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Escribe un correo electrónico informal en Inglés


As the name says, we write an informal email in informal situations. You write an informal email to a friend or a relative, but you can also do it at work if it is to a person you are close to, and the message does not require any formal writing.
It is common to use contractions in this situation since it is a friendly message.

The informal email has a simple structure:

  • Beginning: the greeting and your opening statement.

  • Middle: here you can tell your news and talk about your plans.

  • End: the closing message and your first name.

Aportes 392

Preguntas 14

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

To: [email protected]
Good morning, Teacher.
My name is Iris, I send you my homework number 4 of the cohort.
Thank you so much, See you at University.

Informal email structure:

  • Beginning: the greeting and your opening statement.
  • Middle: here you can tell your news and talk about your plans.
  • End: the closing message and your first name.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Just to say hi
Hi team!,
How are you? I hope you’re doing well.
I wanted to say they are a great team and I’m really happy to work together, but we need to finish our project before the 11 of April, we can connect in a call voice at 6-8 pm or 8-10 pm

To: [email protected]
Subject: Best decision ever!

Hey Sean, how are things? Have you ever heard of Platzi before?
Let me tell you that I found a tremendous online school: Platzi. At first, I was unsure of enrolling in it, but after watching some videos and reading some testimonials, I decided to apply for a free trial, and oh my gosh! The community there, the teachers, the forums, all the stuff one can learn on that site is awesome! I already purchased a subscription and I’ll study data science, for the future is about discovering stories through numbers.
What do u think? I’m not crazy, just excited! Hope to see you soon and talk about this amazing school.
All the best,

To: [email protected]
Anouncement that the final project is for tomorrow.
Hi, Davey. How is it going?
Do you remember that the teacher says the project is for next Tuesday?

Well, you will laugh… or not. It results that is for tomorrow (Tuesday). I must remember you that we barelyhave the 50% of the project done. So… what we gonna do?
I have an idea: We can take all this afternoon and night to finsh this work, or at least the 90%. What do you think?

I hope not to die. Goodbye.

To: ××××

Hi Amanda,

I hope you and yours are fine.

I want to invite you to my child’s birthday, it will be on 24th March at 4 p.m. in my home. If you can come with your family would be excellent.

Best wishes,


To: [email protected]
Subject: I need the result of the study

Recenlty we can see a planet to flip around star, well, we have to say that we are not sure, because the previos study, It’s tell us that need more informations before to anounce to University, the star’s brightness sometimes it goes down, that has us confused all team.

We are waiting with your colaboration!
Best Regards: Astrophysic Team.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Back to the old version

Message: Hello team platzi.

Well i would like to back to the old version because i feel this version is a little bit strange for me and i dont feel confortable with his comment section.
Thanks a lot for your time.

to: [email protected]
Working on a new project

Hi universityfriend,

I hope you’re ok.

In 2020 I started studying a whole new career at Platzi. The courses are very complete in addition to being able to take them online. Now I’m taking English and development classes, so I’m very excited!

Best wishes.

To: Todoroki@uwu,com

My experince in Platzi

Hi Todoroki
I wanna talk how is my experince in platzi

I have experinces good and a little mad , because Normally in the course of Platzi the community is good, but I now is learn the course of c# for videogames but that community is a little bad because I ask things of the course and the people don´t answer me, maybe is because the course is old (of the 2019 I think)

I hope you have a nice day
Best wishes

To: [email protected]
Thinking about my future
Hi World.
How are you? did I tell you about my classes at Platzi?

Five months ago I started studying in Platzi, and it’s great because I can watch the classes at the time I want, and I don’t need a specific schedule, personally, I love it. I want to complete all the English courses this year. I’m very excited!

I hope I can see you soon.
Best wishes.


