing a person

I have a younger brother, his name is Felipe. He is young, he is 15 years old. He is very tall and skinny. Sometimes he is very angry, but sometimes he is calm. He also likes cold weather, I do not why. He not only watches football, he also support “Millonarios F.C.” team. He also like to watch series, he is currently watching The series Fear the walking dead.

Example - Describing a place

Bogota is my favorite city, this city has everything. It is a big city. Although Bogota has some very narrow streets, sometimes I can not believe that a big city has small streets! The weather in this city is perfects, because it is a mix of cold and sunny days. Also, this city has several restaurants, some of them are so big and you can enjoy delicious dishes.

Describing a person:
My favorite friend is Isabella, because she is lovely,and very intelligent.
She live in Lima city. I and she met when we were studing
at the university of San Marcos. she study phisics, and love the maths.
She is small, but she has a big heart, when her friends need help, she always there.
For this reason, we are happy of have friend as she. Her favorite color is purple.
She like the panda bears, and every lovely things. She is incredible!.

Describing a Place:

Chapoyas is a city in the north of Peru. Chachapoyas is small, but have many touristic places,
for example: Gocta the third largest waterfall in the world,
Kuelap a complex arqueologist similarity to Macchu Picchu, and other interesting places.
The food is varied, and the climate is pleasant. For this reason, live in Chachapoyas is incredible.
I live in chachapoyas.

  • Juanita is a woman I admire, for she is an independent and strong woman. She lost her mother when she was 13 years old, so she had to mentally grew up fast despite having many brothers and sisters, thus she created herself a mature personality. She is well-mannered and sharp, specially in long conversations. Moreover, she is a mother of three and now she is a retired widow living out of her pension. Evidently, Juanita is an outstanding person.
  • Tlaquepaque is a vivid city located in Jalisco, Mexico. it is well know for its warm weather all year round. First thing to do here it to visit the famous El Parian, a big bar comprised of small ones, that cover an entire block. Its refreshing beers and Mexican foods are available, yet a bit pricey to be honest. Another activity you can do is to take a tour to the enigmatic El Refugio, an old building constructed in 1859 that has been a hospital, a nunnery and nowadays a museum. It is said that El Refugio is a haunted place, this is why there are night tours for the ones attracted to paranormal activities and stuff like that. To conclude this, Tlaquepaque is a colorful, happy and interesting place to visit.

My uncle is a very organized person, he always has their things in order, in the correct place, not only he is organized, also he is a perfectionist because he always do the things in a very high standard. He is a designer and I saw his work every moment that I was close to him in my childhood, I became to learn how to use a computer only watching him. To sump up, he is a perfectionist person.

I have been living in Cochabamba since I born here in 1997, and I can say that my city has the best gastronomy of my country, the longest cyclovia, and the highest monument (El cristo de la conconrdia) which is located on the San Pedro hill. I believe that is a good city to live and to study, has one of the best universities called Universidad Mayor de San Simon and the best weather of the country which is neither cold nor so hot.

