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What to prototype


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17.-What to prototype

What should you prototype?

  • Instead of the complete solution, it’s better to identify specific parts/variables to save time and money and be more precise with validations and iterations.
  • Choose the most important/risky part of your idea to prototype and validate.
  • Think about the most simple prototype that you can make for your ideas.


  • What do you want to learn?
  • What do you need to validate about your market, problem or solution?
  • What is the most important question to answer?
  • What are the most risky assumptions (hypothesis)?
  • Think practically about what you really need to try!. You don’t need to build the entire solution just to validate the most risky elements.
  • Be clear about what you are testing and how you will measure.
  • Be careful not to bias your results.
  • Any learning is valid and valuable, not just the confirmation of your hypothesis.

Guide to running a prototype test

  • Document everything (Photos, videos, notes, etc.).
  • Friendly welcome that builds trust.
  • Test purpose, clarify our intentions.
  • Intro to prototype, transition from real world to simulated world. Help them imagine what we are imagining with out protoype.
  • Interaction with the prototype, actively observe and give tasks.
  • Debrief with user, ask questions about likes/dislikes, etc.

Limit the sales ability during prototype tests, they’re not done to sell the idea. If you sell to hard, you’re going to bias the user. Remain neutral. - Downloads/the-test-card-1.pdf

We don’t have to fall in love with our prototype because we need real and honest feedback to not get hurt by that

“Any learning is valid, not just the confirmation of hypothesis”.

Step 1: Hypothesis
We believe that:
Step 2: Test
To verify that, we will:
Step 3: Metric
… an mesure:
Step 4: Criteria
We are right if:

Guide to running a prototype test:
(Document everything with photos, videos, notes, etc.)

  1. Friendly welcome: Build trust.
  2. Test purpose: Clarify intentions.
  3. Intro to prototype: Transition from real world to simulated world.
  4. Interaction with prototype: Actively observe and give tasks.
  5. Debrief with user: Ask questions about likes, dislikes, etc.

You are a scientist about your prototype:

  • Be clear about what your are testing
  • Be clear about how you will measure.
  • Be careful to not bias your results.
  • Any learning is valid and valuable.

Test card:
Step 1: Hypothesis
We believe that:
Step 2: Test
To verify that, we will:
Step 3: Metric
… an mesure:
Step 4: Criteria
We are right if:

For make a prototype consider:

  • What do you want to learn?
  • What do you need to validate about your market, problem or solution?
  • What is the most important question to answer?
  • What are the most risky assumptions or hypothesis?
  • Think practically about what you really need to try?

What should you prototype?

  • Instead of the complete solution, it is better to identify specific parts or variables to save time and money and be more precise with validations and iterations.
  • Choose the most important or risky part of your idea prototype and validate.


¡Piensa prácticamente en lo que realmente necesitas probar !. No es necesario crear la solución completa solo para validar los elementos más riesgosos.
Sea claro sobre lo que está probando y cómo lo medirá.
Tenga cuidado de no sesgar sus resultados.
Cualquier aprendizaje es válido y valioso, no solo la confirmación de su hipótesis.

Guía para ejecutar una prueba de prototipo
Documente todo (fotos, videos, notas, etc.).
Una cálida bienvenida que genera confianza.
Probar el propósito, aclarar nuestras intenciones.
Introducción al prototipo, transición del mundo real al mundo simulado. Ayúdales a imaginar lo que estamos imaginando sin prototipo.
Interacción con el prototipo, observar activamente y dar tareas.
Informe al usuario, haga preguntas sobre gustos / disgustos, etc.

Que quieres aprender?
¿Qué necesita validar sobre su mercado, problema o solución?
¿Cuál es la pregunta más importante a responder?
¿Cuáles son los supuestos (hipótesis) más riesgosos?

This is a really good point of view of the scientific method, it is focused on the practisity and directed to product innovation