To:[email protected]
good afternoon, teacher
my experience with platzi has been very interesting since these are not conventional classes that is a change to the way of giving classes

thanks for this experience,
Sergio Barrera

<[email protected]> Buying a Gift for a Friend Dear Andrea, Hi! How are you? I want to share an idea for a gift for our friend :) As you know, Lucas is a programmer and a great student. For this reason, I want to give Lucas a Platzi subscription. Platzi is incredible. It’s a learning platform that's great for learning programming, software development, English, and many other subjects. I’m very excited to give this surprise to our friend, and I want to ask you: do you think he will like this gift? I hope I can see you soon. Best wishes, Lesly
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Focusing on My Future Goals. Hi Johnson, How are you doing? Did I tell you about my classes at Platzi? Three months ago, I started studying English at Platzi and it's awesome! I can watch all the classes online, so I don't need to take the bus to go to school. I want to complete all the English courses by next year. I can't wait! Best regards, César.
To: <[email protected]> Academic Plan. Hi Pablo. How ist going? Have you ever heard about platzi? Well I knew platzi five years ago, and recently I started to get interested in Platzi Acadamic English Is a fact that for my Academic plans I need a good level of english, It´s interesting and I would like to finish all the courses and get a TOEFL certification so I'm very exciting. I hope I can see you soon for sharing many plans as we have in our minds. Kind regards.
To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Subject: Friendly reminder Hi, strange I've been growing soooooo much this month! I realize that my Platzi subscription is going to end, so I structured my schedule in such a way that I can make the most of this last month, redesigning my career paths to achieve as much as I can, it's awesome how I've change my habits, taking seriously this deadline has been a game changer! I hope that if you're in the same position, do the same. Hermes
To: <[email protected]> Hi Daniel, How are you today ? I want to talk about my platzi classes. I started studying in Platzi on December 29, the experience was very funny, but it was a little difficult to study on my own. Today I am very proud for me, because I can continue studying and not give up. I hope I can see you tomorrow. Hugs! Mauricio.

To: [email protected]

I hope all of you are fine and studiying hard.

It´s nice to share English practice with all of you. The subjects are very interesting and helpful.

I wish that you enjoy the class like I do!



To:[email protected]
SUBJECT: My experience at Platzi.
Greeting: Hi Brother.
Opening: What´s new? You remember I did tell about my classes at Platzi.
Giving news: 3 moths ago, I started studing at Platzi. Right now, I have been 2 months, and i very happy, I learning so much, for this reason, I study every dar fot 4 hours and I’m going to finish the module beginer.

Cosing: I lover brother.

To: [email protected]

Real time classes on Platzi

Hi Dear teacher, as always wish you the best

Nowadays and due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are far away from our physical classrooms classes, however I was thinking a solution, please inform our mates our idea, but you are wondering what idea?

Let me explain you… The idea is to use a digital meeting tool to schedule group classes at a concrete time for a specific topic, like at the University, with Platzi we have the possibility to build our own schedule, but we can construct a social schedule for people who are interested to review the same class with you, so is the same class for all in the meeting in a “real time” but with the advantage to socialize the topic meanwhile we use a pomodoro.

I will get in touch to review the details of the plan
See you in class!

Nicolas Morales

To: [email protected]
Subject: New Experiences

Dear Mary,
How have you been? I hope everything is going well in the university.

It’s been a while since we don’t talk. And yes, it has happened a lot in my life. To begin with, you might be wondering how my English has improved that much in so little time. Let me tell that I found a platform wherein I can study English online, and as you can see, it has worked for me, AND NOW I HAVE A BETTER GRASP OF ENGLISH!
So, if you’d like to give it a try, open this link Even though you already speak English, you can also learn many other things here like programming, digital marketing, data science, and much more, while you improve your Spanish. If you’d like, I could buy a subscription just for you.

I wish we could talk more often.
Bye for now,

[email protected]

Hi team!

I hope y’all are doing well. We need to seal the deal ASAP!