I have amazing people around me, but, my person favorite is my mother because she is the best friends, daughter and sister, she is one a person who listen to and morally supports others. Your personality is brave, kind and full of faith. Your physical appearance is tall, thin, round face, long black hair and black eyes. Finally, she is fantastic, beauty, smart and amazing. I love you mother. I know a place that is fantastic. The place is called Bogotá. It is a big city, it is the capital of Colombia in Bogotá, one of the main means of transportation for people is the bicycle, because there are roads for exploring beatiful places. The weather throughout the year is cold, but is pleasant, during certain seasons of the year it rains. Finally, the city is perfect for meeting new people of other countries, its companies, restaurants and culture.
To describe places, focus on key details like activities available, sites to visit, and the climate. Use adjectives to enhance your description, highlighting the atmosphere and features of the location. Consider aspects like accessibility, nearby services, and overall appeal. For example, describe a park by mentioning its peaceful atmosphere, green spaces, and recreational options. Don't forget to check the resource section for common adjectives to improve your descriptions.
To describe people, focus on using adjectives to convey their nationality, occupation, age, personality, and physical appearance. You can structure your descriptions by mentioning notable characteristics and using specific words from the common adjectives list provided in your course resources. For example, start with a general statement about the person, followed by details that illustrate their traits. This will help create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.
My favorite is my princess, she is not a normal lady, because she is a dog, Every morning she comes to me to give some kisses, besides do the same action when I arrive to my house, She is a beaglee, and Its the beaglee more funny that you ever meet in your life. aditionally she is crazy, smooth, and georgus.
My best friend is my favorite person because he's decisive, strong. his appearance: is tall, he's 24 years old, use chin, and he love the black jackets I love my house, is perfect, have 3 bedrooms, 1 big bathroom and and you can see the big tv on the living room
I have a friend that I like. It's a bit confusing because, first, she is my friend, and second, my feelings are not clear. Her name is Luisa. She has long, black, straight hair. Her skin is light brown, and I love it. She is an artist, she works with many materials and makes necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Her work is beautiful. She's very emotional, a little reactive and impulsive, but it doesn't matter, because that's the reason I like her. That attitude is awesome. She's also funny, in some cases, she suddenly starts dancing and looks at me looking for a smile. She's a lot of fun.
1. My daughter is 9 years old. She is very active, so she likes to play all the day. She es so social. She can find Friends easily everywhere. She is like a sun, always brigthing. She has a beautifull heart, so she is so noble. She has great comunicative habilities. She is so intelligent and cunning. At the end of the last year she was the best student in her clasroom, and received a medal. Lately she has been interested in spirituality and God. 1. Next to my house there is a wetland called Santa María del Lago. This is a lovely place. Is a great forest in the middle of Bogotá City. It has a beautifull lake, too many trees, different kind of birds, fishes and even some tortoises. It is a quiet place to speak, renew energys and fill the heart with good feelings. It´s a very important place for environmental balance, so it´s a internationally protected place by the Ramsar´s Convention. It´s a place usually visited by persons from diferente neighborhoods in the city.
My brother is my favorite person because he is intelligent. He was the one who shared God with me for the first time, he is always someone who has persevered to achieve his goals such as finishing his degree in Mechanical Engineering and also financial help for the entire family, God bless him. I live in Floridablanca, it is a very pretty town, with a good climate, it has an old church in the main park and its sweets are fantastic.

My mom is my favorite person because she is a very strong, hard-working, generous, humble and kind woman, she always sees the bright side of things, she is optimistic and cheerful, she is an amazing person and I love her very much.

My brother is my favorite person because he is lovely, kind, a good friend and hansome. Firts of all, he is a disable person, he has an intellectual disability, but he is smart, curious and he has a graeat heart. For this reason, I love him, because I learn many lessons of life with him. He makes me laugh when I am sad or angry, He knows me a lot. He loves dogs, He likes to ride bicycle and watches tv. Also, He always gives you a smile and a lovely hug. He is amazing.

My daughter María Inés: She is my youngest daughter, she is Intellinet, a good friend, and beautiful girl. She's planing to study medicin, she loves help other people. I believe she is a great person. She likes do excirsice, she love eat pizza and sushi.

My favorite person in the Word is my gir .
Is the funny .

I want to talk about The grand canyon of Colorado.

This is an amazing place. The first thing that you will see its the massive chain of montains colour brick red with yellow and brown. You’ll feel very petite in front of them.

The weather is dry and the temperature depends of the station. I went in spring, so it was sunny and warm.
There are many entrances so i decide to went to the south, close to Arizona. There are a differents levels of height, so when you arrive to the south part, you will be at the same ground level that the main way.

Since that part you will see a masive extention of montains and in the down part there are the cannons, they look like valleys but there aren’t valleys. and also you will see the rivers.

The people is nice, the food is kind of a mix between mid west with mexican food, so it is very spice. You need to ask first to order.

I think people of Medellín are friendly and happy. You can find different personalities there and interact with each one of them.
My favorite place is San Andres. This place is an island and you can get there by plane. That is a wonderful place!

I love my mother, she’s the best person on the word for me. She is beautiful, smarth, and hard worker.

Example 1 (Describing a person)

My sister is my favorite person because she is intelligent, a good friend, and beautiful. First of all, she was always smart and ambitious, and she studied to become a doctor. For this reason, I believe she is a great person. Additionally, she is funny and a fantastic company in every situation. She likes to watch horror movies and practice yoga. Also, she is pretty, not only outside. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she is fit and short, just like me! To sum up, she is an amazing person.

