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We can describe a routine as the tasks and activities we typically do. We usually have a similar schedule every day, so we are used to doing things at the same time daily.

When you write about a routine, it is not necessary to mention the exact time you do every single thing. However, it is important to show your reader the order of the actions. You can do that by using connectors.

There are things we do every day, others just sometimes, and some we never do. It is common to use adverbs of frequency to express the frequency we do things. The Adverbs of Frequency are adverbs of time. There are many different adverbs of frequency, but for now, we can use the more common ones: always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, and never.

Be careful!

The order of the sentence changes depending on the verb used. They go before the main verb, except for the verb be. In this case, they go after the verb:

I always eat fruits.
I am always hungry.

Example of a routine:

I have a similar routine every day. Every morning I wake up at 8 am. The first thing I do is brush my teeth, and right after that, I take a shower. Next, I dress up, and I put on some makeup. Then, I go to the kitchen, and I prepare my breakfast. After I eat, I brush my teeth again, and I leave for work. I always listen to music on the bus. I usually work until 6 pm, and I go home after that. I go jogging three times a week, and I play video games sometimes. Finally, I go to bed at 11 o’clock.

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My routine:
My routine is a little similar every day. Every morning I wake up at 6:55 am or before. The first thing I do is make my bed and second I start exercising for at least a half-hour. Then usually I take a shower, next I dress up, and I meditate. After that, I organize my workspace and start taking some courses of Platzi, then I prepare my breakfast and eat, brush my teeth and continue with the courses until 12-1 pm, and I start with the online classes that usually end at 6-8 pm.
I am developing a scholar project and I connect with my teammates and friends from 6-8 pm or 8-10 pm, after that, I do my homework, next, I read a book and finally, I go to bed at 11 or 12 am 😃

My weekly routine is the same from Monday to Friday: I wake up at 6:00 am. After putting a foot out of my bed, the first thing I do is going to the bathroom and then brush my teeth. Next step is to put some clothes on and style my hair in front of a mirror to tell myself “you will do great today, buddy!” and put a smile on my face. Later, I drink a glass of water and prepare a small but nutritive breakfast, be it scrambled eggs fried with olive oil and no salt, or yogurt with fruit. Now the time to turn on my laptop and start working has arrived at 7:00 am. I always finish to work at 4 pm. Then, I study in Platzi 4 times a week, but I always play with my children or help them with their homework. My family and I hardly ever go out, for the pandemic lockdown is still present, hence we play board games. At the end, I go to bed at 11:00 pm.

I wake up at 9 am. The first thing I do is smoke and drink coffee, then I have breakfast. I usually take a shower, but the pandemic turned me into a dirty person, hahaha. The rest of the day i make my homework and study English and programming at Platzi.

Well i could say about my routine is:

I wake up at 6 a.m. every morning, first I prepare the breakfast and then eat with my husband. Brush my teeth and i drees up. Around at 7:30 my childs wake up and take the breakfast too. Then I wash the childs and the house. Usually at 10:30 am I make the Lunch. Usually we eat at 12:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. Next I rest with my childs until 2 p.m. Usually see the news, or read a book until 3 p.m. because it is the time of my son Sebastián makes his homework. Always at 6 p.m. I make the dinner, eat and more or less this happens until 8 p.m when it’s time to go to bed. The weekend is different, usually we wake up more later and go to my mother’s home.

I usually wake up at 08:00 am., then I prepare my breakfast, after that I take a shower. After some minutes I start with my online classes of the university until I have to take my lunch. In the evening I pass 3 hour of English classes at the CBA (centro boliviano americano) here in cochabamba and online as well. In the night I play lol with my friends and then I go to bed at 01:00 am. o’clock.

My routine is quite basic… Normally I wake up at 7:00 a.m. and I take a shower immediatly. After my shower I prepare my breakfast which is the same everyday; then I make some coffee to start my day.

I wake up at always at 5.30 am, next I make my bed and go to take a shower, at 6 am I take my breaksfast and go to my job from 7 to 5, I arrive to my home at 8pm, after that I eat some dinner and study in Platzi.

Every day I wake up at 7:30 am or 7. The first thing that I make is to go to the bathroom and then take a coffee. Then I take breakfast next to take a shower sometimes. Usually, I start to work at 8:30 am, and my workday finishes at 5 pm. After I work on personal projects or study in Platzi. Finally a go to bed at 10 pm or before.

My routine includes:

  • In the mornig I wake up, have a breakfast and
    clean my desk.

  • In the afternoon I go to the work and
    check my emails.

  • Every day I study in platzi.

  • On mondays I prepare my files for the
    week. On frydays, always eat a pizza.

  • Usually I play videogames on the sunday.

  • Hardly ever go to gym on Tuesday.

  • Once a month I take my pet to te vet.

My routine start everyday waking up at 6:20 am or sometimes a little bit earlier, I workout for around 1 hour, then I take a strong breakfast to fill the energy my body, at the end of this I usually sit in my desk and start to work and another days I go out to see a client at its company. In the mid day I prepare and eat my lunch, sometimes in my house and other times outside in some restaurant, my work day finish in the noon at 6:00 pm. In the night I always do something productive, read a book, geat a course at platzi or read about financial news, after that I practice yoga for an hour, take a shower, eat some dinner and go to sleep at 11:00pm.

Daily routine

Usually before pandemic, I woke up at 4:45 am and I got up at 5 to prepare my breakfast, then I made the bed and i took a shower before go to practice volleyball. Nowadays I wake up at 7 am and I do the same things the difference is now beacuse of pandemic I can’t train my sport, so I dedicate more time to study, for 8 am to 11 am, then I have breakfast and obviously brush my teeth after that.