Best wishes.

to : [email protected]

my experience studying at plazi

hi dear platzi comunity
how are you? did i tell you about my experience learning english at platzi?
Two monts ago i started studying at platzi, in the first days was something difficult adapt me to a new lenguage but after to listen the classes in english and watch content in english I have gotten used to it.
too, i was very shy in the voice chat and i didn’t want to participate but i was loosing the fear slowly and now i like participate every classes.
my obect is finish the english academy and be bilingual.
i’m very excited.
i hope to you achieve your goal and remenber…

para ser honesto en realidad con el g-mail es necesario eso, aunque sea formal y/O informal es necesario que tenga esa estructura ya que asi es como se hace un correo de todas formas

Hi Platzi
How are you ? in this email I want to talk about my experience in platzi

Platzi is a great plataform, I think what their course are very good for someone would like to learn about a new technology or want to have a change in your live with a better job and I think platzi can help to change lives of many people.

I hope this email will be util.
Best wishes

To: <[email protected]>.co Thinking about my future job I did tell you about my searching job at the university del Rosario. I started studying english at platzi last year and i plan to finish on march of this year. I'ts very convenient because o don't need to take the bus to the university. I want to work at my family business . This year I'm very excited. I hope i can see you soon. Best wishes. Paula
To: Lina Z. Subject: Platzi English Academy Rocks Hi Lina, How are you? I hope you're recovering from your work trip. I wanted to tell you about the Platzi English Academy. For the last month, I've been studying hard, and I can see some progress so far. It's a really easy-to-navigate platform, and the teachers get straight to the point. Also, I'm really having fun during the learning process, thanks to the exercises given in each module. I strongly recommend that you start your English course on Platzi as soon as you can. I'm also looking forward to practicing English speaking together. I hope to see you soon at work. Blessings, Juliana
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Request for additional english classes Hi dear teacher Fernanda. How are you? I hope you're doing well I'm writing to share my future plans regarding the english classes. I'm really excited about each class because they are so important for my career and personal progress. I truly enjoy learning new skill, and I feel like these classes are helping me grow a lot. With that in mind, I'd love to schedule additional classes. Would it be possible to have sessions every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 3 PM? Please let me know if this works for you. Looking forward to your response. See you soon. Kris Tibavija
The structure of an informal email typically includes three main parts: 1. **Greeting**: Start with a friendly greeting, such as "Hi [Name]" or "Hello [Name]". 2. **Body**: This is where you share your news, updates, or any message you want to convey. You can use a casual tone and contractions. 3. **Closing**: End with a friendly closing statement like "Best wishes" or "Talk soon", followed by your name. This format helps maintain a relaxed and personal tone in your communication.
to: <[email protected]> **how is study at Platzi?** Hi gogo, i hope you be fine i want to tell you about my classes at Platzi i start study at Platzi on December 2024, here i have a lot of teachers, I'm learning about programming, AI, and English, I'm so excited for learn more and more. see you soon. good luck, Gilberto
To: <[email protected]> Subject: **My experience at Platzi** Greeting: Hi Peter, Opening: How are you? Did I tell you about my classes at Platzi? Giving News: Last month I started studying at Platzi and I liked it, I can manage my class schedule and it has several schools to learn Web Development Plants: I want to complete all the English courses this year and also learn Web Development. I'm very excited Close: I hope I can see you soon Best wishes, Kristhian
Informal email: Hi Jose, How are you? This month I'm planning the team's vacation for next year. Please, inform me the dates that you plan. Bye for now! Saul.
Informal email: Hey folks! I Will be Out Of Office next four days, please write to: <[email protected]> if u need something urgent. Have a good week, cheers!
**To:** [[email protected]]() **Subject:** Keep Going on Your Learning Path Hi Juan! I’m you, but from the future! I just want to tell you that you’re on the right path to achieving a better life. Keep practicing exercise, reading books, eating healthy food (and please, avoid sugar!), and improving the quality of your sleep. With time and consistency, you’ll become the best version of yourself. Of course, never stop loving all the members of your family: Mom, Dad, your sisters, brother, stepmother, grandmother, and everyone else who’s important in your life. They are a big part of who you are! Lastly, don’t give up on your goals. Put in your best effort to achieve them, no matter how challenging they may seem. See you soon. Blessings! Future Juan
Here is my answer: To: <[email protected]> Good investment to learn Hi, Frederich, How’s it going? The online learning platform you suggested last time is quite good. Platzi have many courses that teach you things like coding, computer science, and Excel. It even has courses for soft skills. Addiotionally, the platform show you how much time you spend learning each week. Right now, I’m studying English writing for informal emails, and I feel motivated to keep learning. See you soon Best wishes Epaminondas
To: [email protected] Subject: My Experience with Platzi Hi Team Platzi How are you? Did I tell you about my journey with Platzi? Over two months ago, I started studying at Platzi, and it’s been an amazing experience. It’s so convenient because I don’t need to attend in-person classes. I can take all the lessons online at my own pace, which fits perfectly with my schedule. This year, I’m determined to complete the entire A1 English path, as well as the Programming Fundamentals path. I’m really excited about achieving these goals and learning so much along the way! I hope we can catch up soon. Best wishes, Johanna