I don’t have a favorite person, so… I’m going to describe my dog, Lola.
Lola is amazing, She is such an angel. She loves steaks with eggs and lettuce. She is very intelligent when I feel sad, she comes to me and kisses me a lot when I’m anxious she sits on my legs. Every day we go to the park and play. When we going to sleep, She lies between my daughter and me. I can’t describe with words how much I love her, when I see her I just feel floating like a feather. Many people say that she is Ugly, but I only see innocence and love.
My dad did this illustration of her.

  • Describing my sister:
    My sister is short, her hair is straight and black. She is the most dramatic person I know, she is my inspiration because she is intelligent, affectionate, strong, independent and always tries to help me.

  • Describing the park of my house
    The park at my house is big and very pretty. The soft singing of the birds is always heard, we play soccer there because it is very big and they open it very early in the morning.

To describe people, you can talk about their age, occupation, family, hobbies, and use some adjectives to describe their nationality, personality, and physical appearance.

To describe places, you can talk about things to do there, sites to visit, and use adjectives to describe the weather and other details. If you are writing about your home, you can also talk about the rooms, furniture, and services nearby.

My mother is my favorite person because she is very intelligent,adorable,handsome and beautiful.First of all,she studied to teacher.For this reason, I believe she is a great person and human. Too she is ambitious,perseverant and humble. She has black curly hair and brown eyes, and she is little person .

I love living in Panama City, you have many things to do there, and have various weather since has a summer or who knows a rain.First , you can find diversity of people and cultures because people from differents countries or states…Go to Panama Canal, you watched differents boats with mercancy traveled countries. Second, the food is very magical in Panama examples: tamales,arroz con pollo, torrejitas, sancocho and more. Finally visited Panama simply because is a small,magical and amazing place.

I have never been to Israel but jesusalem is the best place in the world

To describe people, you can talk about their age, occupation, family, hobbies, and use some adjectives to describe their nationality, personality, and physical appearance.

To describe places, you can talk about things to do there, sites to visit, and use adjectives to describe the weather and other details. If you are writing about your home, you can also talk about the rooms, furniture, and services nearby.

Medellin is one of the best place to visit in Colombia, It has a list of activities to do, and not only by day, but also at night, because Medellin is a highly touristic city. During the day, you can visit a lot of museums, like el jardin botanico, it’s a beautiful place with the prettiest flowers in Colombia, with wide open spaces where you can go for a picnic and also they have activities about the Colombia’s culture, displaying music and interesting performances. Also you can visit el parquer explora, it’s a place full of science, you can find the most magical and beautiful experiences about our inmeses oceans, river and lakes, also they have shows about interesting facts about the universe and how it works, while you interact with the different activities, and that is one of the things that makes el parque explora special, they really believe that you learn better when you interact with things.
Finally, Medellin has the best night life of Colombia, where you can find a lot of places with different types of ambient and music, from the classics of rock, punk and metal to something more joyful like the chives with his vallenatos, traveling through the city and while it carries the party everywhere. We also have places for teenagers , from the best reggaeton music to the best electronic’s music’s bars. Summaracing, Medellin is a city for everyone, it doesn’t care where they come from or what is his lifestyle, they always will find something to do in Medellín.

  • Describing my sister:
    My sister is tall, her hair is wavy and black. She is the kindest person I know, she is my inspiration because she is smart, loving, strong, independent and always tries to help me.

  • Describing the park of my house
    My home park is big, and very beautiful. You can always hear the soft singing of the birds, we play soccer in it because it is very big and they open it very early in the morning.

  1. ( Describing a person)
    One of my cousins is a hardworking person, he starts working early in the morning and finishes before lunch. He is also an excellent student, he studies civil engineering at Oxford University. He’s short, has black straight hair and likes to watch movies and going out with friends on Fridays.
  2. (Describing a place)
    I love going to the beach because it’s really amazing to see how the waves move in the sea. Also no matter if it’s raining or sunny, you’ll never feel cold in the beaches of Guatemala, specifically.

(Describe a person)
Jin BTS.
He belongs to the group BTS.
He is currently 30 years old, he is a boy with an impressive voice, he is very handsome, he has a beautiful smile, he is the oldest of the group but he seems the smallest, he is the most funny and with his magnificent voice and beauty we all fall in love .