My Routine
I have a similar routine every day. I wake up at 7 am. The thing first I do is take a shower, and right after that, I prepare my breakfast, almost everyday breakfast same: coffe without sugar, eggs and sometimes bread, after I brush my teeth. Then, I start to work in my pc at 8 am (I work as quality ejecutor analist). I after at 12 noon take a little break until 1 pm, in this time I start to read a book (I am currently reading ‘The misterious island’ of Julio Verne), also I take advantage and have lunch. Then, I comeback to my workspace and resume my work until 5 pm. Sometime, I go to ride bike or practice calisthenics two hours. At 7 pm I start to study in platzi, the themes that is most like is development of sotware and courses of english. Finally, at 10:30 I go to bed to sleep.

I come from a small town in the south of Colombia, near Ecuador's border. My town or village, because it has only eight streets and four avenues, is calm, quiet on weekdays, and it receives a lot of tourists at the weekend, as a result, we built a big Cristo. Its height is about twenty-three meters, the second one in the Colombian southwest. It is very cold, cloudy, and foggy in winter days. In summer, when it is warm, the people use the public pool, and they walk around comfortably to visit the other tourist attractions. I think it is the perfect town to be calm, listen to birds, and realize that there are many places in Colombia where there aren't conflicts or war.
I don't have a daily routine because I don't have permanent employment; for this reason, my days change a lot from one to another. But I always like getting up early, around four to six in the morning. I go to take a shower around seven to ten a.m. and eat breakfast before or after the shower, depending on what I eat the previous night. Then I study, work, or go out to visit a library, museum, or any event that I find on the internet. Sometimes I cook at home, but almost always eat out. I always use an app called Too Good To Go, where I can eat several types of food from all over the world, and it is very cheap. Once or twice a month, I go out to eat with my friends or my special friend. At night, when I am tired because I usually get up early, I watch a movie or independent news. I don't like series because I feel they steal so much time. When I am on the train, bus, or subway, I read a book, use Duolingo, or chat with my family and friends. My work is seasonal; now I have to stay until June or July to make cultural projects. I am always careful with my salary and manage it very well, so I save money for the entire year. In my free time, I always like making crafts, painting, or doing woodwork.
Hi there! My routine starts in the morning at 5 AM. Three times a week, I go to run in the park with my pets for 10 KMs. Then, I take a shower and I prepare my breakfast. After, I brush my teeth, and I go out to buy some groceries for the day. I always read my book at 11 AM, and I usually study in Platzi during 2 hours. At noon, I prepare my lunch, and I listen to favorite music. In the afternoon, I work in different projects, so I am awake at 9 PM. Finally, I go to sleep early.

Today I weak Up at 9 am, I was very tired because the day before I had to work a lot. Later, I organized the house and made lunch for my family. In the afternoon I did several things, I edited some chapters of the university podcast, I studied a bit and I helped my brothers to fix some things. At night, I studied some English and had a coffee, then I willl go to sleep. Usually every day I go to bed late almost at midnight and today I did not work, I work whenever they call me.

I awoke up every morning with a small on my face

I’m a full time student, so my routine is kind of similiar every day, only change small thing. I usually wake up at 8am, sometimes at 9am, an hour later I start studying, I practice English for an hour and after that I just hang out, at noon I get my luch while I’m watching YouTube, then I watch a TV or if I have homework from college I do them. Around 4pm I always learn and practice programming, after that I take a shower because at 6pm I go into my virtual classes from college, I finally have dinner, brush my teeth and go to sleep at 11pm or 12pm.

My daily routine, start on Monday at 6:00am when I wake up and after that I have breakfast generally are eggs, tea and bread. Next my daughter and me take a shower, we are dressing up to go to the school and I go to the gym. My daughter monthly have a medical appointment at different places on the city.
At 10:00am I back to my house, I prepare a protein smoothie, at noon I pick up my daughter from the school. At 1:00pm We have lunch and after that take a rest. As soon, we do homework. All Monday, Wednesday and Friday I take a virtual AutoCAD class between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. Every day at 6:00pm, I start a virtual class in the University. In the middle of the class I have a break, usually I have dinner At this moment. When the class finish sometimes I meet online with my classmates because we have homework to do, finally brush my teeth and go to sleep.

My routine of Monday to Friday:
My routine is always same with exception the are last hours of day.

My day starts so, I wake up around seven half past, review the cellphone (notifications, mails, videos) then I go to eat breaekfast with my parents, come back to house (we usually breakfast out of house), I take a shower, I go to dressing, I Prepared a cup of coffee and I ready for begin to work in my computer around of nine o’clock.
As the two in the afternoon, I go to meal (sometimes I meal alone) in the dining room, I take a few minutes for rest and I begin work between three and four, I finish of work at the six o’clock.
Then, I begin study English in Platzi at this are eight half time, I go to dinner with my parents and come back study Englis but now in Duolingo, then thirty minutes studying, I finish my day and I begin to relax me (I play video games, I watch series in TV, I watch YouTuve, etc…) between to eleven and twelfth at nigth is hour to go bed.

Every morning I wake up at 6:55 am or before. The first thing

My routine is a little similar every day. Every morning I wake up at 6:55 am or before. The first thing I do is make my bed and second I start exercising for at least a half-hour. Then usually I take a shower, next I dress up, and I meditate. After that, I organize my workspace and start taking some courses of Platzi, then I prepare my breakfast and eat, brush my teeth and continue with the courses until 12-1 pm, and I start with the online classes that usually end at 6-8 pm.
I am developing a scholar project and I connect with my teammates and friends from 6-8 pm or 8-10 pm, after that, I do my homework, next, I read a book and finally, I go to bed at 11 or 12 am 😃

My routine is similar every day. My alarm sounds at 5 am, I wake up and write my declarations. After that, I take a shower, dress my uniform, eat my breakfast and I go to work until 5 pm. Later, I train in the gym, study at Platzi, read a part of a book and I get ready to sleep at 10 pm.

I wake up at 5:00am but very often I get up at 5:10am then I go to walk around my neighborhood and listen a podcast, when I come back to my apartment I do exercise after that I take a cold shower. Usually I make and eat breakfast, then I read emails and take a break. At 9:00am, I start work or study.