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Experience in Platzi Dear Platzi The experience at Platzi has been very beneficial for my professional development. I have the possibility to choose my study schedule. The learning has been significant. The teachers are very professional when it comes to teaching classes. With this learning I will have the opportunity to develop myself in the labor field and provide my services in an online job Tank you for your dedication Best wishes Bye
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Learning English. Greeting: Dear Nayeli, Opening: How are you? Could you help me with my English classes? Giving news: Last month I’m trying to learn English in the future, but it’s complicated because I forget the rules. Plans: I want to practice with you, so I’m thinking about having a conversation in English in the future. Closing: I hope I can see you later. Name: Many kisses, Luis Bados
To: <[email protected]> My experience with Platzi Hi, friend! How are you? I tell you that these last few days I have been learning graphic design at Platzi and I have loved the courses. The tutors are very professional and the content is very educational. I will tell you more so that you are motivated to study with Platzi. See you next month when I travel to the city. Bye bye! Aleja Agudelo
**To:** [[email protected]]() **Subject:** The Best Thing I’ve Ever Found! Hi Lisa, What’s new? You might be wondering why I’ve been absent this past month. Let me explain—you won’t believe it! I’ve been studying hard on an educational platform called Platzi. It offers many interesting courses, such as programming, English, soft skills, and so much more that you can’t imagine. I found a perfect course for you—Graphic Design! I can invite you through an Expert Pass for 7 days. After that, you’ll need to share your experience. Agreed? Well, love and kisses, Sofy
Hi Lina, I miss you. I want to tell you that I am studying englhis in Platzi. You know that I always been try of learn, but I usually lose the interest. This plataform is nice, I can study whent I have free time. I'm going for good way. I hope see you soon. Bye, love you Gabo
To: <[email protected]> Hi, how are you? I write this email to know about you, yesterday we were going to meet at a restaurant, i had been calling to your cellphone, but, that wasn't worked. i hope to know about you soon
TO: \*\*\*\*\*\* RE: Thinking about my future. Hi Cata, what’s new? I know that I’ve been a little bit lost, but I promise it has a good explanation. Last month, I started studying English at Platzi. First, I didn’t wanna share that beacause you know how is it, I wans’t sure if it was liked to me, but now I know: it’s amazing! I can study any day at any time, even when I’m on the bus (I downloaded the app) I highly recommend you learn about other topics too. Well, I hope I can see you soon and talk in English.
Hi Roberto, How are you? Di I tell you about my classes at Platzi? About last six month I started learn English at Platzi. It a new challenge because that class is online. I’m not accustomed learning online, but I am going to do and I can complete the level two at finally of the year. I’m very excited! I hope I can see you soon. Best wishes, Fred
TO: <[email protected]> Thanking the classes. Hello Fernanda, What´s new? I´m almost finishing my English course. I started this course a few weeks ago, and I´ve been studying it while I´m working. It has been interesting, especially all those punctuation topics. I´m from Colombia, and the spelling changes a lot. I must say that the experience has been productive, and nice. All the best, Diana Cortés Forero.
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Thanks for your help Hi friend! What's up? I want to tell you about this course. I'm studying it, and it's very interesting, because the teacher is amazing. I hope that there'll be more courses with this teacher. Bye for now. Cristian.
to: <[email protected]> Hi teacher, I hope you are well I'm grateful for your classes, I'm learning much that I think, I am really like your classes Best wishes Miranda
To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Subject: Friendly reminder Hi, strange I've been growing soooooo much this month! I realize that my Platzi subscription is going to end, so I structured my schedule in such a way that I can make the most of this last month, redesigning my career paths to achieve as much as I can, it's awesome how I've change my habits, taking seriously this deadline has been a game changer! I hope that if you're in the same position, do the same. Hermes
Hi, strange I've been growing soooooo much this month! I realize that my Platzi subscription is going to end, so I structured my schedule in such a way that I can make the most of this last month, redesigning my career paths to achieve as much as I can, it's awesome how I've change my habits, taking seriously this deadline has been a game changer! I hope that if you're in the same position, do the same. Hermes
Hi, strange I've been growing soooooo much this month! I realize that my Platzi subscription Is going to end, so I structured my schedule in such a way that I can make the most of this last month, redesigning my career paths to achieve as much as I can, It's awesome how I change my habits, taking seriously this deadline it's a game changer! I hope that if you're in the same position, do the same. Hermes :')
To: <[email protected]> subject: Gossip of the week Hi Maria. How's things with your family? I'll tell you about the event of the week. Are u readdy? This month is the Emma's party, because she finished the university after ten years. His carrer is too expensive, and his parents not payed more of this. She has a complicated student. I want to say you this face to face, but the time and the gossip not is for stay quiet HAHA. I hope I can see you soon, I miss you. I love u. Alejo.