Description of a person:

  1. My brother is a really kind person.

  2. He is very intelligent and amazing, because is my best friend.

Description of a person:
My brother is a really kind person. He always try to be there for our family and his friends.

I´m going to describe my favorite person
he is very intelligent and amazing, because is my best friend

My favorite person is my brother.
My brother is a beautiful person with whom I have shared many experiences, we grew up together and although he is young because I am the oldest, he has always been my example to follow because he is a good human being, a person with a great calm, he has lived through very difficult situations, but he is a very happy person, I have never seen him collapse, and he always lives with a smile on his lips and a word of encouragement. His favorite sport is soccer and his passion is his son, and he has always been there for everyone in the family.

We live in a big and magical city where it is very cold in the mornings and nights, although during the day it is always very warm. My city is very beautiful and has very nice people.

  • Describing a place.
    I’m living in a countryside place close to Santiago de Cali city, I love this place, the weather here can be rough, the storms are really hard, and sunny days are a few per month, but I have a wonderfully natural and quiet scenario with small wild animals crossing the lanyard, and a great number of birds coming to sing every day. The commute is very uncomfortable, there is only one main way to reach the city downtown, but it is easily solved with a remote job. Finally, I can say, living in the countryside can heal a lot, and I feel this is the best moment to experience it.
  • Describing a person.
    Well, I can say I don’t have a favorite person, but I have a really good friend. His name is Fidel, he is very smart, sometimes looks anxious, but always he tries to be polite. Nowadays he is working as a blog writer because he’s chasing a journalism career, he has an engineering degree and a special focus on science and technology. Additionally, he can be really clumsy with the most obvious life things like choosing the color of a t-shirt to wear on Christmas, but, when is about to read books, or drinks beer, he’s fierce. Very annoying and curious at the same time. However, I appreciate Fidel’s friendship, it carries you in a good sense most of the time.

i´m going to describe my sister.
her name is ruby haylock, and her nickname is mysuly.
she´s so tall and funny, she love to look anime an listen music.
she is student and work with us.

IRTRA: It is a fairly large amusement park in my country, it has many mechanical games that can also be water rides, it is incredibly nice to be there because it is colorful and fun.
My sister: She is a nice and very honest person, but she also has a strong character since her career demands it, she is an incredible soldier, her hair is short and reddish in color and brown.

Example 1 (Describing a person): My sister is my favorite person because she is intelligent, a good friend, and beautiful. First of all, she was always smart and ambitious, and she studied to become a doctor. For this reason, I believe she is a great person. Additionally, she is funny and a fantastic company in every situation. She likes to watch horror movies and practice yoga. Also, she is pretty, not only outside. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she is fit and short, just like me! To sum up, she is an amazing person. Example 2 (Describing a place): I love living in Bogotá since it is cosmopolitan, you have many things to do there, and it has the perfect weather. To begin with, you can find an impressive diversity of people and cultures because people from different countries go to Bogotá. Moreover, it is the biggest city in Colombia. It is enormous, and there are many touristic places to visit. For example, in Monserrate Hill, you can see the entire city, and it is magical, but it is crowded on weekends. Besides, it is never hot! It is sunny during the day and cool and windy at night. I believe it is winter every day there. I love it! Overall, I want to live there for many more years.

My brother is my best friend, he is very funny, friendly, and nice. But, he has your character. He loves to cook, so He studied for cheff in Guatemala city. He works in a restaurant. He lives in New York with your girlfriend. Summarzing he is my favorite person.

Zoe is beautiful and she is very interesting.
The central park is very big and it’s a good place.

Describing a person
My girlfriend is a great person, she is very worker, and she is very smart because she is a nurse chief. Firstly, she continues studying to be a better professional. Also, she is a person that gives good advice, listens to people, and is very calm. For this reason, I think she is my favorite person. She loves Italian food, as I do, she is short and thin. Her hair is long and brown. To sum up, she is a great woman.
Describing a place
I visit Medellín often, is a city with a lot of growth, like Bogotá you have many things to do there, first of all, the people are very warm with visitors, moreover, you can find very wonderful food. Besides, the weather is the best, the whole year can be like being in spring. Also, there are many sites to visit, such as, Botero square, Arvi park, Little town Paisa. Overall, take a day trip to one of the wonders that are closer, such as Santa Fe de Antioquía, Guatapé, or a coffee farm.

my favorite person is my mom because she is intelligent, kind and affectionate not only with me but with other people, she also cooks deliciously she has secret recipes so she amazes me with her dishes.

