17.-What to prototype
What should you prototype?
- Instead of the complete solution, it’s better to identify specific parts/variables to save time and money and be more precise with validations and iterations.
- Choose the most important/risky part of your idea to prototype and validate.
- Think about the most simple prototype that you can make for your ideas.
- What do you want to learn?
- What do you need to validate about your market, problem or solution?
- What is the most important question to answer?
- What are the most risky assumptions (hypothesis)?
- Think practically about what you really need to try!. You don’t need to build the entire solution just to validate the most risky elements.
- Be clear about what you are testing and how you will measure.
- Be careful not to bias your results.
- Any learning is valid and valuable, not just the confirmation of your hypothesis.
Guide to running a prototype test
- Document everything (Photos, videos, notes, etc.).
- Friendly welcome that builds trust.
- Test purpose, clarify our intentions.
- Intro to prototype, transition from real world to simulated world. Help them imagine what we are imagining with out protoype.
- Interaction with the prototype, actively observe and give tasks.
- Debrief with user, ask questions about likes/dislikes, etc.
Limit the sales ability during prototype tests, they’re not done to sell the idea. If you sell to hard, you’re going to bias the user. Remain neutral.
https://www.strategyzer.com/hubfs/Assets - Downloads/the-test-card-1.pdf
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