What is your name / last name? My complete name is Brandon Argel Verdeja Domínguez
Do you have a nickname? Yes! What is it? It is GMFischer and GM ßrandon
Where are you from? I’m from the USA
Where do you live? I currently live in México
How old are you? 18 years old
When is your birthday? On the 27th of June of 2002
What do you study? In the High School Informatic, but in Platzi: English, web development, programming
What is your occupation? Student
What languages do you speak? Spanish and English
What is your favorite color? Black
Are you single or married? I’m single
Do you have kids? No
Do you have pets? Yes How many? 1 dog
Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes How many? One older brother, and 2 sisters one older than me and the other younger
What are your hobbies? Learning, playing videogames with my friends, spend time with my family, and practice calisthenics.
What do you usually do in your free time? Spend time with my family, watching series, videos on youtube, and listening to music
What is your favorite food? Cheese and dairy products Why? Because they are delicious and easy to prepare, and others don’t need to be prepare.
Personal profile:
My name is Brandon. I’m from the USA, but I’m currently living in México, I live here since I was less than 1 year old, now I´m 18, I was born on the 27th of June of 2002.
I’m a student, and I’m about to end high school, in the career of Technologist Professional in Informatic, and also I’m studying English, web development, and programming at Platzi.
My native language is Spanish and I´m learning English, my favorite color is black.
I’m single and available (I’m just kidding 😅), I don’t have kids, but I have a dog —Manchas— is a merge between a dalmatian and other raze (I don’t know which).
I have 1 older brother and 2 sisters: one older than me and younger than my older brother, and the other is the youngest of all.
My hobbies are learning, playing videogames with my friends, spend time with my family, and practice calisthenics.
And finally, my favorite food is cheese and dairy products because they are delicious and easy to prepare, and others don’t need to be prepareate.
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