I don´t have a favorite person, so… I´m goning to describe a my cat called Carlota. She is a big cat and for this reason, she have strong to hunt other animals. Thougt in the frist time, I tried avoid that she murdered to others animals, I understand that was your character as a feline.

I love living in Dosquebradas, because is a village very funny and it has the perfect weather. Thougt raining repeatedly in the day, I don´t care, because the rain is very beautiful for me. You can find with a scenery very pretty, that surround the city.

thank you teacher
               DESCRIBING A PLACE

my childhood home is such a nice and comforting place, to start with the house is located in a small village near the city and almost all the people know each other there is also a small church and a very nice park full of flowers and benches for people to sit and rest for a while, moreover there is a small children’s park with some children’s games and some vendors selling candy and ice cream and a few blocks down is my house, it is green with some rose bushes in front maybe it is not very big but my mom planted a lemon and orange tree in the yard so my mom always has a pitcher of lemonade in the refrigerator. In overall in my house you will always be welcome.


My mother is my favorite person because she is smart, kind and beautiful. First of all, she is always attentive and loving, and she is the kindest person I know. For this reason, I think she is the best. She is also a good cook and a very charismatic person. She likes to watch romantic novels on TV and go jogging in her spare time. Although the years have passed she is still a beautiful woman, she has long black hair with some gray hair, black eyes and is of average height.

The adjectives serve to describe people and places.
My parents are the best persons that I’ve ever known, they taught me their ethical and moral values, both are solidarity and generous, but overall they are humble.
They are intelligent and aren’t tall, but either short, my father likes to watch movies related to themes like fiction, science, and the universe, he’s a working man and a great father…
My mother likes to play parchis, and hang out anywhere, she hates to stay at home all day, also she likes poetry and philosophy, she has a group on Facebook with a lot of followers and she helps people through it, she is also a great mother.
I haven’t traveled much, but one place where I went is San Luis Potosí —I’m from Guadalajara, Jal. (México)— and I went to San Luis Potosí with my old sister and we stayed there for a little more than a week, the sights were amazing, and there you can find a big diversity of flora, the unique thing that I didn’t like was the temperature, the air was so hot, and there was hotter 🥵

I have a friend named Miguel, he lives in another place. He is a very good person, he is a little shorter than me, he has a normal body, he has somewhat wavy hair, and he is brown-skinned.

My country is Guatemala, it is small but very diverse, in culture, race, places, etc. In my country there are several Mayan ruins, where seeing them take you to the past, we also have the considered most beautiful lake in the world, Lake Atitlan, which is surrounded by 3 majestic volcanoes. Every corner of Guatemala is unique and magical.


• My husband is my favorite person in the world, he is very handsome, he's tall, also he has a wonderful personality. He works hard every day, and he is very intelligent, he is studying a master's degree in human resources. He really likes to watch anime. • San Marcos is an amazing place, the weather is always cold, and you can find different things to do there, you can take a walk through its beautiful forests, you can find different types of food. the people is so kind.

My sons are my favorite persons because they are intelligent, nice and polite. They are smart, and they study very hard, my older son study in the University of Chile and the younger study in the school. They are funny too, they always make me laugh, they like soccer and watch movies like me


My father is a nice person, he’s intelligent and sometimes he likes to be funny. he’s serious but he’s a good person. He likes to learn about anything, so he likes to talk about anything. He loves his family, his job, and the music, but don’t show it with words. He also likes to travel, so we travel whenever we can, that’s great. For all this I say that he is a amazing person.

It’s your turn now!

Write two descriptions, one of a person and another of a place

Bayito is my favorite dog because he is intelligent, a good friend, and beautiful. First of all, he was always smart and happy, and I know him since he was born, when he was a wonderful puppy. Additionally, he is brave and a fantastic company in dangerous situations. He likes to chase other dogs, I think he feels like a hunter, but he has never hurt any dog. Also, he is adorable, not only outside. He has white fur and amber eyes, and he is fit and medium-sized. To sum up, he is a perfect dog.