[email protected]


**Hi. Peter.** **How are you? Did I tell you about my classes at Platzi?** **Last month I started studying at Platzi, and it's great, because I can watch all the classes online,** **and I don't need to take the bus to go to school.** **I want to complete all the English courses this year. I'm very excited.** **I hope I can see you soon.** **Best wishes.** **Judy.**
Subject: My Amazing Learning Journey at Platzi! Hey Aldo. Hope this email finds you well! I just had to share the incredible journey I've embarked on with Platzi. It's been nothing short of amazing, and I can't help but gush about it. First off, their English courses have been a game-changer for me. The interactive lessons and practical exercises have really sharpened my language skills. I'm not just learning the grammar and vocab; I'm genuinely starting to think in English now. It feels like a superpower! Then there are the personal finance courses. Wow, just wow. I've learned so much about managing money, investing, and saving for the future. It's like I've been given the keys to financial freedom, and I'm already seeing a positive impact on my finances. But wait, there's more! The computing courses have truly blown my mind. From coding basics to advanced programming, I've gained a wealth of knowledge that I'm already applying in personal projects. It's incredible how much hands-on experience I'm getting. I'm just so excited about all the progress I'm making and the new skills I'm acquiring. Platzi has been an invaluable resource, and I can't recommend it enough. You should totally check it out if you're looking to learn something new or upgrade your skills. Let's catch up soon and chat more about it. I'd love to hear what you've been up to as well! Take care and talk soon, Guillermo Belman
**Hi, teacher Fernanda!** **What's going on?** **After of all, I really want to tell you that your sticker of a cat lover is nice. I love cats, too.** **I gratefully to have Platzi, this year I propose me that I'll improve my English.** **I want to tell you thank you for you class and time.** **See you later, I hope You Have a Wonderful Day** **Bye**
To: [email protected] Subject: Invitation Hi Emma What's new? I would like invite you for going to travel to Argentina. I"ll pay for you. it's my birthday gift for you. Do you want to go with me? Love, your BFF, Lorena.
*To:* [*[email protected]*](mailto:[email protected]) *Thinking about my future* *Hi teacher, how are you? Did I tell you about my studies in* *Platzi?* *In December 2023 I started studying at Platzi and it is a wonderful experience, because I can see each class digitally,* *and I don't need to leave my house to learn English.* *I am committed to finishing all English modules in 2024.* *I'm super excited!* *I hope to see you soon.* *Best wishes,* *Alfonso*
To: <[email protected]> Good afternoon mother, i am writing to tell you that i am feel better now, that i love you so much and i would like to se each other soon. your son, leon. see ya!
To: My experience in Platzi. Hi Platzi team, How are you? I will talk about my experience in Platzi English Academy First off, at the start I was a bit iffy about the course, but after seeing the quality of the lessons, I got quite excited. There are a few classes that are a tad boring, but on the whole, the course is really good. It's also challenging to be disciplined and consistent in learning, but when you take it step by step - at least in my case, since I'm slow on the uptake - taking my time, you start to see the results and tap into other learning resources. My experience has been top-notch; I've become a huge fan of Platzi's classes. Cheers for all your hard work, and it's a start in my life to never stop learning. All the Best, yina