In the afternoon, I take a lunch and come back to work or study. In the evening I eat dinner, then I read emails and take a break. I read a book at night and finally go to bed at 10:00pm.

My day begin, I wake up in a 6 o clock the first task is I dress to go the gym for to come back my house at 8am, next, I take a shower and have breakfast at the same time review email in order to organize my activities on the day.

At 9am I call to say good morning to my girlfriend, after this I have a meeting with customer and coworkers, later I have lunch. Every Wednesday is my long day due to I have several meetings until 8:00 pm.

Usually in my free time between one meeting and another, I search information to solve issues that happen to my customers, later when I finish my work day I take a rest and after that study English with Catalina my girlfriend, if is Thursday I should make presentation slides for the next day of meeting with my boss. Finally, I go to sleep.

Due to the Pandemic from March 2020, I have a similar routine every day. Every morning I get up at 5:15 am and I go straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I refresh my face with water to stay awake. Then, I do meditation for thirty minutes approximately. After I prepare breakfast that includes making vegetable juice because it helps my metabolism. Later I clean my house and I feed my sweet dogs.
At this moment I get ready to start my exercise routine with the Nike Training Club application. I practice five or six times per week following the training plan. Then I take a shower and I check emails and I begin my working day and I have coffee. At noon I have lunch. I usually work until 6 pm. I always listen to music during the day. I love Baroque music.
In the evening I feed my pets and then I have dinner. Monday through Friday I prepare the vegetables for the next day’s juice. I drink green juice five times a week. Then, I practice listening to English on YouTube. I go to bed at 10:00. On the weekend I watch TV before to sleep.

After of the discovery of Coronavirus my routine changed. Now I wake at 6 o´clock, I make my bed. Then I prepare breakfast for my brother and myself, usually I advance something of the lunch. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face with a special soap also I apply mys creams. Hardly ever I vacuum the carpet, I don´t like. After I do exercise and I turn the computer for start to make homeworks of the university. At 12 pm I prepare the lunch, eat, brush my teeth and I like practice Salsa steps of this way I am happy for continue with my classes, although I like to knit crochet. Usually my brother buys sweets so I eat somes. At nigth my brother back from home then we talk and he goes to the gym while I prepare the dinner. Next of eat I wash my face, brush my teeth again y always I wash the dishes. Finally I do somes things in the computer and I go to the bed at 12 o´clock.

First I go to the Gym after that have a breakfast usually egg whites! then I take a shower, next I study Graphyc Design and English on Platzi.

Usually, my routine is to wake up at 6:00 am, brush my teeth, then make a cup of coffee, then go exercise and when I’m done, then have breakfast, then shower and go to work.

In my case i have a special routine in the week, when i get up i brush my teeth, next to drink a coffee and start to learn english at 8:00 AM, until 12:00 PM and take a break in this break i can see my social media or just play video games. At 2:00 PM im praparing to start to learn coding until 6:00 PM, and finally i take time to my self maybe to share time with my family or hobbies or just make content.

My routine is similar every day. I wake up at 6:20 am and I go to the bathroom, put water in my face to wake completely. The first thing I do is practice meditation for 45 minutes. Then do exercise for 45 minutes. Next, I take a shower, dress up and go to the kitchen, and prepare my breakfast. After, I learn English for one hour and study on Platzi for two hours more. I usually ride my bike to go to my work at 12:30 pm. At 8:30. Return to my house, I have dinner, read a book and finally go to bed at 11 o’clock or before.

I usually wake up at 5:30 am after that I cook my breakfast and take a shower. I start to work at 7 am. Always I take my lunch at 12:30 pm and continuing my with work since at 2:00 pm until 6:00 pm, then take my dinner and go to the gym until 8:30 pm. Finally I take a shower when arrive my home and see something in my tv or play videogames before of go to bed at 11:00.