I love traveling to Victoria de Durango since it is amazing, you have many things to do there, and it has the perfect weather. To begin with, you can find an impressive amount of restaurants and types of food. Moreover, it is a city with few inhabitants, so it is very rare to encounter traffic. It is beautiful, and there are many touristic places to visit. For example, in the Paseo del Viejo Oeste, where several western movies have been filmed, you can see a cowboy show and touring the high-detailed rooms, not to mention the beautiful women in the saloon, it is impressive, but it is crowded on weekends. Besides, it is always sunny! It is hot during the day and cool at night. I believe it is summer every day there. I love it! Overall, I want to continue visiting there for many more years.

My wife is my favorite person because she is sensitive, a good friend, and beautiful. First of all, she was always smart and resolute, and she works hard to fulfill her dreams. For this reason, I believe she is a great person. Additionally, she is funny and a fantastic company in every situation. She likes to watch drama movies and likes to have ornamental plants. Also, she is pretty, not only outside. She is also my beautiful chubby but I love her dearly, she has black hair and dark brown eyes, and she is chubby and short, I adore her so much! To sum up, she is an amazing person
I have not traveled much, but a place that I like to go with my wife is the city of Riobamba, is the land of my wife always go there on holidays or vacations. It is a very beautiful place full of tourist attractions and surrounded by volcanoes and snow-capped mountains such as Chimborazo, Altar, Tungurahua and others. I am Quiteño since my childhood. I have never left my province, but with my wife I have visited Riobamba a lot. It has humid and warm places; it is called the sultana of the Andes. There you can find places with lots of vegetation, places away from the noise of the city as well as lagoons and areas dedicated to the cultivation of a variety of vegetables and vegetables the air is warm and cool climate at night and mornings is very cold must be because it is near the Chimborazo.


Describing a person:
I’m going to describe to my neighbor. He is a joking person. Physically He is chubby. He has white hear and white skin. He speak fast and is very witty. Sometimes I can count with his help.
Describing a place:
Every day I’m going to walk to a nearby park of my home. It’s small. There are grass, blue benches, a cement road especially for walk, and many trees. There are plants with red, white, purple or yellow flowers. You can see birds, parrots and macaws flying or in the trees. Sometimes birds put in the grass and I love see them. The park isn’t crowded. I love go there.

These are my expamples:
My favorite person in the world is my girlfriend because she is beautiful, jolly and very intelligent. First, She is 30 years old but she looks like 22. She has brown eyes, long hair and a tiny nose, and she looks prettier when she wears glasses, but she is beautiful not only outside because she loves, looks for, and takes care not only of every person she knows but of animals too. Also, she always makes everyone laughs when she is present, even in very difficult moments. Finally, She studied two degrees, one in politics and another in international relations; and, she worked in very interesting projects and publications. In conclusion, she is the most amazing person I know.

The place where I live is Totonicapán, in Guatemala, and I love live here because of the ancestral culture, the weather and the nature surrounding the city. First of all, the people that live here still preserve the ancestral Maya Kichè traditions, like the language, clothing, and gastronomy. Additionally, the weather is considered very cold, because the average temperature rounds the 15 degrees Celsius, but if you feel cold you always can warm yourself with a glass of hot chocolate and a yolk bread. Finally, the main attraction of the city are the natural beauties, for instance, the Aprisco Park, Chajil Siwan Park, the San Miguel’s caves, and the Campanabaj mountain, where the abundance of pine and cypress trees give an unforgettable experience for those who visit them. Evidently, Totonicapán is a great place to live.

My favorite person is my best friend, he is funny and a very good adviser, he is also intelligent and kind.

My favorite person is my best friend, he is funny and a very good adviser, he is also intelligent and kind.
Antigua Guatemala is a very special place, the architecture and the old streets are very interesting, it is a place full of Guatemalan culture.

Describing a person

I remember a girl I liked when I went to school. She was short and thin, and she had straight blond long hair; I liked her voice. But I especially liked her personality. For me, she was very intelligent and confident of herself. She was funny and cheerful. Summarizing, she was beautiful.

Describing a place

When I was a kid I lived in a small magical village called Cupiagua. At that time not many people lived there, so I practically knew everyone, and I could spend time or talk with anyone. The weather was amazing! It was mild weather; just the right warmth. Additionally, it had impressive landscapes and natural places where I have great memories, such as rivers, lakes, and mountains. Overall, it was a nice place to grow up.