To: <[email protected]> Basic Writing Course Hi there! What's new? I want talking about my experience in this course. the platform of platzi I like very much because it's very comfortable and accessible. One of the things I like the most is that you manage your time to take class, although that has also hurt me since sometimes I don't manage my time well, but here I can also find courses to improve those aspects of myself such as the Course for create positive habits. focus on your goals, work hard to achieve them. never stop learning Susana
To: <[email protected]> From: Eduardo Subject: Celebration tonight Body: `Hi Friend, how is it going?` `First of all, I would like to say that I miss you, has been a long time until we see each other, fortunately I'm going to visit the city today, I'm going to arrive almost 7:00 PM, I was thinking to hang out with you tonight, first we can take a dinner on a nice place and continue in some bar of the city.` `Let me know if your will be free tonight, I am willing to see you again.` `Best wishes,` `Eduardo`
To: Tony Stark CC: Lex Luthor Cleansing of meteorite clash site completed Good morning gentleman: According to the schedule, the cleansing procedure contracted with our company last February has reached its successful end. For the time being, the debris of the entire site has been recollected in the neighbor plateau. We are expecting for an amelioration of weather conditions to proceed with the complete removal of the mineral. As soon as the ideal atmospheric conditions are present our company will proceed to the final stage of the procedure. Thank you for acknowledging the situation. Humberto Guardado The League of Just Cleansing
To: <[email protected]> From: <[email protected]> Subject: Feedback Platzi Hi Team Platzi The reason for my email is to complain that they have taken away the live sessions with the English teachers. I like the sessions, because I could have with them and practice my speaking. I hope that those sessions can return. Thanks, and regards. Student of Platzi.
To: <[email protected]> Hi Antonio, I hope you and yours are fine. I want to invite you to my wedding anniversary, it will be on 24th March at 8 p.m. in my home. If you can come with your family would be excellent. Happy day Tibisay
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Thinking about Platzi Dear Susana, What's new? I've been studying at Platzi since January. Platzi is amazing! You should register on Platzi. Here's my referral code. Bye for now. Sincerely, Eleanel
To: <[email protected]> Subject: My qualification for Platzi Greetings: Hello Team Platzi Opening: How are you Team Platzi? I want to tell you about my experience in Platzi Giving news last year I bought your expert duo plan, and I want to tell you that I am very happy to learn in Platzi, your courses are very good and wonderful, Plans: I want to finish the B1 level in English and learn more about AI I hope you have a great day Juan Andres⚡ Platzi student
To: <[email protected]> Subject: Studying English Hey Kayla, what’s up! I just want you to know that I started to study English online.  I chose the Platzi English Academy and I don’t regret it. The site looks great, the mobile app is easy to use, the teachers are awesome, all the experience is great! Next time we meet I want to show you my how my English has improved. See you soon, Alex
Hi Gabriela, How are you doing? I wanted to tell you something new I'm doing. In 2022 I started an English academy called Platzi, I have been learning a lot ever since, my goal here is to master the language, but let me share it's not that easy for I don't have people who can speak the language to practice with, so I have to be very persistent with my objective, when you come here I'm gonna tell you more about the overall experience. Just wanted to keep you posted. What about you? How's dental school going? Please keep me updated on that as well. See you in summer, Gerardo

[email protected]
Hi buddy, I hope you are well
I wanted to share that I am happy studying on Platzi. They offer many courses where I can learn, for example, English, data science, artificial intelligence, finance, and creativity. I invite you to study here
Sincerely, Ferney.