I have a similar routine every day. Every morning I wake up at 8 am. The first thing I do is brush my teeth, and right after that, I take a shower. Next, I dress up, and I put on some makeup. Then, I go to the kitchen, and I prepare my breakfast. After I eat, I brush my teeth again, and I leave for work. I always listen to music on the bus. I usually work until 6 pm, and I go home after that. I go jogging three times a week, and I play video games sometimes. Finally, I go to bed at 11 o'clock.
Adverbs of frequency describe how often an action occurs. They provide context about the frequency of activities in your routine. Common adverbs include "always," "usually," "sometimes," "hardly ever," and "never." For example, you can say "I always wake up early" to indicate that waking up early is a regular habit for you. Using these adverbs helps structure your writing and makes it clearer to the reader how frequently you engage in certain activities.
Connectors of sequence are words or phrases that help organize information by indicating the order in which events occur. They guide the reader through your writing, making your routine descriptions clearer. Common examples include "first," "second," "next," and "then." These expressions are essential when writing about daily activities, as they help maintain a logical flow in your text. Using them effectively will enhance your writing skills in English.
All the days I do the same things every day. Every morning I wake up at 5 am. The first thing I do in the morning is practice my english, then I take a shower, and put the minoxidil to increase my beer.
First I wake up at 9:30AM. Second I take a breakfast. Next I do some housework, at least two Jobs, so My family and me can feel calm in a clean space. Then I look for a job in internet. Everyday I do something that fills my heart like yoga, play the guitar, draw or walk in the forest. Sometimes I read a book, at least twice a week. Everyday, before sleep, I remember myself who I am with phrases like “I exist for god´s willpower” or “ I am Love” or others. It makes me strong, sure and a good person. Every day I take my lunch and dinner with my family. I go to sleep at 12:00PM
Hello! I have a different routine for each day of the week, but on a normal day, this is what I do: I’m an early bird, so I wake up between 4:00 and 4:30 AM. I start my day with a quick shower, then I write in my journal, giving thanks to God for a new day, my family, and all the blessings in my life. Afterward, I read one chapter of the Bible (today, I read 1 Kings 15). Once I finish reading, I get ready to pick up my sisters at 6:30 AM and take them to school, where they need to be by 7:00 AM. After dropping them off, I head to the gym, eat breakfast, take a shower, and then begin studying or working on my tasks for the day. At 3:00 PM, I pick up my sisters from school and take them home. I eat lunch, then return to my house for a short nap. In the evening, I prepare to go running, which I practice from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Finally, I come back home and go to bed around 9:00 or 10:00 PM.
Hi everyone! My routine: I usually wake up at 4 a.m., go to the bathroom and take a shower, then brush my teeth and get dressed. Then I have breakfast and go to work. When I'm at work I always have lunch at 12 p.m. and leave for home at 5 p.m. At home, I sometimes play video games. Finally, I usually go to bed at 11 p.m.
I have a similar routine every day. First I wake up at 6 am. Then I take a shower, next I dress up, next I put on some makeup, and comb my hair. After I usually have my breakfast at 6:40 am. After that i brush my teeth, and leave for work. Sometimes I have to wait to my aunt because she carries me in her car to my work. But usually I going to work on bus. At the office I work a lot but I eat my lunch at 1:00 pm. I always listen to music in my lunch time! After that I still work until 5:00 pm. At 5:10 I leave work. I usually go direct to the university, and study until 7:30 pm. Hardly ever I go to the gym at 9:00 pm. Finally I arrive to my house at 9:30. At 10:00 pm. I do my homework, and after that I brush my teeth, and go to bed at 12:00am.
My routine is a little different now that I'm on vacation🏕️: I wake up at 7 am and read something interesting. After that, prepare a delicious breakfast for me. At 9 am I start learning maching learning with Platzi. Before 12:00 I prepare lunch, at 1:00 PM I start the second block of study on english, my goal is to be bilingual. At 4 p.m. I start with my university project that I have to do. And finally I sleep at 11 p.m. The routine usually changes but it's okay.
I usually wake up at 8:30 in the morning. First, I have breakfast, and then I brush my teeth. After that, I take a shower. Once I’m done, I help my mom with household chores. After that, I check my emails and social media, then I practice English on Duolingo for a while. Afterward, I have lunch. After lunch, I study web development. In the afternoon/evening, at 7 pm, I have dinner. Finally, I go to bed at 11 pm.
I have a similar routine every day. Every morning, I wake up at about six o'clock or a little earlier. The first thing I do is brush my teeth, then I take a shower and get dressed. After that, I go to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. Once I've eaten, I brush my teeth again and get to work. I usually work until a quarter to five in the afternoon. I also attend university twice a week. On weekends, I like to go jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I play video games and watch TV series or movies. I always watch YouTube videos after dinner. Finally, I go to bed at half past ten or earlier.
My routine Every morning, I wake up at 6:00 am. Usually I scroll on the phone for 15 minutes and then I go out to bed. Next, I wash my teeth and face, I clean my room and dress up. Then I have breakfast, (I like scrambled eggs and coffee); athought d, sometimes I wake up later and skip the breakfast. After breakfast I go out to take the bus. Sometimes, I listen to music on the bus, but usually I sleep; it depends on how well I slept during the night. I arrive at the job before 8:00 AM, and usually work until 5:35 PM, I go home after that, but sometimes I hang out with friends. I go to the climbing gym 3 days a week. On Mondays I go the dance academy to practice Salsa. When I arrive home, I have dinner and take a shower. Finally, I go to bed at 12 o'clock.
My routine: Every morning I wake up at 5:00 am . First brush my teeth. I take a shower. Then I connect to Platzi . I take classes until 8 am. Then I prepare and eat breakfast. After breakfast I usually do the housework and I take care of my small business, then I prepare lunch​ take a short half hour break and then I connect at Platzi to continue with classes until 5:30 pm. I get up from class to prepare dinner listening to music, after of dinner I watch tv and finally go to at 11:00 pm
This is my routine. I usually wake up at 8:00 a.m. and prepare breakfast for me and my boyfriend. Later, I make my bed and brush my teeth. At 9:00 a.m., I have breakfast and make my bed again. At 10:00 a.m., I surf the net but also study on Platzi. At 12:00 p.m., I have lunch and continue studying on Platzi. At 6:00 p.m., I make dinner, and later, I have dinner with my boyfriend and go to sleep
**My routine:** I don´t have a similiar routine every day, but in some aspects yes, like, I wake up at 5:50 am every day, after that a get dress up and get ready my things that I need for school. them I prepare my breakfast. After eat, brush my teeth and I take a shower, and leave my house at 6:20 am for go to university. I always listen music on they way and I try read ebook a little bit. I usually take classes until 6 pm, sometime I have free time between classes so I try to do calisthenics, study and of course eat . I go home after that, arriving at my house, I eat again, after that I rest a little bit and next I do my homework, In the end of the day, at 10 pm I have a dinner and finally at 12 am go to bed and sleep.
“Every morning I wake up at 7:00 a.m. I make my bed and always brush my teeth. Then, I eat a banana or drink a cup of milk and go to the gym. I usually train for one hour, and right after that, I take a shower. At 10:00 a.m. sometimes I go to the market, and then I come home. My mother usually makes lunch while I practice or work on my computer. We eat lunch at 12:00 p.m. and my pets eat at 1:00 p.m. Finally, we have dinner at 7:00 p.m. and that is all.”