  • My sister is as friendly as a new puppy.

  • My grandpa is so jolly he might be Santa Clause in disguise.

  • Taliah is always moody like there’s a storm brewing in her belly.

  • Sarah is so chatty you can never get a word in.

  • My dog is very cowardly, he hates when visitors come to my house to pet him.

  • Evangeline is so funny, she always makes me laugh.

  • I am not a very tidy person, I always forget to remove cups of milk from my bedroom

  • My sister is very unlucky, when she goes on holiday it always rains

I’m going to write about my favorite person:
She is my sister and her name is Sthepani, she’s twenty-one years old and in a month she’ll be twenty two yearls old, she is guatemalan like me and she is medical student, i think she’ll be the best doctor in the world, because she’s very smart.
About her persolnality i can say that she is friendly, extroverted, speaks loud and is my favorite person because her heart is beautiful and strong, she always support me.

I didn’t say before but she’s beautifuuul, has a black short hair, a lovely eyes, her skin is brown and i think is beautiful, and has a nice body. Finally i can say that i love her too much, is my soulmate but in sister haha.

My favorite person is called Roseanne, she's my favorite person because is intelligent, a good person, but specially her way of being nice to everyone is what makes me love her so much. She's a singer, mi favorite forever.


My favorite person is my wife. She is a very nice and very, very responsible. We are live in Guatemala and we are happily. We have a house with a garden quite nice. She is a pharmaceutical chemistry and work a cosmetic laboratory.

Describing a person: My boyfriend
His name is Jorman. He is a tall person and a little bit Chubby. I love his eyes because are brown and adorable (for me). But I love his personality because He is a very enjoy, Kind and nice person in the world.

Describing a Place: Chinacota
Chinacota is the most beautiful town in Colombia (for me). I’m from there and I love it. This place is cold, but in the past, it was even more. It has beautiful passages, including green mountains. There can you find delicious food like strawberry with cream (you have to taste it).


My son is my favorite person, because he is adorable and cute. He has a heart full of love, an innocent look and acting, at the same time he is very intelligent and funny, he is always asking why? of things, he is very curious and investigative. He is in school, transition grade, he loves to play hide and seek and tickles, he loves to draw, write and his favorite subject is English. He eats and sleeps very well, he is very friendly and enjoys playing with his classmates. He is 6 years old. He is an amaizing boy.


I love my land, Santander, when I visit my family, I really enjoy going to the river, eating the “sancocho from Santander”, the “Culonas ants and the pipitoria, the arepas”… so on, all of it is our typical food and it is very delicious. Santander has beautiful landscapes that invite you to forget about the daily life of cities and that relax you mentally, physically and spiritually.


I don’t have a favorite person, so… I’m going to describe my dog, Lola.
Lola is amazing, She is such an angel. She loves steaks with eggs and lettuce. She is very intelligent when I feel sad, she comes to me and kisses me a lot when I’m anxious she sits on my legs. Every day we go to the park and play. When we going to sleep, She lies between my daughter and me. I can’t describe with words how much I love her, when I see her I just feel floating like a feather. Many people say that she is Ugly, but I only see innocence and love.
My dad did this illustration of her.

Juanita is a woman I admire, for she is an independent and strong woman. She lost her mother when she was 13 years old, so she had to mentally grew up fast despite having many brothers and sisters, thus she created herself a mature personality.

My favourite person in the whole world is my best friend.

Description of a person:
My mom is a very kind person. He always tries to be there for our family and his friends. I enjoy spending time with her because she is funny and smart.

My name is Evelyn. I’m from Barranquilla, Colombia; currently, I live in Massachusetts, USA for the last two years. I only speak Spanish, but one month ago I started to studied English. I am 64 years old, and my birthday is on February 19th.
I am Psychologist, and actually I retired. I am married, and I have two children (Andres Felipe and Tatiana), who living in Bogota, Colombia. Also, I have three sisters (Elizabeth, Stella and Gina), and one brother (Eddie). My sister lives in Bogota, Colombia, and my brother lives in Tampa, USA.
I play differents sports, for examples, tennis, ping-pong, and swimming. On my free times, I like painting and reading differents types of literature. My favorite food is “Colombian food”, such as, “sancocho”, “ajiaco” and coconut rice, because these food make remember me my parents and my childhood.