To: [email protected]

Howdy Elias,

What’s up? Did I tell you about my classes at Platzi?

Last year I started studying at Plazi, and It’s so awesome because I can watch the classes that I couldn’t understand, and I don’t need to go personally for I get to help. I want to complete all the English courses the next year because in a few days the year 2023 will be finished. I’m very excited!

Best Regards,

From: <[email protected]> !Hello Jtac! I hope everybody are ok and happy. This is a message for everybody. In relation, to performance in the last operation. Kudos to whole team! Next week we have a meeting and will plan the next future operations. Pedro.
To: <[email protected]> About my time in PLATZI Hi stranger. How are you? I have been practicing my English in Platzi and I believe that it was the best desicion on my life, it's too easy learn with platzi. I hope that can get a job when i finish these courses. See you in your hearth. With love me.
Good morning my friend. I want to tell you whats was my experience studying on platzi. I was sign up in that platform 3 years ago and that was a great decision for my future beacause y learned a lot of things. That´s all, I always recomended that platform to my friends. I don´t have more to say so... I hope you´r right. See you soon! Isaac
To: <[email protected]> The meet with friends Hi Lady, how are you? I'm a little sick, but I'm recovering. Did you know that our friend Karime is graduating from college? I am happy for her, we should get together to celebrate. I continue studying English, sometime is difficult, the pronunciation, but I will achieve it. What do you think about the meeting? I hope, I can see you soon Best wishes Daniela

To: [email protected]
Subject: Want to know last gossip?

Hi there Rafael,
What’s up? Months have passed since we last talked, and you might think it’s my fault. Yes, I’ve been really busy. I’m sorry, my friend, but I’m back!

I’m excited because I bought a subscription to an online education platform called Platzi. I like it a lot because I’ve learned about various disciplines, including English, Digital Marketing, Programming, AI, business, and entrepreneurship, among others. Moreover, it keeps me up to date on technological innovations and has helped me in my personal growth. In fact, it has changed my perspective on how I see the world!"
I hope I can see you soon.


**To:** [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) **Good news!!!** Hey Pam, How are you? Do you remember about my english classes at Platzi? Well, I've been studying around one month and it's been amazing. The teachers are so good, they speak slow and that is great because you can understand everything. Also, you don´t need to move from your house, you just need your pc and that's it. I'll finish the cousrses in one year, I believe. See you next month. Kisses, Cris

To: [email protected]
Your mom’s birthday party

Hey Luke,
I hope everything’s goin’ well, I really got some bad news to tell you.

Things have been really good at work, I made tons of sales, got a promotion, and was rewarded with a bonus because of that. But, something that caught me by surprise was an unexpected meeting in NY, tomorrow morning. I think I couldn’t make it to your mom’s party, but believe me I’m gonna try to be there. Really want to see you guys.

See you soon
Best wishes,

to: <[email protected]> getting this weekend Hi karla what's new? I'm will plans to get in my country? In this days i going to celebrete my birthday but i want go to my home city, in house's my grandparents and i'd loved that you would be go, is this weekend and we get the friday day. I want to do a big party about all with my friends than you, please make sure you come. . by for now, i look forward to your confirmation. to love.... xehva
Hi, friend I wanted to tell you that my experience at Platzi has been great. I never saw anything like it. The atmosphere is pleasant and the teachers have the best disposition. I just don't want to stop learning! See you later, alligator!

To: [email protected]
Don´t lose this offers!

Hi Daniela,
I hope that you´re fine! You know? Yesterday, I recieved an offer in my email about marketing courses. I think this could be good for you!

I´ll share more information on the below section, but I want to tell you that I´m interesting in the courses too.