`Always from Monday to Saturday, I wake up at 4:40 a.m. The first activity I do is wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I go to the gym for one hour, and afterward, I return home to take a shower and have breakfast. After that, I brush my teeth again and get dressed. I go to work on my motorcycle, which takes 40 minutes, and I work for an average of 11 hours every day. In the evening, I study English`
My daily routine, everyday i try to wake up early, then honestly the first thing what i do, it’s eat breakfast, if there is, if else, i can to cook my breakfast for me and my family (my mom, my brother and my sister), always breakfast is arepas with cheese or eggs, then, after to cook, i eat and brush my teeth, next i have to go job, but, in this case, fortunately, i work from home as a software developer, so, i just have to dress up to have a good presentation at morning’s meetings, in those meetings, peoples talks about they was doing yesterday and about they’ll going to do during day, after that, i just work until eleven o’clock, twelve o’clock or until meal is ready, then i stop to work and i eat the meal, after that i rest, i have around at one hour to eat and rest before back to work, then i work until four pm, in that moment i free to rest, study music or visit to my girlfriend, until six pm, in that hour, i have to gym, next, i arrive at home to take a shower, eat dinner and go to sleep, until next day.
During the week, I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. The first thing I do is immediately take a shower. Second, I dress up and start to put on my skin careproducts. While they’re drying on my skin, I make a coffee, I drink it and take my things for the walk to the gas station where the company bus picks us up to take us to work, this walk takes me around 8 minutes. During the trip I listen to music or podcast, and sometimes I sleep. Then, when I arrive at my Job, I work from 7 am to 3.30 pm. At this time, the bus picks us up and take us homes. Finally, I arrive home around 5 pm, I rest for a while and after that, I study English or do some exercise.
I always get up at 5:00 a.m. After that, I go to the kitchen, go out to prepare my breakfast, and then take a warm shower. Later, I get dressed, usually in pants and shirts; next, I have breakfast, brush my teeth and leave the house.
My routine: Every morning I wake up at 7 a.m. I make my bed and drink 2 glasses of water, take the dog for a walk. I shawer then I preparate my fruit juice and eggs with bread and milk, I brush my teeth and I go to work 8 a.m. by bus. My job is to serve officials who requiere health insurance, and subsequently preparin reports. I leave work at 8 p.m. and at home I watch tv and I always fall asleep at 11 p.m.
I have a similar routine every day. Every morning, I wake up at half past six. After this I go running for one hours. Next, have a breakfast at 8 am. Usually eat palta with eggs and my cup of coffee. Next, I make my homework of the university an continue the rests of my activities. In night I sleep at 11 pm.
This is my daily routime at monday to friday: I usually wake up at 05:00 am. I go to bathroom and take a shower and brush my teeth. Them, I go to get up my son and I get him at bathroom to take a shower. When we get ready, we go downstairs. Them, while I do the breakfast, my son is preparing his lunchbox and schoolbag. I go to the work at 06:25am. I aarive at 06:45 am and my students at 07:50 am. They leave at 13:00pm and I have to clean the classroom, when I finish the cleaning, I got to lunch. I have to leave the school at 15:30 pm, when I arrive at home, I go to take a shower and I check the homework of my son, Emilio.
I have a similar routine every day. Every morning, I wake up at 8 AM. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and take a shower. The next thing I do is organize my things, my notebooks, and my pens, and then I sit down to study. At noon, I stop and go to the kitchen to prepare my lunch. Then, I continue studying all afternoon. At 6 PM, I go out for a jog. I do this about 3 or 4 times a week. I eat something at night, around 10 PM, and finally, between 11:30 and 12, I go to bed.
My routine every day begins like this: I wake up at 6 am, then brushing my teet, I wash my face and I meditate. Then I exercise and breakfast. At 8 o'clock I start organizing my tasks and start my productive day with them. I always have lunch at 12 noon, and then go on with my activities. In the afternoon I try to leave my studies and work to do things with my partner or friends. I end my day by having dinner, watching a series, and reading. I go to bed between 10:30 and 11.
my routine: my routine is the same every day. I usually wake up at 6 am, I take a shower and brush my teeth, after that i dress up and I put on some make, then I go to the kitchen, I prepare my breakfast, usually to eat eggs, avocado, fruit and I drink coffee. After I brush my teeth again, I leave to walk with the dog, then I leave for work. I returned at home usually 7 pm, after that I prepare the dinner, I eat and finally I go to bed at 10:30 pm
My routine: I usually wake up at 7 am, and I check the news on Instagram. Then, I leave the bed, and I take a shower by 5 minutes, I always play my favorite song in the shower. Next I brush my theeth, brush my hair and have a breakfast. My breakfast sometimes is a pair of eggs, arepa with quesito and hot chocolate or coffee. Next, I get out of my house at 8:30 am; and take public transport, it's sometimes arrives late. I stay at the university by four hours before that I come back to my home. Then at 1 pm I have lunch, and hang out by 30 minutes. Next in My day, I study English at platzi On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every weeks. Somedays I study Soft skills. I finish my day whit 30 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes of meditation. Finally, I have a dinner at 8 pm and go to bed early.
**My routine:** My routine is a little similar every day. Every morning I wake up at 6:00 am . The first thing I do is make my bed and second I start exercising for at least a half-hour. Then usually I take a shower, next I dress up. After that, I organize my son for go to the school, then I prepare my breakfast and eat, brush my teeth and I go to my job. After that, I do my homework, next, I read a book and finally, I go to bed at 10:00 pm.
* What time do you wake up? * What time do you have breakfast? * What time do you have lunch? * What time do you have dinner? * What time do you go to school? * What time do you go to work? * What time do you take a shower? * I always study English. * I usually eat eggs for breakfast. * I sometimes buy a bottle of wine. * I hardly ever go to the disco. * I never smoke. * Sammy is always happy. * My sisters are usually in a bad mood. * My little brother is sometimes sick. * I am hardly ever tired. * My teacher is never late for class. I have a similar routine every day. Every morning I wake up at 8 am. The first thing I do is brush my teeth, and right after that, I take a shower. Next, I dress up, and I put on some makeup. Then, I go to the kitchen, and I prepare my breakfast. After I eat, I brush my teeth again, and I leave for work. I always listen to music on the bus. I usually work until 6 pm, and I go home after that. I go jogging three times a week, and I play video games sometimes. Finally, I go to bed at 11 o'clock.
