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Why to prototype


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16.-Why to prototype

How do I go from a great idea to a validated idea?

  • With prototypes!

What is a prototype?

An early version of your idea that you can put in front of a potential customer.

It can be ugly because is basic, it’s just a first version, something quick, agile, easy, cheap that we can put together to start showing to our users.

Prototypes evolve and change, it’s ok to change as you go.

Why should you prototype?

To bring your ideas to life and define them in more detail for feedback, validation, and iteration.

Feedback is one of the most important things we can get out of this.

  • It allows us to empathize with our users once again.
  • It allows us to keep learning.
  • It makes us question our assumptions.
  • It shows us where and how we’re wrong.
  • It helps us lower risk around our idea to a more maneagable level.
  • It allows us to adapt & adjust our idea.

“Fail fast” / “Learn fast” —Iterate

Feedback is the most important thing we could get with the prototype

Why should you prototype?

To bring your ideas to life and define them in more detail for feedback, validation, and iteration

“Learn fast” noted!

Los prototipos le permiten pasar de una gran idea a una idea validada frente a un cliente potencial
• Realimentación
• Validación
• Iteración
• Aprender rápido

So, we shall say that prototype is to build our MVP
¿Who Agrees?

Entonces hacer tu prototipo es hacer tu MVP
¿Quien está de acuerdo conmigo?

Putting your ideas to the test:
Why to prototype:

  • The prototype is an early version of your idea that you can put in front of a potential customer.
    Lear fast.
    Learning, not failing.

Why prototype?

  • It allows us to empathize with users.
  • It allows us to keep learning.
  • It makes us questions assumptions.
  • It shows us where and how we’re wrong.
  • It help us lower risk around our idea.
  • It allows us to adapt and adjust our idea.

Prototypes allow you to go from a great idea to validated idea in front of a potencial customer

  • Feedback
  • Validation
  • Iteration
  • Learn Fast

Es una app de un diario

eraun prototipo de una barra de busqueda

This is an dating app prototype!



A search bar? Reminds of Google

The prototype is TWITTER!!


Recuerdo cuando freddy vega usaba las google glass en videos de platzi 😂

It looks like a browser