Please, let me know if you decide to take the courses.
Best regards,

To: <[email protected]> greetings and congratulations Hi my dear friend! What a joy for your victory in Sunday's competition. I knew it was difficult but you achieved what you wanted so much, and you had prepared so much, the results are the reward for the hard effort.I hope to see you soon and be able to celebrate. A hug Carolina

To: [email protected]
Subject: My experience at Platzi
Greeting: Hi teacher Fernanda! How’s it going?
Opening: I want to tell you about my experience so far at Paltzi,
Giving news: Well, I would have liked to known about Platzi many time ago, maybe I have not wasted time, however Platzi has been better that I tought, I can manage my time every day and also I study a lot of courses of diffent kinds and they’re always updated.
Plans: My goal at the moment is finishes the English courses to strengthen another tecnolofy habilities.
Closing: I thank you for your excelent classes until next time!
Name: Adriana A.

To: [email protected]

Dear teacher
Goog afternoon, I need a little help with a class 😶‍🌫️

I did want to study the last class but I forget my notes in the classroom 😰, if you can help me to repeat this class I will be vey grateful with you. Thanks

Have a great day
Att: Cris

Hi Dilmiro,
Hope you are well. do I tell you about my progress at my courses at platzi?

Last month, was a little bit difficult, because there’s a lot of pending cases at work and I feel that I’m wasting energy in all that thinks. But I still positive, there’s always time and energy to learn more, and always making the best of me in everything.
Somedays, I tell you, I only want to see a TV series or a movie, like yesterday. So I didn’t force thinks and take a break in the day.

I want to know what’s your Job going on? I imagine that you have a lot of new experiences.

Thanks for your attention bro.
See you soon.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Currently plan for July
Hi honey!
Are you ok? We need to talk about our plans for this month.

Last month we didn´t make any plans for us. Then, I was thinking that this month we could go to a romantic restaurant, and later we could visit a beach and drink wine under the stars.

Do you like my plan?


Hi Carlos,

Just to remember, we need to finish as soon as possible our project. The deadline is the next week.


Subject: Claim of letter.
Dear Professor McGonagall.
Thank you for the quick response.
My name is Mariangel and I’m sending you this email claiming for my Hogwarts letter to buy my materials soon. Please review the letters of this year and check if my owl is not lost in the middle of UK.
Thanks for your time
Best regards,
Mariangel Ramírez - 24/08/23

_Introducción for the formal emails. _

To: [email protected]
Subject: My experience with Platzi

Hi guys,
How are you? How are you doing with the study?

My experience with Platzi is the best to me. Hence, I dedicated how many hours I could. I want to complete this course to improve my communications skill in English.

See you soon.
Kinds Regards,

To: David Rivera

Bro, your report sucks, quickly change this, before you submit.

As your friend I must tell you.


To: [email protected]
Alice, how are you? Everything all right?

Dear friend, I haven’t heard from you for a long time, how are you? I’d really like to hear from you.

Don’t be a stranger.

Lots of love!




To: [email protected]

Good morning teacher.
My name is Juan, I send you my final project completed.

Thank you, see you at the lab.

To: [email protected]
Just say Hello!

Hi, Peppita.
How are you? I wanted to know about you.

The last month you had surgery on your foot, I wanted to know How your recovery is. I go this weekend to visit I hope you are well.

A big hug.


To: [email protected]
Give me an advice
Hello Alonso,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to tell you something important. Likewise, I started studying English on Platzi because I’m preparing my professional profile. The idea with this new skill is get a better job and work remotely like you.

If you have some advices for me, let me know.

See you soon.

subject: Advice to improve

Hello Team!

I hope you are fine.

I’m working with the comments sections and it’s good, but I can think that could be better. There should be three filters, Really contributions, Activities in class, and the new comments display first.

Let me know if you want to know more of my proposal.


to: [email protected]
subject: My awesome experience at Platzi

Hey there!
How’s it going? I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about my experience studying at Platzi. I signed up for a suscription in November 2022, an I have to say, it been awesome!!!

I’m studying artificial intelligence , and I love that I can learn from the comfort of my own home. No having to commute of spend hours on the Metro has bee a huge bonus for me. Also, the courses are realy well designed and easy to follow.

Oveall, I’m really happy whit my experience at platzi, and I can’t wait more to go to Platziconf this May 13th!!! Well, thanks for your reading time.

take care and have a great day!!

Good lecture