As a government employee, my workday begins promptly at 8 a.m. and concludes at 3 p.m., during which I am deeply immersed in developing educational projects. These initiatives aim to enhance our educational systems, making learning more accessible and engaging for students across various age groups. Once the official workday ends, I transition into my personal enrichment time. One of my first stops is often a visit to friends. These visits not only offer a chance for relaxation and camaraderie but also provide a platform for exchanging ideas and discussing various topics, including those related to my work and studies. In my quest for personal and professional growth, I dedicate a significant portion of my evenings to pursuing a master's degree online. This advanced study is not just a testament to my commitment to lifelong learning but also an avenue to expand my expertise and apply new knowledge to my current role in government. English language learning is another cornerstone of my evening routine. Recognizing the importance of English in global communication and career advancement, I allocate time to practice and improve my language skills. This involves a mix of structured lessons, practical exercises, and informal practice, sometimes even with my friends who are fluent in English. This balanced routine allows me to fulfill my responsibilities, pursue academic goals, enhance my language skills, and maintain a healthy social life, all of which contribute to my personal and professional development.
My routine of everyday is the next: I wake up at 5:00 a.m, then I brush my teeth and I exercise. The next thing than I do it is clean the floor in my home and I take a shower at 7:00 a.m. Later, I take a delicious breakfast, I read a book for an hour and a half, I take the Platzi's courses and I take my lunch at 12:00 p.m. I rest until 1:00 p.m, then I study about a exam Colombian called ICFES and I practice my English on Duolingo until 6:00 p.m. Later, I take my dinner, I rest and I take a shower again. I read the same book at 7:00 p.m, and I lie down at 8:00 p m after to listen to music.
I don't have a routine; everything changes depending on the hour I wake up. I usually wake up at 8 am, but I rarely eat breakfast. Sometimes, I forget to make breakfast, and this usually happens when I hardly ever feel hungry. I always use my phone, but I want to change this habit to sometimes. I often go to the gym and swim two times per week. I always work on my own business. I rarely eat out; I usually eat at home because I think it's healthier. I never go to sleep early; I always go to bed at 11 pm or 12 midnight.
From monday to friday I usually wake up at 5:30 a.m, then I brush my teeth and take a shower. Afterward, I dress up and I put on some make up. I prepare my breakfast and I pack it to eat in the office. Next, I go out of my apartment and ride my bike until the office. I am normally there until six p.m. Finally I go back to my apartment and sometimes I go to the gym. Finally I have dinner, brush my tooth and I go to bed.
My routine: My routine is usually similar every day. Every morning I get up at 3:30 or earlier. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and then make my bed. Afterwards I usually shower, the next thing is to get dressed and meditate. Then I organize my workspace and start taking some Platzi courses, I rarely have breakfast in the morning and continue with the courses until 10:00-10:30. I am developing a school project and I connect with my classmates and friends from 6 to 8 pm, then I do my homework and finally I go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30 pm.
Usually my routine is this: I usually wake up at six o'clock AM, I cook breakfast at half past six, then I wake up my children and take them to school at half past seven AM. I have breakfast with my husband, and sometimes we watch a series. Next, I always study English on Platzi at half past nine. I always go to pick up my children from school at noon. Later, I wash the dishes. I usually cook lunch at half past one, and we eat. After that, I do housework. I cook dinner at seven o'clock, and we eat dinner at half past seven. I take a shower at eight o'clock or half past eight, and finally, I go to bed at nine o'clock.
My routine: i wake up at 5:30am. the first thing i do is brush my teeth, then i take a shower, i dress up. then i go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for my family. later i'm going to wake up my baby and i give her breakfast then i bathe and dress my baby to take her to daycare at 8:00am. then i return home to work. then at 4:00pm i pick up my baby, and i prepare dinner. we eat together. we bathe, we brush our teeth and we go to sleep at 8:00pm.
This is my daily routine : I, every day wake up 9 am, I do bush my teeth after I prepare my breakfast, At 10 o'clock I connect to my server for study until 12 am, I take a break, and then I go to prepare lunch, at 2 pm I return to study and I go to boxing at 6:00 pm, I home back at 9 pm, I take a shower, I eat my dinner and I go to bed at 11 pm.
the first i do when wake up is brushing my teeth too I make the bed. next i make lunch for my sister and my mom. In the afternoon i study or work. Finally in the night i rest.
My cat is my favorite companion. he is friendly and lovely, peolple but he does't like other pets. When he sees people, they walk all over the house. Evidently is a cat beautiful.
I usually wake up at 6:00 am, brush my teeth, take a shower, and cook my breakfast. Next, I go to the gym for 2 hours. After that, I go home, take a shower, and work on my job and study English at Platzi. I have lunch at 12:00 pm before continuing to work from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. I prepare my dinner at 8:00 pm, then I watch TV or read a book. Finally, I go to bed at 10 pm.
My routine: I usually wake up at 7:00 am. the first action I take every day is fight with my mind about get out of the bed. The second action I take is make my bed.Then I brush my teeth, next at 8:00 am I go to GYM and do exercise to burn calories. Afterwards at 9:30 am I prepare my breakfast, taking care about nutritional content. Then I take a cold shower to train my mind. Later at 10:00 am I start with the main activities that provide to me more productivity. When I finish my main activities at 12:30 pm I usually take a lunch and I take these time to play or fun. Afterwards at 2:00 pm , I study, and I take the classes of Platzi , to improve my habilities and knowlegdes. Later at 4:30 I meditate about my day and finally at 6:00 pm I go to high school. Finally in the end of the day iI brush my teeth and go to sleepp at 11:00 pm .
Hi, I always wake up at 6 am. Then I go out for a walk around the neighborhood with my family. Later I take a shower and then we have breakfast. At 9 am I head to the office. I usually skip lunch. At 5 pm I go back home. I lift weights three times a week before dinner.
My routine I wake up at 4:00 am then do my prayer, and make my bed, after I take a shower at 6:00 am I do my exercises at 6:15 am then I have my breakfast and I start to study in Platzi from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, then I go to work in my Farm at 11:00 am I have my lunch at 1:00 pm then I work to a 4:00 pm then I take a shower at 5:30 pm then I do my prayer at 6:00 pm I do my homework at 7:00 pm then I have a live class of English at 8:00 pm to an 8:30 pm then I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth and go to my bed.
I always wake up at 7 am. The firts thing I do is prepare my breakfast and my lunch for work. Second I brush my teeth and take a shower. Then I dress up and next i leave for work. I añways listen to music in the bus. I work until 6pm, and I go home after that. In my home i take the dinner, then i take my lessons in platzi. Finally i go to bed at 10:30 o'clock.
I have a very strict routine every day. Every morning, I wake up at 5 am. The first thing I do is brush my teeth, and right after that, I go to the gym. When I come back, I take a shower. Next, I get dressed. Then, I go to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast and something to take away. After eating, I brush my teeth again and leave for work. I always ride my bike to work. Additionally, I listen to some podcasts on the way. I work until 5 pm, and every evening I continue working until 8 or 9 o’clock. After work, I go home. Finally, I always read a book from 9 pm until 10 pm, and at 10, I go to bed.”

“I wake up at 4:30 am. First, I exercise, then I shower and get dressed. After that, I go to teach a driving class. Once I’m back home, I have breakfast, usually consisting of chocolate, eggs, and bread. I then return to the driving academy and continue with my classes until 2:00 pm. After that, I go back home for lunch. In the afternoon, I take advantage of the time to study on Platzi.”

At the moment, I don’t have a specific routine because I haven’t made a schedule. However, sometimes I wake up at 10:00 AM. The first thing I do is check my messages, and right after that, I go to the kitchen to make my breakfast. Next, I return to my room and make the bed. Then, I prepare lunch at 1:00 PM for my family. After that, I attend online classes for about 3 hours. After I finish my classes, I do chores. Throughout the day, I listen to music on my cellphone. Around 9 PM, I join an online class, and finally, I go to bed at 5:00 AM.

Every morning I wake up at 5 am. The first thing I do is drink my coffee, and right after that, I take a shower. Next, I read a book or study any language. Like, English or French. Then, dress up, and I put on some lotion. Then, I go to the kitchen, and I prepare the breakfast for my godfather and I. After I eat, I brush my teeth again, and I leave for buy groceries or anything is left in the house. I always listen to a podcast in my computer or smartphone. I usually go to the gym from 5 pm to 7:30 pm, and I go home after that. I go jogging two times a week, and I cook the dinner from my godfather and I. Finally, I go to bed at 10 o’clock.
I always wake at 5pm. I do exercise and later studied English. I eat around 7:30am and i love to eat arepa with coffee. At 8:30 i meditate, do yoga and writing. At 10:00am study again.
My daily routine: I wake up around 9 am, then I brush my teeth, and take a shower, then I prepare my breakfast, after that I turn on my laptop to work since 11am to 3 pm then i cook my lunch and go back to the work.
First I always wake up at 8 AM, I wash my face and make the bed. Second I have my breakfast and brush my teeth, then I start to learn english from 10 AM until 6 PM, I sometimes have my lunch at 2 PM or 3 PM. When I finish to practice my english, I rest until the dinner, I have my dinner at 8 or 9 PM, then I go to bed at 10 PM. that's All.
This is my daily routine. I wake up at 6:00 am or fifteen minutes after to wash my face, after it I make excercise for one hour and next I brush my teeths. I leave for work at 7:45 am and I do my job since 8 am to 8 pm. I get home at night and I eat some food from outside. Finally, I brush my teeth, play a videogame and I go to sleep at ten pm.
I usually wake up at 5:30 a.m., Then I do is brush my teeth after, I take a shower and I dress up. Next I get ready to go to work at 6:40 a.m., I Start work at 7:00 a.m., Then eat breakfast at the 9:00 am on the job, again I brush my teeth, Usually I leave work at 2:30 PM go my house after, I eat lunch at the 3:00 P.M. then I start study, I usually watch movie in the evening, sometime I listen to music in the night and finally I go to bed at 11:30 P.M
My day generally begin with me wake up at quarter to six, The first thing I do is make the bed. Afterthat, I go for a walk with my two pets Nala and Canela. Next, I dress up to do exercise, at least a half hour. Later, I take a shower and dress up one more time Then, I go to the kitchen for my breakfast. After I brush my teeth and go to my office room. Always I listen to music for work. I usually work since 7:00 am to 5 pm, and I take a rest for one hour after that. I take classes in Platzi every day from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. I sometimes have dinner and then watch a movie or a serie. Finally, I go to the bed at half past ten.
I wake up early in the morning to try to take advantage of the day. First, I come down to the kitchen to eat something before I start my exercise routine, but before I wash up to feel I am awake. I am done doing exercise around 10:00 a.m. Then, It`s time to start with daily lessons here. I take from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for learning. Once I finish studying I clean the house and cook something for lunch. Finally, I go to work drink some beers with friends, and go home to get ready for the next day.
My routine daily starts at 6:00 am, first I wake up and pray, then I prepare breakfast. After I turn on the PC for study at Platzi, at 12:30 am lunch, then I take a nap. After I take a shower and I do exercise, next I turn on the PC again to continue studying, then dinner and finally pray in family, I brush teeth and I got to the bed at 12 o'clock
My rutine is the next all days: I wake up 7:00 am take my uniform the job and dawn to have breakfast, after, take the bus 10 minutes before the 8:00am to get to my job, after time, take a lunch of one hour and to return to my job, my departure time is at 6:00 pm but i don't take the bus now walk byt my house and get to at 6:3pm alwayts take ahower, clean the home, take the brean and finally dinner some light and i prepare to sleep. And so is my day to day


My routine: usually I wake up at 7AM, some times I am going to running, after I cook my breakfast, after I take a shower. Next, I am going to my work, and usually arrive to my home at 4PM, then I study in platzi. Finally, I go to bed usually at 10PM.

My routine starts at 7am when I wake up. First I take a cold shower, then I meditate for about 10 minutes, I read the book I'm reading at that moment and I start my study routine at 8:30 am. I usually study at home, but sometimes I have to go to college. Around 12 noon I study English in Platzi. When I finish I do calisthenics exercises. Then I go to university from 3 to 7 p.m. and get home at 8 p.m. On weekends I work in a restaurant all night

Every day routine:
I wake up nearly by 7 am in the morning, brush my teeth and take the breakfast while read news on internet. After that, i spend about two hours studying: taking courses on Platzi, Youtube, Reading some docs or making projects. At 10:30 am, i start to preparing myself to go to the university: making my launch, taking a shower and dressing me up. Around 11:45 am, i leave home and go to the university, where i spend 4 hours. When i get back home, i make some excercice, take a shower and dinner. The night is my free time, when i do what i like to do: play video games, watch movies and spend time with my girldfriend.

I always take a shower before going to work, then I go to work, I usually check what assignments I have of the University, after checking out I go to the university, once I finish my classes I go to my house

Hi everyone, this is my daily routine:
I usually wake up around at 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
The first thing that i do is going for a walk with my dogs while I´m reading a book, after it I have breakfast so fast as is possible for me because of my work, that start at 8:00 am. in my work I have lunch between at 12:30 or 13:00 when finish my work at: 4:30 p.m. I going to training crossft at 5:00 p.m. and next Jiu-jistu at 7 p.m. So when I return home I finally can take a shower and have dinner, after once more time I going for a walk with my dogs by night. I practicing my English skills for onne hour before that I’ll go to bed.

My weekly routine is weird, because I work in the night, so inicially I wake up 2pm and make my lunch after exercise. I make things for study or clean in the house, when start 8pm I sleep 2h or 3h, so 10:20pm I go to job, 11pm-7am. Finally when I finish my shift I go to home. For start my routine again

The routine for my day is very simple, but productive. In the morning, I wake up at 7:00 am, go to the bathroom, and make my breakfast and lunch to take to the office. The breakfast that I usually make is a sandwich with jam and cheese. However, the lunch can be different according to my taste. Some days I make chicken with salad, other days I like pasta with cream or even beans with rice. Once my food is ready, I dress in pants that can be black or beige; a simple shirt with sleeves; a sweater; and a pair of white tennis shoes. At 8:30 am, I am ready to leave, driving in my car to work. Then, I arrive at the office at 9:00 am, which is for architecture, engineering, and construction. I check my schedule, call my co-workers and plan the meetings of the day or even week. At 9:30 am, I eat my breakfast and at noon, I eat my lunch with my friends. Work finishes at 5:00 pm, then I go home, rest for some minutes and when I’m resting, I sit at my desk to study English, AutoCAD and 3D design until 7:00 pm when I feel hungry again. So, I make dinner with my family and talk to them about our days. Time goes so fast, so from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, I watch social media until I get sleepy. Then, I go to bed at 11:00 pm until 7:30 am the next day.

El texto anterior fue el que redacte y me ayude con CHAT GPT para que me diera una alternativa para expresar mejor mis ideas, esto fue lo que me aporto:

“My daily routine is straightforward yet productive. I start my day at 7:00 am by getting up, using the bathroom, and preparing breakfast and lunch to bring to the office. For breakfast, I typically have a sandwich with jam and cheese. Lunch varies depending on my mood - sometimes I have chicken with salad, other times pasta with cream or beans with rice. After my meals are prepared, I get dressed in black or beige pants, a simple sleeved shirt, a sweater, and white tennis shoes. By 8:30 am, I’m ready to head out and drive to work. I arrive at my architecture, engineering, and construction office by 9:00 am. Once there, I check my schedule, make calls to co-workers, and plan meetings for the day or week. At 9:30 am, I have breakfast and at noon, I enjoy lunch with friends. Work ends at 5:00 pm and I head home to rest for a bit. While resting, I sit at my desk to study English, AutoCAD, and 3D design until 7:00 pm when hunger strikes again. I then have dinner with my family and we chat about our day. Time flies by quickly and before I know it, it’s 9:00 pm. From then until 11:00 pm, I browse social media until sleepiness sets in. Finally, I retire to bed at 11:00 pm and sleep until 7:30 am the next day.”

A day in my life.
I recorded this lesson to practice more:

This is very funny, because I write everyday, in my diary, the most important positive events in my day. It helps me to improve my consciousness.
Lets start, only with the morning to the noon.
This normally happens in my journal day. I wake up at 5:30 a.m. Before I get up from the bed, I take 5-7 minutes to countdown from 50 to 1 slowly and trying to remember my dreams. After that, I do my superyoga. Then, I take a shower and prepare my breakfast.
My job is 20 minutes away from my house on foot, But at the morning, my Dad left me at the bus stop, that is like 7 minutes away from the office. At the office, meanwhile I’m taking my breakfast, I make a To-Do-List to organize my day and take in mind every task I have, of course and to manage new tasks my boss left me.
From 8:30 am to 11:45 am I do every tasks that I proposed, making active pauses to do not fatigate too much. That’s because I like to save some energy for the evening to study and do exercise. I do exercise 1 to 4 times per week, it depends on how I organize my week at Sunday.

This is my midday.


My routine starts every day at 7:00am. First, I do some house charols and inmediatelly I do calisthenics to move my body. Next, around 7:30am I try to take a quickly shower and eat something. I always eat fruit, cheese, bread and chocolate with milk, but just three days I change the routine adding eggs.

Once I have finish my personal preparation for the day, I started my job routine. I’m software and hardware developer and normally I work from 8am till 5pm. I always take active pauses to do excercises and try to find inspiration to continue working.

Once the work routine finishes, I use the final of the day to play videogames, eat and learn something cool and new.

From moday to Friday, I wake up at 5:30 am or before, I sand up and drink water, then I start stretching, I get ready and go to the park of the bars to do strret work out, then I get home tired, I take a shower and at 8am I start working at home, at 11am I take a break and have breakfast, I leave work at 4pm, time when I usually have lunch, then I read for a while, rest and take advantage of the night to study, on the other hand my saturday and sunday are usually a different adventure every time.